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02-13-14  05:30am - 4039 days Original Post - #1
MrLewdy (0)
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Condom Use in Jynx Maze February Scene on Brazzers

So I was looking at the upcoming updates on Brazzers and they're using a condom in it.

I'm wondering why all of he sudden Brazzers decided to use the condom in one of their scenes?

I know there can be a lot of reasons but I'm just curious as to why in that scene specifically and from Brazzers where condoms are very rare.

I thought maybe this is due to one the following reasons:

- temporary safety measures because of the HIV case back in december (Another HIV peformer) but if that was the case, then why aren't they using condoms in every scene they shot since then... or perhaps the condom-free scenes released between the HIV case and Jynx Maze upcoming scene have been shot BEFORE the HIV case

- Jynx Maze or the male actor aren't safe for condom-free sex

Anyone has an idea why the sudden use of condom in THAT scene from Brazzers?

Oh and between, I'm posting this thread/question not because I'm pissed at condoms in porn (although I have to admit I HIGHLY prefer it natural and raw but I understand that it may be necessary sometimes to protect performers) but because I'm simply curious and want to know!

02-13-14  08:55am - 4039 days #2
jberryl69 (0)
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because LA passed an ordinance making it mandatory? If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

02-13-14  09:43am - 4039 days #3
pat362 (0)
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^I don't know how much of what I'm writing is information that you already know so if it is then hopefully it will be useful for others.

*There was a law past in California not that long ago that requires that a condom be used when there is vaginal and/or anal penetration for any scene shot in the State. A bunch of porn people tried to have the law thrown out but they lost their case so the law is now confirmed.

*Many porn studios thought that it would be really hard to enforce the law because OSHA would need so many inspectors that it would make it too costly for them to do it but they were wrong. OSHA doesn't need that many inspectors because all they have to do is choose any studio and look their most recent releases and if there are no condoms then they contact the studio and ask them why there weren't any in the scene. if the studio says that it wasn't shot in CA then all OSHA has to do is ask for the filming permit for where the scene was shot. If the studio says that they didn't get a permit then OSHA has them guilty on two fronts. No condom and no permit.

*People said that porn would go underground or shoot out of State and since Las Vegas is one of the closest location to LA then it made sense that some would go that route. On the surface that makes sense but porn is only legal in two States and Nevada is not one of them so openly shooting porn in that State is just asking for trouble. Las Vegas be called Sin City but that doesn't mean that they want porn to move their business there. Case in point the porn studio Naughty America who let go all of their CA staff and moved their production to Vegas. They got busted by Vegas PD and to make things worse. There was a fire at one of their filming locations the day after they had shot some stuff. They have since then moved back to CA.

*Another gigantic problem as to why shooting in Nevada is not a good idea. The bulk of the performers, directors, and everyone else involved in porn live in and around LA. These people are not moving to Nevada no matter what the studios say and it's at least a 3 hour drive to get to Las Vegas from Los Angeles. Seeing as a your average porn scene requires many hours to shoot then a studios would probably need to find living quarters for a bunch of people as well as catering some food for these people. Those are all extra cost that they would not need to pay for in CA.

*We finally get to my last point. Did you hear how Kink was fined 78,000$ for the Cameron Bay scene? They are trying to appeal it but they will lose and worse there are more fines coming so expect them to start shooting all their scene with condoms or go out of business from all the fines. It's not like they can play the pretend to shoot of State card because they advertised on their site that they only shoot in their San Francisco location.

Based on everything that I wrote then it could be that Brazzer is finally starting to shoot condom porn. It's only a question of time before CA based studios all have to do that. Long live the Brown Coats.

02-13-14  12:13pm - 4039 days #4
jberryl69 (0)
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Maybe everyone will start making oral only movies. If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

02-13-14  12:43pm - 4039 days #5
MrLewdy (0)
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So that law finally passed... didn't know about that!

Well... I'm all for safe sex and performers health but I'm so disappointed! Condoms are a turn off for me and I can't seem to get used to it (in porn I mean).

02-13-14  06:15pm - 4038 days #6
pat362 (0)
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^That is too bad because it limits you in what you can enjoy. A condom as never been an issue for me and knowing what I do then I prefer seeing them than not. Long live the Brown Coats.

02-14-14  12:34am - 4038 days #7
PinkPanther (0)
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I hadn't followed that whole Naughty America situation - yipes, what a mess!

I agree with the "who cares" in regard to condom use in adult films. If performers are safer, that's a good thing. I don't get the attitude of "I really find this babe hot so I want to see her have the most unsafe sex possible."

02-14-14  01:05am - 4038 days #8
turboshaft (0)
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Is there another, if highly unlikely, possibility that one or both of the performers requested a condom? I'm also putting this theory out there as something that is separate from "safe for condom-free sex," just a personal preference on the part of performers, maybe as part of a recent industry scare.

You can only dodge bullets so long before you get hit. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

02-14-14  07:08am - 4038 days #9
jberryl69 (0)
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It's such a stupid law though. Oral sex poses the same health risks as intercourse or anal. One might haggle over the amount of risk, but that's just horse crap. The clowns in the California legislature would probably make condom use mandatory for everyone (civilians) if they could ... or is it their left-handed attempt to squash the porn industry altogether?

But then, if they forced the industry to go all oral (no condoms for rimming I see) I'd be the last to complain. If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

02-14-14  08:35am - 4038 days #10
pat362 (0)
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^I couldn't disagree with you more. You can believe that the Government wanted to get involved but the reality is far different. Most people tend to think that this story started in 2004 when Darren James was diagnosed with HIV and is believed to have infected not one or two but three different women. It's true that this is the catalyst for what is happening today but the story really begins 6 years earlier when it was revealed that Marc Wallice a veteran performer of more than 15 years in the industry had been using a fake test for about 2 years because he had HIV but didn't want to stop working. To make things worse he is responsible for infecting five women in the industry. Don't you think some of these would have loved to have had a condom in their scene?

After the Darren incident. Osha went to the industry to see if there was something they could do to prevent these recurring problems. We are talking 2004 and in a decade. The only thing that the industry managed to do is write a workplace procedure book that no one has ever used and we have since then had 2 other HIV incidents, at least one HEP C case and a veteran performer working with a fake test all the while knowing that he is infected with syphilis.

If anyone is to blame then point your finger at every porn producer that has chosen to shoot porn bareback when they know that condoms don't affect sales. You may disagree but Vivid and Wicked are two studios that have had no problem selling their movies and both until recently were condom only studios. Wicked still is but Vivid is no longer.

I'd also like to add that you are incorrect in regards to the level of danger for oral sex VS penetration sex. By no means is oral sex safe if you don't know the sexual history of your partner or worse disregard it but the danger is significantly lower for oral sex than vaginal and it's even less so than anal sex. By far the most dangerous thing in porn is an anal creampie. This is believed to have been what infected most porn performers. Long live the Brown Coats.

02-14-14  11:43am - 4038 days #11
Parsnip (0)
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Hear hear, absolutely right from start to finish. Particularly about the anal cream pie - the vagina has evolved to accept other people's fluids and is quite good a fighting off infection, the anus hasn't. If the male has anything, the girl is practically guaranteed to be infected. Mind you, I doubt whether those who are primarily interested in watching girl's asses getting ripped to bits would give too much of a damn.

02-14-14  01:37pm - 4038 days #12
Drooler (0)
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What if they just used fake ejaculate for everything? You know, cream pies (anal and otherwise) and facials. That wouldn't reduce risk to 100%, but neither does condom use. Ever had one of those "Mr. Johnson does a Harry Houdini" experiences? The more you fuck, the greater the risk of that, too. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

02-15-14  08:07am - 4037 days #13
MrLewdy (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

^That is too bad because it limits you in what you can enjoy. A condom as never been an issue for me and knowing what I do then I prefer seeing them than not.

You're right, it limits my enjoyment because there are some good websites I'd like to join like Explicit Art but they use condoms in every scene.

I'm all for performers safety but condoms are always going to be a turn off for me no matter what and I tried enjoying them as much as I enjoy their absence but I just can't!

Why? I don't know... To me, penetration through a condom is not a real penetration. To each his own tastes and preferences I guess...

In order to keep shooting condom-free porn the best solution would be to test all performers before each scene with a super advanced and precise all-in-one test that detects everything instantly. But we all know a lot of diseases can't be detected days, weeks even months before their infection.

02-15-14  06:52pm - 4036 days #14
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Drooler:

What if they just used fake ejaculate for everything? You know, cream pies (anal and otherwise) and facials. That wouldn't reduce risk to 100%,

If you watch Eastern European porn than there is a very good chance that you have seen some of that fake cum coming out of the girls ass. They aren't the only ones doing that but they are one of the first. The problem remains that if you have a penis whose owner just happens to have an STD and he's pile driving in that girls ass all the while not wearing a condom then she will likely get infected. The infection is usually because there was fluid transfer and penises generate lubricating fluids that aren't semen so you don't have to wait until the cum shot to get the infection.

A condom is the only possible solution to reduce STD's. It's not 100% but that's because humans are involved in the equation and we are naturally flawed. At some point you either consider condom porn or you start to watch the thousands of movies that have bareback sex in them. Long live the Brown Coats.

02-15-14  07:06pm - 4036 days #15
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by MrLewdy:

You're right, it limits my enjoyment because there are some good websites I'd like to join like Explicit Art but they use condoms in every scene.

That site is French and you will not see penetration without a condom. The only exception that I'm aware of was between two people that wee amateurs and I think married

Originally Posted by MrLewdy:

I'm all for performers safety but condoms are always going to be a turn off for me

You can't have it both ways and frankly you shouldn't. Your enjoyment of bareback porn should not come at someone else's health risk. Especially one that in all likelihood doesn't understand all the dangers involved.

Originally Posted by MrLewdy:

Why? I don't know... To me, penetration through a condom is not a real penetration.

I can't help you with that one because it makes no sense. That's like saying that it's not really eating if you don't really enjoy the food.

Originally Posted by MrLewdy:

In order to keep shooting condom-free porn the best solution would be to test all performers before each scene with a super advanced and precise

Not possible with current technology and even if it was. which company would have an on-site trained technician administering the test? These people are cheap beyond cheap and there is no way they would pay for that kind of service. I don't know if you realise but one of the main reasons why more companies don't use condoms is that they would have to buy them for the performers and that becomes a too expensive expense. Long live the Brown Coats.

02-15-14  10:32pm - 4036 days #16
graymane (0)

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I may be wrong, but I recall early on during a spike in HIV infections that labs stepped up their efforts to get at the root of how this deadly virus spreads.
To my knowledge, in addition to what was already known concerning body fluids being the culprits, it was narrowed down to blood as being the major candidate.
That would mean a mare abrasion or slight scratch from an HIV positive member that came in contact with body tissue of his/her partner would be at serious risk.
This likely could be said why anal sex, because of the tight surrounding of the anal channel, where but a thin wall of sensitive tissue separates a powerful network of vascular activity, which for all practical purposes, however minor, can be slightly breached from any number of action producing aggressive friction.
This created such a scare, even news came out that barbers discontinued shaving the necks of customers, for fear a previous one might've been nixed who was infected.

Of course, this would touch on all forms of sexual activity if one carries this theory to the max. .

BTW ..............we put men on the moon, for crying out loud. What would be so hard about hiding the sight, or providing cover of a condom being shot on camera?

02-16-14  02:23am - 4036 days #17
Parsnip (0)
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Trouble is, we can't put men on the moon any more!

02-16-14  09:55am - 4036 days #18
jberryl69 (0)
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Pat says, "... it's not really eating if you don't really enjoy the food." which actually does make sense to me.

Some people live to eat while others eat to live. I tend to relate to the former and my bil practices the latter. The live to eat means it's got to taste good (doesn't mean quantity). Eating to live wouldn't particularly matter what it taste like, in fact, it could be through a tube.

***Disclaimer*** Of course my observation is general and not applicable in every case. If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

02-16-14  11:50am - 4036 days #19
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by graymane:

BTW ..............we put men on the moon, for crying out loud. What would be so hard about hiding the sight, or providing cover of a condom being shot on camera?

It's both possible and already happening. I read on ADT that a gay studio has started to remove condom from some of their scenes through some type of photoshopping. I don't expect to see this become common practice on the hetero side of the industry because it must be very expensive to do that and I've already said that porn producers are by nature cheap. Long live the Brown Coats.

02-16-14  12:48pm - 4036 days #20
MrLewdy (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

I can't help you with that one because it makes no sense. That's like saying that it's not really eating if you don't really enjoy the food.

Ok well let me try to explain you how I feel about condoms with another comparison:

It's like kissing a girl with a saran wrap between both of your mouths.

Now, like I said before, it's a taste, a preference and I can't ignore the condom in a scene. It's there and it annoys me somehow no matter what.

It's so unfortunate we can't have condom-free sex anymore (in porn and with strangers) because feeling the inside of a girl and for her to feel the outside of a guy is something no condoms can't simulate no matter how thin they can be.

02-16-14  01:44pm - 4036 days #21
thirstyfish (0)
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This is a very good discussion.

For the record: I dislike condom porn and avoid watching it when possible.

What keeps coming to mind is the metaphor of the silver bullet. Whether one talks about slaying werewolves, revolutionizing software engineering, or creating safe workplaces: there are no silver bullets. (Granted - sometimes it kind of works in the monster movies but there's always some poor character who gets bitten *just before* the nasty werewolf is wiped out).

There are a lot of silver bullet laws that seemed like good ideas at the time; chock full of 'pro bono' vis-à-vis the children, travelers, consumers, workers, etc. - which too often led to that uncanny sea of unintended
consequences. It's really difficult (if not impossible) to legislate behavior.

The 'condoms for vaginal/anal penetration' regulations in California could be just the beginning of the slide. As companies move production shoots to other states to avoid the regs, other state/OSHAs -in response- may enact regulations similar to California's And if the slope gets a bit more slippery (pun intended), additional regs may address OPIMs.

While the Cal/OSHA condom regs are ostensibly about protecting the health and safety of porn workers (and, in fact, the regs may do just that), I have the suspicion they are also about regulating California-made porn out of existence. That, and governments rarely pass up an opportunity to make themselves larger and more pervasive.

We live in interesting times. Porn happens because a large number of things amazingly fail to go wrong.

02-16-14  01:48pm - 4036 days #22
graymane (0)

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Originally Posted by MrLewdy:

It's like kissing a girl with a saran wrap between both of your mouths.

Then there's the phase: "like taking a shower in one's raincoat" ...... Edited on Feb 16, 2014, 01:52pm

02-16-14  01:54pm - 4036 days #23
graymane (0)

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Originally Posted by MrLewdy:

Now, like I said before, it's a taste, a preference and I can't ignore the condom in a scene. It's there and it annoys me somehow no matter what.

Gotta give you an "amen" on that one, Mr.Lewdy ....
even at the painful expense of a rebuttal touching the view of an esteemed-Porn User-favorite ...... Pat362 Edited by Staff on Feb 16, 2014, 02:48pm (Khan: fixed quoteback)

02-16-14  02:38pm - 4036 days #24
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by MrLewdy:

In order to keep shooting condom-free porn the best solution would be to test all performers before each scene with a super advanced and precise all-in-one test that detects everything instantly.

Originally Posted by pat362:

Not possible with current technology and even if it was. which company would have an on-site trained technician administering the test? These people are cheap beyond cheap and there is no way they would pay for that kind of service. I don't know if you realise but one of the main reasons why more companies don't use condoms is that they would have to buy them for the performers and that becomes a too expensive expense.

I think condoms aren't used mostly because it's impractical (at least cheaply and quickly) to take them out in post if they are used, thus it's a risk to whoever the presumed paying consumer will be. Condoms bought in bulk are cheap and still safe, comparative to the price of buying bottled water by the case, at least if purchased beforehand.

Not that I've ever really had the need for condoms by the case (I'm not in charge of the Olympics after all) but they are quite easy to find online. And an extra $40-$50 per shoot should not be a deal breaker, particularly for something that a performer could always request, however rarely that might happen. Some sites do regularly use them for toys so they aren't prohibitively expensive. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

02-16-14  03:07pm - 4036 days #25
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by graymane:

To my knowledge, in addition to what was already known concerning body fluids being the culprits, it was narrowed down to blood as being the major candidate.
That would mean a mare abrasion or slight scratch from an HIV positive member that came in contact with body tissue of his/her partner would be at serious risk.
This created such a scare, even news came out that barbers discontinued shaving the necks of customers, for fear a previous one might've been nixed who was infected.

More ignorance to give people another excuse to discriminate, arguably the reason early AIDS research was relatively slow and underfunded in the U.S., as it was originally thought to be a "gay disease" or a "gay cancer" (because of a sarcoma many patients developed). Considering it was so new and little was known about it this is a chilling reflection of how indifferent and heartless a government can be if prejudices get in the way. And biologically speaking, it makes no sense how a disease or virus could somehow determine sexual orientation before infecting a host.

AIDS doesn't survive long outside the body, especially at room temperature, and it would be worrisome if barbers weren't already using Barbicide. Further ignorance about kissing, toilet seats, and handshakes doesn't help either, and was one of many reasons to actually study and understand the virus as much as possible when it first started to appear. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

02-16-14  08:56pm - 4035 days #26
MrLewdy (0)
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Interesting discussion we got ourselves in guys! I'd like to thank you all for your words of wisdom!

Bottom is this damn HIV/AIDS thing sucks! STDs have been there for a long time but this one really sucks! It doesn't forgive, it sticks to his host and finally kills it. Yeah sure there's medication one can take, if he can afford it, to extend his life and improve the quality of it but still... it sucks.

No matter where it came from and all the conspiracy theories around it, we're stuck with this disease. No more we can't freely enjoy probably the best thing on earth which is sex!

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