I've noticed this week the price of this site has been reduced to a bargain $7.87 per month or only $29.87 for a whole year so I couldn't resist signing up at that price. This is one of those sites that I've always quite fancied joining for years but never quite gotten around to it having been put off before by the higher price and lack of zip files.
Access now includes all the classic Phil Flash sites such as Dawn Avril, Next Door Nikki, Tiffany Teen and Teen Kasia to name a few. The good news is that the site has undergone an upgrade with a new design that now includes zip downloads for the photos, the bad news is that not quite all of the content has been incorporated into the new site yet. For Next Door Nikki and a couple of other sites you still have to access the old sites which have no zips for the images so I've been teaching myself again how to grab the images from Nikki's site using Down Them All which I've not used in over 4 years.
Most of the content is years old and not up to the resolution you would expect today although they do appear to be remastering some of the old stuff. There's an absolute mountain of stuff to get through so I can see my self sticking around 2 or 3 months at this price.
This is new - as of yesterday. If you join Phil Flash.com, you now get full membership to several other sites - Next Door Nikki, Princess Blueyez, Seanna Teen, Kendall Blaze, Taylor Twins AND all of Nikki's, Seanna's and Princess B's zip sets.
Even given that none of these sites except for Phil's is updating any longer, this is one HELL of a value - Phil's site had already included all of the content of Tiffany Teen, Bratty Brittany, Dream of Dani and other sites that didn't last very long.
Anybody that is into exploring the world of high-quality tease models would be insane not to jump on this deal for at least a month or two. I was thinking of joining the Taylor Twins recently, since I'm more hot for them all the time, so I am delighted!
I recently visited her myspace webpage and she just got married July 22nd. She also writes on July 24th:
" �*** IMPORTANT*** NextDoorNikki is no more......
Hey guys, im sorry to inform you that I will no longer be working for Phil Flash or be associated with the site NextDoorNikki.com. Some of you may already know the reason why, some may have just heard rumors as to why, and as much as I'd like to say what happened, at this point I cant. Since I will not be working for that site anymore, there will be no more pic updates, journals or webcam shows on nextdoornikki.com so there's no point for you to still be a paying member, besides the fact that the site will eventually be archived to Phil-Flash.com.� The point of this blog is to let you all know that i'm still not going anywhere :) it's not that easy to get rid of me even if I am pregnant, lol. I will be starting a new site soon called Nikki Sims and Mumblez and I started a new forum called Nikkis Forum since I wont be posting on NNBoards anymore. You can also find me on Cass's Forum (Previously known as Princess Blueyez)."
Well you read it, so this site will receive no more updates and we will just have to wait for her new website. Hopefully the new one will have some nudity ,possibly SEX!! But I doubt it as she said she would'nt on her "old site".
Currently the only pay options are:
39.95 for 40 days (trial) and 29.95 recurring every 30 days.
69.95 for 90 days then 64.95 recurring every 90 days
89.95 for 180 days then 54.95 recurring every 180 days.
This site is no longer one to just try out, your going to have to pay forty dollars at the least. Also the updates are coming very slow now since her pregnancy. Her last update was 7/18 and only 5 updates since 6/20.
I notice that nextdoornikki.com is part of Phil-flash media, does it come with that site. Nextdoornikki is not even reviewed by TBP, and it looks like a good site ( hott teen) other then the high 34.95 a month price it costs.
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