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02-19-16  07:28am - 3303 days Original Post - #1
Amanda (0)
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PUerview: GCode

Hello everyone!

I'm pleased to announce that GCode has agreed to be our next PU Interviewee! I hope the other users will join in and ask him some questions of their own.

GCode, we do understand the desire for a certain measure of anonymity so please don't feel you have to give answers that are too personal.

1. In general, what kind of work do you do?

2. Is there anything noteworthy about your education?

3. What else do you do to relax?

4. What was your proudest moment?

5. What is the best gift you have ever received?

6. When reading your contributions on PU, what should
fellow members keep in mind about you?

7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

8. Do you have any special skills or talents?

9. Are you a sports fan? Any favorite teams?

10. If someone were to peek into your porn stash, what would they likely notice first?

11. Do you drink? If so, what is your favorite beverage?

12. What is the first adult material (porn) you recall seeing?

13. If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

14. Are you more of a TV person, or do you prefer movies?

15. If you had to choose, would you rather be a porn star or the director?

16. What makes you laugh the most?

17. If you could wake up tomorrow and have one ability or quality, what would it be?

18. If you could have dinner with anyone (dead or alive), who would it be?

19. What is your favorite part of PU?

20. Do you have a life goal or something you would like to accomplish?

Looking forward to your responses! And as always, if anyone else wants to give this a try, please let me know.

02-25-16  10:25pm - 3296 days #2
GCode (0)
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Posts: 386
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Location: USA
"1. In general, what kind of work do you do?"

I am in the hospitality business. More specifically, hotels. I can pretty much do everything within a hotel besides the extremely upper management part. I have 10+ years in the business with job positions in most of the departments at one point including front desk, banquets, housekeeping, various kitchen positions, and have even dabbled in to sales. With that said, I usually in the banquet department but I am constantly covering shifts for others and/or working other random shifts in assorted departments when it is slow in banquets. Sexted From My iPad

02-25-16  10:39pm - 3296 days #3
GCode (0)
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Location: USA
"2. Is there anything noteworthy about your education?"

I hold a BAS in Psychology but I have not had many opportunities to utilize my degree in the workplace. I worked in hotels right out of high school and held various positions while attending college. I paid for my college tuition out of pocket with these jobs and it was slow going for me to complete my education. I took a lot of time off a semester here or a year there to build up funds to afford another semester/year.

Therefore, it took me several years to finally complete my degree a little over my mid 20s. After I completed the degree it was a rough time in the USA in the late 2000's for the economy and finding jobs. During this time, I kept working at hotels and started making decent money. I was not getting much older, so I decided to stay in hospitality for the time being while looking for jobs. All the jobs offered in my field what were entry level and low paying start up jobs for the first few years after graduating. Of course, this is to be expected for a person with just a BAS. However, I did as most people need to do in their late 20s and bought a house/car/etc which prevented me from accepting these kind of jobs offered.

So, I basically decided to stay where things are stable and am happy what I'm doing. I don't look often for jobs for my degree often but I keep my ears open. I am proud of accomplishing bachelor's degree. I am also the first person in my immediate family to attend a university and graduate. Plus, I have no college debt which is a relief. Sexted From My iPad Edited on Feb 25, 2016, 10:43pm

02-26-16  04:37pm - 3296 days #4
GCode (0)
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Location: USA
"3. What else do you do to relax?"

If I was younger I would answer this completely different than nowadays. I can pretty much say I didn't relax much in my teens and late 20's. I enjoyed going out at least 5 to 7 days a week while working and going to school for most of this period. Regardless, this all changed when I hit my 30's lol. It's ironic because I remember the older folks telling me that they used to do the same thing but could not keep up anymore around the 30 mark. Of course, I just thought they were weaklings and I couldn't imagine slowing down. Now, I am that exact same person telling the younger crowd the same thing haha.

However, I do go out on most USA holidays and special social occasions nowadays. For example, Independence Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, New Years, weddings, birthdays, and the such. I still go pretty hard on these days when I can but I destroy the next day for sure. It just reminds me of the older folk telling me how bad the hangovers are and so on. Another thing I never actually believed until I got a bit older lol.

So, nowadays I consider myself extremely boring. I may go out every now and then for a few drinks with close friends but I mostly relax with indoor activities. I don't really do outdoor activities unless it's a special occasion like camping, fishing, boating, and so on. I pretty much work most days and evenings then come home to watch TV shows, movies, a little gaming, read books/graphic novels, and browse the internet. I guess I'm pretty lazy but I suppose this is what most people do to relax. I dunno I guess I'm pretty boring these days lol. Sexted From My iPad

02-26-16  10:44pm - 3295 days #5
GCode (0)
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Location: USA
"4. What was your proudest moment?"

This is a hard question for me. Maybe I tend to be self loathing or something but I don't feel proud that much. If I had to pick I would say the moment I changed to become more academic in high school after being a terrible student in middle school and my first two years of high school. Going in to 11th grade my GPA was around a 1.2 or so and by graduation I increased it to a 2.9. This may not seem like a epic increase or really that good to most but I entered 10th grade with under a 1.0 and barely did anything in 10th grade to better myself. It's really hard to increase the average starting so low during these beginning years but while attending 11th and 12th grade I never got below a grade of B. So, even after getting mostly A's and B's for two years I never reached a 3.0 average.

However, I still feel this was a solid achievement considering how terrible it was and how much of a person I changed during the process of trying to increase it. It was the first time I stepped up on my own to change negative behaviors to better myself without being forced to do so by authority figures. My behavior and conduct before this change to after was extremely detrimental. However, during the change I still managed to stay in the same social circle, learned to manage my time efficiently, and make solid decisions that would not put me in to such negative situations. While completing the changes I still enjoyed a solid social life and maintained all of the friends even to this day during my terrible decision making era. This event was something I still look back as an adult to this day and feel was a beginning of a solid foundation of who I grew up to become. Therefore, I suppose this was the proudest moment of my life. Sexted From My iPad

02-27-16  10:26am - 3295 days #6
GCode (0)
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Registered: Feb 23, '09
Location: USA
"5. What is the best gift you have ever received?"

This would have to be a car bought by my father when I was 16 and got my license to drive. It wasn't the prettiest or newest of cars but it was completely unexpected because I did not ask for a vehicle. Both of my parents never even mentioned getting me one so it was a complete surprise when I actually came home to find it in the driveway.

I drove that car to the ground until I was 21 and never had to do much repairs to it which was surprising considering the shape it was in. It was a gift I can truly say I utilized the most and was completely surprised by. 90% of the gifts I have received by family and friends has mostly been prearranged by me telling them things I wanted and receiving one of the items suggested. There is really no comparison when one receives a gift that is unexpected and something they wanted. Of course, this can be really tricky in gift buying so most take the approach of asking beforehand. I do this all the time for most of my gift buying and it makes sense.

A notable gift I received as well comes from my sister. We have a tradition in my family between my father, sister, and I to buy a gag gift for either a birthday or Christmas each year. One year I received a huge bouncy ball with the words, "Have a ball on your birthday" written with a marker by my sister. I love pun jokes and I really enjoyed this one. Sexted From My iPad

02-28-16  05:15am - 3294 days #7
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by GCode:

This would have to be a car bought by my father when I was 16 and got my license to drive.

Out of sheer curiousity, what was the year/make/model?

I'm always amused to hear about first cars. Mine was a 1996 Toyota Camry, it started with a 120k on it and ended with 280k on it. A good little car that surprised people because it was packing a V6. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

02-28-16  06:06pm - 3294 days #8
GCode (0)
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Registered: Feb 23, '09
Location: USA
Originally Posted by Toadsith:

Out of sheer curiousity, what was the year/make/model?

I'm always amused to hear about first cars. Mine was a 1996 Toyota Camry, it started with a 120k on it and ended with 280k on it. A good little car that surprised people because it was packing a V6.

Lol I guess I probably should have included that originally. It was an 1989 Ford Probe. Just like your good ol' Toyota, I received the car with over 100k miles. TBH, I can't remember exactly but I ran that thing to the ground as you did. It did not last to 280k like yours but I wish it did lol. For a Ford product from that era it actually lasted longer than I expected to around the 170k to 180k mark before the electrical went completely bunk. Of course, this was the summer before I started attending a far away university instead of the local community college.

Oh the largest reason the electrical problem was such a problem was because this car featured so many digital aspects that was such a product of its time. All the gauges were digital and there was this panel in the middle of the dashboard that had all these pointless digital features. It did all these calculations for determining miles to gallon and so on but it didn't even work lol. However, the engine and transmission was still in decent condition when I had to finally get rid of it. Sexted From My iPad

02-28-16  08:53pm - 3293 days #9
GCode (0)
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Posts: 386
Registered: Feb 23, '09
Location: USA
"6. When reading your contributions on PU, what should
fellow members keep in mind about you?"

I am somewhat rejuvenated after a long hiatus. TBH, if it wasn't for mbaya's email then I'm not sure how much I would be contributing recently. With that said, I am fairly disappointed in the activity level since becoming an active member again recently. I was really expecting more new faces and old faces still around but it seems really low in activity level from years back. I'm not sure what the reason is considering the community has always been so respectful, entertaining, and helpful since it's inception. I always find this somewhat peculiar considering it's a community based on love of smut. I have been extremely active in the online community since I was a child when I first got a computer instead of a sega genesis or super nintendo. I had a choice and I picked a computer. I have seen so much immaturity and disrespect but this community has always been mature enough to have plentiful discussions in all aspects of life which is refreshing. I just wish it was more active to continue with these discussions like the old days.

I don't want what I said above to come out that I dislike anything about the site or community now. I feel that there is a solid effort to keep the place active and I'm happy for the people who still contribute. I would like to thank the new faces who are running the site for keeping us alive even though it may seem like it's running on empty nowadays. This also goes for the people who have just stumbled upon the site to become active or finally decided to participate after lingering for awhile.

With that said, I want people to know that I contribute for others. I really don't do my reviews and/or comments for a warm fuzzy feeling for myself. I truly want others to feel confident about where they could possibly spend their hard earned money on. If a contribution I have made has helped just one person to feel it's worth it to them then I am humbled. I totally respect professional online review sites and their opinions but this place really gives true insight to content of sites based on an extremely personal level. I want every user to feel confident that I will give them an honest answer to their question and/or provide the best information possible to answer their question. I enjoy all sorts of discussions and encourage discussions outside of just porn as well. Overall, I want others to know that I enjoy being here and will do everything I can to encourage others to participate on any level because the subject matter is just so interesting to me on a personal level.

Also, I want other users to know what they are truly getting and I really try to be as extremely thorough when discussing these aspects. I really know the difficulty of the hunt for the next site. Sexuality is a healthy thing to explore as a human and I respect everyone attempting to partake in self exploration on this matter. If I can help at least one person with my contributions get a better understanding or opinion on something that may help them explore this then that's enough for me to keep contributing.

I really hope people continue to enjoy the hunt and attempt to help others at the same time here for a long time. For example, since the beginning and to the present; people have posted vague and/or detailed scenes they have wanted to identify. The active community actual dedicates their time to help these people find more info on these scenes regardless of the info offered which is a testament to how respectful and helpful the users are. These requests can be easily ignored but at least one to several users will attempt to hunt and use their resources to help that someone requesting info. I really find this a prime example of how helpful the community is when it comes to helping others as opposed to flaming or disrespecting a user attempting to find help. I could rant for a long time about this subject but I'll leave it at that about this. Sexted From My iPad

02-29-16  01:59am - 3293 days #10
Toadsith (0)
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by GCode:

Lol I guess I probably should have included that originally. It was an 1989 Ford Probe. Just like your good ol' Toyota, I received the car with over 100k miles. TBH, I can't remember exactly but I ran that thing to the ground as you did. It did not last to 280k like yours but I wish it did lol. For a Ford product from that era it actually lasted longer than I expected to around the 170k to 180k mark before the electrical went completely bunk. Of course, this was the summer before I started attending a far away university instead of the local community college.

Oh the largest reason the electrical problem was such a problem was because this car featured so many digital aspects that was such a product of its time. All the gauges were digital and there was this panel in the middle of the dashboard that had all these pointless digital features. It did all these calculations for determining miles to gallon and so on but it didn't even work lol. However, the engine and transmission was still in decent condition when I had to finally get rid of it.

Haha, ah the era of flashy but entirely ineffective electronic wizardry. I'm very familiar with such cars.

That said, being a Ford, I'm betting it had great heating. Every Ford Tempo I've ever encountered had a heater that burned like the fires of Hades the second you turned on the car. I'm assuming they used electric heaters, but I never confirmed that. All I know is that in Northern New York, it was an awesome feature that I was very envious of. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

02-29-16  08:34am - 3293 days #11
GCode (0)
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Posts: 386
Registered: Feb 23, '09
Location: USA
Originally Posted by Toadsith:

Haha, ah the era of flashy but entirely ineffective electronic wizardry. I'm very familiar with such cars.

That said, being a Ford, I'm betting it had great heating. Every Ford Tempo I've ever encountered had a heater that burned like the fires of Hades the second you turned on the car. I'm assuming they used electric heaters, but I never confirmed that. All I know is that in Northern New York, it was an awesome feature that I was very envious of.

That's extremely funny you said that! My parents owned a Tempo in the early 90s and it actually caught fire in our garage. It started out of nowhere in the middle of the night out of nowhere. Maybe the heat worked too well lol? Sexted From My iPad

02-29-16  10:11am - 3293 days #12
GCode (0)
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Registered: Feb 23, '09
Location: USA
"7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?"

This is a tough question for me. I have stayed in the same area my life besides going away for college. This was still in the same state though. I suppose if I really wanted to be anywhere else I would have moved there by now when I felt I had the chance. However, I could interpret the question as like where I would want to live if I had so much money that I could live somewhere else for awhile to see if it would be everything I dreamed of.

With that in mind, the first place I would truly want to move to is somewhere in urban Japan. I have always been fascinated with the culture and language since I was extremely young. I self taught myself the language extensively years ago but I have lost so much of it from not using it often. I would definitely go there and live for awhile to truly learn the culture if I had no financial worry. I don't think I will ever be able to afford vacation there based on ticket prices alone for a flight. Add that and the costs of all the things I would want to do, it seems like a dream of mine that will never become reality.

The world is such a large place and there are so many places and cultures I would love to explore. I can't truly say if I would want to live at any of these places though. I am not well traveled so I have never truly experienced a place I could say I would really want to move to. Saying I would love to live there is one thing but actually doing it may result in a different reality. Sexted From My iPad

02-29-16  10:16am - 3293 days #13
GCode (0)
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Location: USA
"8. Do you have any special skills or talents?"

Now this is a hard question. I believe everyone is unique with special qualities that make them who they are. However, when it comes to the special skills or talent category; I am not entirely blessed. I wish I could answer this with something interesting but I'm pretty talent-less lol. I can't sing, dance, play a musical instrument, extremely athletic, jump high, or anything else I can think of that would be considered special. I'm pretty average in this category so I suppose I'll leave it at that. Sexted From My iPad

02-29-16  10:36am - 3293 days #14
GCode (0)
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"9. Are you a sports fan? Any favorite teams?"

I don't consider myself a die hard fan. I used to play fantasy american football (NFL) which ended up forcing me to watch a lot of games during those times. It wasn't that I exactly wanted to but it made the experience funner. After I stopped playing, I watch a few games on occasion but I don't go out of my way to watch them.

I'm really just a hometown fan and watch 3 sports when my hometown league makes the playoffs that year. This would be the teams from Detroit playing hockey, american football, and baseball. I don't watch regular season games often but I do go out of my way to watch these teams during playoffs if they make it. I don't get in to the college stuff that much. I slightly followed it during college and have stayed the same until now. I may catch a score every once in awhile or be somewhere where a game is being watched.

I enjoy watching sports but I have a lot of other hobbies I enjoy slightly more that keep me more occupied. I don't really care if someone else is die hard or hates them. I enjoy discussing it with someone who wants to discuss sports but I don't force it on people who don't enjoy sports. I've seen quite a few people (especially in a work environment) discuss sports as if it's the only other thing in existence on earth. I respect their enthusiasm and even join in on most discussions. However, it seems to be a subject matter that most people think is universally known by all; especially if someone is male. I just find it amusing because in my opinion there is no other subject matter that most people think everyone keeps up on and/or is knowledgeable about. From a male perspective, if another male attempts to enter a sports discussion with another male who does not like sports; it often ends with that person thinking the other male is odd or not masculine. Maybe it's my psych background but I often find when this happens (which I observe often) to be extremely interesting. I just don't see how a male's dislike for sports makes them any less of a 'man' lol.

Sorry for the rant. I tend to veer off in to off topic thoughts that may or may not be related to the question lol. Sexted From My iPad

03-18-16  02:08pm - 3275 days #15
GCode (0)
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Registered: Feb 23, '09
Location: USA
Sorry to have stalled for so long on the remaining questions for the interview. I've had a few personal things taking over most of my time but I should be able to get back to responding ASAP. Sexted From My iPad

03-18-16  03:11pm - 3275 days #16
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by GCode:

Sorry to have stalled for so long on the remaining questions for the interview. I've had a few personal things taking over most of my time but I should be able to get back to responding ASAP.

How dare you let life interfere with this.


I don't think there's a time limit on any of this. Really like what I've read so far. Whenever you're ready... Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

03-18-16  03:49pm - 3275 days #17
GCode (0)
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by RagingBuddhist:

How dare you let life interfere with this.


I don't think there's a time limit on any of this. Really like what I've read so far. Whenever you're ready...

Lol I know I'm just OCD on leaving things unfinished that I started already. Thanks for the lashing and moral support sir lol!! Sexted From My iPad

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