I was on this site a few years back and don't recall it being anything like this. Billing through Westbill.com? Never heard of 'em. I don't remember the login taking you to an upsell page and the overall layout seems more cluttered than before. There used to be a bunch of screenshots for every episode, now it's very few that have them so you have to stream to preview. Getting past all that, I noticed the file sizes for the 4K video were way off. Verified by my bitrate viewer, they've lower the quality of the 4K video by half or more. They're now averaging 6000-9000kbps where before everything was 16000 or better. The last kick in the head is that none of the advertised 8K links work. I don't know if that's somehow tied to my signing up under the PU discount or not, but there it is (or isn't, actually).
Edit: Turns out the real last kick in the head is that there's a download limit. 15 gigs a day, evidently.
I joined I Love Miniskirt in 2011 for a month and I liked the content, but no updates at all in that month, so I downloaded all interesting content and cancelled subscripion.
Anyone knows if that and other sites accessible with membership have recieved enough updates to renew membership, or the content after 3 years maybe exactly the same?
This UK site - along with the 14 other sites at the (not UK, but Netherlands sites/network) by the name of Verietas Services BV has some fine content.
The Panty Amateur among the best - been a member and quite satisfied, earlier.
But like this UK Upskirts the other sites here do not give away much in previews - AND previews is what we users can relate to...
In all sites they "give away" the models - but what's very essential: NOT the updates - SO: I GOT NO IDEA IF MY FAV-MODELS HAVE NEW INPUTS(CONTENT) - too bad - and I do not want to spend like $30 or even EURO 30,- when I do not know what new material I'll get!!!
Joined the trial and got a good return on my investment; however, it makes me wonder how a site can operate like this one, with pictures that are non-exclusive, and many of which are plucked from pic-hosting sites like Webshots. I've seen photos from all over Netville, a few with the Teen Flood watermark still intact, for example, under their own watermark. Maybe they buy up old sets or soemthing? I don't know how this all works.
Main difficulty is this: these people need to remove children from their pics. MANY photos contain children, at beaches or pools, and they are not blurred or masked at all. One photo that needs mention is of a very-obviously under-age girl without a top in one of their topless beach sets. This is stupid practice and I'm surprised to see it.
Every candid-photo board I've ever frequented sternly reminds their posters not to upload pics with children in them, even if they are street candids or whatever.
This is a truly great UK non-nude site for lovers of traditional stockings and full-back cotton panties.
Ohlalaglamourgirls gives you a huge collection of exclusive, high-quality images of lovely 'English Rose' 20-30-somethings clad in stockings and long, flowing, dresses or skirts in the style of the 1940s and 50s.
Not a stitch of clothing is ever removed, so the emphasis here is purely on teasing, flashing and provocative poses both indoors and out - absolute heaven for those who don't need gynaecological studies.
There is also a good downloadable library of shortish video clips of medium quality, featuring similar content. However, these are intended only as a taster for the relevant available DVD compilation which will be of excellent quality.
The site is updated with new content twice-a-week, although these can sometimes be a bit late, and updates containing the later sets in a series can seem a little same-ish.
All-in-all though, ohlalaglamourgirls offers outstanding value and is an absolute must for lovers of stockings and panties (including cameltoe fetishists like myself.)
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To report child pornography, go directly to ASACP! We're proud to be a corporate sponsor.
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