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06-16-10  11:59am - 5383 days Original Post - #1
Wittyguy (0)
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World Cup Thread

Admittedly I'm just a casual soccer fan, not really paying attention except for the World Cup. Since I don't pay that much attention, here's some World Cup stuff that got my attention:

1) You knew it was bound to happen. First there was the Lingerie Bowl that has played for years during the Super Bowl (hot chicks in underwear playing touch football - that is "Real American Touch Football" ). Seems like the rest of the world has picked up on it. Here's a photo gallery of supposed porn stars playing a "Germany vs. Brazil" soccer match wearing nothing but body paint: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/06/15/world-cup-sexy-soccer-bod_n_613410.html#s100871 ... though I see in a couple of pics that the girls just can't keep from using their hands to touch the balls; coincidence?

2) If you missed the England vs. US game, catch the highlights featuring Lego players: http://upnextinsports.com/2010/06/14/funny-sports-pictures-lego-world-cup-highlights/

3) Pretty much self explanatory (from the England / US game):

Edited on Jun 16, 2010, 12:03pm

06-16-10  02:13pm - 5383 days #2
nostromo (0)
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We miserably lost to Switzerland today. The papers over here are a fun read now. Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

H.L. Mencken.

06-25-10  04:31am - 5375 days #3
nostromo (0)
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Guys, you finished first in your group, you've done better than Italy, France and England, and you are going to play Ghana for a place in the quarters, in principle you should make it that far, and then, who knows?

No interest whatsoever in the World Cup...? Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

H.L. Mencken.

06-25-10  05:51am - 5375 days #4
picdude (0)
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I feel soooo sorry for the England goal keeper he's really been slated, got dropped from the lineup etc. He's a bit of a laughing stock now it seems poor guy.

Argentina to win.

06-25-10  10:04am - 5375 days #5
nostromo (0)
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Originally Posted by picdude:

I feel soooo sorry for the England goal keeper he's really been slated, got dropped from the lineup etc. He's a bit of a laughing stock now it seems poor guy.

Argentina to win.

If we are ousted today, i'll be rooting for them. I certainly won't be rooting for Brazil and Portugal after the crap that they pulled today, it was infamous. Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

H.L. Mencken.

06-25-10  05:14pm - 5374 days #6
RagingBuddhist (0)
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The only thing I care about with the World Cup is where I can buy a high quality vuvuzela. I have one of the cheap, flimsy ones that's a little thicker than a Coke bottle and rough around the edges. Does anyone know if there's a company that makes a better one - that's either in the U.S. or ships here? Google isn't helping. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

06-25-10  11:42pm - 5374 days #7
nostromo (0)
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Originally Posted by RagingBuddhist:

The only thing I care about with the World Cup is where I can buy a high quality vuvuzela. I have one of the cheap, flimsy ones that's a little thicker than a Coke bottle and rough around the edges. Does anyone know if there's a company that makes a better one - that's either in the U.S. or ships here? Google isn't helping.

It seems that it's going to be difficult to buy a good vuvuzela, i searched amazon and read the reviews and they are only selling two-peice vuvuzelas, as one would have expected, buyers that weren't warned about this by the seller are furious.

I'd rather buy a bugle RB. Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

H.L. Mencken.
Edited on Jun 26, 2010, 02:33am

06-26-10  04:36am - 5374 days #8
atrapat (0)
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The problem is that people don't know how to properly play the vuvuzela.

06-26-10  07:05am - 5374 days #9
nostromo (0)
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Originally Posted by atrapat:

The problem is that people don't know how to properly play the vuvuzela.

They take the piss out of tune. i think i dislike this instrument even more than bagpipes. Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

H.L. Mencken.

06-26-10  08:58am - 5374 days #10
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by nostromo:

I'd rather buy a bugle RB.

A great idea! Unfortunately, I don't have a bugle budget. And, yeah - I saw the pissed off people on Amazon. As cheaply as they're made, I wouldn't imagine the two-piece horns fit together too well which, in turn, would affect the sound.

Originally Posted by atrapat:

The problem is that people don't know how to properly play the vuvuzela.

That's funny as hell. Just wish I spoke German - I'm sure I missed some of the humor (humour to those of British lineage)

Originally Posted by nostromo:

i think i dislike this instrument even more than bagpipes.

I think you must need at least some Scottish blood to appreciate the bagpipes. I love 'em - but I do get a kick out of watching people cringe when they hear 'em! Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

06-26-10  10:59am - 5374 days #11
nostromo (0)
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Well, in northern Spain they play the bagpipes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEz2boDgetQ ; my grandparents were from up there and, in all likelihood, the main reason why my parents were born in Madrid was that powerful sound.

May i suggets the castanets? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZkV5CXwYWQ

Anyhow, if you're seriouly considering taking up a musical instrument remember Ambrose Bierce's definition of a piano: "Piano, n. A parlor utensil for subduing the impenitent visitor. It is operated by pressing the keys of the machine and the spirits of the audience."

Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

H.L. Mencken.

06-26-10  02:33pm - 5373 days #12
Capn (0)
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From his Devils Dictionary, I take it?

I like his ascerbic comments.

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( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
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06-26-10  06:41pm - 5373 days #13
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by nostromo:

Well, in northern Spain they play the bagpipes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEz2boDgetQ...

Maybe you need to compare that sound with this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V84STSWVp3g
From what I gathered from a little Googling, Spanish pipes don't have as full a sound as Scottish pipes - so maybe it's the extra 10% fingernails on a chalkboard sound that gets to you. :cheesy grin: Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

06-26-10  07:22pm - 5373 days #14
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by RagingBuddhist:

I think you must need at least some Scottish blood to appreciate the bagpipes. I love 'em - but I do get a kick out of watching people cringe when they hear 'em!

I must have some celtic blood in me somewhere because I love the bagpipes! As to the vuvuzela, it ruined a world cup for me. It's the roaring of the crowd and the chants and the cheers and jeers that liven up a match yet all I've heard over the past couple of weeks is the buzzing sound of a bunch of angry hornets!

06-27-10  01:12am - 5373 days #15
ciprianlucas (0)
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UK sucked big time i'm here for sport ))

06-27-10  03:52am - 5373 days #16
nostromo (0)
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Originally Posted by Capn:

From his Devils Dictionary, I take it?

I like his ascerbic comments.


Romanian Emile Cioran is just as relentless:

Great persecutors are recruited among martyrs whose heads haven't been cut off.
Emile M. Cioran

If we could see ourselves as others see us, we would vanish on the spot.
Emile M. Cioran

Revenge is not always sweet, once it is consummated we feel inferior to our victim.
Emile M. Cioran Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

H.L. Mencken.

06-27-10  10:09am - 5373 days #17
Denner (0)
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It's not soccer - the rest of the world (ahem, a vast majority) calls it football!

What the US calls football has nothing to do with football - wow, there I got some enemies... "I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle"

06-27-10  11:13am - 5373 days #18
nostromo (0)
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Germany played a brilliant match, this team is fun to watch. Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

H.L. Mencken.

06-27-10  11:44am - 5372 days #19
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Denner:

It's not soccer - the rest of the world (ahem, a vast majority) calls it football!

What the US calls football has nothing to do with football - wow, there I got some enemies...

Not likely, Denner. The trouble is in the renaming. Now that a small part of North America has discovered real football what do you call that "ball tucked under the arm or attempt to pass it in order to gain ten yards" game now?

So, the best bet is to leave things as they are and to just call this strange, way too low scoring, boring game "soccer." And, yes, that's how most native born Americans and Canadians see it. Soccer, over here, is mostly supported by immigrants like me who learned to appreciate its finer points from an early age in another culture. I must admit I developed a taste for ice hockey but never took to "football."

06-27-10  04:38pm - 5372 days #20
nostromo (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

So, the best bet is to leave things as they are and to just call this strange, way too low scoring, boring game "soccer."

Well, the flawless counter-attck display from Germany today was a thing of beauty, regardless of what anybody could think. As long as this "way to low scoring, boring game soccer" delivers matches like this i'll be a fan.

I'll be rooting from Germany from here on, argentina is a disaster tactically -this is first match of theirs that i've seen in this WC- and i find Maradona's antics rather revolting. Germany's midfield will get ahold of the match and then it will be bye-bye argentina. Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

H.L. Mencken.

06-27-10  06:32pm - 5372 days #21
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by nostromo:

I'll be rooting from Germany from here on, argentina is a disaster tactically -this is first match of theirs that i've seen in this WC- and i find Maradona's antics rather revolting. Germany's midfield will get ahold of the match and then it will be bye-bye argentina.

Sounds good to me, nostromo. Hefting a Stein of Loewenbraeu!

06-28-10  01:13pm - 5371 days #22
Denner (0)
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Yes, I'm with you - messmer and nostromo: Germany showed what fine tactics and that special kind of 'beauty' international football can be...(though I hoped UK had more of the same, but alas....)
"I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle"

06-29-10  06:25am - 5371 days #23
Denner (0)
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Originally Posted by nostromo:

Well, the flawless counter-attck display from Germany today was a thing of beauty, regardless of what anybody could think. As long as this "way to low scoring, boring game soccer" delivers matches like this i'll be a fan.

I'll be rooting from Germany from here on, argentina is a disaster tactically -this is first match of theirs that i've seen in this WC- and i find Maradona's antics rather revolting. Germany's midfield will get ahold of the match and then it will be bye-bye argentina.

BTW: Lots of luck to Spain tonight against the rivals from Portugal - I look forward to watch the game - and 'may the best team win'....
"I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle"

06-29-10  07:00am - 5371 days #24
nostromo (0)
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Originally Posted by Denner:

BTW: Lots of luck to Spain tonight against the rivals from Portugal - I look forward to watch the game - and 'may the best team win'....

Thanks a bunch Denner! I'm rather pessimistic myself

Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

H.L. Mencken.

06-29-10  03:35pm - 5370 days #25
Ed2009 (0)
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If the US insists on referring to football as "soccer" then maybe the rest of the world should insist on referring to American Football as "handegg"? (try searching for it on Google image search!) Webmaster of StripGameCentral and A Measure of Curiosity.

06-29-10  04:30pm - 5370 days #26
nostromo (0)
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We made it. Our goal was brilliant. Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

H.L. Mencken.

06-29-10  05:30pm - 5370 days #27
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by Ed2009:

If the US insists on referring to football as "soccer" then maybe the rest of the world should insist on referring to American Football as "handegg"? (try searching for it on Google image search!)

I'll make it easy for 'em

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06-30-10  06:00am - 5370 days #28
Denner (0)
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Originally Posted by nostromo:

We made it. Our goal was brilliant.

Both teams made a fine game for us fans to watch...
Guess David Villa was 'kind of' off site before scoring that goal? - still it was entertaining, and Yes, a damn fine goal (off site or not)...........and the famous Ronaldo with a salary we can only envy was not doing much...

Anyway: Congrats with the victory and best of luck from now on.
Spain plays great FOOTBALL!!!!

BTW: I think there has been a notorious drop out of qualified referees in South Africa...

"I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle" Edited on Jun 30, 2010, 07:08am

06-30-10  07:05am - 5370 days #29
Denner (0)
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Originally Posted by RagingBuddhist:

I'll make it easy for 'em

Thanks for this Football/Handegg - it's hilarious.
"I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle"

06-30-10  10:40am - 5370 days #30
nostromo (0)
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Thanks Denner!

Spain played a lousy game until the last third of it when LLorente replaced Torres, and the former created spaces (i don't know if this is the right word in english) for Villa and the midfielders, then Spain started to have goal opportunities. The goal was off-side, but few have made a big deal out of it since Spain was cleary superior for the last thirty minutes.

The good news is that we are winning despite having off days, which shows a psychological strenght that Spain has historically lacked. The bad news is that we are playing bad football for the most part.

i agree, the refereeing in this WC has been awful so far Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

H.L. Mencken.

07-02-10  11:10am - 5368 days #31
Denner (0)
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Anybody for a sport experience...?
Today it was IT.

Holland beat Brazil 2-1 - one of the best socc..., NO: football matches in a long time.

So it looks like: Spain, Holland, Germany, Argentina....and maybe Uruguay (if they beat Ghana tonight, guess they will)...

Europe is certainly in the World Cup - still...

My guess is a Spain-Holland final...

(never saw that coming in the start) "I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle"

07-02-10  12:12pm - 5367 days #32
nostromo (0)
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Originally Posted by Denner:

Anybody for a sport experience...?
Today it was IT.

Holland beat Brazil 2-1 - one of the best socc..., NO: football matches in a long time.

So it looks like: Spain, Holland, Germany, Argentina....and maybe Uruguay (if they beat Ghana tonight, guess they will)...

Europe is certainly in the World Cup - still...

My guess is a Spain-Holland final...

(never saw that coming in the start)

Damn, i couldn't watch the match! But good riddance to Brazil! Most of the brasilian teams i've seen since 1982 -their last samba team: Falcao; Socrates; Zico; Eder; Juninho and Toninho Cerezzo, was a thrill to watch!, i've never since watched a national football team as talented- were boring, and this team was particularly boring taking into account their football tradition, so come back in four years with a more attractive proposal.

As far as The Netherlands goes, this is another team which has turned its back to its traditional aesthetically pleasing style. But it is more painful to watch Brazil completely betraying their jogo bonito Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

H.L. Mencken.

07-03-10  01:34pm - 5366 days #34
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by nostromo:

Double Post Deleted

Nice blank space to congratulate Spain on its win a few minutes ago. I will be cheering for Germany, of course, so don't expect these warm feelings to last very long!

07-03-10  08:04pm - 5366 days #35
williamj (0)
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Please let it end all ready. The USA will never enjoy the most boring sport man ever thought of. Let the rest of world blow silly horns and leave the USA alone. BORING! Will

07-07-10  01:35pm - 5362 days #36
nostromo (0)
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Originally Posted by williamj:

Please let it end all ready. The USA will never enjoy the most boring sport man ever thought of. Let the rest of world blow silly horns and leave the USA alone. BORING!

The spanish game is not boring, our whole team could play in a phone booth. That's jogo bonito .

Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

H.L. Mencken.

07-07-10  02:20pm - 5362 days #37
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by nostromo:

The spanish game is not boring, our whole team could play in a phone booth. That's jogo bonito .

Congratulations, nostromo! I was cheering for Germany but must agree that the Spanish team outplayed them today. A well deserved win ... and it's about time they got a spot in the finals!

07-07-10  03:00pm - 5362 days #38
Denner (0)
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Originally Posted by nostromo:

The spanish game is not boring, our whole team could play in a phone booth. That's jogo bonito .

Spain tonight showed how entertaining real football can be played... (and Germany, allas - really had a bad day)
Before the match I thought Germany would would win it - but a 100 % deserved victory for Spain.......
"I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle"

07-07-10  03:12pm - 5362 days #39
nostromo (0)
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Thanks guys! Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

H.L. Mencken.

07-10-10  09:07am - 5360 days #40
Denner (0)
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We're getting close to find the champs.
Today/tonight guess/hope Germany will get back to their best - look forward to that game..
But even more: Tomorrow Spain-Holland - two great teams - may the best win.
Who said real football is boring? - I could name lots of other sports much more boring, but not enough space here......
"I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle"

07-11-10  10:24am - 5359 days #41
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Denner:

We're getting close to find the champs.
Today/tonight guess/hope Germany will get back to their best - look forward to that game..
But even more: Tomorrow Spain-Holland - two great teams - may the best win.
Who said real football is boring? - I could name lots of other sports much more boring, but not enough space here......

Who will you be cheering for in another hour, Denner? I find it tough to pick a team since Germany has been eliminated. Maybe we should just cheer for the "beautiful game!" May the best team win, indeed!

07-11-10  02:07pm - 5358 days #42
nostromo (0)
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Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

H.L. Mencken.

07-11-10  02:49pm - 5358 days #43
Denner (0)
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CONGRATS to Spain - and nostromo.

The best team won - (even if the game was doll and with way to many warnings - deserved warnings that is - too bad for a final) "I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle"

07-11-10  03:24pm - 5358 days #44
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Denner:

CONGRATS to Spain - and nostromo.

The best team won - (even if the game was doll and with way to many warnings - deserved warnings that is - too bad for a final)

I agree about the warnings but we didn't find the game dull at all even though it remained scoreless for a long time. And we (my wife and I) feel, just like you, that the best team won indeed! Congratulations Spain and nostromo!

07-12-10  12:30am - 5358 days #45
nostromo (0)
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Thanks guys Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

H.L. Mencken.

07-12-10  05:55am - 5358 days #46
Denner (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

I agree about the warnings but we didn't find the game dull at all even though it remained scoreless for a long time. And we (my wife and I) feel, just like you, that the best team won indeed! Congratulations Spain and nostromo!

Yes, dull, not 'doll' - of course not..
But we - some friends along watching - were disappointed. Here was maybe 'the match of the year' with the two best teams.
What made it 'not really good' was two factors:
The roughness instead of skill with 'elegance'..only Spain showed some of that.
AND the fact that the Dutch 'digged' themselves down (a bit hard in English this) - they slowed down the Spanish attack, played it too safe without much to show in their own attacks - like in the other matches. Of course it was their tactics to try to hold back Spain - but still it's a pity of what could have been a great match...
"I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle"

07-12-10  10:44am - 5358 days #47
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Denner:

Yes, dull, not 'doll' - of course not..
But we - some friends along watching - were disappointed. Here was maybe 'the match of the year' with the two best teams.
What made it 'not really good' was two factors:
The roughness instead of skill with 'elegance'..only Spain showed some of that.
AND the fact that the Dutch 'digged' themselves down (a bit hard in English this) - they slowed down the Spanish attack, played it too safe without much to show in their own attacks - like in the other matches. Of course it was their tactics to try to hold back Spain - but still it's a pity of what could have been a great match...

Your argument is sound, Denner. We enjoyed the match immensely but the flaws were there and it could have been a better game. Nevertheless it was still a nail biter for us.

And it turned out well because both my wife and I had decided to cheer for Spain! Felt badly for the Dutch, nevertheless.

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