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Porn Users Forum » Porn Star Testing HIV Positive!
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10-13-10  11:53pm - 5263 days #53
Monahan (0)
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The last HIV scare was weathered and the condoms were pretty much a thing of the past. The testing is far more thorough than suggested above so I suspect the dude either cheated to avoid detection or contracted HIV soon after his last test.

10-14-10  03:40am - 5263 days #54
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by Monahan:

The last HIV scare was weathered and the condoms were pretty much a thing of the past. The testing is far more thorough than suggested above so I suspect the dude either cheated to avoid detection or contracted HIV soon after his last test.

Yes, I agree. I doubt much will change. It's another flash in the pan. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

10-14-10  10:55am - 5263 days #55
hodayathink (0)
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Originally Posted by Drooler:

Yes, I agree. I doubt much will change. It's another flash in the pan.

It's not. The difference between last time and this time is that this time there's a well funded organization (AIDS Healthcare Foundation) that has been, for the past few months, trying to implore Cal-OSHA to mandate condom use on all porn sets. And this is exactly the type of incident they needed to try to "prove their point". From AVN:



The truth of the matter is that at least in SoCal (and probably in the US period), it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when, and what the companies are going to do about it.

10-14-10  06:58pm - 5262 days #56
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by hodayathink:

The truth of the matter is that at least in SoCal (and probably in the US period), it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when, and what the companies are going to do about it.

I agree that it's almost unavoidable. Some people have mentioned that companies migth simply move their studios out of California but I wonder how many of them would. My suggestion is that if they know it's going to happen then simply bite the bullet and start filming condom only scenes. I know that many people keep saying that they won't watch condom porn but I wonder how many of them truly mean it. Since I don't mind condoms then I know I will have any problem if and when it happens. Long live the Brown Coats.

10-14-10  09:50pm - 5262 days #57
turboshaft (0)
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They seem to do it more in some European porn (not all by a long shot) so maybe it's not such a big deal over there, or they're just allowed to do more anyway so condoms are part of the norm.

I still have my doubts about U.S. studios using condoms though...so bring on the girl-girl porn!

(They can wear latex gloves if they want.) "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

10-15-10  06:58pm - 5261 days #58
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

I still have my doubts about U.S. studios using condoms though...so bring on the girl-girl porn!

(They can wear latex gloves if they want.)

I don't think any porn studio will ever voluntarily go all condom. It will only happen if the people that be force them to do it. Didn't Vivid open the door to non-condom porn a couple of years ago because they were probably noticing a reduction in their overall sales? Long live the Brown Coats.

10-15-10  07:53pm - 5261 days #59
graymane (0)

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Mark me down as one who loathes viewing a condom being worn during a sex scene.
Note, if you will, I said "VIEWING A CONDOM."
If the industry would get smart and persue an effort to develope a way the condom wouldn't be recognized, then maybe they'd make some progress with solving this problem.
Condoms sliding all the way on without showing the "lip" at the base would be a start. Of course, another give-away to be addressed is the usual gloss reflected from the use of lighting.
Close-ups would have to undergo major change, but that would be cheerfully welcomed because many of those brain-dead camera-men who have a fixation on excessive micro-taping would have to go back to school.
Makeup and prosthetic wizardry should by now have advanced to a stage of producing an appearance where one simply cannot tell if the subject is, indeed, actually wearing a condom. It can be done.

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