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Visit Device Bondage

1. Device Bondage (0)

rearadmiral (0) 12-31-13  04:05pm
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Holy crap! The subscription fee is now $54.95!

I'm a big fan of this site and have been a member here several times. I usually join once I've become a member of another Kink site because you'll be offered a discount. The discounted price is $44.95, which is still a substantial increase in what it used to be. (And I note that when the site started in 2008 the price was $55 then too, so they're now back up to what they originally wanted to charge.)

The webmaster's reply in 2007 to a similar comment seems reasonable, but $55 is still pretty high.

On a related note, I used to get the occasional email discount offer for a Kink site membership but I haven't seen one of those in what must be over a year even though they have my email address.

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Visit Device Bondage

2. Device Bondage (0)

RustyJ (Suspended) 08-23-12  12:34am
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Can anybody tell me, how many scenes on average have actual m/f sex in them? Is there a way to search or filter for them? I only found filters for model type.

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Visit Wired Pussy

3. Wired Pussy (0)

Jay G (Disabled) 05-23-10  03:01pm
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Excellent support service from Kink.com

When I had a problem with a Kink.com wired pussy video today, I emailed to alert them, expecting to get a reply in the next few days, because I've always had excellent service from Kink.com sites in the past.

Happily. Tyler from the service desk replied in a very short time on a Sunday and the problem was solved!

So used to poor service on many sites, I'm always very impressed with quick and effective replies from sites!

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Visit Cum Bots

4. Cum Bots (0)

rearadmiral (0) 03-30-10  04:49pm
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Mini Review

I’m not doing a full review of this site. This site is one site you get access to when you sign up for any of the Dungeoncorp (aka Dungeon Bank) sites. The other sites are Society SM, Perfect Slave, Strict Restraint and Fucking Dungeon. I did a review for Society SM and most of the comments I made there apply here. I’ll just add a bit about the specifics of Cum Bots here.

Cum Bots is a decent sized site. The main premise is women being fucked by machines. If you’re familiar with Kink.com’s site Fucking Machines, this is the same premise, and they use many of the same machines.

Many of the older scenes are simply women being fucked by a machine. The newer scenes, and probably the bulk of the scenes on the site, feature women in bondage being fucked by machines.

Most of the scenes are short, lasting less than 10 minutes, but many feature well-known porn stars.

While the videos are fun to watch (pics are available too – and are zipped), they can get a bit repetitive. This is a pretty weak complaint, I realize. But the scenarios are all essentially the same. The settings, the bondage and the machines are used again and again, with the only change being the model. Again, this isn’t much of a criticism.

If you like BDSM generally, and fucking machines particularly, then I recommend a membership at this site. This site is very well done and offers a lot of material. And you have access to four other BDSM sites too.

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Visit Fucking Machines

5. Fucking Machines (0)

Jeffrey99 (0) 08-23-09  11:51am
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No ability to pause downloads?

Just signed up for FM.com. Am I missing something or does the site not allow you to pause downloads? Tried pausing a damn 1gb file with DownThemAll and when I went to resume, gave me a 400 error. Nothing pisses me off more then stupid crap like that.

Guessing that means that I won't be able to que up about 4 or 5 movies overnight for it to download. The site looked very promising but stuff like that just flat out kills it for me. So was wondering if this is just something with DTA, or if everyone has this problem.

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Visit Fucking Machines

6. Fucking Machines (0)

williamj (0) 01-20-09  07:46pm
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If the Fetish fits?

I just ended a 3 month membership to fuckingmachines.com. It’s worth a peek if you’re into dildo machines fucking bimbo girl’s silly. The site is very Fetish themed. The girls get good and fucked trust me. The cunt’s need and deserve a good fuck and the site gives it to them nice and hard and deep. I must say kink.com is a professional company. They are customer service oriented and web design is up to high quality standards. Of course it needs improvements but over all its pretty good. They run a tight ship company wide on all their porno sites? I’m not trying to be a John for the site but I have to say if you’re into the fetish (please review the site/company previews) and if the material is of an interest, I suggest join what ever site you fashion, the XXX Porn will be good. Like I said if the fetish is of an interest give them a try they have lot’s of good hard core sites to download. Enjoy. I did.

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Visit Fucking Machines

7. Fucking Machines (0)

williamj (0) 11-05-08  01:11pm
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Very Satisfied

Kink.com delivers as promised in FuckingMachines. I've only been a member for 2 weeks and I quickly realized there is a large content of really good fetish material. The machines are pretty cool and they work as promised. Meaning they give the girls a real nice work out! Kink.com has other sites that are just as interesting. I have to say the girls get a good fucking and they love it. No faking or staged moaning. The girls are mostly older porn stars; in the interviews I got feeling some where massage parlor girls or escorts. The site owners and production crews do a nice job listening to customers in a forum area. Full review in the future.

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Visit Dildo Machine Sex

8. Dildo Machine Sex (0)

asmith12 (0) 05-15-08  06:34am
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Random Site comment

This comment has been inspired by poll of May 15, 2008 on
https://www.pornusers.com/browse_polls.html . For this purpose, I've took 10 completely random sites to see if there are chances they're "unethical".

Results of review of non-member area: looks decent (assuming you like this kind of stuff). Action as advertised, with photo and video samples. Dated updates would help, but still impression is not too bad.

Bottom line: if I would be a fan of this stuff, I could consider joining myself. About being unethical: they don't promise much (except for machine content which is shown right there), and seem to deliver at least not less then they explicitly promise. Moreover, even though they're using Epoch (infampous for it's PRE-CHECKED cross-sellings), this site does NOT use them, kudos to site webmaster and/or owners.

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Visit Fucking Machines

9. Fucking Machines (0)

Toadsith (0) 03-27-08  08:13pm
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Yay! Free 5 (or 3) Day Membership!

Ok - I'm going to attempt to review this site in record time because I've gone over my monthly spending limit this month (by quite a ways...) so I can't buy a proper monthly membership. The good news is that Kink.com made an email mailing error and sent me two emails earlier in the week telling me about my new memberships to two of their sites.

I of course scampered off immediately to the bank to see if I was charged (I wasn't.) and then to their sites to see if I could login (I couldn't.). Yet Kink.com impresses me once again and showed they are a caring company that not only is willing to say they are sorry and admit a mistake, they'll even throw a little swag your way as well.

So what they've done is sent out a little email that basically says "Whoops." and "Here's a free 5-day Membership.". Using SurveyMonkey.com to collect the results, I selected this here site, they said I would get an active account within 24-hours. Nifty! Here's an odd bit though: Their email said 5 days; Survey Monkey said 3 days. We'll soon find out who is right.

No matter, I'm excited to get a run at this site, I've been wanting to check it out for a while. I usually like to take weeks to look through a site, but I'm going to have to make an exception this time. Well, unless I decide an even thinner wallet is worth it.

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Visit Device Bondage

10. Device Bondage (0)

cerebral (Suspended) 03-19-08  10:15am
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Drop in price for a fun site.

You need to change the information on your listing for Device Bondage. Instead of the higher figure, the cost is now $29.95 per month. Also, as part of the Kink.com system, a 30% discount is available on the cost of a second subscription to another of their sites.
Overall, the site is very entertaining, with attractive models, interesting forms of restraints, and a growing backfile.

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Visit Fucking Machines

11. Fucking Machines (0)

exotics4me (0) 01-21-08  07:22am
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Just joined, D/L Limit is gone!

It is good to see that the kink.com sites have dropped their DL Limit, I have always liked the preview clips from this site, so far everything is working fine. I DL'd around 15 GB since Friday and no problems with the old 10 GB per month limit. Should have a review in a few weeks, just mainly wanted to confirm for the others that the DL Limit is gone! Great job kink.com

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Visit Device Bondage

12. Device Bondage (0)

nygiants03 (0) 12-11-07  11:24am
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A little overpriced?

This site is 55 dollars for a month. Yes 55 dollars!

The site looks really hot, with some never before devices being used on some very hot woman.

But, 55 dollars is the highest priced site for a month I have ever seen!

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