Porn Users Forum » Porn Addiction |
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01-10-09 05:34am - 5906 days | Original Post - #1 | |
picdude (0)
Active User Posts: 107 Registered: Dec 26, '08 Location: Italy |
Porn Addiction Read an interesting article in Elle where a womans boyfriend has sex addiction. Made me think; according to the Feb2009 issue of GQ, porn surfing activities have increased and will continue to increase DURING the recession (Like how gambling actually increasing during these times), thus more people will spend more time looking at porn. Do you think porn addiction is a problem? Are you worried about it? Would you get help if you think you had it? | |
01-10-09 07:05am - 5906 days | #2 | |
atrapat (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 182 Registered: Apr 19, '08 Location: Non-USA |
The topic of porn addiction has appeared several times in the forum in the past. A search for "addiction" will get you additional threads. Also, there's a link at the bottom of every pornusers page to a Pornography Addiction Recovery site. There's something to be said for that. Edited on Jan 10, 2009, 08:53am (atrapat: typo) | |
01-10-09 07:20am - 5906 days | #3 | |
Khan (0)
Suspended ![]() Posts: 1,737 Registered: Jan 05, '07 Location: USA |
This subject was also touched on in a past poll question: Do you ever feel like you're becoming a "porn-junkie" - can't stop joining new sites? ... if you care to see how your fellow users felt. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator Now at: MyPorn.com "To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson | |
01-10-09 08:54am - 5906 days | #4 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
The term "addiction" seems so grossly overused these days. It's like the government can't actually just solve a problem, they have to declare a "war" on it. Using both addiction and war in such a way trivializes the real examples of both. I'm not a physician but to be a true addiction doesn't there have to be some physical changes in reaction to the substance? For coffee drinkers, try going a day without your fix. That headache is a sign of an addiction in the true sense of the word. Someone might have a dependancy on porn, or maybe they just like the fantasy of it. My fear is that labelling it as an addiction will bring out the do-gooders who will try to cure us all. Then all the time we used to spend viewing porn we can do something useful, like sitting in church. | |
01-10-09 10:42am - 5906 days | #5 | |
Drooler (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 1,831 Registered: Mar 11, '07 Location: USA |
Addiction and its near twin, obsession, are very common to the human psyche. People can become addicted to and/or obsessed about just about anything. But how could the strivers of this world overcome enornous challenges without an unflinching drive, singularity of purpose, and a total disbelief in "can't?" We either admire them or disparage them depending on what they've done, and there are terms both positive and negative to characterize them. I think that the do-gooders that you mention have their own obsessions/addictions to ideas. In other words, it's something that no one with a lot of drive toward a particular purpose or aim can avoid. But you're right. The word "addiction" has a lot of power. If person A can hang the "addiction" sign on person B, that's one-upmanship effectively accomplished with a single term. We saw some of that happening in the thread that Khan linked us to above. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Jan 10, 2009, 10:51am | |
01-11-09 08:34pm - 5904 days | #6 | |
Goldfish (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 265 Registered: Jan 19, '08 Location: Boston, MA |
I agree, especially where "porn addiction" is concerned. There may be true porn addiction in our society but more than not I think it is used by individuals or organizations as a way to condemn porn use. I've met more than one woman who has accused her boyfriend or husband of being addicted to porn -- they never just use it. My last ex girlfriend saw me with porn once (as in one time) and addiction was brought up in the conversation that followed. I find woman like this usually need to find something wrong with the porn because the women in the porn movies make them feel bad about their bodies. I guess their solution is to displace their insecurities on the guy using it! | |
01-11-09 09:11pm - 5904 days | #7 | |
WeeWillyWinky (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 243 Registered: Jun 03, '07 Location: Havasu City, AZ USA |
Addiction and obsession are both terms which are growing thinner and thinner by over-use and mis-use. Adding the "aholic" suffix to just about any activity, like shopaholic, for example, or workaholic, trivializes the seriousness of what is for some a very real and often life-threatening problem. A friend with whom I had a falling out read a few unflattering blog entries I made about him and emailed me to tell me I had an obsession, and that obsessions were unhealthy. I'm sure this made him feel better about being a complete asshole to me and others. Edited to add: I see that rearadmiral made this point already, prior to my post. You know what I hate the most about selfish people? It's that they don't think enough about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Edited on Jan 11, 2009, 09:18pm | |
01-11-09 10:23pm - 5904 days | #8 | |
WeeWillyWinky (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 243 Registered: Jun 03, '07 Location: Havasu City, AZ USA |
And so did Drooler. Willy must read threads more thoroughly. You know what I hate the most about selfish people? It's that they don't think enough about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! | |
01-12-09 03:21pm - 5903 days | #9 | |
turboshaft (0)
Active User Posts: 1,958 Registered: Apr 01, '08 |
I think the addiction label (including porn) is one of those things that tells you more about the accuser than the accused. Do people really care about the ones they so seriously, and so quickly, condemn? Or, are they just trying to further their own personal agenda? Sadly, it is often the latter, as rearadmiral and Drooler mentioned above. I am not a fan of, say, people who use drugs (whether or not they are "addicted"), but I am not about to instantly damn them for something I know little about, especially when I don't understand the circumstances/choices/etc. of their lives. (Maybe it's not the drugs that were the source of the problem, but whatever it was that led people to the drugs in the first place.) We all want to accuse a group, or someone, of one thing or another, but are we willing to do anything to actually help them? "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove | |
01-29-09 01:56am - 5887 days | #10 | |
ramscrota (0)
Suspended ![]() Posts: 54 Registered: Jul 04, '07 Location: Geelong Vic Australia |
Interesting on the most recent survey that more than half the respondants indicated they felt they were porn addicts, and they didn't care! That's the spirit! | |
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