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Tally For March 12, 2025 Raffle FINALIZED MARCH 14TH
Posted by Tom D Admin
March 14th, 2025 - Replies (26) |
As of March 12, 2025:
Wraith0711 earned 6 entries.
Hairy Potter earned 6 entries.
Do Not Bite It earned 6 entries.
2Cigars1Woman earned 6 entries.
BatorAly earned 6 entries.
KayTBuffs earned 5 entries.
Raffle Winners - March 12, 2025 Draw
Posted by Tom D Admin
March 14th, 2025 - Replies (1) |
CURRENT Raffle Winners
March 12, 2025 Draw
$150.00: Wraith0711
$150.00: KayTBuffs
$100.00: Do Not Bite It
$100.00: HairyPotter
$50.00: 2Cigars1Woman
$50.00: BatorAly
Current Raffle FAQ UPDATED May 12, 2022
Posted by Tom D Admin
May 12th, 2022 - Replies (3) |
How much cash do you give away in each drawing?
We give away $600 US in Amazon gift cards on the second Wednesday of every month!
How are the prizes divided up?
$150 US each to the first and second names drawn.
$100 US each to the third and fourth names drawn.
$50 US each to the fifth and sixth names drawn.
Please Note:
You can win the same prize in two raffles in a row as the prize amounts are smaller and more evenly distributed. After all, we do not want to discourage anyone from regularly contributing to the Porn Users community.
How do I earn raffle tickets?
Submit an Approved Review:
User reviews are our bread and butter on Porn Users. So if you submit a review that meets our criteria (a minimum word count of 300 words) and gets approved by our team, you'll receive five entries* into the next raffle.
Review Criteria is available here.
Earn Extra Entries:
If you are the first to review a newly listed site or you do a new review of a site with only expired reviews, you'll be given one additional entry*.
Porn Review Feedback:
You will earn one entry* into the raffle for every five replies you make on user reviews. We're looking for quality, not just quantity, so your postings need to be relevant and not too short.
Reply to Our Two Most Recent User Polls:
You will receive one entry* for the first comment you make to the New and Last poll on the homepage. Only your first comment to each poll is eligible and comments to older polls while appreciated will not earn raffle entries.
Create an Active Porn-Related Forum Thread:
We will give you five entries* if you start a new porn-related forum thread that receives at least 10 decent-quality replies (not just one word or emoticon) from 10 other different Porn Users.
*All raffle entries are given at our staff's discretion as a courtesy and are in no way a form of payment or obligation in exchange for users posting to our website or forum.
When does the drawing take place?
A new drawing takes place the second Wednesday of every month at 12 PM EST.
All tickets earned up to that time are included in that drawing, while any earned after 12:01 PM will be applied to the following drawing.
How random is the drawing?
The goal of our raffles is to give everyone who actively participates on Porn Users a chance to win a prize. At the same time, we recognize that some people contribute more often than others and we want to ensure that these valued members of our community have superior odds of winning, even if we cannot guarantee who will win or how often.
The drawings will be entirely random and to that end, here's a link to the web-based tool that will be used to determine the winners.
As suggested by their developers, we will utilize triple randomization and also make sure to use a private/incognito window for each drawing to ensure that there is no information from previous draws affecting the current selection process.
The list of names from the manual tally will also be sorted randomly in Google sheets before being transferred to the online software.
Please note - each random drawing is for entertainment purposes only with no purchase or payment required to enter or win.
New Raffle Prize Structure May 12, 2022
Posted by Will P
May 11th, 2022 - Replies (0) |
Hey Porn Users!
I know that the last time we made adjustments to the Raflle prize structure, some of you felt that spreading the prizes across a more significant number of winners would be better.
So we're going to give that a try and move away from 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes in our draw. Instead, I will draw a total of six names and award the following amounts:
$150 each to the first and second names drawn.
$100 each to the second and third names drawn.
$50 each to the fourth and fifth names drawn.
I will only draw all six names if there are at least six people who earned tickets. Otherwise, I will just draw as many names as participants.
Fewer folks will end up writing reviews without winning anything, which should encourage more participation.
Good luck, everyone!
The First Raffle of 2021 Will Be On February 10, 2021
Posted by Tom D Admin
January 12th, 2021 - Replies (0) |
Here's the deal on the 2021 Raffles:
Drawings will now be held the second week of each calendar month, so the next one will be held on February 10, 2021. Any entries earned during the suspension period will be included.
After feedback from some Porn Users about the prize structure, we will change things up:
1st Prize: $300
2nd Prize: $200
3rd Prize: $100
What remains unchanged and I cannot restate this point enough, the raffle is a random drawing. Someone with fewer entries may win instead of someone with more.
Still, those who contribute more still enjoy better odds when it comes to winning. But everyone stands some a chance!
The entries will be assigned according to the existing criteria.
Good News & More News
Posted by Tom D Admin
June 21st, 2020 - Replies (6) |
Mission Accomplished!
The goal of Porn Users is to give regular folks the change to share feedback about their first-hand experiences as members of adult sites with others. We want to reach both people within the PU community and anyone using a search engine to look up a paysite.
More people are visiting Porn Users and reading our reviews than ever before - both from within our community and outside visitors (referred to as "organic traffic").
They're sticking around longer ("time on page" has increased) and fewer individuals are merely clicking on reviews before leaving Porn Users ("bounce rate"). Both indicate the information we provide is indeed helping people decide what porn sites are worth joining.
Well, done everyone!
All Feedback Is Considered
The approach of our admin team may seem too hands-off at times, but the point of Porn Users is that it is a community of real people. We want it to be as self-sufficient as possible and avoid interfering with anyone's freedom to express their opinion.
That does not mean that comments are not taken into consideration when it comes to the running of the site and the raffle. It merely means that actions speak louder than words, so we will, at times, make changes without lengthy explanations or justifications.
New Simpler Approach to Raffle Tally
The automatic points system is broken with no plans for it to be fixed - so the raffle entries are manually tallied. It is a lot of work and can lead to human error - so it has been decided that fewer things will be tracked.
The forum doesn't get that many outside visitors and often, the same limited number of people participate. Yet, even so, it has proven one of the most time consuming aspects to include in the running manual tally of entries.
Staring now, only new porn threads will be eligible to earn entries and will be pinned to the top of the site. Those that receive at least 10 unique comments from 10 different Porn Users will earn five raffle entries for their creators.
So also starting immediately, non-porn threads and individual comments from members, whether porn-related or not, will no longer be counted.
Only comments to the two most recent user polls will qualify to earn raffle entries - one entry per poll regardless of how many times you leave feedback. You are free to post on older polls not listed on the homepage, but they are ineligible for the raffle.
A former user chose to game the system by responding to 100s of old polls. With no rule in place, such a loophole apparently was too tempting to resist. The account was disabled before the raffle, so the resulting glut of entries were pulled before the drawing took place.
Please read the new raffle FAQ to find out more about the current guidelines.
New Forum & Broken Points/Badges
Posted by Tom D Admin
June 21st, 2020 - Replies (2) |
Porn Threads Get Top Billing!
The focus has been and will continue to be on the adult industry, including sites, content and performers. So forum threads related to porn will be pinned to the top of the site in order to push non-porn threads further down. Their creators will potentially earn entries into our raffle, while non-adult threads will not be eligible.
Warning: Preapproved & Uncensored Threads!
There will always be members of our community that feel like talking about other topics. Some issues like politics and religion can be more controversial than pornography. However, censorship runs counterintuitive to a site, like Porn Users, that encourages people to openly discuss adult content.
So unless something is offensive in no uncertain terms (i.e. racist, sexist, homophobic or a personal attack), we leave it to our members to choose to read or not read specific channels. And by pining porn threads on top, we hope you won't even have to scroll past some other taboo topic you hate to discuss.
Points & Badges Not Tracked
Why am I missing points and/or badges?
This question pops up repeatedly even from legacy members who may know their Porn Users history better than even current staff members.
The simple answer is:
Points and badges are broken with no fix planned!
Did they ever work?
Presumably judging by the stats of some senior Porn User members with long-established legacies, the system worked perfectly well at one point. There is no way to zero out existing points, but badges have been disabled.
They stopped functioning correctly about five years ago when The Best Porn and Porn Users transferred ownership to the team at Rabbits Reviews.
What caused this glitch in the matrix?
Legend has it that the mysterious disappearance of the points and badges functionality is because a chunk of administrative software was housed on someone's personal computer buried deep inside their basement.
Just like the appliances aren't always included when you buy a new house, this individual PC was part of the sale. The Rabbit's development team did their best to preserve as much functionality as they could, but some features were irrevocably lost.
Unfortunately, there aren't the resources or the time available to start from scratch on these functions. And it seems they won't be available any time in the foreseeable future - no matter how many times an admin asks or even begs for it to be fixed.