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Post History:
Claypaws (0)
51-100 of 144 Posts | < Previous Page | 1 | Page 2 | 3 | Next Page > |
09-05-12 04:46pm - 4509 days | #10 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
ACDSee can create two kinds of slide show: 1) Is just a means of viewing the images in any folder, set of folders, or category, as a sequence on the PC that holds the images, with or without transition effects. 2) Is a compiled executable of the slideshow that contains compressed versions of the images so it can be viewed on a PC that does not hold the actual original images. You can download a plugin that allows you to build audio into either kind of slideshow. In the version of ACDSee that I use, this plugin was a free addition to the paid software. I do not know if that is the case with the latest version. I only ever view slideshows of type 1) and I have not downloaded the audio plugin. | |
09-05-12 04:28pm - 4509 days | #9 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Ah, I see. I had a look at the Multicasa site so I now know what it is doing. In a Picasa database you create categories of images and you can allocate those categories to any images or folders you wish. So you could have a category for GG and a category for BG etc. You might have separate category for photos of your family and would rather not have those in the same database. Multicasa lets you switch between the two or more separate Picasa databases that hold those categories. Righty ho then. ACDSee has that feature built in. In ACDSee you can create categories and subcategories and images can be in any number of categories you choose. The categories and pointers to the images within them are stored in a database. You can browse to any choice of database whenever you wish. ACDSee will open with the last database you used. So, if you were using a porn database, you would switch to a family one before closing ACDSee. Next time, ACDSee would open with the family database. You can also export a database to a saved database or to a text file and later import from where you saved it. But I am not sure how any of this keeps your porn away from your family. ACDSee, and presumably Picasa too, allows you to browse to any folder known to the PC, regardless of what category it is in or what database indexes it. Nobody else will see your porn categories but they can still browse to your porn images if they know where to look. My own porn is on physically separate hard drives. If I needed to keep it away from family, I could do (if I had a family!). I do not use the category/database for my porn at all though. | |
09-05-12 03:06am - 4510 days | #5 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
I use ACDSee -as Cap'n. I do not understand what you mean by "database of pics". All the viewers I use, including ACDSee, can view pics in any number of folders and can store indexing data in any number of databases. With programs that use databases for indexing/organising, I regularly delete the databases and create new empty ones. Otherwise, databases quickly become huge and corrupt. Hence I find databases of no value whatever in organising or indexing. I rely on sensible naming of folders in a hierarchy instead. Edited on Sep 05, 2012, 03:13am | |
09-04-12 05:22pm - 4510 days | #8 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Like Cap'n, I cannot say I have ever been fixated. Sometimes, I am pleasantly surprised by a model who does not fit my usual preferences. Dominno is one (lots of tattoos but what a face!) and Christy Marks (not my usual body type but facial expressions do it again and I even had a month on her single model site). | |
09-02-12 02:44pm - 4513 days | #8 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
I think it is a generation thing. They are so common as to be almost universal in women under 25. We old farts cannot see the point but the girls clearly can. Though I do not like tattoos, I find them easier to tolerate than facial piercings, which are also becoming more common in women young enough to be called girls. | |
08-26-12 12:33pm - 4520 days | #4 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
I do not use IDM (I use Free Download Manager or DownThemAll or the paid version of GetRight). I agree with RagingBuddhist. But when this kind of thing (Windows freezes ) has happened to me, it has always been the fault of an update to antivirus or firewall software. Freezes are a conflict between low level drivers so the fault does not necessary lie with IDM. If uninstalling IDM and using an older version does not help or is not acceptable, you could try looking on the forum of your antivirus or firewall, if there is one. | |
08-25-12 05:39am - 4521 days | #3 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
I use ACDSee. The best version was 5.0, which can still be downloaded from oldversion.com though you would need a current license to use it. The later versions are good too but that one was a classic, with slide shows saved as easily editable txt files. IMO, by far the best free alternative is XnView, which uses a very similar layout and feature set and also has txt format slide shows. | |
08-23-12 03:42pm - 4522 days | #9 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
A data backup provides a copy of your porn that you would really want to be able to access on another machine entirely if your laptop had to be replaced. You would get such a copy simply by using Windows copy and paste between your hard drive and the external drive, or dragging the porn folders across with Windows Explorer or My Computer. That would create folders and files that you would recognise in the normal way and be able to access with movie players and image viewers. System backups, that most people (including me) are keen on, copy the operating system and program files that enable the computer to work. If the laptop's hard drive were to fail, a good system backup would enable the operating system and programs to be immediately reinstalled onto a new hard drive in the same laptop. Though few computer shops would do this because it is easier for them simply to install a fresh copy of Windows and to hell with your programs! And if you are not a geek, you would find it nearly impossible to restore onto a new internal hard drive yourself. Since you say you would just replace the laptop completely if anything failed, the above feature would be of no use to you. System backups are only of use when recovering onto basically identical hardware. The other thing system backups enable you to do is recover if the operating system becomes corrupted by bad software, a faulty Microsoft update or a virus. However, you can also recover from this by a clean reinstall of Windows, which a computer shop could do for you. And this would probably destroy your porn. Laptops often also have some kind of recovery CD or recovery partition on the internal hard drive which is intended to allow recovery in this situation instead of having a shop reinstall everything. Backups created by backup software are usually in a special compressed file format that you can only use via the backup software. If you look at such files in Windows Explorer, you would not see what is in them. As Khan says, file size would give you a clue as to whether they could possibly contain your porn. They might contain only the system files, or only the data, or both. You might also wish to consider whether you would want a repair shop to know what is stored on your laptop. If you wouldn't, then any kind of hardware or operating system failure would realistically cause you to replace the laptop. In that case, all you need to ensure is that your treasured collection is backed up to the external drive. Anything that is treasured should always be stored in at least two different devices. Edited on Aug 23, 2012, 03:47pm | |
08-22-12 06:17pm - 4523 days | #3 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
To backup your porn, copy the files direct from the laptop to the external drive without using the Western Digital (WD) software. If you have any that you would be mortified to lose, copy it to two separate external drives. I do not know exactly what the WD software creates when it makes a computer backup, because all backup software is different. It might just make a backup of your system files, in a compressed format, and skip your data (porn) completely. If it has a manual, it should make clear exactly what it backs up. The WD website has a comprehensive Knowledgbase but it does tend to take you round in endless circles! If your laptop drive failed, and you needed to recover data from the backup, you might need a bootable CD loaded into the optical drive of the laptop, if it has one. Some backup software allows you to create a bootable CD for this purpose. Backup software supplied by hardware vendors usually performs poorly or not at all. I have no idea if WD's works well or not. To backup a system (as opposed to the porn) it is usually better to buy dedicated backup software such as Acronis True Image. I have used that to restore my system dozens of times and it works. | |
08-21-12 12:39pm - 4525 days | #11 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
I fully understand your driving instinct and your disappointment. But one thing that is worth trying is not looking at any porn at all, or downloading anything, for a whole week. A week's fasting can make the eventual meal taste much more delicious even when you had the ingredients in the fridge all along. Conversely, continuous grazing destroys the appetite for even the most gourmet meal. | |
08-07-12 12:30pm - 4539 days | #8 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
I think it would be a sensible precaution to turn on the warning that Firefox can give you when you try to send data over an unencrypted link. The fact that you are entering data on a form on an https address does not mean that your data will be sent over an encrypted link; it just means that the page was sent to you over an encrypted link. With banks and billers such as CCBill and Epoch, I trust that the link is encrypted so I usually do not turn the warning on. With a VPN, I think I would want the warning on until I knew I could trust it. | |
08-04-12 03:25am - 4542 days | #19 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
This is something I may post in a few places if the need arises. I have at last found a way for my old PC to play 1080p mp4 video. It is a somewhat obscure setting in VLC player that I had overlooked and never seen mentioned in any of the many threads I had read on specialist video forums, including the VLC forums. Tools>Preferences>Input and codecs>Codecs>Skip H.264 in-loop deblocking filter Set this to "non-key" or "all" Close VLC player and then restart it. It only needs to be done once. With that setting, 1080p mp4 video plays without freezing. I have not yet established whether the setting has a degrading effect on 720p video though it is easy to change if it has. I also have not checked if 1080p looks any better or worse than 720p. To do so requires downloading both options from a site that offers them. I will try this over the next few days. The 1080p I have tried does look better than 852x480 mp4, which is all that was offered as the "SD" alternative to 1080p "HD" on the site I got them from. My preference would still be for 720p video because the file size is smaller and it generally looks excellent. But at least I can now play 1080p when there is no other reasonable quality option. | |
08-03-12 04:00pm - 4542 days | #18 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Interesting. FullHD and HD are perhaps a bit more standard here in the UK than I thought they were. Maybe there is little or no ambiguity in FullHD then: it means 1920x1080. The problem comes with HD, which can mean either 1280x720 or 1920x1080 and I have seen both uses for HD on various websites. And, as you say, nobody knows what SD means except that it is not HD or Full HD. It will probably get worse too. In a few years, there will be 2560x1440 video, which they will call UltraHD or something like that. Then we will have UltraHD, FullHD and HD. It will be a bit like HiSpeed USB and FullSpeed USB where I can never remember which is which If it were generally called 720p, 1080p, 1440p, it would be much easier to know what was being offered. By the way, I do not own a television. | |
08-03-12 06:07am - 4543 days | #16 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
My PC copes happily with 720p HD (1280x720). It is only monster 1080p HD (1920x1080)that it cannot play. SD (less than 720p) I would not bother to download at all. What I am saying is most PCs will play 720p, but I suspect quite a lot will not play 1080p. My PC is 8 years old and works perfectly and fast for everything except 1080p video. I see no point in building a new PC just to be able to play 1080p video. It is good to see a webmaster continuing to provide content in a choice of resolutions. One huge source of confusion is the use of terms such as HD, SD, full HD, all of which mean nothing as they have no standard definition. It would be more helpful to refer to them as 720p, 1080p etc or quote the full dimensions, such as 1280x720p, when offering a choice on a website. On the rare occasions that I watch video (I am more interested in photos), I play it on a 60 inch projector screen at 1024x768. 720p video looks excellent on that. | |
08-01-12 01:32pm - 4545 days | #10 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
My PC cannot play 1920x1080 video at all. There will be lots of people with old PCs for whom 1920x1080 is useless. | |
07-28-12 04:30pm - 4548 days | #7 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Well, if you like her and have discovered the beauty of Russian women (I have loved them for years), you might like to check out Stephanie on Nubiles. There are two full size pics available from the tour area. She is a tall blonde Russian a bit like your volleyball woman, only more....I found her one of the hottest additions in years. As for the Olympics, wake me up when they're over. I also hate all sports. | |
07-21-12 03:33am - 4556 days | #2 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Following some discussions on a site here a couple of weeks ago I learned that there are search facilities at epoch, ccbill and segpay. Nearly all sites can be found on at least one of those. I think sites use tinpot billers as a try-on. | |
07-19-12 11:47am - 4558 days | #11 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
As you know, I am not much into video. I tend to find their technical features more entertaining than the content. MET-ART have downloadable flash video, which they call "mp4 flash". Membership just expired and I did not download any. Now in We Are Hairy. They have downloadable flash. I just downloaded some to compare with the mp4 video. The proper mp4 video and the flash (f4v) video use the same codec for video (h.264) and for audio (MPEG AAC). The noticeable difference is in the resolution and bitrate. The f4v videos have a much smaller bitrate and a lower resolution and look very much lower quality when viewed full screen. Technically, I think f4v video is actually mp4 video but packaged so that players can seek to any point in the video without downloading all of it, useful when streaming. Once you have downloaded it, that does not give any advantage. I would say the main disadvantage would be in the bitrate, which will result in much poorer quality in the f4v files. If you say that the f4v and mp4 files are a similar size for the same resolution, it suggests they are using a similar bitrate for both. You can check it with VLC player. It is true that you can simply alter the file extension to mp4 and VLC will still play it. But VLC is very clever and does not need the extension. You can alter the extension from .f4v to .dog and VLC will still play it. Or just remove the extension completely. VLC is still happy as it can play video files with no extension at all. It is no doubt editable but whether or not there is any free software to edit either or both of mp4 or flv, I have not checked. youtube flash video has always been downloadable and is pretty crappy, as we know. | |
07-16-12 02:51pm - 4561 days | #29 | ||
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
...with considerable success, Marm.
That sounds tempting enough for me to make another quiche. | ||
07-16-12 09:33am - 4561 days | #4 | |||||
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Thank you. That is the first thing to check.
I really do doubt that it is an OS problem. However, if the cause does not lie in a corrupt FDM file, the most likely cause would, in my experience, be interference from anti-malware software, such as Internet Security, Anti Virus or Firewall or some other protective software of that kind. Problems often begin after one of those pieces of security software updates itself. Particular culprits within such software are anything to do with intercepting what it regards as suspicious activity. Such features in security software might be called heuristic detection or anti-intrusion or HIPS. If attempts to fix FDM itself fail, and if you have any anti-malware software, you could try disabling HIPS and similar features (from the interface provided by the antimalware software)and see if this helps. If that does not help then, if and only if you connect to the internet via a router, you can try disabling any firewall completely. You are protected behind your router's firewall anyway. Only do this if you use a router though. Temporarily disabling antivirus may help (suggestions are getting increasingly risky, you notice!). Such measures are temporary, to identify the cause of the problem. But sometimes, the cause is within the antivirus's driver. This cannot be disabled easily except by uninstalling the antivirus completely. (And yes, I have had to do such things and provide diagnostics to AV vendors to help fix their software - not for this problem but for others).
This is consistent with the fault being remnants of a previous FDM installation or an interference from anti-malware.
You will be most welcome.
Yes, that will find the folders and files left behind. But I recommend not using the Remove Software wizard. It is better to use the removal tool provided within Free Download Manager's entry in the Start Menu. If you navigate to that, you will find an Uninstall option. Those tools usually manage to remove old registry entries too. There are many references to Free Download Manager and FDM in the Registry and their custom made tool stands the best chance of removing the right ones. I would not recommend trying to to that by directly editing the registry. The Remove Software wizard might not clean up any of them. I would suggest that you first try the things I suggested in my first reply. If those do not help, uninstall FDM with its own Uninstall from the Start Menu. If it mentions folders or files it could not delete, note them and restart the PC before deleting them. If it suggests deleting files that are anywhere other than folders dedicated to FDM, rename them rather than delete them. For example, if it mentions a .dll file or a .sys file in a Windows system folder, rename the file rather than deleting it. After deleting files and folders, restart the PC and then reinstall FDM. If all this fails, my anti-malware interference is the most likely cause. Don't you just love computers? | |||||
07-15-12 06:00pm - 4561 days | #18 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Well, I shan't repent; but if you would like to come over and take some corrective measures, I would be happy to feed you some quiche. I am so glad that you said "possible" errors. I would suggest that both of graymane's usages are correct in modern English. "...anyone...they..." is an acceptable construction to avoid the formal "he", the still-odd-sounding "she" or the cumbersome "he or she" and the corresponding possessives. Collectives, such as "variety of sources", may be treated as singular or plural, depending on context. To use the singular would be strange unless you were intending to emphasise the variety rather than the sources. For example: "A variety of sources provides a richer experience than a single source." ("Provides" rather than "provide"). But: "A variety of sources were selected." ("Were" rather than "was"). And we may even begin a sentence with a conjunction. But not too often. I hope the non-native speakers are still with us. Do you want that quiche warm? | |
07-15-12 04:28pm - 4561 days | #15 | ||
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Ah but I am not addicted. I have not neglected friendships, my bills are all paid and food is my number one priority. I even made a quiche yesterday - just for me. When I have friends round, they get my homemade cakes. I can't really pass the door test because I have always ignored the door unless I am expecting someone. Uninvited callers are inevitably people trying to sell me something or save me from eternal damnation.
I hope not...no deterioration noticed so far. | ||
07-15-12 04:14pm - 4561 days | #2 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
I will help if I can. I use FDM with Windows XP. My FDM is version 3.9, build 1249. I suppose you did download it from freedownloadmanager.org. There are some spoof versions around too but that is the official site. Assuming it is the genuine article, you have been into Settings, Network. Traffic usage mode should be "Heavy" and Connection speed is "determine automatically". "Decrease traffic usage on browser activity" must not be checked. In Downloads, New Download, Advanced - Restriction of traffic for this download "limit traffic" is not checked. I have sections maximum number set at "1" because I never use download acceleration. If none of that helps, it might be a matter of uninstalling FDM, then restart PC. Then delete any folders of Free Download Manager from various places (which we can discuss). Restart again. Re-install. Restart again. Let's hope none of that is necessary though. | |
07-14-12 08:36am - 4563 days | #4 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
I think I have already reached that stage. It is two years since I joined a site I had never joined before. And I only joined about four new sites in the year before that. Some of those new ones were only ever going to be one-off joins where I knew there would be enough for a single visit, such as a single model site. Otherwise, I also have a list of about 20 sites that I revisit regularly between one and four times per year. So I am usually a member at two or three sites at a time. Occasionally, a former regular site gets removed as I become disappointed with a deterioration in photography. There are a couple of new ones I might try over the next few months. As more and more sites concentrate on video over stills, my pool of sites may decrease. | |
07-13-12 01:51pm - 4564 days | #38 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Yes, that cute little rabbit (sweet, isn't she?) is what I get if I clear cache and then do not visit eurobabeindex before displaying this page. I am sure it is not a browser setting stopping images. Not only have you checked that but such a setting would stop all images, and I think a porn user would probably notice that But you might have a setting within your firewall, if you use one, that alters the "referer". That could cause problems on some sites and be OK on others. I cannot easily test that theory without installing stuff that I would rather not install. By the way, the link to the "galleries" on the eurobabeindex page is actually a dead link that gives error 404 so nobody will get anywhere from there... But something is blocking the image for you and I cannot think of anything at the moment except a firewall setting for "referer". I may be barking up the wrong tree, as we say. | |
07-13-12 12:52pm - 4564 days | #36 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
The eurobabeindex appears to block the hotlinking of images. When the browser displays this page, it tries to get the image from eurobabeindex, which blocks the request so nothing shows up. But if you have already viewed the eurobabeindex page itself, the image is then in your browser cache. Then displaying this PU page, the browser picks the image up from cache without needing to access eurobabes. That is why you could see the image even in messmer's pasted reply. You were seeing the image in your browser cache. What I don't understand is why messmer cannot see the image even when he goes to the eurobabeindex page. If he has security software which blocks "referer" (such as some types of Symantec security) that might prevent eurobabeindex from displaying its own images on its own pages. I am not sure about that and I have no means of testing it but I can't think of another reason. Edit - "referer" is not the problem. I just found a way to block referer in Firefox and, weirdly, it actually allows the image to display in this page. Strange stuff, this internet thing. With referer as normal, what I said about blocking hotlinking applies as I described. Anyway, he has now seen her at The Nude so he knows who she is Edited on Jul 13, 2012, 01:06pm | |
07-13-12 12:03pm - 4564 days | #34 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Maybe you'll have better luck with her page at The Nude | |
07-11-12 04:09am - 4566 days | #21 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Google for Marlene Mason at freeones.com I am sure it is OK to mention that site because they only link to sites' offical promos. Also search for Marlena at Peachyforum (another site with only official promos). She has sets at FTV Girls, Digital Desire, Karupsha, Naughty America, ATK Exotics. She is not a teen and I think she has the most perfect droopies ever. | |
07-11-12 03:44am - 4566 days | #21 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Aha, messmer. Only a little hop across the pond required then. For some reason, it is scary opening up a PC even when you have done it hundreds of times and built them from scratch. They are very shy creatures and they have a habit of sulking after you open them up. 7 icons. That is funny. | |
07-11-12 03:34am - 4566 days | #20 | ||
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Thanks, Reveen. Yes, in some of the card reviews, I see people struggling with that problem too. It seems that the only straightforward way with hardware is to buy all the components at the same time while they are all within about 6 months of original issue. Built in obsolescence kicks in remarkably fast with computers. All the manufacturers' claims of future proofing and upgradability (is that a real word?) are marketing hype. What you start off with is what you get, largely.
ssd would probably help a bit. I have my OS on a separate HDD but it is more for ease of backup and restore than for speed. I have never been one for upgrading things. Once I have something that works, I like to use it until it no longer works and cannot be repaired. I have had my hi-fi speakers for 40 years. Speed does not bother me. But this 1080p video thing bugs me, even though I find video much less satisfying than photos and rarely even try to watch any. | ||
07-11-12 03:21am - 4566 days | #19 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Thanks for that, RagingBuddhist. You are right. There is still AGP stock available. Of course, it is old stock as they went out of production years ago. I had a read through some of the reviews. I guess that many of those cards would still not play 1080p video because that requires GPU hardware acceleration of a suitable kind for the modern video and the cards were produced before video needed that kind of hardware acceleration. Some of them might happen to work though. But getting a driver to install and work looks like a total nightmare. Some users found that only the driver included on the CD works. Others found it didn't and had to download drivers from manufacturers' sites. The latest drivers did not work but some earlier ones did and some didn't. Others found only the latest drivers worked. Looking on AMD's support site, there are loads of versions and they also refer elsewhere for driver support for certain features. There are also reports of needing to do things with audio drivers in order to get the graphics driver to work. Add to that the fact that my Anti Virus has problems with some graphics drivers and causes the system to freeze when an external hard drive is connected. Ya know, since I hardly ever watch video anyway, as I am nearly exclusively interested in photos, I think I shall not attempt a graphics card update. But for some reason, I find myself tempted to try. Not sure why as I would not watch the video anyway! | |
07-10-12 05:51pm - 4566 days | #18 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Discovered Marlene Mason (aka Marlena)? | |
07-10-12 05:31pm - 4566 days | #9 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Most things seem easy once they have been pointed out. Glad to be of help. | |
07-10-12 05:27pm - 4566 days | #15 | |||||
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Mine too. The big problem for me is the hundreds of programs! Though I know you understand that already.
Oh for the simplicity of that. I could build and configure a system like that in a day. How many icons do you have on your desktop? I have 162 - and those are just the most frequently used things!
Modern graphics cards have a PCI-E interface. That refers to the shape of the male copper pins on the edge of the card. They fit into the female PCI-E slot of the motherboard. My motherboard predates PCI-E. Its graphics card slot has a different shape, called AGP. You cannot buy AGP cards anymore. PCI-E cards do not fit. You cannot update a motherboard without replacing everything - CPU, memory, the lot.
...which is such a small country that it is easy to visit any other Canadian.
Just need to remove a memory module and see if the computer works without it. If it does, that was the faulty one. Memory comes in about 100 different types. Getting the right one is the tricky part. I have spare memory modules for my PC in my store cupboard. | |||||
07-10-12 06:31am - 4567 days | #13 | |||
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Thanks, messmer. That is encouraging. It suggests that anything I might build now would have no problem.
I would have huge regrets. It is not the cost that is the issue. I have hundreds of programs installed in this Windows XP machine. Some of them are mathematical programs that I spent months writing myself. Others are a selection of mathematical, audio and graphics applications written by other people. Many would not run on a 64 bit OS, though perhaps they might run on a 32 bit OS in a VM within a 64 bit OS. Not simple though. I built my current PC myself. I am a stickler for proper backup and have three internal hard drives, carefully partitioned to make backup and restore easy. I can restore my entire OS in around 5 minutes and back it up in under 2 minutes. I use externals too. I would build my own PC again. I would never buy a ready made one, even if it would be cheaper. Costings I have done suggest around £1000 to give me the flexibility and ease of use that I want and with full ability to calibrate and profile monitors. Add another £700 to £1000 for spare parts. When I built this PC, it took me about 1 day to build it and install Windows. Then about 3 months to install and configure my programs. Now I reckon it would take only one day to build the PC but 6 months to install and configure programs, if I could even get them all to run at all. That is why an extra £700 to £1000 for spare parts is justified. Otherwise, I could face having to replace a machine again in a couple of years and have to repeat all that installing and configuring. I have enough spare parts to keep this machine running for at least another four years.
I think that is a good idea. I wish I had that option myself. | |||
07-10-12 06:12am - 4567 days | #7 | ||
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
The easiest way is to turn the sound off on the video and play you own choice of music while the video is running. Just have two windows of VLC open together - video in one, music in the other. | ||
07-09-12 12:57pm - 4568 days | #17 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
But they have the budget to lose everything to the tube sites and rip sites. I think they need to think long term if they want to stay in business. | |
07-09-12 12:53pm - 4568 days | #8 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Am I too new here to wish you good luck in your search? Good luck! | |
07-09-12 12:44pm - 4568 days | #8 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
I am glad you posted this - and for the confirmations of other posters. Neither my 8 year old PC nor my 4 year old laptop can play 1080p video at all. It just freezes at some random frame and keeps going in sound only. My PC's graphics card is not upgradeable (it has an AGP slot only). Video decoding is not memory-intensive. Increasing RAM will not help. It is now very irritating when sites offer only 1080p, giving me even less reason to download video than I already had! As for space, in theory, 1080p video should be 2.25 times the file size of 720p video, for the same encoding quality. Can all modern PCs play 1080p video or is it still possible to buy graphics cards that cannot cope with it? | |
07-09-12 12:33pm - 4568 days | #7 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Thank you for saving me the bother of signing up to that one, messmer. I love Faye Reagan - but not a waxworks version. | |
07-09-12 12:28pm - 4568 days | #5 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
2 is the main reason I cannot watch bg video at all. 1 and 4 are the main reason I do not watch solo girl or gg video. I need to see the girl's eyes all the time and have no men's faces visible. If porn video producers followed your guidelines, I might even watch an occasional video. An extra gripe is that videos of solo performers are too busy. They always have to be stuffing something in a hole, pulling daft faces and making unconvincing moans and screams. Less is more. | |
07-09-12 12:21pm - 4568 days | #6 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
crazytwin, I think you asked an excellent question. I do not know the answer. I have sometimes wondered whether to use your pre-paid card method myself. If a site uses some obscure own-billing instead of CCBill, Epoch, Segpay or NetBilling, I will not give it my credit card details. A prepaid card might be a way to join such sites. There are a few exceptions. I have signed up with Karups for years. They do their own billing but I have never had a problem with them. | |
07-04-12 05:44am - 4573 days | #14 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
I think that is an excellent idea. I feel that even the DRM restriction is unnecessary. There exists software that can record anything that displays on the screen, complete with sound, and regardless of any protection. The result is fairly low quality, about equivalent to most flv streams. All the site needs to do is stream an 800x600 flv. If someone managed to download the actual flv file, they would not get anything better than could be obtained by recording with recording software. For photos, the thumbs method you suggest seems unproblematic. As you say, some sites already do that. And those include some very large sites as well as smaller ones. I think sites really need to get to grips with the idea embodied in your suggestion. They put far too much effort into a futile attempt to combat viewing any of their material, albeit in low quality, prior to purchase. They should make it easy to preview. Because otherwise they drive potential purchasers towards the alternative of downloading the complete content, in full quality, from pirate sites and bulletin boards, where it is often easier to access without download limits or timeouts. People who want to get stuff without paying will never pay even if all free sources are eliminated. However, there are a lot of potential customers who will buy if it is easy to preview content. If I find a site I might want to join, I first go to the tour and look for some actual example content. If I find it and I like it, I sign up. If there is no preview content, I look on "alternative sources". There, I often find complete content and sometimes full site rips. I will still then go back and sign up to the site, though many would not. If all sites included proper preview material in the first place, there would be no need to go to the alternative sources at all. I know that sites might say that preview material costs them bandwidth and storage charges. But they also complain that piracy costs them money. I sincerely believe that the cost of offering good previews would be more than offset by the reduction in lost signups from people who visit the pirate sites in order to obtain samples and who then do not sign up. Offering good previews of ALL the content would be an effective model both for purchase of individual scenes and for regular time-based memberships. | |
06-29-12 08:04am - 4578 days | #35 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Good point. It is strange how they have tried to police their language. But English must present learners with great difficulties as we have so many, a cornucopia, a plethora, a multitude...of vocabulary choices to say any one thing. | |
06-29-12 08:00am - 4578 days | #34 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
And if the US had remembered to charge us commission for spreading our language, we would be broke. What we started for our language with the British Empire, the US have multiplied many fold with theirs. But I often wonder if Germans, say, speak and write their own language as badly as most Brits speak and write ours. | |
06-29-12 07:51am - 4578 days | #11 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
I agree wholeheartedly. I don't think any reviewers dwell on this stuff. Just a line or two stating the numbers but giving much more prominence to describing the actual content and whether it looks good full screen. | |
06-29-12 07:48am - 4578 days | #10 | |||
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
And I thought I was the only one who did that.
Thank you for that. I suspected as much but have never been able to see it for myself.
Interesting. At least they cannot get the profile wrong though, since video files cannot use them. | |||
06-29-12 07:43am - 4578 days | #9 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
Sometimes I wonder if the people who invent the terminology make it deliberately confusing. | |
06-29-12 06:51am - 4578 days | #9 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
What otoh says makes a lot of sense. But my short answer to your question is still "Yes". The higher resolution will make the image sharper. However, if the detail is smaller than you can read from normal viewing distance, the sharpness will not help you. Try viewing a beautifully sharp 10x8", high quality print on quality photo paper, from a distance of 20 feet and compare what you see with the same image on a cheap desktop printer viewed from 2 feet away. The latter will be less pretty but show you more. LCD monitors do have a native resolution because their pixels are physical pixels. The screen is actually physically divided into a fixed number of little squares. The sharpest image results when you set the OS resolution to the native resolution of the monitor. But that is not necessarily the best resolution if your eyes cannot see small details at normal viewing distance. On a CRT monitor, there are no physical pixels and you have more freedom to set the resolution to your preferred value without being affected by a native resolution. I still use a CRT monitor. | |
06-29-12 06:36am - 4578 days | #8 | |
Claypaws (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 144 Registered: May 16, '12 Location: UK |
I do not have $75000 available for a projector. So, yes, mine is VGA 1024x768. But I disagree about not seeing the detail. There are several reasons for this. 1) I Often recrop images since the ones that are shot from further back are usually less blurry. I might therefore crop the central 1024x768 portion of a 6000x4000 image. 2) Size matters more than resolution. An image has more impact on me if it is lifesize even if I do not have the sharpness of detail created by the higher pixel count of a high resolution display. 3) I am not especially turned on by the ability to examine the contents of each skin pore. I am more interested in the expression on a model's face. 4) Most sites offering 80 megapixel images also use large format cameras at large lens apertures, resulting in 80 megapixels of blur. Higher resolution of viewing a blur does not add to my enjoyment. So I agree that a 6000x4000 image would be nicer viewed on a 6000x4000 projector than on a 1024x768 one. But I would rather see it on a 60" 1024x768 projector than on a 15" 2880x1800px monitor screen. Personally, I would consider $300 to replace a lamp well worth the money. Alternatively, just buy a new projector. About half the cost of a projector is the lamp. I have had a couple of projectors in 6 or 7 years but, fortunately, never had a lamp failure. On my first projector, I bought a spare lamp when I bought the projector, against the advice of the vendor, who told me I was wasting my money. He was right. The projector failed before I ever needed that lamp. And it was a lot more than $300 too. | |
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