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Post History:
Thedebilman666 (0)
101-144 of 144 Posts | < Previous Page | 1 | 2 | Page 3 |
10-14-13 06:18pm - 4105 days | #14 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Rules are: Imagination, which, apparently, you don't have. DON'T LIKE THE TOPIC? DON'T CLICK ON IT. Easy enough, huh? But oh no, the Dali Lama and his fragile sensibilities are offended by this game so it must stop. At least I don't come in here and try to act sophisticated and civilized to ease my guilt of joining porn sites and try to justify my actions to the world by pretending to be intelligent and cultured. Why, that's something a hypocrite would do. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Oct 14, 2013, 06:21pm | |
10-14-13 10:40am - 4106 days | #12 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
It's a GAME!!! Why don't you give it a try, who knows, you might even chuckle a little bit, God forbid! 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
10-11-13 11:08pm - 4108 days | #7 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Nope, 18 is the standard, the way it is and the way it will always be. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
10-08-13 02:30pm - 4112 days | #4 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
You can add dirty ashtray to that funk, 'cause Bill likes to do his chics with cigars. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
10-07-13 02:04pm - 4113 days | #2 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Danica Patrick Burnt rubber, scorched metal, gasoline and Smoke 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
09-25-13 11:41pm - 4124 days | #12 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Knew my ears were ringing for a reason 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
09-19-13 09:36am - 4131 days | #48 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
I'm sorry for unleashing my pyroclastic flows, "gangsta rap made me do it" I recommend all you people who disagree with me to listen to that song, it's on youtube by Ice Cube. If you guys can comprehend the message of the tune, you're on the right track to freeing your minds and once that happens, your ass will eventually follow! One more thing, if you want me gone, don't quote me anymore. I understand we all have our opinions, but when someone doesn't jive with yours you all freak out about it. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Sep 19, 2013, 01:10pm | |
09-18-13 09:26pm - 4131 days | #45 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
People on this site remind me of born again Christians, same logic. MY WHOLE POINT that just can't be drilled through some Neanderthal skulls is if you resent hardcore or certain content so much don't join the sites that have it. And if you do, you have NO right to bitch, piss, cry and moan about it, you're a double standard living hypocrite if you do and sound like a complete jackass suffering from dementia. Webmasters would LOVE to come in here and tell certain people the same thing, 'cause people like them are bad for business, but they dare not for obvious reasons. Don't need to specifically point out names but just dig around a little bit to figure out who the MASS hypocrites are. Bow to the Dali Lamas 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Sep 18, 2013, 09:48pm | |
09-18-13 07:08pm - 4131 days | #43 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
If you guys really want me to stay away, quit quoting me, 'cause if you do I WILL respond. Shit got out of whack on this site a looooooooooong time ago, well before I stirred up the shit pot. Specifically with people who think that porn should be one way: THEIR WAY! You're probably wondering why I called people around here hypocrites? This is why, I read this crapola all day long on porn sites, tons of it on here: my porn is okay, yours isn't. Hypocrite. I joined a website that I KNEW had hardcore on it, and now I'm gonna cry about it 'cause I'm offended, 'cause I don't like hardcore. Hypocrite. The double standard thing? I love watching a girl use a dildo on herself but her riding a dick offends me. Double standard. If nothing I've said registered with anyone here, I wouldn't be surprised one damn bit. No offense. I can definitely forsee someone crying that this was also a "personal attack." 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
09-18-13 06:45pm - 4131 days | #41 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Here's ONE of THOUSANDS! http://www.forumophilia.com/ 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
09-18-13 06:42pm - 4131 days | #40 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Keep living in denial man, it's bad for your health. Now I'm done posting and you can all now. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
09-18-13 05:32pm - 4131 days | #37 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Being honest is a personal attack huh? My first message to messmer was an attack, which I apologized for. My last message to messmer was the furthest thing from a personal attack. I speak and write PROPER English and I see no personal attack whatsoever. Brutal honesty yes, personal attack, hell no. What I said to the toad, again, brutal honesty, I seriously meant he needs reading comprehension lessons because he completely didn't get the my analogy vs. his analogy thing. And to graymane? Yes, that was rude about the boil thing but I clearly answered his question, again, no personal attack. You know what, I'll stay out of your precious forums and continue to let you guys live in the fantasy realm of what you think porn has to be, cause, you know, the Dali Lama complex living in denial thing? I will never post another word on this ridiculous forum. I will still stay a member, just for the discounts and cast a vote in the polls, maybe comment here and there on them. Wanna ban me for giving people reality checks and grounding them back to Earth? Go right ahead, this ain't the only site like this around. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Sep 18, 2013, 06:24pm | |
09-18-13 02:21pm - 4132 days | #34 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
One more hoo-rah for yas: por·nog·ra·phy noun \-fē\ : movies, pictures, magazines, etc., that show or describe naked people or sex in a very open and direct way in order to cause sexual excitement Full Definition of PORNOGRAPHY 1 : the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement 2 : material (as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement 3 : the depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction --------- hyp·o·crite noun \ˈhi-pə-ˌkrit\ : a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs Full Definition of HYPOCRITE 1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion 2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings ---------- double standard noun : a situation in which two people, groups, etc., are treated very differently from each other in a way that is unfair to one of them Full Definition of DOUBLE STANDARD 1 : bimetallism 2 : a set of principles that applies differently and usually more rigorously to one group of people or circumstances than to another; especially : a code of morals that applies more severe standards of sexual behavior to women than to men When all you "adults" around here finally comprehend these three things it'll already be way too late. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
09-18-13 11:03am - 4132 days | #32 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Sorry for being so "rude" as people put it, cause I used the word fuck and retard to make my points hit even harder, on an "adult" site as you guys so eloquently put it, where we share opinions but god forbid if you say fuck or retard on an adult site. People hate hearing the truth, especially when it's cold and hard and 100% accurate. My question to you is why in the heck did you come under my review and argue with me about the hardcore on the site? There's 83.6% solo content - I did the math - and hardcore has been on the site since 2005, 8 years ago. You're still complaining about something that happened 8 years ago? Really? There's way more than enough solo content on that site to make anyone more than happy. And not to be even ruder, but nobody cares that you resent hardcore, nobody. Not me, the webmaster, anybody reading the review, we don't care. So why whine about it in the first place? 99% of the people who join sites run across content they don't like, so they just pass right by it and look at the stuff they do prefer, your collection will never even know it was there if you don't download any of it. Porn sites are a business, supply and demand, understand how it works? If a webmaster is getting requests from 90% of his members for hardcore, by all means, the man is gonna put hardcore on the site, cause ultimately it equals more money and a bigger customer base, supply and demand. Money talks and bullshit walks. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Sep 18, 2013, 11:09am | |
09-18-13 10:48am - 4132 days | #29 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
You're the one who missed my entire analogy. Name some sites where they lied about what kind of content lies inside? If there's hardcore, by all means the tour will tell you that. If there's anal, by all means the tour will tell you that. Lesbian content? Same. So what's all this whining, hypocritical, double standard bs about? That's my question. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
09-18-13 10:39am - 4132 days | #28 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Conduct themselves like adults? Gee, you'd think an adult would understand the concept of a porn site and that the world doesn't revolve around they're precious needs. Don't like my blunt style, ban me, 'nuff said. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
09-17-13 09:47pm - 4132 days | #24 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
I never fit in anywhere so why should it matter here? This is an adult site, where adults come to talk, mostly about porn, and express opinions. Yours are rosey and mine are, what, smelly? If you want, I can be the big boil on your ass that hurts like hell every time you sit. The only reason I "attacked" the original poster is for the audacity he had to come under my review for Nubiles and then criticize my high score 'cause he don't like hardcore. How's he like people fucking up his mojo? I'm a tit for tat kind of guy. People need to be Whack-a-Moled into reality sometimes to snap them out of the delusional fantasy realm they live in 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Sep 17, 2013, 09:53pm | |
09-17-13 08:08pm - 4132 days | #23 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
But on the BK menu there's a big, giant picture of that veggie pizza...and you already knew walking in there they are now offering veggie pizzas . I know I come off quite rude but like I said, I hate people who think they're the Dali Lama and that PORN sites must abide by their precious wishes, and how dare a PORN site put, I don't know, PORN on it. Take the tour before joining, don't like it, don't join it. And if you do join that site, with content you despise, that you KNEW was there, shut your little whiney pie hole about it and enjoy the content you joined up to see. I haven't come across ONE site that lied about what content lies inside, not one. This is the land of porn, not fairy tale land. You will run across content you don't like on every site on the web so just deal with it. Join Netflix if 2013 porn is too much to handle. Or better yet, don't look at the content you despise so much, you paid for it knowing it was already there...and then have the audacity to bitch about it...retard logic 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Sep 17, 2013, 08:52pm | |
09-17-13 01:10pm - 4133 days | #18 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Know what I say? Get the fuck over it, the world of porn doesn't revolve around you. Don't like certain content, don't look at it, plain and simple, and just enjoy the content you do like. My biggest pet peeve is porn whiners, you join a site with content you don't like, or a site starts adding content you don't "approve of" and then you bitch, piss cry and moan about it, pisses me off to no end. No offense sir, but you are suffering from retard logic. End of rant. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Sep 17, 2013, 01:36pm | |
09-12-13 12:20pm - 4138 days | #26 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
I take prozac and risperidone and my sex drive isn't affected whatsoever, if anything I'd say they slightly increase it. I tried lithium once, made me dead as a doornail so I switched up just because of that. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Sep 12, 2013, 12:30pm | |
08-24-13 01:21pm - 4157 days | #48 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
All these things could simply be avoided if the customer took some responsibility. Didn't uncheck a box while joining up and you wound up joining two sites, your fault. Got rebilled again because you didn't cancel your membership, your fault. Didn't read the fine print and got charged extra, your fault. Should've taken two minutes out of your day to find out what you're spending your $ on so if you get taken for a ride, 99% of the time it's 100% your fault 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
08-24-13 09:44am - 4157 days | #7 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Panties, panties, and more panties, all varities 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
02-09-11 01:52am - 5084 days | #11 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Join a paysite and zip 'em all. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
01-30-11 12:37am - 5094 days | #22 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
I noticed that only negative reviews get all the attention of the webmasters and I never read a thank you for positive, promotional review. Fuck 'em all, greedy pigs. This is exactly why I "hit and run" and never stay a concurrent member of any pay site, they don't give a shit about you, just your $$$. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Jan 30, 2011, 12:40am | |
01-04-11 12:01pm - 5120 days | #2 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
I don't know why that face is where the 8 should be, tried to edit it but it won't let me! 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
01-04-11 11:58am - 5120 days | Original Post - #1 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
This thread is for all you anal lovers out there, I know there's a BUNCH of youse so don't be coy. Just simply state you're all time favorite chics asshole. My list was difficult to compile, been thinking this up for a few weeks so I had some time to browse. My list has ten chics on it because I can't narrow it down any further, this was hard enough. 10) Cherry Jul 9) Sandy (Club Sandy) 8 ) Eve Angel 7) Aurora (the black chic at Karups PC) 6) Angelina Crow 5) Aneta Keys 4) Dorothy Black 3) Peaches 2) Taylor Rain 1) And the gretest bunghole of all: Crystal Klein 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited by Staff on Jan 04, 2011, 02:06pm (Khan: edited 8 smiley) | |
01-04-11 02:02am - 5120 days | #7 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
A halfway decent phone sex operator is some fat pig sitting at home in her trailer down in Tennessee breast feeding her 12th child while she gets you off on the other end 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Jan 04, 2011, 02:06am | |
01-01-11 04:31pm - 5122 days | #49 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Currently here in NY there are no dl limits, at least for Time Warner cable customers. I remember them talking about imposing a limit about a year ago but the public got outraged and made themselves heard so they scrapped that idea. If they ever do put a download limit on my account will be the day I tell them to go fuck themselves and switch to DSL or wireless. I can't believe some of you guys have dl limits from your ISPs, I feel bad for youse, I do, especially if you joined a mega network like DDF and have a 100GB limit a month, that's like 2 days worth of zipping at DDF and it would cost you a small fortune to get their entire collection. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Jan 01, 2011, 04:43pm | |
01-01-11 05:33am - 5123 days | #4 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Hey, hey, hey, I picked up that you weren't an RJ fan, I was just trying to expand upon the fact of what a scumbag he was. My crude sense of humor sometimes rubs people the wrong way. Seriously, RJ creeps me out, he looks like your average serial rapist and I meant no disrespect in my previous response - except to Ron Jeremy and any skanks he did. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Jan 01, 2011, 05:42am | |
01-01-11 03:37am - 5123 days | #4 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
JBDICK must know it all, you got a crystal ball over there? Gonzo going out of style? Not in '11, mark my words for I'm also peering into my imaginary crystal ball. I will say that I am TOTALLY sick and tired of Sophie moon and Sandy, I don't even bother downloading those two chics anymore, seen 'em all doing all so what's the point? 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
01-01-11 03:28am - 5123 days | #2 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Who wants to see that fat, ugly, greasy haired, inbred- hillbilly-parents were kissing cousins, I-ate-lead-paint-chips-when-I-was-a-kid-stare, crooked cocked, limp dick, anal douchebag blow-back, scumbag mother fucker bang a chic? Ron Jeremy = count me the fuck out! I don't care how hot the chic is, if he's banging her, uh-uh, no way can I stomach that scene, I got the heebie-jeebies just thinking about that ugly fuck, thanks for ruining my new year! I always felt extremely sorry for the chics who sunk so low to let Ron Jeremy fuck them on film, BOTTOM-OF-THE-BARREL-BITCHES I say . These chics have sunk lower than the ocean dirt in the Mariana Trench! Food for thought: Ron Jeremy donated his cock to a museum, which they will receive after he croaks, I forgot the name of the museum but I'm serious, no bullshit! I seen it on the History Channel, some sex show they had on. Imagine that, his half limp cock in a jar of preserving fluid for all eternity? How would a teacher go about explaining that exhibit to her class on their field trip? 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Jan 01, 2011, 05:28am | |
12-31-10 08:29pm - 5123 days | #21 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
A GREAT site to buy external HDs from is Walmart.com, I got a 1 TB Western Digital for 30 bucks, no shit! Hands down, Walmart.com has the lowest prices for external HDs, no matter the brand name. I purchased two of the western digitals from Walmart.com and they're reliable, I have a 500 GB one (for 2 years now) and had no problems what-so-ever, and none yet with my TB one. Right now the 1 TB HDs are going for about 80 bucks at Walmart.com (they have FREQUENT sales, that's why mine was practically free) which is a hell of a lot cheaper than Best Buy or anywhere else. Plus you can have it shipped to your local Walmart for FREE - all you have to do is pick it up at the customer service desk; of course the in store pickup only applies to US residents, maybe Canadian ones as well pat362- not sure if they have walmarts in Canada and I'm too stoned and lazy to google it to find out if they do 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Jan 01, 2011, 02:04pm | |
12-24-10 04:00pm - 5130 days | #8 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
That's good to know if I ever go back on the "bad credit" xlist and my card gets revoked. I only tried the gift cards, I didn't realize there was a difference between the two. CCBill won't accept the gift cards and that's the major biller for all the good sites. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
12-24-10 03:52pm - 5130 days | #9 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Can people be any more vague around here? 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
12-22-10 11:04pm - 5132 days | #31 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Man do I feel sorry for that poor girl, TWO fists in her ass? When she shits she probably just sits on the toilet and it falls out, no pushing or straining required. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Dec 22, 2010, 11:08pm | |
12-22-10 10:25pm - 5132 days | #13 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
You know what I don't get about some of the oriental porn out there? They'll show a chics asshole but blur out the pussy, wtf is that all about? 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Dec 22, 2010, 10:33pm | |
12-22-10 07:01pm - 5132 days | #7 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
Guess I'm nearly as perverted as I thought, I'm still a feather weight. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
12-22-10 01:43pm - 5133 days | #2 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
To quit smoking cigarettes 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
12-22-10 12:40pm - 5133 days | #3 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
It all depends on how you got the material and what you're doing with it. If you "hacked" into a site and they have proof then you're fucked and will probably have to pay a heafty fine, this also applies if you're posting the copyrighted material without their permission. If you got a user name and password from one of the many forums out there then they can't do shit and you're in the clear - unless you're posting the material without permission or sharing the photos/videos on limewire or similar sites. I don't know if anybody remembers UCgalleries and all them pay site pictorials they posted all over for free? Well, them guys got royally fucked in the ass and now owe millions in fines for copyright violations so whatever you do don't upload copyrighted material to ANY website without permission, they're very touchy about that sort of thing and I'd be to if I ran a pay site. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Dec 22, 2010, 02:26pm | |
12-22-10 12:09pm - 5133 days | #4 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
The first pay site I ever joined was Twistys and I snail mailed them a money order, it took roughly a week and a half and they gave me an additional month for free, don't know why, maybe because I was patient enough to mail in my payment. 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
12-22-10 01:39am - 5133 days | #26 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
- Hate the panty stuffers, I'm all for dildos, in fact it's one of my favorite fetishes, but a pair of panties being pulled out of my favorite model always gets my dick in turtle mode...total turnoff, same for vegetables - Karups videography. Holy shit do these guys suck, and I'm not just being a prick, the worst videography I have ever seen - Uncut cocks. Gross man, just fucking gross. Looks like some weird alien pea-pod that probed me in a bad dream - hemorrhoids, nothing gets my dick softer than a big, nasty, dingle-berry of dry dead skin hanging off of a chics asshole - Fake cum shots that are obviously a tube of banana gogurt being squeezed out along the side of the actors cock - Fisters. If I can stick my fist up a chic I'd run for the hills.... 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Dec 22, 2010, 10:51pm | |
12-21-10 10:14pm - 5133 days | Original Post - #1 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
I didn't have a major credit card for years and I was limited to surfing free thumbnail posts and we all know how bad they suck. Then one day I got this brilliant idea: I'll buy a gift credit card and be able to join any site I want. Not exactly...most of the great sites won't accept the prepaid cards; I don't know why but they won't. Here's some sites that you can join using the throw away credit cards (Master Card or Visa): Karups PC, Karups HA, Karups OW, FTV and Suze Randall. You can also mail in a subscription via "snail mail" to Twistys or any of the Karups sites. If anyone else out there knows of any other sites that accept gift credit cards or mail-in subscriptions please post here, let's save our fellow porn loving brothers and sisters from the hellish world of free thumbnail posts. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Dec 22, 2010, 10:11am | |
12-21-10 09:19pm - 5133 days | Original Post - #1 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
..sized porn collection, what else did you think I was talking about? For real, I just added up all the GB I have in porn and I'm kind of ashamed of myself. I have 326.8GB in pictures and 823.3GB in videos. Holy shitters, over a TB of porn, how much is enough? Compared to buying DVDs and magazines I'd say I have a $100,000 porn collection and only paid a fraction of that price, I added up all my pay site memberships and they only totaled $498.68. I love the internet 6 pack bitches, deal with it | |
12-20-10 12:13am - 5135 days | #13 | |
Thedebilman666 (0)
Suspended Posts: 144 Registered: Dec 08, '10 Location: NYC |
I've been smokin' almost daily since I was 16 (I'm now 35) and all my brain cells are intact, I'm a productive member of society, go to work everyday, pay my bills, vote, have plenty of cash in the bank, have good credit, own a house, live just like any other Joe. I smoke 'cause I like it, plain and simple, no medicinal need, what a crock of shit that all is anyways, making up medical excuses to "legally" get high. I've smoked with all kinds of people from all walks of life, doctors, lawyers, cops, teachers, the sweet old lady, professional athletes, hell, even a priest wearing his collar - on a Sunday no less. I bet everyone on this board knows at least 20 closet potheads and you'd all shit your pants if you ever learned the truth , ...Especially if you're from the deceitful land of the free where double standards are a way of life. 6 pack bitches, deal with it Edited on Dec 21, 2010, 09:48pm | |
101-144 of 144 Posts | < Previous Page | 1 | 2 | Page 3 |