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12-03-12  06:00pm - 4481 days Original Post - #1
Micha (0)
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Wish List

Wish List

What do we want in a porn site?

Let’s us leave personal preferences regarding boy, girl, gay, lesbian, MILFs, teens and trannies for another thread.

What I wish is :

Simplicity ; I am there to “see”. Videos and still photography please. I am not interested in a showcase for new and innovative web mechanics. Anything that takes my attention from the subject, doesn’t belong there. Fireworks, pop-ups, violent and erratic movement belong elsewhere. A minimum of distractions please.
I understand that they advertise other sites. It is an important part of their revenue stream. I have paid money to see your site. Don’t have ads for other sites be intrusive and annoying.

Ease of navigation; When I click the back button, I wish to go back to the previous page. I am amazed at how often that doesn’t happen. If I get lost or cannot find my way back to a previous page, someone is not doing their job.

Quality of photography and videography ; I wish stills and videos to be well-lighted and well shot. If I can improve a picture in PhotoShop, someone is not doing their job.

Ease in downloading. It would be great to have file names include the identity of the talent and the name of the shoot, or at least have that info close at hand for easy copying and pasting.
Videos with accompanying photo shoots ought to have the same or a similar name.

Show me talent that appears to like what they’re doing and desire to be there. If they don’t want to be there, I don’t want them there either.
They are actors. They should act.

I have subscribed to many, many erotic websites. Sitting here at this keyboard, I cannot remember a single one with which I did not find fault.

More as it occurs to me.

What do you wish? unless life also gives you water and sugar, your lemonade is gonna suck.

12-03-12  06:48pm - 4481 days #2
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
What do I wish? All of the above and seizable more.
So much more, in fact, that I'd likely exceed the character allowance for posting replies.
I will, however, give it more deserving thoughts and see if I can condense all my like-minded grips that line up with your welcomed ideas and get back to you.
But sadly, my friend, I think we're just continuing to beat a dead horse trying to get these dumb-asses to listen

12-03-12  08:29pm - 4481 days #3
skunk (0)
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Registered: Jun 21, '12
Location: UK/london
Hi Micha
My site does not have any advertising on the films or pic pages and when you click the back button you go back on the pic pages i have a back button as well :O)

Think the downloading is ease is for me.the file names are not include the identity of the talent and the name of the shoot,as it would make adding content much harder and think it would posh price up on the sites.

I just would not have time to do that as its just me doing the site.

with the fault it is ease to do and hope there are on fault on my one now lol, for the big guys that have people working for them then that is bad.

I come on to this site to find thing like this as it help me a lot as sexxximps.com is new.
so if any one does use it let me know if there are thing you do not like or like.

your not just beat a dead horse trying to get these dumb-asses to listen. well not this one if i can do the changes i do.
that is why i set the site up to sell just 1 film.
so i wish you to wish more lol http://www.sexxximps.com

12-04-12  12:27am - 4481 days #4
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by skunk:

sexxximps.com is new.

your not just beat a dead horse trying to get these dumb-asses to listen. well not this one if i can do the changes i do.
that is why i set the site up to sell just 1 film.
so i wish you to wish more lol

Well, Skunk, let me commend you for getting off to a good start ..... namely coming on board with us here and giving us a perspective (and I hope a continuing one) from a webmaster's point of view.
Our people value webmasters input more than you'll know, and if you're honest with us, especially upon showing a genuine interest like you've done on this thread, then I cannot but logically predict nothing but a rewardingly positive result to follow.

12-04-12  03:37pm - 4481 days #5
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA
I agree with Micha. Perhaps it can be summed up as is the old "KISS" principle: "Keep It Simple, Stupid."

(Not to be confused with the nonetheless relevant concept of "I wanna rock 'n roll all night/And pawty e-ve-ry deeh.") I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-04-12  06:37pm - 4480 days #6
pat362 (0)
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Location: canada
-Wish #1: The return of professional makeup artist whose job it is to enhance the features of the models.

-Wish #2: A follow up to above wish is the application of makeup on the body of the models to hide skin blemishes, razor burns and what not.

-Wish #3: More scenario based porn.

-Wish #4: Better acting in above scenario based porn.

-Wish #5: I wish to see better BJ's. ie no drooling chocking and spitting. Long live the Brown Coats. Edited on Dec 06, 2012, 06:45pm

12-05-12  05:16pm - 4480 days #7
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
This is easy :

1. A search engine that works the way it should.

2. Put and end to canned websites and search engines.

3. No more behind the scenes on any site.

4. End director talking on all sites.

5. Offer buy one get one free as offers to join. Since 2007

12-06-12  12:59pm - 4479 days #8
Capn (0)
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Nice simple & straightforward for me.

1) Good quality photographic content, with custom zips downloadable.

2) Eroticism rather than in your face explicit.

3) Slow strip from fully clothed to full body nudity.

4) No toys.

5) No hands blocking the view of the goods, unless it is part of the tease before the full reveal.

6) Don't miss out the removal of hose & shoes. That can be a very erotic part of the strip.

Cap'n. Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award
( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder!

12-06-12  01:23pm - 4479 days #9
jberryl69 (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

-Wish #5: I wish to see better BJ's. ie no drolling chocking and spitting.

Dam Pat - when I got BJ's that is exactly what I wanted. Slobber all over my member, wet, juicy - heaven!

But then well all have our wishes. Happy Holidays bro. If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

12-06-12  04:49pm - 4479 days #10
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA
Drooling, that's the user's job! (Need I say more?) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-06-12  06:52pm - 4478 days #11
pat362 (0)
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Location: canada
Originally Posted by jberryl69:

Dam Pat - when I got BJ's that is exactly what I wanted. Slobber all over my member, wet, juicy - heaven!

But then well all have our wishes. Happy Holidays bro.

I'm from the old school of porn where the bj was something the girl did to a guy and didn't really get help from him. There were some exceptions but those were normally for a certain type of scene. The bj usually involved the girl using her hands, there was rarely any chocking unless it was because the girl attempting a real deep throat didn't quite manage it and where spitting and drooling was simply not part of the scene.

I find that todays bj look more like guys trying to shove their cocks in the girls mouth all the while wanting to hear chocking, and seeing drool drip all over the girl. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-08-12  06:59am - 4477 days #12
bibo (0)

Posts: 179
Registered: Sep 16, '10
Location: GER
What I want... let's see:

* High Quality videos (1920x1080, nothing below)
This is 2012 and broadband internet access is available everywhere. How sites are even able to survive with their 640x480 videos is beyond me.

* Steady updates
One update per day should be the minimum. Weekly or monthly updates are so 2005.

* Stable servers!
Lately, it seems to be a common trend that sites are haveing bandwidth problems from time to time. Can be very annoying. Directly connected to this point is the next one...

* Full IDM support (including resuming downloads!)

* Less silicone tits
Cyborgs are still popular, although the latest trends with all the glamcore sites are a refreshing deviation. More of that please.

* Intuitive and simple navigation with filter and search options.

* Interesting cross promotion deals

12-08-12  10:54am - 4477 days #13
pat362 (0)
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^Let me say that I hope sites never stop offering lower quality videos because it will be a sad day for me when they do. I have ultra high speed internet so file size is not an issue but I also have an ISP that limits me to 130G per month for upload and download so all HD stuff would be a big problem for me Long live the Brown Coats.

12-08-12  11:26am - 4477 days #14
bibo (0)

Posts: 179
Registered: Sep 16, '10
Location: GER
pat, I'm not saying they should stop offering low res videos for good. I just say that the existence of low-res-ONLY video sites is hard to understand.
As long as a site offers me the choice of download options that include hdtv, it's fine by me.

12-08-12  03:46pm - 4477 days #15
messmer (0)
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Well, in response to a couple of comments above, I would rather give up on collecting videos than put up with non-HD material. I must say though that there are some 640x480p scenes that are reasonably nice in quality, however most are blurry in full window which is the only way I watch videos, and that turns me off.

BTW, Pat, if you should have a fairly new smart TV with built-in Wifi would Netflix streaming be counted by your ISP as bandwidth used? I have watched so many movies and TV shows over the past month that the bill would be outrageous if my Service Provider charged for usage once I go over a certain amount. Edited on Dec 08, 2012, 06:59pm

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