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05-25-11  12:24am - 5040 days Original Post - #1
WeeWillyWinky (0)
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Posts: 243
Registered: Jun 03, '07
Location: Havasu City, AZ USA
Lorna Morgan

Anyone know what happened to Lorna Morgan's site? It used to be listed here I think but now I get no matches. On a google search, I get matches, but when I click on what looks to be her official site I get a gazillion pop-ups, which did not happen the last time I visited her site.

I finally decided that Lorna possesses the most amazingly stupendous breasts I've ever seen and I decided also to go ahead and join her site once and for all, which I have never done.

Now I'm stumped. You know what I hate the most about selfish people? It's that they don't think enough about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

05-25-11  01:51am - 5040 days #2
WeeWillyWinky (0)
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Location: Havasu City, AZ USA
Never mind, I clicked on a few bogus links first, not looking carefully enough. Found it. You know what I hate the most about selfish people? It's that they don't think enough about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

05-25-11  01:43pm - 5040 days #3
graymane (0)

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Can't help you with Lorna Morgan...... But I'll jump in here to say its a refreshing treat seeing your return.

05-25-11  03:07pm - 5040 days #4
Khan (0)

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Location: USA
FWIW, we deactivated the site's listing quite some time back, at the owner's request. He told us the site was now just a front end for the parent network. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

05-26-11  02:08pm - 5039 days #5
WeeWillyWinky (0)
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Posts: 243
Registered: Jun 03, '07
Location: Havasu City, AZ USA
Thanks, graymane. I know I haven't posted or reviewed of late, but I check in frequently. I have several sites I want to do reviews on, which I must get around to soon.

Thanks, Khan. I wonder why I didn't get solicited by that parent network? I might have taken the bait. For anyone interested, Lorna Morgan is one of the most honest, down-to-earth, good-humored models you will EVER encounter on the net. Her site has a forum in which she posts, and she responds to users by name, and seems really involved. I believe it's actually her because in one of her videos she mentions her forum.

I might do a review of her site, which doesn't nearly live up to or do justice to the magnitude of this model in the video category. The photo content is nice.

Nonetheless, Lorna is one in a million and worth every penny. I'd pay ten times the amount to behold such a marvelous natural wonder of the world!


edit: Khan, is this parent network listed here? You know what I hate the most about selfish people? It's that they don't think enough about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

05-26-11  02:22pm - 5039 days #6
Khan (0)

Posts: 1,737
Registered: Jan 05, '07
Location: USA
Originally Posted by WeeWillyWinky:

Thanks, Khan. I wonder why I didn't get solicited by that parent network? I might have taken the bait.

edit: Khan, is this parent network listed here?

From the note made on the account, I didn't get the feeling any kind of trickery was going on. If you look at the join page for Lorna's site you'll see all the sites. The site was part of the Score Group, of which, we list several sites.

I think Scoreland is probably the main listing for this group of sites although I show we also list Score Videos and a number of others.

Hope that helps. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

06-04-11  09:53am - 5030 days #7
Lorna Morgan (0)
Active Webmaster

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Registered: Jun 04, '11
Location: South Wales, UK
Originally Posted by Khan:

From the note made on the account, I didn't get the feeling any kind of trickery was going on. If you look at the join page for Lorna's site you'll see all the sites. The site was part of the Score Group, of which, we list several sites.

I think Scoreland is probably the main listing for this group of sites although I show we also list Score Videos and a number of others.

Hope that helps.

Hi Khan, I think I know what happened here. On my front page I list some of the sites I have modelled for and appeared as a guest Model. I'm sure you know that Scoreland.com, Danni.com, xx-cel.com and Pinupfiles.com are all owned by different companies. I'm friendly with all the sites i've appeared on, but none of those companies owns me or my site


I've got to say though I am a bit angry that someone may have posed as my webmaster to request my site be removed from the list I'm sure it's some sort of misunderstanding, but I can assure you my site has been run by me for ten years now and has NEVER been run by anyone else! Love Lorna xxx

Lorna Morgan Official Website | Lorna Morgan's Boob Mad
Lorna Morgan Model Facebook Page | Follow Lorna Morgan on Twitter

06-04-11  10:20am - 5030 days #8
Khan (0)

Posts: 1,737
Registered: Jan 05, '07
Location: USA
The site my remarks refer to is the URL we used to list ... bustylornamorgan.com

I show no listing for lorna-morgan.com

I'll make our editors aware of the site but you may want to write admin [at] thebestporn [dot] com and ask that they list your site. They also should be able to help you get to the bottom of David's (they can give you his full name) remarks about the site just being a front end for Scoreland that resulted in the site being de-listed. Here really isn't the place for that discussion. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson
Edited on Jun 04, 2011, 10:35am

06-04-11  11:40am - 5030 days #9
Lorna Morgan (0)
Active Webmaster

Posts: 3
Registered: Jun 04, '11
Location: South Wales, UK
Originally Posted by Khan:

The site my remarks refer to is the URL we used to list ... bustylornamorgan.com

No actually that's cool. That URL IS a portal page for Score and they know that I don't like it to pass off as my official site, plus it would be fooling your users.

Score are good guys and they did the right thing there.

I'm busy but I'd like to contribute here when I can - thanks @WeeWillyWinky for bringing up this thread so I could find it and about this site. I'm working on more and longer video.

Here's a 30 minute free one you may not have seen. I gave it to one of my blogger friends;


I've added a link to pornusers.com on my front page and on my forum boobmad.com Love Lorna xxx

Lorna Morgan Official Website | Lorna Morgan's Boob Mad
Lorna Morgan Model Facebook Page | Follow Lorna Morgan on Twitter

06-04-11  12:02pm - 5030 days #10
Khan (0)

Posts: 1,737
Registered: Jan 05, '07
Location: USA
Originally Posted by Lorna Morgan:

No actually that's cool. That URL IS a portal page for Score and they know that I don't like it to pass off as my official site, plus it would be fooling your users.

Score are good guys and they did the right thing there.

I'm busy but I'd like to contribute here when I can - thanks @WeeWillyWinky for bringing up this thread so I could find it and about this site. I'm working on more and longer video.

Here's a 30 minute free one you may not have seen. I gave it to one of my blogger friends;


I've added a link to pornusers.com on my front page and on my forum boobmad.com

I've passed the URL for your "official" site to our editors. I expect you'll hear from them soon.

BTW, You might want to take a minute and read our forum rules .. the section for webmasters. I'm going to allow your video link *this one time* but please don't make a habit of it.

We'll look forward to hearing from you from time-to-time. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

06-04-11  12:22pm - 5030 days #11
Lorna Morgan (0)
Active Webmaster

Posts: 3
Registered: Jun 04, '11
Location: South Wales, UK
Originally Posted by Khan:

BTW, You might want to take a minute and read our forum rules .. the section for webmasters.

I hear you. Love Lorna xxx

Lorna Morgan Official Website | Lorna Morgan's Boob Mad
Lorna Morgan Model Facebook Page | Follow Lorna Morgan on Twitter

06-25-11  08:36pm - 5008 days #12
WeeWillyWinky (0)
Active User

Posts: 243
Registered: Jun 03, '07
Location: Havasu City, AZ USA
Lorna Morgan said thanks to me!

um...Lorna Morgan said thanks to me?




Wow. I'm flabbergasted. I'm gabberflasted. Oh joy! Oh happy, happy day!

Thank you Lorna, for being such a gracious and beautiful lady, and for allowing me the honor of beholding you, even from so great a distance.

Best wishes and regards to you and yours.

WWW You know what I hate the most about selfish people? It's that they don't think enough about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

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