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08-28-14  06:43pm - 3849 days Original Post - #1
pat362 (0)
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Another moratorium.

Bad news porn fans because another performer has tested positive to HIV. I read the news on Mike South's site less than an hour ago and I know that AVN has an article about it
but there is still very little info on who it is other than it's a woman. I'm sure that we will soon know more than we wish. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-29-14  05:27am - 3849 days #2
AWpress (0)
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Yeah, here's an article on XBIZ

It's always bad news to hear of this kind of thing, and our best wishes go to the folks in LA. If we want to look at the positive side, this is the system working; a model has tested positive, and a moratorium is in effect to protect others in the industry.

08-29-14  06:51pm - 3848 days #3
Khan (0)

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FYI ...
Porn moratorium lifted after HIV test found to be false positive
http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me...-20140829-story.html Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

08-29-14  07:03pm - 3848 days #4
pat362 (0)
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^^I wish you hadn't posted what you did because you're quite wrong. The system does not work. It never has up to now and this latest event is just more proof. The fact that a moratorium was imposed and that a list of first generation patients was created means that the lady in question had unprotected sex with multiple partners while she might have been infected. That's basically saying that the other chickens are safe after the fox has eaten a couple of them and been caught by the farmer. The dead chickens aren't coming back, the other chickens are scared shitless because that could have been them and there is always another fox just around the corner waiting to eat the other chickens.

The only way the system will work is if the performer has a positive test result prior to shooting and is told that she can't shoot because of the positive result. Anything else is a crap shoot. I don't know if you gamble but the house always wins in the end. The other option is condoms but we know how much the industry loves condoms.

The only good news in this case is that it appears the performer had a false positive so the moratorium is already lifted. Long live the Brown Coats. Edited on Aug 31, 2014, 08:14am

08-31-14  06:49am - 3847 days #5
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

The only way the system will work is if the performer has a positive test result prior to shooting and is told that she can't shoot because of the positive result. Anything else is a crap shoot. I don't know if you gamble but the house always wins in the end. The other option is condoms but we know how much the industry loves condoms.

The only good news in this case is that it appears the performer had a false positive so the moratorium is already lifted.

I agree with Pat on this HIV testing only works to prevent exposure in this case why false. She was exposed. So whom exposed her, shows it does not work. Whether she would have got it in her own private life matters not. It shoes a hole in her story if she was found positive ( no pun intended ). Since 2007

08-31-14  08:42am - 3847 days #6
pat362 (0)
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^My reply is going to be two-fold. In the first place the performer's false positive could be because the lab made a mistake in identifying her antibodies. I read on another forum that the performer had flue like symptoms at around the time she took the test so there was something wrong with her and that may be why she got a false positive.

That's the best scenario and hopefully the correct one.

The second part gets murky and the positive outcome still has ability to turn depressing. It's quite possible that the performer who first got a false-positive and than got a negative test result might in fact be positive. The test used is not known but based on someone who used to do test for AIM than the window of infection is still not closed so the lady could be infected with HIV but now believes she isn't.

Since so much of what happens in the industry is kept secret than we never know the truth unless someone comes forward. Long live the Brown Coats.

09-02-14  07:42am - 3845 days #7
AWpress (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

^^I wish you hadn't posted what you did because you're quite wrong. The system does not work. It never has up to now and this latest event is just more proof. The fact that a moratorium was imposed and that a list of first generation patients was created means that the lady in question had unprotected sex with multiple partners while she might have been infected. That's basically saying that the other chickens are safe after the fox has eaten a couple of them and been caught by the farmer. The dead chickens aren't coming back, the other chickens are scared shitless because that could have been them and there is always another fox just around the corner waiting to eat the other chickens.

The only way the system will work is if the performer has a positive test result prior to shooting and is told that she can't shoot because of the positive result. Anything else is a crap shoot. I don't know if you gamble but the house always wins in the end. The other option is condoms but we know how much the industry loves condoms.

The only good news in this case is that it appears the performer had a false positive so the moratorium is already lifted.

The tricky thing is practicality; tests take time and money, and models have private lives and sleep with people in non-professional unregulatable contexts.

Currently, as I understand it, models take regular STI tests (monthly, in our case) and are asked to refrain from unprotected sex for the duration of time that they are considered 'in test' (i.e. having had a clean test within the last month). The issue is, what's to say a model practices unsafe sex off camera and doesn't say so or get retested? Enforcing regular testing is a strategy to manage that (otherwise a model could take one test and be considered 'in test' forever, if they were to be taken at their word for practicing safe sex only).

A particular benefit we enjoy to performer safety is that most of our models only shoot once, and none of them shoot on an ongoing, regular basis. So for us it's easy to arrange the test to immediately precede any shoots, to minimise the period of time between a model's test, and any shoots they do. This isn't plausible for other sites that need to regularly shoot with the same talent, however.

The only watertight solution would be to have a fresh test for every performer, for every shoot day. The problem there is prohibitive costs. The two obvious solutions would be (a) to force studios to front that cost, or (b) to make STI tests free for everyone (i.e. the government pays).

I strongly lean in favour of option (b)- free STI testing paid for by the government health budget is just an all round good idea for society, not just porn. A walk-in STI clinic funded by the public purse would be a great way to encourage greater sexual in modern society. In some places, this is already available to some extent. In other places, there is some cultural resistance to social welfare- USA is one of those places, so I'm not sure whether it's a realistic proposition for the US industry.

Option (a) is doable, the costs sure could come out of studio profits. However, this probably would decimate a lot of smaller studios that are already struggling. The big ones could handle it, though. Also, returning to the US, just as there's a cultural predisposition towards 'socialistic' public welfare programs, there's also a bias against industry regulation too. I'm not sure which bias is greater, though.

Let's not forget also that regulations are all good and well, but meaningless without systems of compliance and enforcement, which cost money themselves. If the government is going to fork out to regulate, they might as well fork out to provide harm-preventative services.

09-02-14  08:18am - 3845 days #8
Cybertoad (0)
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How much does an average test cost, this would help others to understand the who process cost wise.

CT Since 2007

09-02-14  06:22pm - 3844 days #9
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by AWpress:

The tricky thing is practicality; tests take time and money, and models have private lives and sleep with people in non-professional unregulatable contexts.

That is possibly the most polite way I've heard someone describe the escorting most of the performers now do on a regular basis. I know that 30 years ago performers did the same thing but life was very different than it is today and the total number of performer was quite small when compared to today. Not to mention that everyone knew each other so there was a certain amount of respect among the talent and the various companies that I don't believe exist today.

Originally Posted by AWpress:

Currently, as I understand it, models take regular STI tests (monthly, in our case)

Not sure if this is imposed but it was strongly advised that talent be tested every two weeks and I believe cost is about 185$ for the works. Seeing as some test have a 7 to 10 day period to be truly accurate than a two week test is more an illusion than a reality.

Originally Posted by AWpress:

The only watertight solution would be to have a fresh test for every performer, for every shoot day. The problem there is prohibitive costs. The two obvious solutions would be (a) to force studios to front that cost, or (b) to make STI tests free for everyone (i.e. the government pays).

I don't believe that current technology allows for a truly accurate same day test and therefore doing that will be a waste of money. I believe forcing studios to pay for the test was one of the things AB1576 was going to accomplish but since the industry didn't want it than the performer is still the one fronting the bill. Good luck getting the government to pay for a test when the industry doesn't want government involvement in the first place.

Originally Posted by AWpress:

Option (a) is doable, the costs sure could come out of studio profits. However, this probably would decimate a lot of smaller

Not sure what the tax laws are in the States but unless studios can deduct the cost of the test from their income taxes than even the big guys would be in serious trouble. In fact the bigger studios would be in bigger trouble if only because they shoot a lot more porn and hire a lot more performers. Long live the Brown Coats.

09-02-14  07:19pm - 3844 days #10
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by AWpress:

The only watertight solution would be to have a fresh test for every performer, for every shoot day. The problem there is prohibitive costs. The two obvious solutions would be (a) to force studios to front that cost, or (b) to make STI tests free for everyone (i.e. the government pays).

Originally Posted by Pat362:

I don't believe that current technology allows for a truly accurate same day test and therefore doing that will be a waste of money.

That would be a lot of testing, especially given how often some performers could be shooting, though it would be better than nothing, and certainly better than the current monthly testing regimen. But it still wouldn't be foolproof. "False positives," like the one in this recent moratorium, only make people stop shooting and take a few extra, if temporary, precautions.

"False negatives," on the other hand, could lead to a lethal sense of good health, since the window period for enough HIV antibodies and antigens to develop could be too long for a test to detect them. And it's why AIDS/HIV has become a global pandemic; though ultimately deadly, it works so slowly that it allows for a lot of transmission before it can even be detected with a test, much less show symptoms.

Sadly, the bottom line is no matter how risky porn will be for its performers health-wise it will always be in enough demand to justify those risks. And while I enjoy the occasional boy-girl scene but would be fine with my favorite performers doing only solo or girl-girl (though even those are still risky, especially given how hardcore they have progressed in recent years), I know this just isn't a workable reality for most performers.

It's going to take a cultural change within the industry; primarily to step away from unprotected, or possibly all, "outside work," whether it's called escorting or "private scenes." And maybe to even expect a certain amount of monogamy in their private sexual lives generally, especially if they wish to work more than a few months and avoid the risk of shortening their lives as well.

Maybe I'm asking too much, but I really hope not. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

09-03-14  04:15am - 3844 days #11
AWpress (0)
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Originally Posted by Cybertoad:


How much does an average test cost, this would help others to understand the who process cost wise.


It really depends on the location, the clinic, and the specific arrangement. With a regular clinic with which there exists a negotiated arrangement, it can quite cheap (less than a hundred bucks)- but that's only good if the shoot, the model, the location all fit into the terms of that arrangement/schedule.

For a one-off, it can be a few hundred bucks.

09-03-14  04:27am - 3844 days #12
AWpress (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

That is possibly the most polite way I've heard someone describe the escorting most of the performers now do on a regular basis. I know that 30 years ago performers did the same thing but life was very different than it is today and the total number of performer was quite small when compared to today. Not to mention that everyone knew each other so there was a certain amount of respect among the talent and the various companies that I don't believe exist today.
That wasn't my intended implicationl I meant their private sex lives. I can't speak for the industry as a whole, but for the models on our site, the overwhelming majority don't do any escorting, or stripping. Granted we're an amateur site. Really, though, these three different kinds of sex work offer vastly different things that generally appeal to different people with different priorities.

Porn - pays well, infrequent work, lots of control/safety, prearranged partners and posing levels, very public/indiscreet.

Escorting - pays very well, frequent work, no prior knowledge of partners or sex acts, very discreet.

Stripping - pays ok, frequent work, no sex required, somewhat discreet, reasonably controlled/safe.

Speaking in huge generalisations here, but overlaps aren't as common as one might expect, and if anything there's often a bit of attitude between these different varieties of sex work (it's easy for each type to look down upon the other two).

Originally Posted by pat362:

Not sure if this is imposed but it was strongly advised that talent be tested every two weeks and I believe cost is about 185$ for the works. Seeing as some test have a 7 to 10 day period to be truly accurate than a two week test is more an illusion than a reality.
I'm not familiar with the industry-wide standards. Our models are considered 'in test' for 4 weeks after the test, but they generally only shoot once or twice, shortly after getting tested. We don't have 'full timers', so to speak.

Originally Posted by pat362:

I don't believe that current technology allows for a truly accurate same day test and therefore doing that will be a waste of money. I believe forcing studios to pay for the test was one of the things AB1576 was going to accomplish but since the industry didn't want it than the performer is still the one fronting the bill. Good luck getting the government to pay for a test when the industry doesn't want government involvement in the first place.
Well, my suggestion was more that the government just offer free testing for everyone, and that the industry could then use that service.

Originally Posted by pat362:

Not sure what the tax laws are in the States but unless studios can deduct the cost of the test from their income taxes than even the big guys would be in serious trouble. In fact the bigger studios would be in bigger trouble if only because they shoot a lot more porn and hire a lot more performers.
Ah yep, good point. Even with tax deduction, it does increase the overheads, reducing overall liquidiy- I'm no bean counter, though.

09-03-14  04:34am - 3844 days #13
AWpress (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

That would be a lot of testing, especially given how often some performers could be shooting, though it would be better than nothing, and certainly better than the current monthly testing regimen. But it still wouldn't be foolproof. "False positives," like the one in this recent moratorium, only make people stop shooting and take a few extra, if temporary, precautions.

"False negatives," on the other hand, could lead to a lethal sense of good health, since the window period for enough HIV antibodies and antigens to develop could be too long for a test to detect them. And it's why AIDS/HIV has become a global pandemic; though ultimately deadly, it works so slowly that it allows for a lot of transmission before it can even be detected with a test, much less show symptoms.

Sadly, the bottom line is no matter how risky porn will be for its performers health-wise it will always be in enough demand to justify those risks. And while I enjoy the occasional boy-girl scene but would be fine with my favorite performers doing only solo or girl-girl (though even those are still risky, especially given how hardcore they have progressed in recent years), I know this just isn't a workable reality for most performers.

It's going to take a cultural change within the industry; primarily to step away from unprotected, or possibly all, "outside work," whether it's called escorting or "private scenes." And maybe to even expect a certain amount of monogamy in their private sexual lives generally, especially if they wish to work more than a few months and avoid the risk of shortening their lives as well.

Maybe I'm asking too much, but I really hope not.

You make a fine point on the risk of false negatives. Overall it's a real catch 22.

I will note, though, that models' private sex lives are a far greater risk than potential escorting work. Professional escorts, where such work is legal, tend to be very health conscious (their livelihood depends on it, after all). Much more so than those partaking in casual sex/pickups/dating, which is where I think the real risk lies.

10-15-14  06:05pm - 3801 days #14
pat362 (0)
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I debated whether I should start a new thread or use this one but this one is still warm so why not post the bad news here.

Yes, you have guessed right. The FSC is asking that the porn producers implement a 3 day moratorium. The news is very new and all I know is that someone not in Los Angeles tested positive to HIV. If you keep scores than the last one was barely more than 6 weeks ago. Long live the Brown Coats.

10-15-14  08:02pm - 3801 days #15
Khan (0)

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FSC’s statement is as follows:

We have received notification from a public health department official of HIV exposure on an out-of-state set. In an abundance of caution, we are calling for a three-day hold on production while we evaluate any risk to the performer pool, and determine if a full moratorium is warranted. As with past production holds, we ask that people refrain from speculation until more news is forthcoming, and respect performer privacy. We are currently working with the public health department, the production company, and the performer, and will alert as more information is available. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

10-16-14  06:18pm - 3800 days #16
pat362 (0)
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^You know what the problem is with that statement? It goes out of it's way to make it seem like this happened really far from California when it appears that the performer shot in Vegas. The place many producers keep saying they want to move their operations to. Long live the Brown Coats.

10-16-14  06:31pm - 3800 days #17
Khan (0)

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Actually, what I focused on was, "we ask that people refrain from speculation until more news is forthcoming"
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10-17-14  02:52pm - 3799 days #18
pat362 (0)
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^That's a good one when you consider that it's coming from a group that is renowned for not releasing information. Long live the Brown Coats.

10-17-14  08:03pm - 3799 days #19
Khan (0)

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UPDATE: Production Hold Extended

Full statement at:
http://fscblogger.wordpress.com/2014/10/...ction-hold-extended/ Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

10-20-14  02:41pm - 3796 days #20
Khan (0)

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Update: FSC Lifts Production Hold
The Free Speech Coalition announced that the production hold from last week has been lifted, and production can continue effective immediately.

Full statement at:
http://www.xbiz.com/news/186589 Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

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