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Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
REPLY TO #27 from Mike Hunt: (Advent's Reply)

"we have not had any for months now"

Thank you for the reply Advent. Good to know that your security has improved at ATK. I went to ATK Galleria today intending to join, however since the price is now back up to $29.99 on your JOIN page, sadly I will be giving it a pass.
I wish I had known the DDOS attacks were over back in October when I was considering joining your excellent site and the price was $19.95.

12-07-15  11:52am

Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
REPLY TO #1 from PinkPanther: (Advent's Reply)

I just logged in to the site - things that weren't working the other day are working today. I click on the Model Directory and I get letters. I can navigate through the models within the letter that I select and I can click on the model and have her come up. I can click between photos and videos and have the site move to where I want it to go. If I click on videos and then click on a model's name, the site brings me to her videos and then lets me click on her photos and it brings them up and I can select a photo set and have the site respond.

So overall, the site's responsive today where the other day it was not.

I'm using the same computer and the same browser and I haven't done any special amount of maintenance, so I assume that someone at ATK did some work on the site. Glad to see it.

12-06-15  09:50pm

Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
REPLY TO #23 from Mike Hunt: (Advent's Reply)

I was planning on joining ATK Galleria today, but after reading this comment thread have decided not to unless the webmaster Advent can confirm that the DDOS attacks have stopped and I will get reliable service.
It's now about 10 months later and Matt must be dead now from lack of sleep.
Have the attacks stopped and has reliable service returned to your websites?

10-28-15  12:48pm

Visit Aunt Judy's

Aunt Judy's
REPLY TO #2 from standard: (Advent's Reply)

Thanks for the interaction. I think that's one of the things that makes these sites valuable for both producers and consumers.

FWIW, I think the highest score I've given ANY site is a 90 or 91, so a 77 is pretty respectable. I really do think you might improve subscription numbers if the hairy angle was advertised more.

Since we're here, this model was one of the big reasons I joined but she wasn't on the site. I tried to keep it from influencing the score since there are people who would possibly look at her and say "Ugh, yuck!", but it was a bit disappointing to not find her after seeing the set and watermark:


Are you removing content after a certain amount of time or were there numerous casualties from the 2012 move?

(Any chance you know the model's name, btw?)

10-03-15  10:44am

Visit ATK Exotics

ATK Exotics
REPLY TO #1 from LPee23: (Advent's Reply)

Thanks for answering a few of my questions!

"As far as the older content, it is brought over from other sites to make room for new content. We have an archives update no matter how much content we have so it is really not a matter of slow shooting weeks. We began doing this so model of ethnic backgrounds from other sites would "retire" on Exotics. The content that we bring over must be at least 5 years old to move over."

This makes sense. Those are still great shoots even though they are old, so I am glad you keep them up on ATKExotics when you take them down from their original sites. It would be amazing to see some of them remastered if it is possible.

"We are focusing on putting more tags on the content so it is better searched. This of course takes time but we are trying."

If it's any consolation, it's easy with smaller sites, but I have yet to find a site with a content library your size that got it right with tags.

Anyway, that is a minor issue. ATKExotics is an incredible site, with something for everyone, and I highly recommend it!

05-05-15  01:13pm

Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
REPLY TO #5 from R a t: (Advent's Reply)

Is the web site functioning well now?

01-05-15  04:33am

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
REPLY TO #7 from Capn: (Advent's Reply)

Yes, OK, that is what I will do.

I'll give it another week then?

Cap'n. :0)

12-29-14  11:14am

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
REPLY TO #5 from Capn: (Advent's Reply)


Will I need to submit a ticket or is there an email I can contact directly?


12-29-14  09:35am

Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
REPLY TO #17 from wishdj: (Advent's Reply)

This cyber attack seems to be nearly as big as the attack on Sony and North Korea. I mean ATK is a part of history of Internet porn, has been around since 1997. I believe it is still one of the largest porn networks out there and the hackers seemed to have targeted on that. Hopefully this attack is not from places like Syria and Iraq and you guys are not waiting for threats!

As of now the access problems seem to getting worse day by day and I am hardly able to log in at all. Hoping you guy are working on it and problem gets sorted out soon.

Wishing you the best of luck and support during your sites hard times during Christmas.

12-23-14  04:08pm

Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
REPLY TO #15 from 2 Free K: (Advent's Reply)

Thank you.

This is exactly what I was hoping to hear, and now I am 100% behind you guys.

Thanks for making this information available.

I wish you guys all the best throughout this hacking debacle, and I'll continue to be an ATK fan and supporter. Keep up the good work, and thanks for demonstrating integrity.

12-23-14  03:09pm

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
REPLY TO #6 from sub1: (Advent's Reply)

Hi Melissa,

I notice that the Kingdom family of websites are still unavailable about 80% of the time as of 7pm 22-Dec-2014. I detect some progress being made however you must still be under a severe attack.

My browser connects successfully to CloudFlare in Seattle, then dies trying to reach any of the Kingdom websites.

If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.


12-22-14  07:05pm

Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
REPLY TO #5 from 2 Free K: (Advent's Reply)

I do appreciate your responsiveness. It is unfortunate that someone screwed up and has left you to stomp out the fires.

I think the biggest questions is: why weren't these high-quality safe guards and hardware there to begin with? You get what you pay for.

If cutting corners can hurt General Motors, I'm pretty sure it can destroy a company like ATK. Just do things right the first time.

Tell the people in charge that we customers aren't stupid.

12-19-14  12:29am

Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
REPLY TO #4 from 2 Free K: (Advent's Reply)

"Being under attack by unknown hackers has not only made us look bad to our members but it has also stopped our ability to bring in new ones. Not only because they can not access the site but because we are not getting bad reviews from currently members and they are leaving us."

100% accurate.

12-17-14  10:55pm

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
REPLY TO #1 from Loki: (Advent's Reply)

Hi Advent, thanks for explaining the cause of the servers being down. It pleases me greatly to know that it was a temporary problem and I am sorry that some maladjusted individuals are causing ATK such a headache.

However, that does not change my opinion that the quality of the site has slipped recently, nor does it alter the fact that the price has also recently increased for ATK sites. ATK Natural & Hairy is still one of my favorite sites, but I lament that I pay more for what I consider to be less and less content that I find I download and enjoy. A sad state of affairs indeed.

Thank you for replying.

12-15-14  09:16am

Visit ATK Galleria

ATK Galleria
REPLY TO #2 from LPee23: (Advent's Reply)

I have never understood the motive for attacks like this. Who stands to gain by going to great lengths to bring a porn site down? Disgruntled competitors? Tech savvy puritans? Or hackers just looking to test their BotNet on an easy target? I have seen this happen to dozens of sites, and I just don't see the gain in it for the attackers.

11-30-14  01:51pm

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
REPLY TO #1 from otoh: (Advent's Reply)

Hi Advent - many thanks for the quick reply. I've emailed you with more details - I'm curious more than anything, as I'm sure you wouldn't knowingly give emails away! Anyway, take a look and let me know.

01-15-14  12:54am

Visit Aunt Judy's

Aunt Judy's
REPLY TO #5 from messmer: (Advent's Reply)

Just a parting remark, Advent: I have removed all references to the reducing speed in my comment. No answer required.

09-10-12  12:22pm

Visit Aunt Judy's

Aunt Judy's
REPLY TO #3 from messmer: (Advent's Reply)

Thanks,as always, Advent.

You are right I did not take into consideration that you receive your material from various providers when I wrote my complaint about a blurry 1080p video.

All the specifications were exactly as you described but the end result was not true HD, at least not to the eye. This videographer should be told to either adjust his focus or get himself a new camera or some software that allows him to sharpen a video after the fact. If there is such a thing.

I also agree with you about the matter of reducing speed during a download. It hasn't happened again and I've happily downloaded at my usual 2.34 MB/s.

The problems of navigating within the site were real enough, though. I've had an extremely slow server on more than one occasion.

Thanks again, and, as usual, it is a pleasure to be able to voice misgivings without a webmaster getting defensive over it. You are in the right spot. May they always keep you (if you are an employee rather than an owner) and give you regular raises!

09-10-12  11:53am

Visit Aunt Judy's

Aunt Judy's
REPLY TO #1 from messmer: (Advent's Reply)

Thanks as always for your courteous response to some of my beefs, Melissa. This is exactly how I feel, that you are "still working on getting the site in good working order." I have started to look at it as a work in progress and, as I wrote, expect nothing but the best down the road.

However in the meantime, there are other glitches as well that I didn't mention: Yesterday I tried to create a custom zip .. in vain .. because I had to give up after five minutes of waiting. Trying to open a picture in High Resolution also took ages. Still having server problems?

But there is nothing but good will here so I just tell myself that you are busy fine tuning things and don't normally get irate over it.

I think my discontent behind the comment is, more than anything, rooted in my disappointment with the updates since ATK took over.

Not the quality so much, even though today's video disappointed me because it was so blurry, but because there has been nothing that even comes close to my favorite niche, which happens to be a nice leisurely strip out of more than just three - four items of clothing.

I somehow expected to see dresses and lots of lingerie and stockings etc. on mature women, yet most appear to dress like young girls .. casual and commando!

Anyway, I realize that's MY taste and if others like what's being presented then I'll lay off and let them have their fun without any more whining.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply.

09-05-12  06:51pm

Visit Aunt Judy's

Aunt Judy's
REPLY TO #1 from messmer: (Advent's Reply)

I am really excited about the 1080p HD video offered today, Advent. This was my constant complaint about AJ/Older Women: their videos were just plain c..p! It was a mature site with so much potential and I had been a frequent subscriber in the past until I gave up on them because their photo sets became uninspired and their videos never improved from their 640x480 format. And they had the nerve to call them HD! Now if you could only get your photographers to use more lingerie with their models! :-)

08-28-12  10:46am

Visit Aunt Judy's

Aunt Judy's
REPLY TO #1 from messmer: (Advent's Reply)

I was very happy to hear about the changes, Advent. Things can only improve because the original AJ had stood still while everyone else moved on. For lovers of mature contents this is indeed pleasant news. It also won't hurt to see the site in ATKs more appealing (and familiar) format.

08-28-12  09:41am

Visit ATK Archives

ATK Archives
REPLY TO #4 from Capn: (Advent's Reply)

Thanks for putting the idea forward.

Cap'n. :0)

07-16-12  03:32pm

Visit ATK Archives

ATK Archives
REPLY TO #1 from Capn: (Advent's Reply)

That is OK.

Glad you are still around.

Cap'n. :0)

07-16-12  03:31pm

Visit ATK Premium

ATK Premium
REPLY TO #5 from Capn: (Advent's Reply)

What sort of 'glam' are you talking of...

Is that mainstream glamour/play wear or elegant outfits?


Cap'n. :0)

01-02-12  12:39pm

Visit ATK Archives

ATK Archives
REPLY TO #4 from Capn: (Advent's Reply)

Is there any chance of a broader coverage in the Archive site?

Material from Exotics & Premium would be more of a draw, along with Petites in due time. ;0)

Then it would live up to it's name.

Whilst I am on a roll, how about a mature ladies site?

Cap'n. :0)

01-02-12  12:35pm

*Message rows highlighted in light orange are replies to replies.

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