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Will P
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05-31-19 10:36am - 2045 days | #3 | |
Will P
PornUsers Staff Posts: 5 Registered: Jan 25, '16 Location: United States |
Tattoos aren't really my thing, but "go big or go home" come to mind. And getting your eyes tattooed is so gross that it's almost sexy - if you know what I mean? | |
05-22-19 07:01am - 2055 days | #22 | |
Will P
PornUsers Staff Posts: 5 Registered: Jan 25, '16 Location: United States |
I haven't signed any petitions demanding a new final season, but I found the ending very anti-climactic. They tried to tie up so many loose ends that it felt rushed and lackluster. ***SPOILER ALERT*** I particularly hated the bit with Brienne writing in the book about Jamie. Knight or not - would she really be wearing a metal breastplate indoors sitting down at a table doing fancy calligraphy? A real eye rolling moment for me - too cheesy. Actually, there was all kinds of cheesiness - which makes for great nachos, but not great television. ***END OF SPOILER*** I would have preferred if the Night King had wiped out almost all of them as a result of their in-fighting. And then Jon and a few others could have escaped to the other side of the wall to start afresh. Yes, it would have pissed off some (or a lot of) people because we'd have never known whether the survivors thrived or died. But it would have fit the show's tendency to mix death and destruction with glimmers of hope and the resiliency of the human spirit. Anyway, I wonder how the porn parody sequel "Games of Bones II" will compare? https://www.thedailybeast.com/inside-the...verywhere?ref=scroll | |
05-14-19 06:07am - 2063 days | #2 | |
Will P
PornUsers Staff Posts: 5 Registered: Jan 25, '16 Location: United States |
Oh, that was fun - I appreciate that both the male and female pornstars admit that they're into what they're doing - it's not just acting. Probably not true of all performers in all scenes though - I've seen some really awkward scenes before. | |
04-18-17 10:35am - 2818 days | #7 | |
Will P
PornUsers Staff Posts: 5 Registered: Jan 25, '16 Location: United States |
I don't know if I think that it's "fishy" for people to rate sites without writing reviews, after all, the same thing happens on online shopping sites. It's more that I like be given enough details about why someone likes or dislikes something before I decide whether to join or not. Sometimes when you read someone site review, you realize that it comes down to something very subjective - like they didn't feel the site had enough green-eyed blondes named April. And hey, the heart wants what the heart wants or maybe it's not the heart, but another body part. However, that particular need or desire might not be a deciding factor for whether someone else will want to join a site. | |
03-22-17 06:57am - 2846 days | #9 | |
Will P
PornUsers Staff Posts: 5 Registered: Jan 25, '16 Location: United States |
Hey iknowwazzup, I came across this article on AVN about an XHamster Trump parody porn where they've cast an unknown who goes by the name of "John Brutal" who is 27 and seems to be quite the comedian. https://avn.com/business/articles/video/...-cabinet-722738.html I love this quote from him about winning the vote: "My fellow Americans, as your newly elected cummander in chief, I want you to rest assured that I've got yuge plans for our great nation,” said Brutal. “I want to be the President of porn for all xHamster fans and I won't stop busting my ass (or busting on asses) until I've helped deliver the most wonderful, the most fantastic, the most beautiful scenes ever filmed. I mean big league cinema, okay?! Friends, trust me, place your sexual futures in my normal-sized hands, and place some lube in yours; together...let's make America cum again." The only thing that he failed to do in his statement was to brag about having won the popular vote like no one has ever won a popular vote before. Anyway, he seems to be a very funny guy so this parody should be worth a good laugh. | |
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