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Thedebilman666 (0)
51-100 of 144 Posts | < Previous Page | 1 | Page 2 | 3 | Next Page > |
11-08-13 12:51pm - 4081 days | #13 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
I'm not being a "troll" here, but seriously, it doesn't look all that good. I've never seen a webmaster do this before, except on the forum on their site. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-08-13 12:04pm - 4081 days | #10 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
For me this thread just isn't for cyber space, it mainly focuses on real life Real men serve their country 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-08-13 11:27am - 4081 days | #11 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Another mistake webmasters can make is hanging out on forums and getting all chummy with people to try to drum up business, makes them look desperate and is kind of unprofessional. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Nov 08, 2013, 11:34am | |
11-08-13 10:18am - 4081 days | #8 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
How is calling someone out on their hypocritical bs being a troll? If you noticed a little pattern here, I only "troll" the hypocrites. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-08-13 10:13am - 4081 days | #7 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Real men always say goodbye to friends, real or cyber. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-07-13 11:54pm - 4081 days | #5 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Not just on the internet, I see it happen on a daily basis in real life, experience it myself from time to time. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-07-13 11:29pm - 4081 days | #69 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
I don't have a problem with you anymore graymane, I was being sarcastic to keep up my prick status around here, why break precedence? Sorry if it offended you and you buddies. And for the record, we sank 99% of Japan's fleet and dropped 2 nukes on them sobs while their ground troops hid in caves and killed themselves like cowards. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Nov 08, 2013, 10:24pm | |
11-07-13 10:35pm - 4081 days | #3 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Real men aren't blatant hypocrites 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-07-13 10:34pm - 4081 days | #52 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
We all know what this is about, that god awful thread all you old timers hate. And this is how us typical New Yorkers talk, we're bold. Don't ever visit this state, you'll walk around in a state of befuddled shock the whole time and think everyone around you is overly aggressive and "threatening." 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Nov 07, 2013, 10:41pm | |
11-07-13 10:16pm - 4081 days | #2 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
For starters, real men stand up for themselves and don't tuck tail and run to the hills when called out. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-07-13 10:00pm - 4081 days | #49 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
If you want to get into this with me, let's go, start the thread. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-07-13 07:19pm - 4081 days | #47 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Last time I checked, hypocrite isn't a cuss word. And if people around here don't have the balls to say goodbye to you guys, over the internet, they sure as hell aren't real men and obviously weren't your "friends.". 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Nov 07, 2013, 07:31pm | |
11-07-13 07:17pm - 4081 days | #46 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Sure, pass the blame onto me. Whom am I abusive to exactly? I was to graymane that one night, and to messmer that one time, that's it. If you don't like that topic I know you're referring to, quit reading it. Is that such a difficult philosophy to comprehend? Even animals follow this simplest logic on Earth, if an animal doesn't like something it avoids the shit out of it. Don't tell me a rat is smarter than some of the people around here. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Nov 07, 2013, 07:39pm | |
11-07-13 05:07pm - 4081 days | #4 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Best line of the article "That's how shag carpets were invented, by the way." Busted a gut on that one. Tricky Dicky was also hilarious. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-07-13 01:11pm - 4082 days | Original Post - #1 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
I found this hilarious and thought you guys might get a laugh or two out of it. http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-creepy-old...-for-weird-perverts/ 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-07-13 10:32am - 4082 days | #67 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
That was also a joke, hence the bazinga. Those agencies were here long before I ever said that, only fools think otherwise. Pornography is the #1 monitored activity on the internet. They don't snoop around in your porn collection, they don't have to, they already know what you've downloaded and as long as it's legal porn you don't have anything to worry about. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Nov 07, 2013, 08:11pm | |
11-07-13 09:31am - 4082 days | #66 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Exactly my thoughts, consider this amateur comedy night at your local watering hole and don't take it seriously, they're just jokes. I'm sure all these ladies pussies smell like any other one so some people need to chill. On a personal note, I deeply respect Danica Patrick, Michelle Obama and Hilary Clinton but that doesn't mean I can't tell a joke about them. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Nov 07, 2013, 09:37am | |
11-06-13 11:43pm - 4082 days | #39 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
By all means I am not trying to start anything here, but it's pretty cowardly to leave all of your buddies dicks swinging in the breeze with no reason as to why you don't want to chill with them anymore. At least grow a pair and be honest. Like graymane said, this was a pretty tight knit community. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-06-13 08:18pm - 4082 days | #7 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
One more thing Carter, I advise you to stop posting in "I bet that pussy smells like" thread, it seems to be pissing some people off and it might hurt you in the long run; people can't take a joke around here, they probably get offended by stand up comedy also. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Nov 06, 2013, 08:22pm | |
11-06-13 07:52pm - 4082 days | #62 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Graymane, webmasters get a free pass, they're not scathing hypocrites and are just trying to make a living. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-06-13 06:12pm - 4082 days | #61 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Anisa Rasouli Hallelujah goat, crescent rolls sprinkled with stardust, spoiled quroot, Muhammad's stinky beard (not the prophet, that would've been taking this one too far) and the entire Taliban's sweaty ball sacks and filthy ass juice. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Nov 08, 2013, 01:42pm | |
11-06-13 06:10pm - 4082 days | #4 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
I wouldn't know where to begin as far as that goes, not a business man. Hopefully another webmaster could offer you advice on where to advertise your site. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-06-13 05:35pm - 4082 days | #2 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Advertise, gotta spend money to make money. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-06-13 01:52pm - 4083 days | #60 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Michele Diane Miscavige Baloney, Prozac, scarab beetle dung, Tom Cruise's boogers, L. Ron Hubbard's ashes and Xenu jizz 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-05-13 07:09pm - 4083 days | #59 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
(A sarcastic one of course) 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Nov 05, 2013, 09:48pm | |
11-05-13 03:58pm - 4083 days | #57 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
again. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-04-13 08:26pm - 4084 days | #53 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Michelle Obama #1 (plan a couple more, varies from week to week) Beeswax, organic yams, grape soda, fried chicken grease and essence of Oprah *** For all you paranoid people out there, by talking about our First Lady like this the FBI, CIA and NSA just swarmed all over this website like flies to a pile of shit so you better unplug your external hard drives and turn off your modems if you don't want them snooping around in your porn collection BAZINGA!!! 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Nov 04, 2013, 09:20pm | |
11-04-13 05:19pm - 4084 days | #52 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
This isn't fighting. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-04-13 03:23pm - 4084 days | #50 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
You know what cracks me up? Making "god awful" cracks at Christians, Catholics, Buddhists, and Mormons are okay but Jewish people are off limits? Know what I say to that: Think I'll do one for the First Lady next, might take awhile to come up with a zinger so just wait for it. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-04-13 01:47pm - 4085 days | #49 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Seems to be the norm for the people who frequent this site, run for the hills when they're called out. Pretty sad. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-04-13 01:39pm - 4085 days | #47 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Oh, you wanna play that card huh? Here you go: http://www.mediaite.com/online/photo-of-...t-shouldn%E2%80%99t/ And for the record, she thinks it's hilarious and even went on camera and called herself and her groups of friends "The Jewbags" so do your research before you post, otherwise you wind up looking like a douche. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Nov 04, 2013, 02:06pm | |
11-04-13 10:00am - 4085 days | #45 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
How can it be offensive if that's what she calls herself and her group of friends? http://nation.foxnews.com/rep-debbie-was...ie-wasserman-schultz 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-03-13 05:38pm - 4085 days | #2 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Whenever I have PC related issues I head to the Windows forum. Usually my problem is resolved within hours. People there are quick to respond and know what they're talking about. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
11-01-13 09:01pm - 4087 days | #41 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Ann Coulter Liquid LSD, seaweed blend w/ breast milk, dirty anal beads, Jesus' (her Gardner) sweaty dick and Chanel's newest fragrance Arrogant Bitch No 9 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Nov 01, 2013, 09:56pm | |
11-01-13 05:08pm - 4087 days | #40 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Debbie Wasserman Shultz Decaying carp, a Yad, candle wax, Jewbags' vaginal discharge and 26 dropped loads from Matzo Balls *Had no clue she was a guest on Real Time tonight, posted two hours before air time, love mind blowing coincidences like that 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Nov 01, 2013, 09:51pm | |
10-30-13 12:33pm - 4090 days | #39 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Ann Romney Kolob dust, fermented honey, jello shots, horse cock and Lloyd Blankfein's sack 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Oct 30, 2013, 02:13pm | |
10-23-13 03:13pm - 4097 days | #38 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Thubten Chodron Bodhi bark, stinky feet, rotten curd and deer cum with a faint hint of vermilion 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Oct 23, 2013, 08:08pm | |
10-22-13 03:59pm - 4098 days | #36 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Mother Teresa Rotten apples, serpent slime, singed hair and Pope semen 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
10-18-13 09:59pm - 4101 days | #35 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Michele Bachmann Jesus toast, bible paper, trumpet oil and the crucifix 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Oct 18, 2013, 10:08pm | |
10-17-13 02:47pm - 4103 days | #19 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Thank you for your valued input Advent, will check it out. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Oct 17, 2013, 03:34pm | |
10-15-13 08:38pm - 4104 days | #5 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
How softcore are you looking for? Like Playboy soft, spice channel soft (not worthy of capitalization), Hollywood movie soft, or chics touching themselves and using toys soft? Softcore is such a broad definition these days even I don't know what softcore is supposed to mean. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Oct 16, 2013, 01:27pm | |
10-15-13 04:03pm - 4105 days | #34 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Seems to be over now. I'm perfectly willing to let it go as long as someone doesn't start it up again. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
10-15-13 02:32pm - 4105 days | #32 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Come up with one, get this topic back to what it was meant to be. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
10-15-13 02:13pm - 4105 days | #30 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
RB, if this is so stupid then why are you reading it? Simple question. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
10-15-13 01:42pm - 4105 days | #28 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Anyone who quotes me will get a response back. People want me gone? Quit quoting me. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
10-15-13 12:04pm - 4105 days | #26 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
You need to lighten up and realize that THIS IS NOT YOUR WEBSITE, although you think it is. You think YOU are the ruling authority around here, which you sure as hell are not. If this topic was so god awfully offensive Khan would've deleted it the minute it was put up. People can say what-ever-the-fuck they want around here, you don't like what they say then shut your mouth and don't read it. The world doesn't revolve around you. You hang out on a PORN FORUM and simple things like the fictitious smell of a pussy offends you. What do you do when you see a spread pussy on a site? Cover your eyes like a little kid watching a horror flick and run to the confessional booth? And for the record, I beat the schoolyard bullies ass, twice. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
10-15-13 06:21am - 4105 days | #25 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
It was a whiskey filled night and I don't even remember it. A tid-bit of advice: Don't drink alone and stay away from Jim Beam's Devil's Cut. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
10-14-13 10:47pm - 4105 days | #20 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
IDK know what just happened there, but WOW! All of a sudden my browser went CA-RAZY! What a coninky-dink. Go figure. Give me a virus, I'll spend a palsy 300 bucks and be EXACTLY where I was. Go for it, $ don't mean shit to me, I'll earn it within two shakes of a lambs tail. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Oct 14, 2013, 11:11pm | |
10-14-13 10:26pm - 4105 days | #18 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Typical, throw in the towel when you know you're beat. Typical Dali Lama . Was that an appropriate place for a middle finger, can't fight 'til the 13th round? I DIDN'T THINK SO! Have to have the webmaster jump to your defense, guess what" I'll beat his ass too with his own logic. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Oct 14, 2013, 10:43pm | |
10-14-13 07:25pm - 4105 days | #16 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Don't make me post one about what your pussy smells like, I got a real zinger lined up if you want to hear it. And another thing, you talked about imagining the little girls in you HS classes masturbating but THIS topic offends you? Anyone can read that one for themselves, it's under previous polls, "Do women masturbate as often as men." All I got to say to that is I hope you're properly registered in your state and the community has you on their watch list. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
51-100 of 144 Posts | < Previous Page | 1 | Page 2 | 3 | Next Page > |