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Porn Users Forum » Playback problems?
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06-09-08  03:16pm - 6120 days Original Post - #1
shooterbo (0)
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Posts: 185
Registered: Apr 25, '07
Playback problems?

Anyone have this one? My WMP9 player tends to stutter and "stop and go" (only the video, not audio) when playing back these newer vids playing back at speeds above 1200k or so...no matter how I set the performance compression. Any tips or suggestions?

06-09-08  03:19pm - 6120 days #2
kkman112 (0)
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Dump WinBlows! lol, JK. I wouldn't know. I use Linux now and Totem has worked WAY better than WMP ever did. Although it may be your system. Older, slower systems can not play higher bitrate videos very well. Other than that WMP should (theoretically) play those videos fine unless they were incorrectly encoded.

06-09-08  05:16pm - 6120 days #3
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by shooterbo:

Anyone have this one? My WMP9 player tends to stutter and "stop and go" (only the video, not audio) when playing back these newer vids playing back at speeds above 1200k or so...no matter how I set the performance compression. Any tips or suggestions?

Try increasing your screen resolution so that it is above or equal to the native resolution of the video you are watching. Often video players do well at upsizing video, but have trouble downsizing it. Also - I'd highly recommend upgrading to WMP10 - it is vastly superior. You may also want to shop around with the various free players that are available. DivX player or BS Player are both reasonable choices and may handle the playback a bit better. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

06-10-08  04:16pm - 6119 days #4
shooterbo (0)
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Posts: 185
Registered: Apr 25, '07
Thanks guys....still working on it.

06-10-08  06:47pm - 6119 days #5
pat362 (0)
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Hi shooterbo. I think that Toadsith's suggestion about getting WMP 10 is the best solution, if you want to stick with that media. I'd recommend the VLC player(see link). It's free and I've been able to play certain files that no other player could. http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ Long live the Brown Coats.

06-11-08  09:46am - 6118 days #6
Denner (0)
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This video-freak entirely agree with pat362....
When all other media-players fail, the VLC will do the job - maybe it's the best player at the market at this moment - and it's free...and very easy to install and to use.
(you could try to download the older version - thats even easier in use - and the quality isn't different) "I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle" Edited on Jun 11, 2008, 09:50am

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