Porn Users Forum » EXPOSURE OF FOLLOW-UP |
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04-12-08 08:48am - 6178 days | Original Post - #1 | |
Denner (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 1,217 Registered: Mar 03, '07 Location: Denmark |
EXPOSURE OF FOLLOW-UP I think we need a better exposure when fellow PUs make a: Follow-Up for reviews! We're getting a heck of a lot new reviews lately - and, by all means, thats great with a lot of new PUs - the more the merrier. But we are at a point were a lot of us long-time PUs have older reviews. You cannot make a new one - so, we do Follow-Ups..sometimes/once in a while. But I never see those Follow-Ups, unless I search a specific site. So I'll not realize if this and this site has improved..at PU. It could be great if those F-U's were better exposed, exampel: jd1961 or the old Drooler once did a fine review with hard critisism of a certain site - maybe back in early 2007. Now one of these guys join again and find a LOT better content - or visa versa. That could be usefull info. So: Let's get FOLLOW-UPs at the main-site.... "I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle" Edited on Apr 12, 2008, 08:51am | |
04-12-08 12:32pm - 6178 days | #2 | |
littlejoe (0)
Active User Posts: 49 Registered: Jan 25, '07 Location: earth |
yeah, just bump the review to the top of a list | |
04-12-08 01:49pm - 6178 days | #3 | |
malikstarks (0)
Active User Posts: 108 Registered: Nov 19, '07 Location: Florida |
I THINK FOLLOW UP REVIEWS SHOULD: 1. Allow the user to completely replace and erase the old review. The main reason for this is that most PU's have a somewhat narrow interest- some guys have an obsession with big breasts others with petite 18 year olds. For many, this creates a situation where after a certain amount of reviews they run low on sites of interest to them. However these are still valuable users, as they will stay committed to their favorite sites and provide needed update reviews for the rest of us(while still earning points). Obviously right now you can post a comment, but this does not earn points . * There should however be some limits placed on this: such as you would need to wait about 4-6 months before doing a follow up -whereas now you can do one basically after 30 days. Obviously most sites won't change that fundamentally in such short time. 2. Also, users with higher rank should have their reviews given more authority or weighted more heavily in the overall score average. The reasons for this are: First, more experience should translate to more accurate reviews. I personally would now change slightly some of my reviews after having seen more sites. This adds another layer of competitivenesses to the points system: If you are a new user that wants your review to have more say (particularly regarding your favorite site)-you would need to get out there and earn more points. Edited on Apr 12, 2008, 06:08pm | |
04-12-08 01:55pm - 6178 days | #4 | |
jd1961 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 296 Registered: Jun 07, '07 |
| |
04-12-08 01:57pm - 6178 days | #5 | |
jd1961 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 296 Registered: Jun 07, '07 |
I don't think that's possible. | |
04-12-08 04:57pm - 6178 days | #6 | |
Toadsith (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 936 Registered: Dec 07, '07 Location: USA |
Perhaps instead of putting the Follow-Up Reviews in the New Reviews category, Follow-Up Reviews could have their own front page list. It could be short and sweet, list only the 5 latest and not show the latest follow-up in full. This would save on space, but still get the follow-ups some attention. For the most part, I don't think the follow-ups need a huge amount of attention in their current format because people tend to just write a short paragraph. If I recall correctly, you are only allowed 1000 characters and of course no pluses or minuses. For me the pluses and minuses free up a lot of space for opinion and all that on a full review - so that is a potential of 2000 characters lost when you try to tackle the follow-up. That makes the task a bit more daunting. I'm not entirely clear on the reason why we can't modify the Pros and Cons - if site specifications change in the time period between the review and the follow up, I have to waste a few of my precious characters stating the new specs. Perhaps it is designed to limit the amount of data that the Admins have to approve, I'm not sure. I know the follow-up has to be approved by them, just like a normal review - but it is smaller for sure. At any rate - in their current format, I think Follow-Ups should probably stay in relative obscurity. If there is any mention on the front page, it should probably be below the Latest Threads section. If the Follow Up format is changed - well that would a different matter, now wouldn't it? "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!" Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo | |
04-12-08 05:04pm - 6178 days | #7 | |
jd1961 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 296 Registered: Jun 07, '07 |
One solution would be to announce your follow up in a comment---provided it's important enough. | |
04-12-08 05:07pm - 6178 days | #8 | |
Toadsith (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 936 Registered: Dec 07, '07 Location: USA |
That is a good point, and of course comments are another way of pointing out specific changes and so on. I'm frankly a little poor about using comments - I just generally don't do them. But honestly, that would be a perfect use for the comments - and comments already have that front page space. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!" Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo | |
04-12-08 06:33pm - 6178 days | #9 | |
Rick (0)
Suspended ![]() Posts: 401 Registered: Jan 05, '07 Location: Las Vegas, NV |
Some great feedback on this subject! Our initial intention was to have reviews expire after 12 months, which we haven't enabled yet. After a review expires, it would be archived on a deeper page from the site page and the score would no longer apply. In addition, the point(s) earned from that review would also be removed. The user would have the option to create a new review from scratch and re-earn a point (or two). Follow-ups were meant for just brief updates to the review, but it makes sense for users to almost give a shorter updated review. So if a follow-up exists, maybe we extend the review expiration based on that date. Another solution though would be to remove follow-ups altogether, have review "edits" never expire (user can do an entire new review anytime), and expire the review after a year (from most recent review). Still need to put more thought into it. We'll definitely seek a solution to this. It got put on the back burner for now since there were higher priority tasks in need. I won't be around much again till Monday, so I'll catch up with more replies then. Thanks guys! The Best Porn - Ultimate Consumer Guide to Porn Porn Users - Porn Review by the People Ranks.com, Inc., Chief/Founder | |
04-12-08 06:56pm - 6177 days | #10 | |
Khan (0)
Suspended ![]() Posts: 1,737 Registered: Jan 05, '07 Location: USA |
One potential issue I see with allowing major re-writes of a review is ... If a thread of replies ensue, and then the original remarks are changed/removed, it leads to confusion about what is being replied to. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator Now at: MyPorn.com "To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson | |
04-12-08 07:14pm - 6177 days | #11 | |
Rick (0)
Suspended ![]() Posts: 401 Registered: Jan 05, '07 Location: Las Vegas, NV |
Wadup Khan! That's definitely a good point and the one of the reasons we have a edit time limit. However, it could still occur within within the 30 day limit and the benefit might override the possible confusion. The Best Porn - Ultimate Consumer Guide to Porn Porn Users - Porn Review by the People Ranks.com, Inc., Chief/Founder | |
04-12-08 07:18pm - 6177 days | #12 | |
Toadsith (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 936 Registered: Dec 07, '07 Location: USA |
That is a very good point, and as replies can sometimes be as important as the reviews it is certainly not one that should be overlooked. I can think of two solutions for this: One would be to add Follow Up windows for both the Pros and Cons. When the review is shown on the Websites page, only the follow-up Pros & Cons would be shown, but if you want to see the replies, the whole lot's shown. The second option would be simply allowing a user to post an entirely new review at any time - their old review would still be listed, but the score would be taken out of consideration. Once the old review hits the 1 year date, it disappears altogether. I think the old reviews should be slightly grayed out as well, and maybe state that their score is inactive due to a newer review. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!" Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo | |
04-12-08 07:43pm - 6177 days | #13 | |
Drooler (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 1,831 Registered: Mar 11, '07 Location: USA |
It actually has occurred within the initial 30-day limit, but it can be managed, cognitively speaking. I've gotten replies to reviews, then edited in response to them, sometimes even pointing out who said what in the replies. I even mentioned Khan once that way in an edit to a review. So even the 30-day limit doesn't always work with the "linear" time concept of review --> replies. And I don't think it has to. It's simpler to just allow the reviewer to update an existing review at any time and have a time stamp on it stating "last edited on X date." In the replies section, just have a notice stating that reviews may be edited even after there are replies to it. After all, it's already and unavoidably true now because of 1. the 30-day period, and 2. the always editable (but shorter) follow-up section. And I think the shorter follow-ups are just as taxing on the mind. At TBP, when I read them, I always find myself scrolling up and down to compare what was said earlier with what was said later. More stuff is just as much a problem as new or different stuff is going to be. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. | |
04-12-08 07:55pm - 6177 days | #14 | |
Drooler (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 1,831 Registered: Mar 11, '07 Location: USA |
I have preface a bit first: I'm for just letting reviewers update their existing reviews. But I've felt the same way about wanting to know which reviews have been updated. I think that on the main page at PU, we should have a section listing "updated" reviews in addition to the other (already existing) section for the spankin' brand "new" ones. We wouldn't have to "showcase" the latest updated review on the front page as we do the latest "new" one, though. (That might be annoying. Or funny, since you might get a different one every time you hit F5.) There's got to be a webmaster with the eyes rolling about now. But it would be helpful. ;) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. | |
04-13-08 10:13am - 6177 days | #15 | |
malikstarks (0)
Active User Posts: 108 Registered: Nov 19, '07 Location: Florida |
There are a lot of good points here, but I tend to disagree with the commonly held premise that follow up reviews should not earn points. Sites change over time and users of those sites can be a valuable asset, by pointing out those changes for the rest of us, and still earning points. Also there opinions will become more valuable over time, which is why I think that those with higher point totals should be given more weight, as they have simply seen more sites and have more to compare with. Perhaps though, the time frame on this could be stretched to 12 months before a follow up becomes available. Once it is, it would completely overwrite the original review. Edited on Apr 13, 2008, 10:23am | |
04-13-08 10:25am - 6177 days | #16 | |
malikstarks (0)
Active User Posts: 108 Registered: Nov 19, '07 Location: Florida |
One possible solution to the reply problem would be to have review replies link somehow to a new thread in the forum. If forum threads are archived then as the review changes over time, one would be able to follow it in the ensuing thread. You could also have a header noting, after first follow up, after second follow up...etc. | |
04-20-08 08:12pm - 6169 days | #17 | |
Wittyguy (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 1,138 Registered: Feb 04, '08 Location: Left Coast, USA |
x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:42pm | |
04-21-08 11:28am - 6169 days | #18 | |
malikstarks (0)
Active User Posts: 108 Registered: Nov 19, '07 Location: Florida |
I would agree with part of what you are saying. Of course it is unlikely that a site would change considerably within a number of months, and if not done properly some people would try to manipulate the system. That is why I believe there should in fact be a time restriction placed on it, perhaps even a year, before a follow up is permitted. There are plenty of sites that make substantial changes within that amount of time; considering improvements in video and picture quality as well as sheer quantity.(Some sites even stop updating altogether.) I think with an appropriate time frame it would give at least some incentive for casual users- who have one or two sites they may be obsessed with-to stay involved with this site and provide us with valuable information. It's important to point out that with nearly 10 million porn sites out there, we need all the help we can get. | |
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