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FAQ's List of common questions and answers to them.

General Questions - Submitting Feedback - Browsing The Site - For Webmasters

General Questions

List of common questions and answers to them.

Question   Answer
1. What is Porn Users?   The goal of PornUsers.com is to provide porn site buyers with all the necessary tools to comment, rank, and review adult pay-sites in nearly all genre types. All feedback will be displayed on our site for other users and webmasters to view and comment.

The idea was a pretty obvious evolution of what we started with The Best Porn. Easy concept to think up, difficult concept to develop. We put a lot of time preparing this site to offer maximum functionality right out of the gate (launched January 10th, 2007). No other site can match our dynamic features and convenience. In fact, there are no other sites... YET! :)
2. What are the benefits of registering?   We definitely recommend anyone who visits our site regularly to register. There's a lot more benefits than just posting privileges. To view a full list of benefits, go to our create account page.
3. What profile information will be kept confidential?   The simple answer is your e-mail address, password, and birth date are all kept secure in our database. Your password is even encrypted to prevent our staff from reading your password.

For more privacy info, read our Privacy Policy.
4. How do I change my e-mail preferences?   We offer a number of email notification options to allow active users to stay on top of the latest reviews and feedback. Feel free to modify the email preferences on your account to what allows you the optimum (or best) use of the site.

When logged in, you'll see your account links at the top of nearly every page. Click Edit Profile and scroll down to the Preferences section.
5. How do I change my password or e-mail address?   When logged in, you'll see your account links at the top of nearly every page. Click Edit Profile and you'll notice your e-mail address and password information is listed under Account Info. Click the appropriate Change link and follow the instructions.
6. How can I get access to the sites?   Some have e-mailed us asking where they can get passwords to the pay-sites we list.

These sites are definitely not free and it's your choice if you wish to spend the money to enjoy them. Our site is geared toward existing buyers and help new potential buyers make more educated decisions prior to whipping out the credit card. Our job is to provide a high quality site that gives user the option to share their experiences with others. Unfortunately we can't give free access to the sites. :(

Users may NOT write site owners/webmasters asking for free access to their site(s) for the purpose of doing a review. Remember, reviews cannot be made based on free access to a site.

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Submitting Feedback

Relating to posting reviews, comments, etc.

Question   Answer
1. Do I have to register to submit feedback?   Yes. We've found that those posting anonymously are less responsible in their ratings and comments. We feel strongly that by allowing users to see the review history of each reviewer, they'll be in a better position to judge if that reviewer's likes, dislikes and general perspective offers them insight to base their decisions on.

As you can see, registering has its benefits.
2. What's the difference between comments and reviews?   Reviews are meant to be an genuine rating and evaluation of the subject porn site. Users are urged to post what they liked, disliked, and a bottom line statement of recommendation (or other info they wish to share).

Comments are meant to fill other needs that reviews aren't intended to provide. Comments could include quick thoughts about the site or it's content, various reports or warnings (billing, technical, etc), questions about the site, etc.

The idea to offer both review and comment formats came from seeing so many user reviews online (Amazon, Newegg, etc) that had nothing to do with the overall product's value. With comments, we can separate customer support or technical issues (which may be temporary or isolated) from the reviews which are intended to keep the reviews focused and fair.
3. Are user reviews and comments moderated?   Definitely!

We have strict rules designed to maintain the quality of user reviews and comments. Check our Terms & Rules page to review all of the details.

Each review, comment, and reply is judged individually by our staff to ensure it follows our rules.

Note that while the Reviews, Comments and Replies of Registered Users are displayed live as soon as they're submitted, it must be understood that this is a temporary approval until they are examined by our staff.
4. Can I rate a site without a review?   Absolutely. Registered users only.

On each site page, there is a link to add a Quick Rating (along with Add Review or Comment) near the User Reviews title bar. Click that link to add a rating-only. You can rate each site once, and upgrade that rating to a review at anytime.

Keep in mind that ratings are weighted much less than a full review toward the site's overall score.
5. How do I edit my review or comment?   Submitted feedback can be edited easily. There should be an Edit link near the top right of your review or comment (on almost any page it's listed). Click that link and make the proper changes to your review or comment.

Each change is still looked over by our staff for final approval. If you change is pre-approved (registered users with verified e-mail address), your change will go live immediately.

Reviews can be edited for up to 6 months, comments up to 30 days. After that, if you wish to mention how your opinion has changed you are welcome to do so with a Reply or Comment.

Read our rules for each type of feedback for more information about editing.
6. How do I delete my review or comment?   Reviews and comments can be edited but not removed. As stated in our Terms and Conditions, once feedback has been submitted and approved (by our staff), there's no going back.

There are a few reasons for this. We want to prevent disgruntled users from removing all the content they've submitted. Submitted content is valuable to our readers. Since each review/comment can be saved or replied to, it would be doing a disservice to others if that feedback disappears.
7. What are replies?   Replies are intended for users to "talk back" to many different features on our site. We allow replies for user reviews, user comments, staff announcements, webmaster news, and our user polls. Replies are formatted in the familiar message board style for easy reading.

Users must be registered to add a reply.
8. Can I block my posting history from being accessed by other users?   Nope.

We keep the feedback history (reviews, comments, replies, ratings) for each registered user available for others to browse. This is good for users who want to get to know a specifc user better and read other reviews by them. It's also good to help other users/staff/webmasters to identify "fake users" by judging their activity.

We pride ourself in offering users the ability to navigate content in as many ways as they can dream up.

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Browsing The Site

Information about site navigation elements.

Question   Answer
1. How do I find a specific site?   If you quickly want to look-up a specific site we recommend using the EASY SITE SEARCH, which is available from our homepage and most browse pages. The search scans through our entire site database. Click the site title in the results and you'll get to the site page where you can post a new review or comment.

Another option is to browse all our sites at The Best Porn. From there, on each site review page there will be a preview of the latest user review/comment along with submit user review/comment links.
2. Why aren't more sites available when I browse?   When browsing the site listings, you'll notice the total number of sites is far less than what we list at The Best Porn.

Since we sort our listings based primarily on the user score or number of user reviews, there's usually a minimum number of reviews required for the site to be listed in the results. Users who want to browse sites based on the TBP score, we recommend browsing at TBP where you can dynamically browse sites whether reviewed or not.

As our site matures, nearly every major pay-site should have at least a few user reviews and be displayed in our ranks and browseable niches.

If you know of a pay site that is not listed at TBP, you are welcome to send us a suggestion to list it via the Contact Us link at the bottom of any page. Just forward us the URL and we'll check it out.
3. How is the site score computed?   It's more complex than you might think. There's 2 different ways users can score a site; a review or quick rating. Reviews are displayed clearly on each site page. Ratings are listed in the Feedback History (Example).

Here's how a review and rating is weighted:

1. Review by Active User = 100%
2. Quick Rating by Active User = 50%
3. Review/Rating by Newbie User = 0%

Older reviews/ratings are also weighted less:

1. Less than 6 months old = 100%
2. 6-12 months old = 50%
3. 12-24 months old = 25%
4. Over 24 months old = 0% (expired)

Newbie users are defined as users who have earned less than 5 points (points are earned by quality reviews). Their reviews are marked with a NEWBIE label and scores don't count toward the site's total. After a newbie reaches 5 points, all their reviews then count and are considered active.

Users also have the option to write a fresh re-review after 6 months from the original. The end goal at PornUsers.com is high quality up-to-date reviews from users who take their porn seriously!
4. What is the linked number next to a user nick?   Example: Nick (12)

Unfortunately, the number refers to a points system, which is no longer functional, so it does not accurately reflect a member's participation on Porn Users.*

Nevertheless, the number does link to the user's feedback history showing accurate stats for the reviews, comments, replies and forum posts they've made. Each total links to a page displaying the related postings so you can read them.

*A higher number still tends to indicate the individual is a longstanding member who earned a significant number of points prior to their discontinuation.
5. What is the linked number next to a site name?   Example: Site Name (6)

The number represents the total number of reviews posted for this site. You'll find this number in most relevant browsing sections.
6. How can I view all reviews to a specific company?   Easy, but not obvious!

Each site has a company link within each site page. If you click the company name, it'll open a Company Profile (example) window that lists all the sites within the company.

From that page, at the top you'll see "Go To : Reviews | Comments". Click the Reviews link or Comments link to view all the reviews for the sites within that company.
7. What is a Trust Rating and how does it work?   Example: Trust this user? YES (2), NO (0)

In essence, the Trust Rating is simply a way to allow the community to judge for themselves who's remarks are trustworthy based on that user's activity. In other words, can the reviewer's remarks be trusted to be accurate to what others will find if they visit a site.

Here's some of the Specifics:
- Users qualify to vote after reaching 5 points.
- Votes can be submitted from a user's review or their profile.
- Each vote can be anonymous (user voting has the choice).
- Each user can choose to add a comment with their vote.
- The subject user can reply to rating comments.
- Can vote each user once (the rating is for the user, not a specific remark).
- A vote (or comment) can be edited anytime.
- A trust score (percentage) is established after 5 votes.

We're hoping that Trust Ratings will encourage all users to write credible reviews. At the least, they'll add another layer of information that users can rely on when deciding what pay sites they want to join and which they'd rather not.

Trusted users may also given a higher influence with a site's overall score in the future.

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For Webmasters

Questions that apply to site reps (or webmasters).

Question   Answer
1. What does Porn Users offer to webmasters?   Porn Users was built to serve both webmasters and consumers. Read about the features offered to webmasters below:

Webmasters can reply to all site feedback

Registered webmasters have the ability to post a response to any user submitted review or comment. This is a great way to show-off your customer support to potential consumers. Whether users post mistaken information, questions, concerns... you'll be able to respond publicly with the right answers. You can even set up your email preferences so that you're automatically notified any time a review of your site(s) is posted.

Besides this, our site provides a wealth of information for webmasters. We all have ideas of what the general public wants, we'll now have proof!
2. How do I create a webmaster profile?   Webmasters can signup here.

You'll need your TBP (TheBestPorn.com) company e-mail and password to register. If you need to locate this information, refer to this page. The e-mail and password is also location on most e-mails sent from TBP. If you still need assistance, please contact us.
3. If I don't own or represent a pay-site, can I still register as a webmaster?   Not at this time.

You must be a webmaster of a site listed at TBP to register for a webmaster profile. We don't offer any services for webmasters without a listed site at this time.
4. How can I post a reply to a review or comment?   Locate the review or comment you wish to respond to. There will be a Replies link on each in the upper right of the entry. Click that link to enter the replies page. From that page, click the Reply To Review or Reply To Comment link.

You can also reply to an already existing reply so long that it's directly related to any of your registered sites.

If the site you wish to post a reply isn't registered under your webmaster profile, you won't be able to post a reply.
5. How can I locate all my sites?   If they're listed at TBP, then you're good to go!

There's a few way to find your sites, see below:

1. If you've created a webmaster profile, when logged in you can click your name at the top of the page and view your profile which lists all your sites and the number of reviews in each.

2. Find your company link from any site page. Click your company to load all the sites and their stats. From that page you can also click the Reivews or Comments link above the site listings to view all the reviews or comments for that company.
6. How do I submit new sites?   All sites in our database are controlled via The Best Porn. In order for users to submit feedback for your site at Porn Users, you must be listed (review not required) at TBP.

If you have a site listed with us at TBP, you need to log-in to your account there to submit a new site.

If you don't have any sites listed at TBP, please go here to submit a new pay-site. Be sure to read our site requirements.
7. How can I respond to users posting incorrect facts?   Post a reply to the user. Reviews and comments all have a replies page (look for the "Replies" link above the review or comment) where webmasters, admin, or other users can make a comment or rebuttal. Post a reply and it'll be public for everyone to view.

If you're wondering how to get a review or comment removed, keep reading. We built our site to allow the expression of information and opinions. Users have rules they must follow and that's what we're here to enforce. That's the first thing we look for.

It's in our interest to keep facts straight and reviews responsible. Out of date information is something that will happen, and can't be avoided. However, if you feel a user has clearly stated grossly incorrect facts, please contact us with as much info as possible.
8. How do I remove my site?   All sites that are listed at The Best Porn are available here at PornUsers.com.

Removing a site from Porn Users, removes that site from TBP (and vice versa). The only way we'll consider removing a site is when a site is either no longer active or isn't officially live.

Part of our value is having a searchable database of listings and reviews for every pay-site possible. Removing a pay-site goes against our entire site concept. If you have a good reason why you think your site shouldn't be included, we'll definitely listen.

If the only reason is that you didn't like or agree with a review we made at TBP or by a user here at PornUsers.com, it's something we can't do. If we started removing sites or reviews at each webmaster's request, we'd have a very boring and uninformed site.
9. What is that number besides my nick?   That's the number of points you've earned. It links to your activity history as well.

Read more info below regarding how to earn points.
10. How do I earn points?   Webmaster can earn a point for each user feedback entry (review or comment) that they respond in. A maximimum of one point per entry. If you don't have any feedback yet, hopefully that changes as our site grows. :)

By the way, points are intended so users can get an idea of how active you are. The more points you have, the better chance you're reading (and reply to) their feedback.
11. Can I also create a User account to review sites?   No!

One of the two disclaimers on our user account form is "I do not own or work for any adult pay-site(s) listed at TheBestPorn.com" so if you have a site listed, creating a User account would be done under false pretences.

If our users are to have any measure of confidence in the reviews they read at PornUsers it is paramount that we take all steps possible to prevent reviews being posted by those with a vested interest under the guise of being a fellow user.

Where we have reasonable evidence that a review has been made by someone associated with a site, we will take steps as we deem appropriate. These may include (but are not limited to) changing the score of the review, adding a public notice that a review is suspect, or even suspension of a site from PornUsers and TheBestPorn.

We are not anxious to take such measures so please, don't put us in that position.

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