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Webmasters This section is for site owners or representatives.

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Why Create a Profile?

  • E-mail notifications for new reviews.
  • Reply to user feedback.
  • Post in our new User Forum.
  • Add credibility to your sites.
  • Profile will be used as the universal log-in for our future sites.
Follow the instructions below to begin: 

Find your company, then proceed to find the company key to register.
Step 2 Once you've registered, log-in at the top of any page!

Note: Your PornUsers profile is completely unique from the webmaster accoung log-in used at TheBestPorn.com.

Refer Your Members!

Get your members to review or comment.

Linking information and rules.

We definitely allow site's to refer members to their site page (pornusers.com/review/sitenick/) to gain new comments and reviews, however we have some rules to help keep it clean:

1. No incentives are allowed for users to submit reviews (especially one-sided reviews) or comments.

2. You may link via simple text links or using one of our official icons.  Any added text must not ask or influence users to submit a review or comment with a specific agenda.

Any site caught breaking any of the above rules will be suspended for a specific time period (site page will be available, but not shown in our main browse areas).

Here's our official icons you can use:
Icon #1
download here
Icon #2
download here

We recommend linking directly to your site page so users can add reviews or comments easily.

Top 10

Most points, last 30 days.

Webmaster Nick *Points Replies
1. Bluexxx 0 0
2. Offerverse 0 0
3. GammaE 0 0
4. Cam4Pays 0 0
5. testing3 0 0
6. testing2 0 0
7. testing 0 0
8. Erika Lust 0 0
9. Sado Ladies 0 0
10. Damien Testing 0 0

*A point is earned for each user comment or review where the webmaster has made at least one reply.


Frequently asked questions.

Added Title
12-21-06 What does Porn Users offer to webmasters?
01-03-07 How do I create a webmaster profile?
01-03-07 If I don't own or represent a pay-site, can I still register as a webmaster?
01-03-07 How can I post a reply to a review or comment?
01-03-07 How can I locate all my sites?
01-06-07 How do I submit new sites?
01-10-07 How can I respond to users posting incorrect facts?
01-10-07 How do I remove my site?
01-10-07 What is that number besides my nick?
01-10-07 How do I earn points?
02-07-07 Can I also create a User account to review sites?

View All: Webmaster FAQs

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Webmaster Stats
Webmasters 2369
Replies 3323

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Protecting Minors
We are strong supporters of RTA and ICRA, two of the most recognized self labeling organizations. Our site is properly labeled to assist in the protection of minors accessing inappopriate content. For information about filtering tools, check this site.


To report child pornography, go directly to ASACP!  We're proud to be a corporate sponsor.
Have concerns or questions about porn addiction?  We recommend this helpful resource.

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