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06-07-10  08:04am - 5219 days #72
purduerachel (0)
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Posts: 26
Registered: May 22, '10
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Hey guys! just wanted to say hi! and I wanted to thank everyone again for being so nice! I went on a few forums and people were mean put it on some chats and people were creepy! haha. oh well!

hope everyone is doing well and thanks again for being so awesome here!!

06-04-10  05:54pm - 5221 days #71
purduerachel (0)
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Location: Indianapolis, IN
good to know!

I think I am only leaving my survey up for another few days...so anybody else PLEASE take my survey!!!

06-03-10  03:55pm - 5222 days #67
purduerachel (0)
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Location: Indianapolis, IN
Thanks!! I would really like to see the study that discusses that problem, kkman... thats really interesting!

I've def gotten some good ideas for future research. I think in the future I want to do a study on pornography collections. Anyone have any thoughts on that idea?

06-02-10  05:23pm - 5223 days #65
purduerachel (0)
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Location: Indianapolis, IN
Originally Posted by Goldfish:

I could see if you were promoting porn or calling the people on the forum Internet addicts would upset them but you are simply taking a survey. Maybe the bestiality and under-age stuff takes them off guard? (I personally would have shaved that stuff out of the survey. I'd think legal porn or Internet addiction would be a large enough scope in itself without adding in those odd ball tangents.)

The funny thing is tho...i don't think any of them even opened it. They tore apart my recruitment script and said it was poorly written and that any academic institution shouldn't allow such poor writing. I'm pretty positive nobody even opened to get offended by the questions about porn.

My university tells everyone that anything used for data collection must be written at an 8th grade level...I wanted to tell them to just contact my IRB if they really have a problem with my research script!! haha

06-02-10  06:40am - 5224 days #59
purduerachel (0)
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Location: Indianapolis, IN
I haven't yet. I stayed off the forums yesterday after being torn up by amazon! haha. I was thinking about looking at porn addict sites today. Think I should just google "porn addict forum"?

and thanks for the good advice pat! I agree with always being nice!! those mean people will get their karma!

06-01-10  02:35pm - 5224 days #56
purduerachel (0)
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Location: Indianapolis, IN
Thanks for your opinions! People may not be honest, but maybe they also will since it is anonymous. There really isn't much reason to be dishonest, but I understand underage and bestiality being topics where people don't want to answer. This is my first time doing my own research. Live and learn I suppose. This will help me for future research. I am noting peoples advise on length, questions, etc. Obviously I can't change it at this point, but I will note constructive criticism on length and whatnot in my thesis, and for future projects that I develop! So thank you! I really do appreciate comments!!

And yes..I am trying to ignore the comments...since obviously I can't stay away from the Internet lol. But I am glad there are people who go head to head with the assholes! Keep it up, RagingBuddhist!

Thanks for the comments, all! Keep 'em coming! I enjoy reading feedback and just talking to you all!!

06-01-10  12:38pm - 5225 days #54
purduerachel (0)
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Location: Indianapolis, IN
it's true...I don't get why people can't be nice. If you don't want to take it then don't...You don't need to be mean! One person went as far to say that I am uneducated and that my recruitment script (the part of the first post I made which says 'i am inviting you...blablabla') unintelligent and poorly written and that my university shouldn't let me do research. wtf! people need lessons in being kind!

06-01-10  07:04am - 5225 days #52
purduerachel (0)
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Location: Indianapolis, IN
Sorry you found it too long. I tried cutting it down while putting it together. But my professor insisted on keeping it longer. Another student in my program has a survey on the Internet which is 45 minutes long! Makes mine look like a sprint

thanks for taking it though.

05-31-10  04:46pm - 5225 days #50
purduerachel (0)
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people on amazon were SO mean!!!!! i can't believe it! thank you to all of you for being so kind! i really appreciated it. they went as far to look up my name to see where else i have posted and said i was a scam and that i am completing my Master's research "all wrong". i'm just trying to get as many responses as possible

05-31-10  04:31pm - 5225 days #49
purduerachel (0)
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Registered: May 22, '10
Location: Indianapolis, IN
oh cool...thanks.

by the way...don't use amazon forums! i posted it and people are tearing it up and being really really mean!!!

05-31-10  03:52pm - 5225 days #47
purduerachel (0)
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Location: Indianapolis, IN
what is TBP?

05-31-10  03:43pm - 5225 days #46
purduerachel (0)
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great! thanks for the suggestions!!

ps, anyone who hasn't taken it please do! i need moreeeeee :D


05-29-10  08:34am - 5228 days #42
purduerachel (0)
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Location: Indianapolis, IN
does anyone know of other good forums (not necessarily porn user forums) where i can put my survey too? i'm trying for high volume of responses but i don't know where to put it!

05-27-10  08:09am - 5230 days #39
purduerachel (0)
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Location: Indianapolis, IN
I agree with what you guys are saying about addictions. It is hard to say that someone can become addicted to something that isn't a chemical. I think research still needs to come a long way before the label can truly be applied. Internet and internet related activities aren't labeled in the DSM. Gambling just became labeled as an addiction in the DSM. I am in Technology at Purdue, and as you can assume, I know many "computer dorks", who HAVE to check their computer/phone/ipad/facebook/myspace/email/etc/etc...before they do anything else. is this an addiction? Probably not, but are they dependent on their technology? most likely. If you are interested this is an article I used when developing my literature review for my thesis as the Internet usage portion: http://www.keithadkins.com/netaddiction/...tionTestResearch.pdf
Its about Internet addiction. I think in the general population, saying you are addicted to sex is a cop out...I think celebs don't want the "bad press" of they went out and took advantage of the fact that they were a celebrity. But I really do think there are people who have addictive personality types and display addictive behaviors. However, as I said, research needs to come a long way before the labels can be place.

denner- i'm sorry you are suspicious. i understand there is no way to know whether I am legit or not...but all i can give you is my word. i am no way trying to "publicize details about 'the porn pervs on the net". and I have no political or religious purposes. I am simply a 25 year old Indiana girl who is trying to finish my Master's research. I am more than happy to post my findings once they are complete.

05-26-10  07:07pm - 5230 days #33
purduerachel (0)
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Location: Indianapolis, IN
I agree! that would be a VERY interesting study. however, studying celebs would be nearly impossible...at least for a little indiana girl. i have no idea how i would ever get into contact with a celebrity and then interview them. but yes, that would be a great study!

05-26-10  03:51pm - 5230 days #31
purduerachel (0)
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i got interested in this topic with so many celebrities coming out saying they are addicted to sex. i wanted to explore that. reading research articles, i started learning how much pornography is out there on the internet, which made me more curious. and i like being "edgy" studying topics that aren't really studied too much

by the way...i need more responses!! so if you're reading this and haven't taken it pleaseeeeeeee take it

05-26-10  03:34pm - 5230 days #30
purduerachel (0)
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i watch it from time to time. i am def not against it by any means. my boyfriend uses it, and i have no problem with that.

05-26-10  12:30pm - 5231 days #28
purduerachel (0)
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Location: Indianapolis, IN
the survey is measuring a variety of different things...internet usage, pornography usage, and personality correlates. sorry you thought it "stinks".

05-25-10  04:13pm - 5231 days #25
purduerachel (0)
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btw...i'm new to this whole forum thing...but i must say i love the smileys. i really like and maybe i shouldve put the help one in the title haha Edited on May 25, 2010, 04:37pm

05-25-10  04:13pm - 5231 days #24
purduerachel (0)
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haha, i suppose he could be into it...i think it was more of he didn't want me changing that survey since its been peer reviewed/validity/etc/etc... also the girl who developed it has worked with him on other computer related projects.

05-25-10  12:39pm - 5232 days #2
purduerachel (0)
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i have to say, i dont know how much is out there...but just the other day i was at the bars with some friends and one of the guys thought it was funny to show a porn slide show on his phone...it was a girl fucking a donkey. there were probably 10 different pictures of this girl and donkey.
i am going to say that i feel it is probably more prevalent as "joke" porn. but i am not too sure...

05-25-10  07:17am - 5232 days #21
purduerachel (0)
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The porn survey was a survey that was done before to measure pornographic usage. It has been peer reviewed and published in a journal. That was why I decided to use that one. Also, the survey that measures how often you are online has been done before to measure internet addiction. my hypothesis is taking those 2 surveys to measure the correlations with time spent online and amount of porn usage. my definitions for collector and addict are based off of literature.
as for the beastiality, i wanted to remove that section, however my professor wouldn't allow it.
i am working on my phd after i complete this research (i know, i am a huge nerd lol). i am hoping to develop my own survey which i want to focus collections.
i hope this kind of answers some of your questions. i really appreciate everyones ideas. it will help me greatly in the future when i develop other research projects and work on my phd!!!

05-24-10  10:52am - 5233 days #9
purduerachel (0)
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thanks to those who have taken it! and for those who haven't...pleaseeeeeee do!

05-23-10  08:02pm - 5233 days #5
purduerachel (0)
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lol it doesn't take that long. i promise! my university made me list the "longest it COULD take". it takes on average 9-13 minutes.

05-23-10  06:06pm - 5233 days #3
purduerachel (0)
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thank you for allowing it! i hope people help me by taking my survey! i am studying internet and pornography addictions through this survey. seeing if people just collect or truly become addicted. i can post my findings when my research is complete under "what makes a addiction or collection" thread if people are interested in my internet addiction/pornography addiction findings. thanks again!

05-22-10  09:16pm - 5234 days Original Post - #1
purduerachel (0)
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Registered: May 22, '10
Location: Indianapolis, IN

Please help me graduate!!!!

I am inviting you to participate in this research project by taking my survey. I am currently a Master?s student at Purdue University. If you are of 18 years of age or older and are willing to participate by taking my survey, please click the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser. They survey takes about 30 minutes and has been approved by Purdue University?s Institutional Review Board (IRB). I thank you for your time and participation.


Thank you,
Rachel Edited by Staff on May 23, 2010, 05:55am

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