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11-03-08  01:03pm - 5910 days #51
Wittyguy (0)
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Originally Posted by TheSquirrel:

As a newbie I thought I'd make this my first post as it is one that caught my eye.

Hey Squirrel. Just wanted to say welcome to PU and the forum. New voices are always welcome here. I agree with most everything you had to say.

11-03-08  01:37pm - 5910 days #52
Tree Rodent (0)
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Cheers, and thanks! There seems to be a lot of thoughtful discussion on here, so hope I can contribute.

11-03-08  02:39pm - 5910 days #53
Monahan (0)
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Originally Posted by TheSquirrel:

... stealing lolipops from sweet shops.

You left out busking in the corridors of the London Underground and failing to look right at crosswalks.

In any case, welcome to the Porn Users forum. We're an interesting bunch and look forward to a British perspective.

11-03-08  03:29pm - 5910 days #54
Tree Rodent (0)
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Bugger - I misspelled lollipops. Oh the shame! But thanks Monahan and Wittyguy. My fear is we will look back on this era in ten years and think about it as the good old days when you could look at and download just about anything. Governments are already finding ways to stop downloading of pirated material, by making ISPs caution and then ban members who continually download. It's why I have always liked the idea of satellite. No wires, no connections, no ISP's or providers of any type. Once you have the dish you can tune in to just about anything that technology and money will allow. Severe regulation of the internet is sadly inevitable. Corporations know how to manipulate the fears of the public using the media, so they can regulate what we consume, and how we consume it. Now if only someone can advance this internet thing a bit further so that it can all be done by microwave signals without telephone or media companies being involved. Just tune into anything that's out there. Now wouldn't that be great?

11-03-08  11:13pm - 5909 days #55
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by TheSquirrel:

Cheers, and thanks! There seems to be a lot of thoughtful discussion on here, so hope I can contribute.

Welcome Squirrel, :-) Since 2007

11-09-08  04:04pm - 5904 days #56
deadelvis (0)

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I only discovered this forum today.
We in the UK now live in fear of imprisonment if our
computer and dvd-roms e.c.t ever fell in to the hands of the police.I have hidden my collection away because a lot of what i downloaded legally years ago would put me in jail and i am not talking about child porn either.
Many of the innocent sites from the USA that display under 18
models even if dressed or in a bikini would merit a jail sentence here on a child porn charge.
Our law might define extreme porn but show a jury especially one with a few women members some bondage and S/M and you
will be convicted and imprisoned.
D Edited on Nov 09, 2008, 04:08pm

11-09-08  05:43pm - 5903 days #57
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 11:17am

11-09-08  05:53pm - 5903 days #58
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 11:17am

11-10-08  03:44am - 5903 days #59
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by TheSquirrel:

As a newbie I thought I'd make this my first post as it is one that caught my eye. For many years I have realised how governments try to control freedom of speech and expression. They love terrorism, paedophilia, murder, social unrest etc because it gives them a great chance to pass laws that restrict the freedom of its own people. The greatest threat to any people is generally its own government, as the majority is nearly always ruled by a wealthy minority, who control the media, and therefore control who gets elected.

The most unpleasant and uncivilised countries generally have the most restricitive censorship. We're in a battle at the moment, because the internet means cheaper access to media, music, news, arts, and so on. This means less profit for the rich corporations who own the media, and who put politicians into power. The internet also means access to information and free speeech, which has always been anathema to governments and powerful corporations.

These people will, as has been suggested on here, eventually take control of the internet. I think it is inevitable. They will use any excuse they can. They will use terrorism and extreme porn as an excuse to clamp down on freedom of expression and cheap access to media. This is a sort of crossover to the extreme thread on here. I could hardly read the description of some of those videos, but I just watch what I want to watch. I believe in freedom of speech and freedom of expression. When videos break the law, then maybe those who make them should be prosecuted. But in the past you could be breaking the law by being homosexual. Most of the laws are not passed for the majority but for the minority, under pretence of helping the citizens as a whole. This goes back 2000 years where they would pass laws en bloc. A bunch of laws would have one good law highlighted for citizens, along with 9 bad ones, which would favour the minority.

Not only is censorship used to restrict rights of citizens, it also by inference, suggests that those who lead and control are superior to the rest of us. Superior enough to be able to tell us what is good for us, and what we should be doing and watching.

We may not like or agree with some of the things we see or hear. Thankfully on here it looks like we have some very intelligent and well educated people. One thing governments have always hated, has been intellectuals who disagree with them. That's why simplistic tabloid journalism goes down so well. The governements like it, and so do people who let the media tell them what to think, because they are too stupid to think for themselves. But thanks to the way simplistic media influences its simplistic people, it will eventually be able to convince them that censorship and control of the internet is the only thing that can stop terrorism, mass murder, paedophilia, football hooliganism, smoking, public disorder and unrest, tax evasion, oh yeah - and driving without a TV licence, and stealing lolipops from sweet shops.

You said it all so well. This is what I've been observing in the US for quite some time: the wealthy minority controlling the media, the government, the war machine, etc. And US. And it's not just control, but exploitation, with minimum wages that can't possibility sustain a minimum standard of living, health insurance that masquerades as health insurance, and a media machine that turns into a lap dog when we need real journalism to keep the government in check. Instead we get a machine that tells us what to think and even what to think about. Not that there's been enough thinking ... I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-25-08  03:26pm - 5888 days #61
Wittyguy (0)
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Originally Posted by Drooler:

Not that there's been enough thinking ...

Actually, here's a little thought as to getting around the Brit's law and actually it probably has more to do with the future of porn than the present. Just recently there was a student who did a public suicide on a live webcam (you knew it was bound to happen, I'm suprised it just took this long). Obviously, no one who watched could really be charged with a crime or sued civilly failing to intervene. My thought extends to the idea of streaming video or just looking at pictures.

The Brit law makes "possession" of extreme porn a crime. Viewing a pic or a streaming vid is like watching tv, you have no control over the image other than choosing to look at it. As BadAndy has noted several times in this forum, the future of porn is going to be streaming as broadband becomes the norm. If that's the case then it becomes difficult to claim that someone actually possesses illegal material because they don't have any of it saved. This defense is probably a bit technical and I'm not advocating that anyone try it but it is just a thought ... at least I'm trying Drooler ;)

11-25-08  04:15pm - 5888 days #62
Tree Rodent (0)
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Going back to the bad old days I am reminded of what Monahan was saying on another thread, about having to search out the occasional VERY expensive and illegal video from a porn shop. The first one I bought cost about £60 in 1979, I think. About 10 minutes of genuine action in it. But to be able to view it at home - WHOOPEE welcome to the new age.

Of course, those who were caught selling that sort of thing were going to be imprisoned for over 2 years. It seems incredible now, but in all honesty it seemed incredible then. Someone selling pictures or videos of two people having sex could end up in prison longer than burglars, rapists, or compulsive thugs.

One of the places that sold genuine porn was a shop run by Mary Millington. Most of you wont have heard of her, but she was probably the last of the great British sex symbols. She stood five foot nothing and if you passed her on the street you probably wouldn't have given her a second glance. But she was very photogenic. She only made about five hardcore short movies, all the rest was soft core. But she found Scotland Yard spending thousands of hours and a shitload of tax payers money in going after her.

One of the pictures she was going to be prosecuted for was, from what I can remember, a picture of a topless girl walking a dog. This was suggesting bestiality according to the Crown Prosecution Service so they went after her. she ended up taking her own life after becoming severely depressed over all the cases against her, and the constant raids and harassment.

She seemed genuinely interested in what she was fighting for. She could have behaved and still made money out of her body, but she believed in fighting for the freedom of her business. Very few remember her. It's a sad waste of a life, but it also illustrates how far we have come, and is also a reminder of the kind of forces and the mentality we are constantly fighting.

What really broke it all open wasn't the internet but satellite. The forces of law and order and righteousness could not stop the onslaught of "filth" being beamed in from foreign countries by those dastardly foreigners! There were a few prosecutions attempted but the flood gates were open.

I would not like to see those times again where the voice of the government - the media, told us how harmful all this filth was to our fortitude and morality. We could go back that way again if we are not careful. It's technology that opened it all up, but there is a constant fight by those who control us to use that technology against us. So it's a battle of good against evil as far as I am concerned. We try to use technology to make our lives more free, and open up free speech and debate. That very same technology is used by governments to try to control us and restrict our freedom. Edited on Nov 25, 2008, 06:02pm

11-25-08  06:53pm - 5887 days #63
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by TheSquirrel:

Going back to the bad old days I am reminded of what Monahan was saying on another thread, about having to search out the occasional VERY expensive and illegal video from a porn shop. The first one I bought cost about &#65533;60 in 1979, I think. About 10 minutes of genuine action in it. But to be able to view it at home - WHOOPEE welcome to the new age.

Of course, those who were caught selling that sort of thing were going to be imprisoned for over 2 years. It seems incredible now, but in all honesty it seemed incredible then. Someone selling pictures or videos of two people having sex could end up in prison longer than burglars, rapists, or compulsive thugs.

One of the places that sold genuine porn was a shop run by Mary Millington. Most of you wont have heard of her, but she was probably the last of the great British sex symbols. She stood five foot nothing and if you passed her on the street you probably wouldn't have given her a second glance. But she was very photogenic. She only made about five hardcore short movies, all the rest was soft core. But she found Scotland Yard spending thousands of hours and a shitload of tax payers money in going after her.

One of the pictures she was going to be prosecuted for was, from what I can remember, a picture of a topless girl walking a dog. This was suggesting bestiality according to the Crown Prosecution Service so they went after her. she ended up taking her own life after becoming severely depressed over all the cases against her, and the constant raids and harassment.

She seemed genuinely interested in what she was fighting for. She could have behaved and still made money out of her body, but she believed in fighting for the freedom of her business. Very few remember her. It's a sad waste of a life, but it also illustrates how far we have come, and is also a reminder of the kind of forces and the mentality we are constantly fighting.

What really broke it all open wasn't the internet but satellite. The forces of law and order and righteousness could not stop the onslaught of "filth" being beamed in from foreign countries by those dastardly foreigners! There were a few prosecutions attempted but the flood gates were open.

I would not like to see those times again where the voice of the government - the media, told us how harmful all this filth was to our fortitude and morality. We could go back that way again if we are not careful. It's technology that opened it all up, but there is a constant fight by those who control us to use that technology against us. So it's a battle of good against evil as far as I am concerned. We try to use technology to make our lives more free, and open up free speech and debate. That very same technology is used by governments to try to control us and restrict our freedom.

What I find to be a narrow minded attitude on the part of the Government is the fact that they are targeting adult oriented material on the basis that it's an attack on morality and a danger to children. all the while there isn't a single day that I don't see an new Amy Winehouse photo of her getting home drunk, stoned, or what not.
Let me see who is a worse example for teens. A porn movie that is restricted to 18 yrs old or reading about a very popular young singer running to her death at full speed.

If the Government really wants to crack down on the bad influences for todays youth then why don't the4y arrest Amy, Pete, Kate and sentence them to prison. I would think that this would send a far better message to todays youth on acceptable social behavior. That won't happen because it's easier to go after porn because it is a taboo business.

Funny you mention the past because I remember while groing up watching Benny Hill and he always had semi nude girls in his sketches. I don't think I turned out a pervert becasue of it. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-07-08  01:55pm - 5876 days #64
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 11:17am

12-07-08  03:33pm - 5876 days #65
Tree Rodent (0)
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There is another reason this is bad. If you trust governments and police you can probably find little argument against having your fingerprints taken, DNA, photos, history, who you slept with in the last 30 years, where you went every day for the last 30 years, maybe piece of skin, electronic tagging device, tracking implant etc. It's only done to protect you. Nothing to fear unless you're a criminal.

If however you regard the biggest criminals as the government, police, CEO's of big corporations, the army, and civil servants, you have every reason to be very frightened, as new technology is making it easier for them to track every move that you make. Just be a good citizen and don't disagree with them and you'll be fine....ah unless they use all this new technology to incriminate a few innocent people for crimes they didn't commit in order to protect the rich and famous, or maybe because they just don't like the colour of your skin or political beliefs. Oh, I'm sure everything's going to be fine. Nothing to worry about at all.

Thankfully there have never been any serious miscarriages of justice in this country because the people who govern and police us are so honest and upstanding they can be thoroughly trusted with that sort of sensitve information. Edited on Dec 07, 2008, 03:38pm

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