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Porn Users Forum » Do you ever find yourself ‘fixated’ on a model who’s not to your usual tastes?
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09-03-12  05:36pm - 4573 days Original Post - #1
rearadmiral (0)
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Just curious… I’m a member at several Kink.com sites and am currently fascinated by Asphyxia Noir. Admittedly, since she’s young and petite liking her isn’t straying too far for me, but I’ve never really been into the Goth thing and she does have tattoos –even on her face, which would normally be a deal-breaker for me. But here I am madly trying to find more of her. I’ve had some success, but she doesn’t have many titles to her credit. Unfortunately, she’s not listed at indexxx either so that’s no help.

Anyway, have you ever stepped – even just a little – outside your comfort zone?

09-03-12  06:00pm - 4573 days #2
Toadsith (0)
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In regards to women "comfort zone" is rather expansive, so outside of my comfort zone would basically be male, and yes - I've stepped out of my comfort zone. I like athleticism and performance in both men and women, so I've collected a few videos more for the male performers than the female.

I haven't actually searched for homoerotic material of male stars, but I've downloaded some scenes of female stars I wasn't hugely attracted to but instead for the male talent starring. Johnny Sins and James Dean come to mind. Also that ripped model like black dude that is in all of the Eastern European porn these days. No idea what his name is though. Here's a photo. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-03-12  06:25pm - 4573 days #3
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Toadsith:

Also that ripped model like black dude that is in all of the Eastern European porn these days. No idea what his name is though. Here's a photo.

I also don't know his name but I think that he often stars in a few of the sites owned byt the wtf pass.

http://wtfpass.com/?nats=ODUuMi40LjUuMC4...itched=1&strack= Long live the Brown Coats.

09-03-12  06:31pm - 4573 days #4
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

Just curious� I�m a member at several Kink.com sites and am currently fascinated by Asphyxia Noir.

I'm also not big on girls with multiple tattoos but I can overlook them on Asphyxia. I believe she quit the porn industry so finding new stuff may be a little hard. I know she has 9 videos at burning angel and I'm sure you are already aware of all the stuff she did for Kink.


I think Joanna Angel is the type of model that I would not normally ber attracted to nor would i want to see her have sex but eventhough she is loaded with tattoos all over her body. I still find her hot. Mind you it could be the fact that she does some really hot scenes. Long live the Brown Coats.

09-03-12  07:22pm - 4572 days #5
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

I also don't know his name but I think that he often stars in a few of the sites owned byt the wtf pass.


Now he's even showing up on 21Sextury - and still, no name. Eastern European porn just doesn't take any interest in identifying their male talent. It is weird. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-04-12  09:08am - 4572 days #6
Capn (0)
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To answer the OP, no I don't.
Whilst I do have favourites, it is just models I enjoy looking at.
It is nothing approaching a fixation.

Cap'n. Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
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( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
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09-04-12  12:41pm - 4572 days #7
messmer (0)
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^ What the Capn said!

09-04-12  05:22pm - 4572 days #8
Claypaws (0)
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Like Cap'n, I cannot say I have ever been fixated. Sometimes, I am pleasantly surprised by a model who does not fit my usual preferences. Dominno is one (lots of tattoos but what a face!) and Christy Marks (not my usual body type but facial expressions do it again and I even had a month on her single model site).

09-04-12  05:23pm - 4572 days #9
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:


I think Joanna Angel is the type of model that I would not normally ber attracted to nor would i want to see her have sex but eventhough she is loaded with tattoos all over her body. I still find her hot. Mind you it could be the fact that she does some really hot scenes.

Jesus, pat! I wasn't aware of Burning Angel and though I'm not normally attracted to women with lots of tattoos and piercings I find that site pretty interesting. I think I might add that to the list.

I like Joanna Angel too, but not as much as Asphyxia. I think it might be that in the scenes I've seen with Joanna she's agressive while what I've seen with Asphyxia she's shy, demure and submissive. But I'll admit that most of what I've seen Asphyxia in is mostly Kink stuff so that would skew the results.

The only thing I really dislike about Asphyxia is that I have to thing hard about spelling her name correctly!

09-04-12  06:14pm - 4572 days #10
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Toadsith:

Now he's even showing up on 21Sextury - and still, no name. Eastern European porn just doesn't take any interest in identifying their male talent. It is weird.

I think the reason why he's showing up on 21sextury is because of something that I discovered on another forum. I always thought that 21sextury shot their own stuff but they actually buy a lot of their stuff from the company that is now selling their stuff to 21sextury since wtf pass isn't really updating all that often. Long live the Brown Coats.

09-04-12  06:35pm - 4572 days #11
Cybertoad (0)
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I think basic human instincts are embedded in our phyiscal make up.

What I mean is and I am sure you guys all know each person whether straight, Gay or Bi has that look certain hair color and facial features that atract us even if we are not with a person of the exact match they have some of those traits usually. I happen to love dark hair, Jet black when I find it is a great turn on. Which is why African American women are of a fancy as well. But I would not join a site specific to that niche.
I guess a persons taste is what it boils down to it, and may often push other into cheating with a person they do not find attractive in any way other then these feature. I study found that many men ( most ) had affairs with people they really didn't like, but drove them nuts to want to be with sexually. I think the area that makes us tip over in other areas Porn related have to do with such instinct to mate with what we desire, and desire may have nothing to do with long term or liking a person. Since 2007

09-04-12  09:23pm - 4571 days #12
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

I think the reason why he's showing up on 21sextury is because of something that I discovered on another forum. I always thought that 21sextury shot their own stuff but they actually buy a lot of their stuff from the company that is now selling their stuff to 21sextury since wtf pass isn't really updating all that often.

Interesting! That explains how the site is able to update so often. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-06-12  01:57am - 4570 days #13
Drooler (0)
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Every once in a while, I get a temporary fixation on a porn model who's something of a "funny valentine," be it because of chubbiness, saggy deflated-airbag tits, crooked (or missing) teeth, or weird birthmarks.

And why? There's just something about the girl that intrigues me. And she's got an inviting ass.

I won't mention any names. See? I'm a nice guy ... I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

09-06-12  12:42pm - 4570 days #14
bibo (0)

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Happens rarely, but it does happen.

I'm not a big fan of asian girls, but at some point, I got totally hookey by London Keyes. Other way round: I used to collect every Sara Stone vid, but eventually I changed my mind and CBA anymore.

09-06-12  12:58pm - 4570 days #15
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by Drooler:

And why? There's just something about the girl that intrigues me. And she's got an inviting ass.

Drooler you crack me up, even if your statement is what we are all thinking Since 2007

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