Porn Users Forum » Ext. HD shot? |
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07-25-10 01:50pm - 5344 days | Original Post - #1 | |
shooterbo (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 185 Registered: Apr 25, '07 |
Ext. HD shot? My 120 GB external is almost full. Now, all of the sudden, I cannot add to it or send anything from it anywhere else, BUT, I can playback everything on it. When I go to transfer, it shuts down. Any ideas? | |
07-25-10 02:03pm - 5344 days | #2 | |
bjajlt362 (0)
Active User Posts: 3 Registered: Jun 01, '10 |
have you tried running scandisk on it? | |
07-25-10 02:05pm - 5344 days | #3 | |
mistresskent (0)
Active Webmaster ![]() Posts: 188 Registered: Feb 02, '09 Location: Kent, UK |
Can you check the manufacturers for any Firmware updates? -Click on start menu -right click on computer and click on Manage. -Click Storage -Click Disk management -Try mounting which ever drive it is. If this doesn't work, please contact us for walk through on imaging/ghosting your drive. Mistress Kent xx http://www.mistresskent.com http://www.mistresskent.co.uk | |
07-27-10 02:10am - 5342 days | #4 | |
shooterbo (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 185 Registered: Apr 25, '07 |
OK MK, I am as far as seeing all the drives listed in the Disk Management window. Now, what do you mean by "mounting" the drive in question? | |
07-27-10 02:12am - 5342 days | #5 | |
shooterbo (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 185 Registered: Apr 25, '07 |
Where is Scandisk in Windows XP? I used to use it alot in W98, but I cant find it here. | |
07-27-10 05:32am - 5342 days | #6 | |
mistresskent (0)
Active Webmaster ![]() Posts: 188 Registered: Feb 02, '09 Location: Kent, UK |
Right click on the drive in question, check mounted/mounting is ticked. Thanks Mistress Kent xx http://www.mistresskent.com http://www.mistresskent.co.uk | |
07-27-10 06:55am - 5342 days | #7 | ||
Methos (0)
Suspended Webmaster ![]() Posts: 7 Registered: Jul 23, '10 Location: Kent, England |
For the Windows XP Scandisk utility, you can rightclick on the hard drive you want to check in "My computer", go to Properties and then Tools. Under Error-Checking there should be everything you need. Another more advanced way of doing things like this would be to use the Cmd interface... you'll get a lot more data from the check that way... Click Start, and then Run. In Open, type cmd, and then press ENTER. Use one of the following procedures: To run Chkdsk in read-only mode, at the command prompt, type chkdsk, and then press ENTER. To repair errors without scanning the volume for bad sectors, at the command prompt, type chkdsk volume:/"Whichever letter drive you want to check", and then press ENTER. Note If one or more of the files on the hard disk are open, you will receive the following message:
Or something to that effect, can't remember the exact wording off by heart. Type Y, and then press ENTER to schedule the disk check, and then restart your computer to start the disk check. To repair errors, locate bad sectors, and recover readable information, at the command prompt, type chkdsk volume:/r, and then press ENTER. Note If one or more of the files on the hard disk are open, you will receive the following message:
Type Y, and then press ENTER to schedule the disk check, and then restart your computer to start the disk check. Though for some reason, this immediate problem of the disk not being able to be read, or written to, just screams of a Cache problem to me... My advice is to just turn off Disk caching for that particular drive and then see how the error behaves afterwards. Start at the desktop. Right-click on My Computer, then left-click on Properties. Click on the Hardware tab at the top. Click on the Device Manager button. Click on the + next to Disk Drives to expand it. Right click on the hard drive on which to turn write caching off, then left click Properties. Click on the Policies tab. Click on Enable write caching on the disk to remove the tick. It must not be ticked. Click OK. This may not resolve the issue completely, but it sounds like something is failing to be written by the cache... Also try running a checkdisk on your main hard drive, and external hard drive just to be on the safe side :D M "Look, if you want to torture me, spank me, lick me, do it. But if this poetry shit continues just shoot me now please." ~ Lori Petty in Tank Girl | ||
07-27-10 12:57pm - 5342 days | #8 | |
shooterbo (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 185 Registered: Apr 25, '07 |
I was able to run Scandisk on it successfully. No change. | |
07-27-10 01:01pm - 5342 days | #9 | |
shooterbo (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 185 Registered: Apr 25, '07 |
I did click on the drive in question, but "mounted or mounting" was not a resulting option. Any other word might work? There were several. | |
07-27-10 01:03pm - 5342 days | #10 | |
mistresskent (0)
Active Webmaster ![]() Posts: 188 Registered: Feb 02, '09 Location: Kent, UK |
I hate to say this... can you go to my non-pay website and email me through there, its the .co.uk one. If you go to the contact me page we can exchange emails through there or instant messenger. Methos will be able to assist you through Skype normally. Not sure if its fixable, but he'll certainly help. Admins please let us know if this is allowed? Mistress Kent xx http://www.mistresskent.com http://www.mistresskent.co.uk | |
07-27-10 01:36pm - 5342 days | #11 | |
Khan (0)
Suspended ![]() Posts: 1,737 Registered: Jan 05, '07 Location: USA |
We have no objections. I'm sure shooterbo will be grateful for the help. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator Now at: MyPorn.com "To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson | |
08-07-10 09:49am - 5331 days | #12 | |
shooterbo (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 185 Registered: Apr 25, '07 |
Will contact later when I return. I understand nothing has changed. Thanks for all the help. | |
08-11-10 09:32am - 5327 days | #13 | |
shooterbo (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 185 Registered: Apr 25, '07 |
OK mistresskent....when I right click on the drive in question, my only options (7 of them) are either to "Open, Explore, Mark partition as active,Change drive letter and paths, Format, Delete partition or Help"...nothing listed about "mounted/mounting" What next?? Thanks | |
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