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Visit Brazzers

REPLY TO #7 from malikstarks: (Pyrenees's Reply)

Thanks for the insight, I never really knew what went down with that. I always maintained my membership throughout all that (only pay $10 a month) but then again I never really thought thoses scenes were all that great anyway.

Looking at it now, they could probably get away with bringing it back at this point given some of the stuff that is out now and considered mainstreme

05-16-15  12:02pm

Visit VideoBox

Reply of Pyrenees's Review from rearadmiral:

Another confirmation that this site is no longer worth joining. I kept a recurring membership there for several years but cancelled maybe five years ago. Back when I cancelled the recurring membership the site was starting to fall behind and they've done nothing to stop that gap from increasing. I'm convinced that they need to drop the five-DVDs-per-day and focus on quality DVDs and better file resolutions. I suspect that there are tube sites that have better quality.

04-12-15  07:01am

Visit VideoBox

Reply of Pyrenees's Review from messmer:

I agree with most of what you say. I re-subscribed to this site after an absence of about 6 months and found only two scenes worthy of a download in the whole month. And then deleted them after one viewing.

I do disagree, though, when it comes to the difference between wmv and mp4 formats. I have always preferred mp4 on other sites (a smaller download but same, if not better, quality) and couldn't see much of a difference between wmv and mp4 on Videobox. But if your file was only 95MBs it MUST have been horrible, no question about that. Was it advertised as HD? 95MBs sounds like real old, not remastered, material.

04-11-15  02:52pm

Visit Naughty America

Naughty America
Reply of Pyrenees's Review from marcdc1:

Wow. What a let down. I used to cycle through NA every so often. Like Monahan said, they were one of the greats.

Sorry to see they've fallen so far so fast

03-06-15  03:26pm

Visit Naughty America

Naughty America
Reply of Pyrenees's Review from Erlib:

I think if you've been a member before and have all of the old stuff, then the site is fine for downloading a few new things throughout the month.

If you're a new member, then it's going to be a lot of trouble and impossible to make a dent in downloading the catalog.

03-02-15  04:19am

Visit Blacked.com

REPLY TO #8 from pat362: (Pyrenees's Reply)

You can rest assured that it will not get a perfect score because there are a couple of glitches with the site that automatically mean that they can't get 100%.

03-01-15  05:51pm

Visit Face Fucking

Face Fucking
REPLY TO #4 from pat362: (Pyrenees's Reply)

I can't dispute the facts that many established performers have shot for these guys but I still say that their brand of porn should not exist because it's simply too toxic for most performers (not to say all).

03-01-15  05:43pm

Visit Blacked.com

REPLY TO #6 from pat362: (Pyrenees's Reply)

I will post my review next week and you can then compare what you wrote in yours to mine. I hope you will comment on it and let me know how I did.

03-01-15  05:41pm

Visit Faith 69

Faith 69
REPLY TO #3 from marcdc1: (Pyrenees's Reply)

Thanks for reading. If you're looking for younger and HD, I HIGHLY recommend lelu love.com. Still ametuer and an all around great site

03-01-15  05:00pm

Visit Faith 69

Faith 69
REPLY TO #1 from marcdc1: (Pyrenees's Reply)

Hi Pyrennees,

Thanks for the challenge - it's good to keep me honest.

I have to confess I'm an easy grader. To me truth in advertising is the most important quality, to me. Faith's preview section let's you know she is a "curvy" girl in her mid-to-late 30s. If my memory serves she was born in '78. So I don't knock a site for being what it is. She's has a "housewife vibe" - but never tricks you into thinking she's something else. I'm ok with that.

The newer material is at HD rate. Again I'm judging the site based on what it says to be, she's selling amateur porn, made by her, so I don't knock her for not having a camera that costs 1,000s of dollars. I get that as a couple doing this on their own, they can't afford to upgrade their camera every 6 months when something new comes out on the market.

To sum up. I'm all about being what you are. If you give a customer an expectation and then deliver on it, we should "reward" you with a good review. If you try to take my money by selling me something you're not. I will flame you.

You mentioned my working being "unique" that makes me think you found an error. Is there something that need to be fix? Thanks for reaching out to me

03-01-15  03:56pm

Visit Brazzers

REPLY TO #4 from LPee23: (Pyrenees's Reply)

What was the story with the Lisa Ann scene?

By the way I was going to PM you this question, but even though you have PM's enabled, the link to PM you is not working for some reason. Please PM me the full details, I am curious, or post here if you want to.

02-28-15  06:10pm

Visit Face Fucking

Face Fucking
REPLY TO #2 from pat362: (Pyrenees's Reply)

I must disagree with you. The two sites you named are known to shoot extreme type of porn. I would say that queesnake shoots ultra extreme content so the type people interested in that are not your run of the mill porn fan. The women who choose to shoot for those sites know exactly what they will subjected to because it's just too extreme for them not to. The same can't be said for the women who get fooled into shooting for FF. I know because I read a first hand account of what happened to one of the women who shot for these guys. I'm talking about a woman who had already shot for a couple of Kink sites so she was comfortable with the more extreme part of the industry. As far as I can tell. She is the only woman to have walked out of her shoot before it got too violent. I saw some of the pictures and she didn't look good after just a few minutes of starting her scene.

I'm okay when the women who choose to shoot a certain type of scene know exactly what is going to happen and know that their safety is paramount to the people shooting the scene. that doesn't man that accidents won't happen but those are usually the exception and not the rule. You will have to point to me which FF scene you are dead certain that the woman was thrilled with what happened to her and would gladly sign up for another run. I have never seen it and I know some women have shot more than once for FF.

02-28-15  05:11pm

Visit Blacked.com

REPLY TO #4 from pat362: (Pyrenees's Reply)

I'm sorry but you will have to point to me where they changed the type of porn they produce because as far as I can tell. It is pretty much the same stuff it as always been. They tend to be on par with the kind of stuff Brazzer put out except that their stuff is more vanilla in nature. I know they are the one mega site that shoots the least amount of anal of all the others but that's about it.

02-28-15  05:00pm

Visit Brazzers

REPLY TO #2 from LPee23: (Pyrenees's Reply)

It's kind of crazy that almost 3 years have gone by since PSP closed, and people still haven't let it go. Brazzers must have thought it would be quietly swept under the rug after a while, because there is no way they could have predicted such a strong and ongoing response from their customers. Taking it down just gave it notoriety. It's ironic that PSP is now by far the single most powerful brand name among the Brazzers sites, and yet it is the only one that no longer exists.

02-28-15  04:54pm

Visit Naughty America

Naughty America
Reply of Pyrenees's Review from Monahan:

Their business practices also suck. Refer to the comments and earlier reviews.

50 is too high a score for this once terrific, but no longer, site. (Yes, I know that we cannot score any site lower than 50, but in this case I wish we could.

02-26-15  11:10pm

Visit Face Fucking

Face Fucking
Reply of Pyrenees's Review from pat362:

I'll grant you it's rare and there isn't a single day that I don't wish that it was extinct. Their brand of porn is what you get when you mix the most fucked up stuff Max Hardcore did toward the end of his career and add a cup of insanity. They are the poster child for misogynistic porn.

There is no current site that compares to them which is saying a lot.
They changed their name from facial abuse to face fucking because they were probably having a hard time getting any woman to shoot for them. I would be curious to know how they manage to entice any woman to actually shoot for them.

02-26-15  06:12pm

Visit Blacked.com

REPLY TO #2 from pat362: (Pyrenees's Reply)

I think my comment is in large part a warning to you and any other reviewer that giving any site and I mean any site a perfect score is paramount to a death blow. Not matter how well intentioned you are. Your review will always feel as though you aren't being honest. I haven't joined blacked yet but I know I will sooner than later but your review will not be a tool I can use to judge if it's really worth joining because you simply didn't write enough info to truly justify your score.

It's tough to review a site and even more so to remove oneself from the final judgement of the site. I looked at your review of Naughty America and you gave the site a score of 50. A site that scored in the 90's with TBP and normally scores pretty high with most other reviewers should never receive such a low score unless they altered their entire site since past reviews.

I think blacked has great potential and time will tell if if does but there is absolutely nothing original in their porn. It's still pure gonzo. You have one woman (sometimes two) with one male performer in a large bright room having sex on white furniture. The only thing that differentiate them from similar gonzo sites is that this is interracial porn which is sadly a niche that is sorely under represented. They automatically get a minimum 80# in my book because they offer interracial porn. I will wait until I'm a amber before I decide how much higher above 80 they get.

I hope to see more of your reviews and hopefully you add more info to them so that we can see what you truly like and don't like.

02-26-15  01:57pm

Visit Brazzers

Reply of Pyrenees's Review from LPee23:

" How about you create a Premium site where all of the removed content could be purchased?"

You said it man. I couldn't agree more.

02-25-15  06:26pm

Visit Blacked.com

Reply of Pyrenees's Review from pat362:

You are entitled to your score but by your own admission. It lacks certain things that you would like to see so it can't be a perfect site and therefore 100% is too high for an imperfect site.

You want to give it a high 90 than that is fine but 100% is not a score that should be used lightly. it also wouldn't hurt to have more meat on your review. A high score review should have tons of data to support the claim.

02-25-15  02:01pm

*Message rows highlighted in light orange are replies to replies.

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