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Porn Users Forum » Would somebody tell me how I can add pictures within a post?
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05-09-13  11:46pm - 4324 days Original Post - #1
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Would somebody tell me how I can add pictures within a post?

Try as I may, I cannot find out how to insert pictures in a post. I see them done all the time from others, and it frustrates me to no end spinning my wheels in endless attempts to do it myself.
For those kindly souls out there who respond to this plea, may I ask to make it simple... by that I mean as technically friendly as possible.
I say that because I have two left feet whenever dealing with this sort of thing.

05-10-13  07:54am - 4324 days #2
Khan (0)

Posts: 1,737
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by graymane:

Try as I may, I cannot find out how to insert pictures in a post. ...

Let's see if I can get you pointed in the right direction.

Basically, how to post an image is briefly explained on the Forum Rules page under the Image Rules section, where it states:

"This is a new feature as of March 31, 2010. Images can be included in posts now using the Image+ icon above the message field. You will be prompted for the url of the image you wish to embed in your post. Please be responsible with hotlinking images and read the rules below."

Admittedly, that's in the very simplest terms ... "using the Image+ icon above the message field. You will be prompted for the url of the image you wish to embed in your post." As a refresher, it refers to the icon circled (below):

When you click that, a little box should open asking where your image is located -- and possibly this is where you're not following. PornUsers does not host images for you. We do address it in the same Image Rules section as above:

"Where can I upload images I want to post? Since we don't allow uploading images to our forum, you have to either hotlink the image already located on another server (be sure you have permission) or upload the image somewhere. There are many free image hosts online (try a google search). Make sure they allow hotlinking to forum threads."

So to review in basically a step-by-step ...

- Upload your image someplace and note the URL
- Make sure your cursor is in the "Message" block (that's the block where you type in your post)
- Click the Image icon (see image above)
- Insert URL of image (click the OK button)
- finish typing your post and submit (Add Reply button) as usual.

Please do review the Image Rules on the Forum Rules page before posting to ensure your image is allowed.

Hope that helps Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

05-10-13  08:04am - 4324 days #3
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Hi Grey Mane.

I duplicated what Khan said so edited it out.

Good luck Since 2007 Edited on May 10, 2013, 02:11pm

05-10-13  11:42am - 4324 days #4
jberryl69 (0)
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A place on-line. I'm sure Graymane is scratching his thinking, "That's a pretty big place."

So - I'll give you my personal take since it's what I do.

I subscribe to a free site called wikispaces.com. It allows me to upload photos which I use to display for a number of reasons.

When I want to post a photo here, I use the above widget (looks like a window with a dot) with the information called Copy Image Location (Right Click on the image) and paste it in the widget. (Try it with one of my photos).

and there you go.

There are a number of locations where you can have free photo posting. You only need that if you are going to post images that are on your computer.

For images that are from a website, again, just right click on the photo and copy the Copy Image Location.

Shout out if I've confused you. If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!
Edited on May 10, 2013, 11:51am

05-10-13  12:21pm - 4324 days #5
biker (0)
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Lets see if this works.

Love women with raven hair.
I use Photobucket.

This is addicting.

Warning Will Robinson Edited on Feb 02, 2014, 06:18pm

05-10-13  02:05pm - 4324 days #6
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
OOOPs sorry Khan
looks like I was writting mine up right when you were posting. Since 2007

05-10-13  02:07pm - 4324 days #7
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by jberryl69:

A place on-line. I'm sure Graymane is scratching his thinking, "That's a pretty big place."

So - I'll give you my personal take since it's what I do.

I subscribe to a free site called wikispaces.com. It allows me to upload photos which I use to display for a number of reasons.

When I want to post a photo here, I use the above widget (looks like a window with a dot) with the information called Copy Image Location (Right Click on the image) and paste it in the widget. (Try it with one of my photos).

and there you go.

There are a number of locations where you can have free photo posting. You only need that if you are going to post images that are on your computer.

For images that are from a website, again, just right click on the photo and copy the Copy Image Location.

Shout out if I've confused you.

Thanks for clarifying the " place on line " LOL

Ya if he listened to me on that part he would be looking the next 25 years. Since 2007

05-10-13  02:09pm - 4324 days #8
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
This is my anti-porn-balistic picture. One look and you will never look at porn the same way !
Since 2007

05-10-13  02:23pm - 4324 days #9
Khan (0)

Posts: 1,737
Registered: Jan 05, '07
Location: USA
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

OOOPs sorry Khan
looks like I was writting mine up right when you were posting.

I noticed the same thing ... we must have been typing at the same time. But, no problem at all. The more examples he has, the more likely he'll find something that makes sense to him. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

05-10-13  03:40pm - 4324 days #10
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Worlds of thanks, fellows ......
For all your comprehensive efforts and painstaking pursuits to honor my plead for simplicity -- of which you've demonstrated predictably and graciously, going beyond the call to walk me through this seemingly easy process .......

However, embarrassingly reluctant, I must honestly say that so far its all as clear as mud.

We're dealing here fellows with a guy who, following PU's image rules, fought a hailstorm of repeated errors and kickbacks for eons on end just to get his aviator to work.
And I think that occurred by accident.

Not the sharpest tool in the shed, graymane's created a challenge here for somebody to make his mark.

For example ..... what's a url?

I will explore all the kind help already given from my good friends here.
And if by chance a picture appears in one of my posts, then we know we have a payoff.

05-10-13  03:52pm - 4324 days #11
Khan (0)

Posts: 1,737
Registered: Jan 05, '07
Location: USA
Originally Posted by graymane:

However, embarrassingly reluctant, I must honestly say that so far its all as clear as mud.

For example ..... what's a url?

URL = Uniform Resource Locator -- It's an address that identifies a particular file on the Internet

For example, The URL for the image I used in my post is:

The URL for the image jberryl69 posted is:

Ok, so that one is a little long to display fully. But if you put your mouse over it, the full URL should display at the bottom of your browser. If you want, with your mouse over it, right-click and select Copy Shortcut (or your browser's equivalent)

If you click on those URL's then your browser will go locate that file. Well, the image tag (what the little icon inserts in your message) will use that to put the image in your post.

Now, knowing a URL for an image, use one of them (with the instructions above {pick whichever one you find easiest to follow}) and see if you can post an image. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson
Edited on May 10, 2013, 04:00pm

05-10-13  06:25pm - 4324 days #12
Dracula (0)
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Posts: 183
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Location: Romania
I am eagerly waiting for graymane's debut picture post! Can I have a drum roll please ... A true neck-lover.

05-11-13  07:55am - 4323 days #13
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Dracula:

I am eagerly waiting for graymane's debut picture post! Can I have a drum roll please ...

Yes me too very cool Graymane. Since 2007

05-11-13  08:00am - 4323 days #14
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Here is a little distraction while we wait.
Madison Ivy has been a favorite since she changed her hair brunette. Even those they are fake they are some of the best I have seen and she has a great sexy body dimensions. Since 2007

05-11-13  10:05am - 4323 days #15
jberryl69 (0)
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Location: neverland
^ Madison Ivy with a hash pipe. If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

05-11-13  08:28pm - 4322 days #16
Dracula (0)
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Posts: 183
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Location: Romania
Nice distraction! A true neck-lover.

05-12-13  01:32am - 4322 days #17
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

Here is a little distraction while we wait.
Madison Ivy has been a favorite since she changed her hair to brunette.

I just checked out a few clips of Madison on a site to which I'm a perpetual subscriber ......
You ain't kiddin' ........My boner, that's long defected its once busy home ..... amazingly found its way back as I was feasting on the anatomical treasures bestowed to this babe.
Boner was welcomed, if only for a short visit.

05-12-13  06:14am - 4322 days #18
jberryl69 (0)
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Posts: 1,000
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Location: neverland
Graymane! You dude!! ... and kudos to Madison for helping. If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

05-12-13  10:52am - 4322 days #19
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by jberryl69:

Graymane! You dude!! ... and kudos to Madison for helping.

YA GM, I hear ya at

about 24 she is at the top of her game.
Home Town: Bayern, Germany
Measurements: 32B-24-32
Height: 4’11
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Blue

I have not joined her site?
just ones that sometimes have her on it.
Does she have a site of her own GM?
Just wondered if I missed out an any goodies. Since 2007

05-12-13  11:41am - 4322 days #20
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
]I mean really how do you improve on perfection??

Since 2007

05-12-13  03:20pm - 4322 days #21
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

I have not joined her site?
just ones that sometimes have her on it.
Does she have a site of her own GM?
Just wondered if I missed out an any goodies.

I have no doubt that she has her own site, CT.
I picked her up on Skin Video (although a site primarily geared to hardcore, if your search has porn labled at any level, chances are good that enough to wet your appetite will show up here.)
I hasten to add, lest the above bend the rules, thus catching the keen eye of our omnipresent administrater, a review of this site are joined by the few others I've done located under my profile.

I might conclude, in spite of Madison's abundant attraction that turns up the heat (where it counts) in her male counterparts -- or whatever "part" you wish to substitute -- I have to say there are other babes who are front-runners.
Aria Giovanni comes to mind. Unfortunately all her stuff anymore has her wholey emmersed in playing with her damned titties. That crap can only go so far!

05-13-13  05:48am - 4321 days #22
Denner (0)
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Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

]I mean really how do you improve on perfection??

Oh, yes - Madison Ivy is just amazing "I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle"

05-13-13  06:12am - 4321 days #23
Dracula (0)
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Location: Romania
Just beautiful! A true neck-lover.

05-13-13  07:04pm - 4320 days #24
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Dracula:

Just beautiful!

Hey Drac!......steppin' away from unattainable babes for a moment, I'm passing on to you something I picked up on Craig List about a young guy who's got himself a tad in debt to the mob .....who, after coming up short on ideas for enough cash to save his testicals from going bye-bye, Christmas wrapped and shipped to his next of kin, having run out of aces says he's quite willing to negocite leasing his neck to one of your kind to draw from for an agreed upon period.
If the price is right, of course.

05-13-13  10:05pm - 4320 days #25
Dracula (0)
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Posts: 183
Registered: Jan 27, '13
Location: Romania
Originally Posted by graymane:

Hey Drac!......steppin' away from unattainable babes for a moment, I'm passing on to you something I picked up on Craig List about a young guy who's got himself a tad in debt to the mob .....who, after coming up short on ideas for enough cash to save his testicals from going bye-bye, Christmas wrapped and shipped to his next of kin, having run out of aces says he's quite willing to negocite leasing his neck to one of your kind to draw from for an agreed upon period.
If the price is right, of course.

LOL He's not my type. A true neck-lover.

05-14-13  07:25am - 4320 days #26
Khan (0)

Posts: 1,737
Registered: Jan 05, '07
Location: USA
graymane, this thread sortta got side-tracked but I'm anxious to see if you can post pictures now. Did you see post #11 above? Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

05-14-13  09:15am - 4320 days #27
jberryl69 (0)
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^ - I'm not sure if that's correct Khan - I think, considering the web-site, it's very much on track. If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

05-14-13  03:13pm - 4320 days #28
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Khan:

graymane, this thread sortta got side-tracked but I'm anxious to see if you can post pictures now. Did you see post #11 above?

Sorry my bad, I think I encouraged delinquency here .

Since 2007

05-14-13  07:35pm - 4319 days #29
Dracula (0)
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Location: Romania
Order in the court, order in the court, err, I mean forum. A true neck-lover.

05-15-13  06:14am - 4319 days #30
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Khan:

graymane, this thread sortta got side-tracked but I'm anxious to see if you can post pictures now. Did you see post #11 above?

When I was a young boy trying to get through school, my major hurdle was keeping pace with the rest of the class.
They seemingly had little trouble grasping new stuff, while I fell behind by generally still wrestling with old business.

Staying after school, where I could compete with a higher level of one-on-one with my teacherss, sounded swell .... except the idea never bloomed because the system never prepared those involved for it.

You see, back then the term "slow-learner" had yet to surface and be delt with, leaving this undetermined block of kids "who just couldn't get it" to share in the rank of simply being "stupid."

It was only a single stint I choose for a weak subject in math at my last year of high shool, known then as summer school, did I realize how important personal help was.

You gotta walk a mile in my shoes in order to understand what's simple for most can be impossible for we who share this community of slower learners.

With apololies for my long-winded piliimnary, and, more importantly, to answer Khan's iquiry:
Yes... I have read all of #11.
In accordance to thereof, however, I must admit I haven't given his effort, as yet, the study it deserves. He has my promise, though, when I can squeze in that time, what from the unexpectively negative aftermath of this surgery, shall egorly take it on

I want to also emthatically exoress my heartfelt graditude for his prompt and complete reply.

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