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Official Rules of the PornUsers.com Forum
Last Updated March 31st, 2010

Basic Rules

Users are responsible for their own posts. False claims, slander, defamation, etc. is never acceptable and any legal issues that derive from your posts will be completely your liability. Slander is not permitted and is grounds for immediate suspension.

Treat others with respect. The forum is intended to be a friendly and non-intimidating community. Users who consistently go against this and act disrespectful to others will be warned and possibly suspended.

Posting personal information will not be tolerated and result in an immediate suspension. Personal information could be address, phone number, social security #, etc. This also includes copying/pasting private conversations without permission. It's important to protect each other's privacy.

No threats or verbal attacks. Petty arguments are fine, but we recommend they be done in a professional manner. But stuff like racial/sexist comments and death threats (or any physical threat) will not be tolerated and most likely result in immediate suspension/ban.

No child porn (or anything illegal) links or discussions. If you need to report child porn, please do so at ASCAP.org. We don’t want any conversions about child pornography or pedo-related talk. This forum is intended for the discussion of porn web-sites with consenting models of legal age.

Multiple forum accounts are not permitted. You must use the same account as created at PornUsers.com to post on the forum. You have the ability to change you nick once if you need to. Our system uses many different variables in tracking users with multiple accounts.

Do not create multiple threads of the same or similar topic. Please keep posts related to the original topic or current discussion.

No discussions about undermining legitimate security features of the sites we list. This includes (but is not limited to) password sharing, back-door access, circumventing DRM and/or streaming video, etc.

Keep private account information questions/comments off the forum. Questions / Comments relating to your (or another’s) specific account should be directed via email (see our Contact Us page) rather than posted in the forum.

Intentionally disruptive behavior will not be allowed. PornUsers reserves the right to refuse/remove any post whenever we feel it is not in the overall best interest of our users and/or online community.

Linking Rules

Linking to other web-sites or forums is ok, spamming is not. Any intention to promote a web-site without any constructive reason is not permitted.

Links to free sites/content will be closely monitored. The spirit of the forum is for general porn site discussion and not meant to act as a means to trade links to free content. Such posts may be subject to removal and warnings will be issued to users who take it too far.

Image Rules

This is a new feature as of March 31, 2010. Images can be included in posts now using the Image+ icon above the message field. You will be prompted for the url of the image you wish to embed in your post. Please be responsible with hotlinking images and read the rules below.

Not intended for image trading purposes. Our forum is available as a useful resource for porn site consumers. It simply wouldn't function the same if threads were overtaken by endless image trading, most of which is illegal anyway. This doesn't mean you can't post images of hot babes, but it should be for reference purposes (see below).

What kind of images are not permitted? For 2257 (legal) purposes, we do not allow hardcore images of any kind. No penetration, oral sex, erect penis, torture, etc. If it can be seen on HBO, then it's probably ok. Posting illegal material such as child porn, scat, beastiality, will result in immediate suspension. Posting copyrighted photos is strongly discouraged and 100% at your own risk.

Examples of adult images for reference purposes:
-Posting about a new model discovery.
-Inquiring about the name of a specific model.
-What other sites a specific model can be found.
-Locating sites with similar content.
-Admiring the beauty of a specific photo/model.

Where can I upload images I want to post? Since we don't allow uploading images to our forum, you have to either hotlink the image already located on another server (be sure you have permission) or upload the image somewhere. There are many free image hosts online (try a google search). Make sure they allow hotlinking to forum threads.

Can I post non-adult images? Of course! Part of the reason we wanted to allow images was to add character and humor. There are sites like Funny Forum Pics that allow the hotlinking of their images within threads.

Is there a image posting limit? This will change from time to time. Right now, please don't post more than 2 images per post. We will adjust the limits as we go. Overall, we want to allow the free exchange of information, opinions, and entertainment while maintaining the original soul and spirit of our forum.

Webmaster Related

Webmasters have limited priveleges. The forum is built primarily for user discussions. Webmasters have the privelege to get involved in user-related discussions in a productive manner, not promotional. Webmasters can learn a lot from users, and vice-versa.

Webmaster post limit. There may be a limit to the number of new threads and posts that can be made by webmasters. This is built to automatically keep control of the forum to the users. The limits should be reasonable.

Webmaster cannot post links to their own sites (board will auto-link site titles) unless it’s to links at their site pages at TBP or PU. Webmasters cannot post contests or make site-related announcements. Self promotion is not what our forum is for. The only exception is a link in the SIG, but we still recommend linking to the TBP or PU site page(s).

Webmasters are not permitted to offer free passwords in exchange for user reviews. This applies to any communication originating at PornUsers.com, not just the forum. It’s important that the site reviews at PornUsers.com are based on the standard site sign-up process.

Avatar Rules

-Acceptable file format is .gif, .jpg or .png. Max file size is 15k.
-Dimensions must be a mininum of 50x50 pixels and max of 100x100.
-No hardcore material (boobs ok, genitals not), no child porn, bestiality, and other illegal material.
-No animated avatars, they're too distracting.
-Copyrighted material may be removed if requested by the copyright holder.

Forum FAQ's

Do I need to create 2nd account for the forum?
Nope! Your current PornUsers.com account it already integrated into the new forum. If you don't have an account yet, you can create a new account anytime. You'll need an account to post a thread or reply.

Are there any forum rules I should be aware of?
Definitely. The rules are important to keep the forum civil and on track. You can view the current list of rules here and a link is always available at the bottom of the Forum Home.

How do I post a new thread?
Press the Orange button labeled "+ Add Thread" from Forum Home. You must be logged in to post or create a new thread.

How do I add a reply to a thread?
Use the "Reply to Message" link at the bottom of the message or use the "Quick Reply" feature at the bottom of the page when viewing a thread.

When should I use the "Reply w/Quote" feature?
This feature allows for easy quote-backs of the message you're replying to. Typically, quoting the entire message you're replying to isn't necessary for every reply you post. One generally uses a quote-back when you want there to be no confusion as to what remarks you're responding to.

Can I include images in a post?
As of March 31, 2010, we allow images to be hotlinked within a post (much like other forums). All copyright laws apply and be very responsible when hotlinking images from other servers. No hardcore or illegal content. More information can be found in the Image Rules section of our forum rules.

The time-stamp for my posts seems incorrect. How can I fix it?
By using the Green button labeled "Edit Profile" from the Forum Home (or the "Edit Profile" link at the top of the page) you can set the system to use your local time zone.

What is the "My Threads" feature?
When logged in, there's an icon above the thread list at Forum Home called "My Threads". This icon will display any threads you've saved. To bookmark a thread to this list, simply click "Add to My Threads" which is an option below the initial post while viewing any thread. There's an option in your Edit Profile to e-mail you when new posts are made to any of your saved threads as well. You can also remove threads from the list at anytime.

How do I upload my Avatar?
You can instantly upload your own personalized avatar from your Edit Profile page.

Why is the Avatar I just uploaded not showing?
If you have not confirmed your email address (for your PornUsers acct) then your Avatar will not show until it has been approved by a staff member. This will generally take less than 12 hours. This applies to anyone who's PornUsers.com account is still in a "Pending" status.

My Avatar was showing but now it's gone, why?
For users with active PornUsers accounts, we allow your Avatar to display as soon as you upload it while it's awaiting final approval. If upon staff review, it was found that your Avatar did NOT meet the guidelines (see forum rules) then it is removed (from public display, it'll still show in your Edit Profile area). You should receive an email as to why if your Avatar has been declined.

Another possibility is that you used a copyrighted image for your Avatar and we've received a requests from the copyright holder to remove it. For example, some companies are very protective of how their cartoon characters are used and will not permit their use for anything remotely related to adult.

Can I earn extra raffle tickets ($200 Tuesdays) by posting in the forum?
Not at this time. The forum currently is not integrated into our weekly raffle. This is definitely something we've considered and may add such benefits in the future.

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We are strong supporters of RTA and ICRA, two of the most recognized self labeling organizations. Our site is properly labeled to assist in the protection of minors accessing inappopriate content. For information about filtering tools, check this site.


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