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Post History:
CharlieSkyward (0)
1-16 of 16 Posts | Page 1 |
12-15-16 04:48am - 2947 days | Original Post - #1 | |
CharlieSkyward (0)
Suspended Posts: 16 Registered: Oct 25, '16 Location: UK |
Something I find very handy for downloading is greasemonkey (that is, user scripts). For example, for harmony, the following duplicates the download links and sticks them near the top of the page so as to avoid the need for scrolling. // @include http://*.stiffia.com/scene/* // @version 1 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== function dothething() { var a = document.querySelector("div.site_innerC"); var b = document.querySelector("div.download_section"); var aa = document.createElement("div"); aa.setAttribute("class","prxInsert"); aa.style.margin = "2px"; aa.style.padding = "2px"; var bb = b.cloneNode(true); bb.style.float = "none"; bb.querySelector("h3").style.color = "#ff7"; aa.style.background = "#300"; aa.style.padding = "6px"; aa.style.border = "1px solid black"; aa.appendChild(bb); var x = document.querySelector("div.player_header"); a.insertBefore(aa,x); } dothething(); | |
12-14-16 02:12pm - 2947 days | #18 | |
CharlieSkyward (0)
Suspended Posts: 16 Registered: Oct 25, '16 Location: UK |
Look for 6 or 12 month deals: then use the sub thoroughly. You'll have enough from that period with them. Recurring monthly is basically for suckers. Sure, if I had millions in the bank, I'd happily subscribe at the monthly rate to a number of sites, but alas I am not. | |
12-14-16 02:10pm - 2947 days | #6 | |
CharlieSkyward (0)
Suspended Posts: 16 Registered: Oct 25, '16 Location: UK |
A recurring favourite for me, and my first pick to show somebody who's never seen a parody before is New Sensations' Flintstones parody. In that one, the characters do such a good job of staying in character even during the sex scenes. All too often, as soon as the sex stars, the parody character is put to one side, and the stars bang out the same porn they'd be doing if it was a non-feature. The Axel Braun stuff I find underwhelming a lot of the time: standard porn where they don't bother taking most of their superhero costumes off. New Sensations parody of the Big Bang Theory as a soft spot, that being the first proper parody I watched (and what got me to fork out for a few months sub to NS). The Basic Instict one's take on the 'Sharon Stone interview' had me laughing ("If I tied Johnny up, how would he stick is fingers in my ass? I like fingers in my ass?") | |
12-14-16 02:05pm - 2947 days | #12 | |
CharlieSkyward (0)
Suspended Posts: 16 Registered: Oct 25, '16 Location: UK |
ffmpeg. You want ffmpeg. Provided you have the hard drive space, if you want to capture between, say, 3min15 and 8m18 of MyPornMovie.mp4, use ffmpeg -i MyPornMovie.mp4 -ss 195 -t 303 cap%05d.png or ffmpeg -i MyPornMovie.mp4 -ss 3:15 -to 8:18 cap%04d.png You will then have every frame as a .png file. Warning: this takes a lot of space! The -ss 195 means start 195 seconds in. The -t 303 means capture 303 seconds worth (else it will go to the end of the movie). To convert and entire movie, use ffmpeg -i MyPornMovie.mp4 cap%07d.png The cap%05d.png or cap%07d.png results in files with names like cap00001.png, or cap0000001.png respectively. The % thing comes from the standard UNIX printf function, the %05d bit means take an integer, format it in denary (base 10) 5 digits and leading 0's, so 15 is 00015 and 734 is 00734. (This names the files so that dictionary order is the same as frame number order.) In short, though, ffmpeg is what you want. | |
11-08-16 02:12pm - 2983 days | #54 | |
CharlieSkyward (0)
Suspended Posts: 16 Registered: Oct 25, '16 Location: UK |
Hi, My username on many porn forums is CharlieSkyward (not my real name). I am one of those people with a graphic imagination, who was always a daydreamy one growing up, and who, as soon as puberty kicked in, pretty much ended up having a personal private porn industry running in the back of his head, whilst having to adhere to societal norms outwardly. Anything to do with sex and nudity would excite me as a teenager, and gradually, from hints as to what this 'naughty, illicit, insert-your-adjective-for-wrong' thing called pornography was, ended up reconstructing it all in my imagination, at which point my more basic self liked what it saw, banged its neurological 'Like!' buttons, and thus I dreamed about watching porn, and its content, way before I actually did. Then, gradually, from Amiga demo disks, through glimpses on late night channels, to copied VHS videos at university, through pornographic images on the internet (from 90s onwards), I slowly developed more of a taste for the artistic caricature of sex that porn is. I often think of it as doing to sex what WWE does to fighting. Later still, as I indicated in a separate post, I had to make the sensible decision that the 'porn is wrong... fight it off' mindset from the society and religious stuff I grew up with, was just not the right approach. My porn watching habits resembled the eating habits of a bulimia sufferer. So, seeing this, I decided that developing a sensible disciplined approach to porn was the way to go. My first paid site was Dane Jones, some of whose scenes (in shortened 10 min form) I had found on tube sites, and longed to see the full versions. Then the Big Bang Theory parody turned my attention to modern American parody porn. As for the sensible disciplined approach, it seemed sensible to harness porn, rather than just wanking off to it. For example practising monotonous aspects of things like musical instruments (read scales and arpeggios, or rudiments), or exercise routines, with porn to watch at the same time brought many benefits. (Practising the same scale on the piano, intently, with deliberate attention to technique, for 30mins straight, whilst doing things entirely by tactile feel and spatial awareness suddenly came easily, whereas before 1min was too long, and I couldn't stop myself instinctively staring at the keys: given the choice between staring at my hands and staring at porn, however, and the choice between carrying on practising and carrying on watching porn, or stopping, the long slow practice was the no-brainer.) Other stuff like this, along with learning the ins and outs of software like ffmpeg, mongodb, and stuff to save and manipulate the contents of the pages of porn sites, so as to have raw material for a database... motivating and rewarding this with porn made it easy. The first proper porn I saw was a copied VHS of Private Video Magazine 6 (as web searching led me to discover circa 2014... I first saw it in 1995). There was another, with a classic pre-sex dialog line, in german, 'Was ist das? Das ist mein Bier Flaschenöffner', before the woman decided to try and open 'eine Bierflasche' at the back of her throat. (Bierflasche is german beer bottle, offner is 'opener'.) Then in the early days I love that I could grab the odd 20s clips and stick them together with a Windows Media Player playlist. Later the odd pirate copy via torrents, when they just started. One I remember was Gauge's 'No Holes Barred' scene, though a hard drive failure meant I lost the file soon after downloading it. Lesson learned, I now tend to have things at least duplicated. As the 90s turned into the 00s, and 'lad mag' culture grew in the UK, and hardcore was legalised over here, I gradually started to pick up more and more about porn. Aversions from society and upbringing made me too shy to just walk into local sex stores and buy porn movies or proper porn mags. What was fun at uni was when a group would head to a local strip club. Like a gay kid who regrets not coming out earlier, I regret not openly embracing porn earlier, and not developing my 'disciplined harnessing' attitude to it earlier. Whilst porn may cause others problems, for me it was the lack of porn in a society where we are surrounded by sexual images, innuendo, and sexually charged people, combined with a vivid pornographic imagination that caused me far more difficulties. As I have said elsewhere, like some people have a strong natural sexual preference for people of the same gender as them, I have a strong liking for sexual imagery, humour, stories, and indeed the nuts and bolts of how sex actually works in the real world. I think it best to see it as part of one's sexual preference, and our sexual nature as akin to a pet animal that we are intimately tethered to. We understand things like ethics and relationships, but our basic libido only understands one thing: sex. It is akin to the Minions in that Banana Mini Movie: when they see a banana, they go bananas chasing after it. Thus the paradigm with regards to our sexual self is one of responsible loving animal ownership: it is our duty to keep it fed, exercised, content, and safe, and to ensure it does not cause harm to others chasing what is its nature to chase. The old religious ideas that the best way to loving treat such an animal is to cage it and starve it to death is something that, for me, just has to be laid to rest on the scrapheap of history. Anyway, that's enough of me. I'm glad to have found this forum. | |
11-08-16 09:57am - 2983 days | #52 | |
CharlieSkyward (0)
Suspended Posts: 16 Registered: Oct 25, '16 Location: UK |
I'm a little disorganised, but getting better. I have a few identical pairs of 3.5 usb hdd's, a 4tb pair, and a couple of 2tb pairs. In general, I manually sync using rsync. I browse with firefox, and have shelve running. Shelve saves all pages visited for selected sites. I then have python scripts which process them to extract the desired data (e.g. pornstar details or scene details, hopefully including download filenames), and then store these as json files, and also in a mongodb database. I am gradually developing my own local database, and hopefully in time a kodi plugin so that I can stick on a small hard drive or usb stick containing downloaded movies and the metadata about the movies stored, and the stars involved, and also a simple web frontend to the database so that I can search for scenes from those already downloaded, and possibly those I have yet to. In addition, this serves as a psychological reward to figure out how all this stuff works. | |
11-08-16 09:50am - 2983 days | #5 | |
CharlieSkyward (0)
Suspended Posts: 16 Registered: Oct 25, '16 Location: UK |
I have been a massive fan of free software and open source since before most people had heard of it (mid 90s). I'm not that interested in making money, or selling stuff, but rather my passion is making stuff work, especially if it works for people other than just me. The more general principle is what I call 'harness it instead of hating it'. Another explanation is that if struggling with a desire to watch porn is akin to playing tug-of-war with a shire horse, why not make friends with the shire horse, feed it, exercise it, and develop a more symbiotic relationship. Amusingly, one of the wonders of porn is that it takes essentially zero intellect to understand and enjoy what is going on. Indeed for the intellect it is akin to watching paint dry, except that there are naked people getting in the way of the view of the paint. What my intellect does to keep itself amused whilst body gets its daily workout and nether regions get their daily fun, is another thing. | |
11-08-16 01:52am - 2984 days | Original Post - #1 | |
CharlieSkyward (0)
Suspended Posts: 16 Registered: Oct 25, '16 Location: UK |
Can't claim this to be particularly original, but: PORNO MOVIE: A SEQUENCE OF GRATUITOUS SEX SCENES GLUED TOGETHER WITH A SHALLOW PLOT AND FLIMSY DIALOGUE. SUPERHERO MOVIE: A SEQUENCE OF GRATUITOUS SFX SCENES GLUED TOGETHER WITH A SHALLOW PLOT AND FLIMSY DIALOGUE. The caps is necessary to hide case since SFX is usually capitalised, but 'sex' is not. For a .png rendering: | |
11-05-16 01:52am - 2987 days | Original Post - #1 | |
CharlieSkyward (0)
Suspended Posts: 16 Registered: Oct 25, '16 Location: UK |
I wanted to share a little of my 'weird porn watching ritual'. I found years back, for me, that porn and masturbation combined can function like a mental short circuit: the shortest path to orgasm is to put on a porn movie and jerk off frantically. Getting myself out of that habit took some work, but essentially revolved around jerking off away from porn, and watching porn whilst exercising, or practising something, much as people put on background music to work out to. For example, I used to find it hard to get myself to exercise, but by getting an exercise bike or cross trainer, and then telling myself 'you can watch for as long as you like so long as you keep pedalling', I can easily knock out a good hour or so on these machines with ease and enjoyment. Further, the enjoyment of porn then gets associated in my brain with the exercise. In general, it is important to be aware of what, from the point of view of brain learning, is being rewarded. Porn has the capacity, for those who respond strongly to sexual fantasy as I do, to give you a direct line into your brain's reward centres. Using this sensibly can work wonders. | |
11-05-16 01:47am - 2987 days | #11 | |
CharlieSkyward (0)
Suspended Posts: 16 Registered: Oct 25, '16 Location: UK |
On Ebay I was able to get hold of an HP microserver G7 for £100 and a couple of HP ML110 G5's for £50 each. I generally use 2TB hard drives, though have a couple of 4TB usb drives. I generally use identical pairs, and every few months have a machine in the corner (a laptop is fine for this), run sha256sum over each file and compare to already computed hashes. If an error occurs, I get two more identical drives, and copy to them, and mark both older drives as unreliable (that is, use, but do not trust). While there are things like RAID and ZFS around, for me manually computing hashes, and syncing with rsync is sufficient: rsync -haux --progress /d/a/PornFiles /d/b is sufficient, and then you just leave the machine to get on with it. The trouble with RAID mirroring is that if your software screws up, you simultaneously screw up all parallel copies (RAID protects form hardware failure, but not software failure or user error). Offline and offsite backups are important for this reason: what you are aiming to do is to arrange things so that multiple unlikely mishaps are required to happen simultaneously for you to lose your data. Personally I found porn a wonderful motivation to learn all about 'enterprise data management' and similar, even though I have no actual intention of a having a porn collection larger enough to require a data centre. (Only large enough that I won't run out of good porn to watch, and with enough storage that I don't have to worry about deleting old porn to make way for new.) | |
11-05-16 01:38am - 2987 days | #7 | |
CharlieSkyward (0)
Suspended Posts: 16 Registered: Oct 25, '16 Location: UK |
On Mac or Linux, or the new bash command line that you can get on Windows, one can type: for s in *.zip; do unzip -d "${s%.zip}" "$s"; done which will take files [ Hello.zip, World.zip, Porn.zip, Lover.zip ] and extract each to folders [ Hello, World, Porn, Lover ] respectively. If you create the script file unzipToDir containing #!/bin/bash FILE="$1" DIRNAME="${FILE%.zip}" mkdir -p "$DIRNAME" && unzip -d "$DIRNAME" "$FILE" and then (provided it is in your path), can type ls -1 *.zip | xargs -n1 unzipToDir or ls -1 *.zip | tr "\n" "\000" | xargs -n1 unzipToDir if any filenames contain spaces. You can write more complete and idiot-proof scripts, for the addition of a few lines of flow control, if desired. (Personally I find the Windows command line painful compared to bash, and so use either cygwin or the new Ubuntu bash command line in Windows 10.) | |
11-05-16 01:31am - 2987 days | #5 | |
CharlieSkyward (0)
Suspended Posts: 16 Registered: Oct 25, '16 Location: UK |
The worst excesses of the porn industry are due to the industry, not the porn. The economic demand for quantity of produce, and similar, is what gets 'talent' to be managed as commodities. This kind of industrial economics blights much of the world, and in similarly unethical ways. Porn done well needn't be exploitative or unethical in this way, and I generally look for porn that is less exploitative rather than more when it comes to paying for it. | |
11-05-16 01:27am - 2987 days | #10 | |
CharlieSkyward (0)
Suspended Posts: 16 Registered: Oct 25, '16 Location: UK |
ffmpeg You will need to learn the command line. But it is essentially the same on Windows, Mac or Linux. ffmpeg -i INPUTFILENAME OUTPUTFRAME_%06d.png is all you need. The INPUTFILENAME bit you replace with the filename, and the likewise the OUPUTFRAME bit. The %06d bit ffmpeg turns into the frame number, the 0 tells it to zero-pad numbers, and 6 indicates the number of digits to use (so 1 becomes 000001, 124 becomes 000124, and so on), which preserves dictionary ordering of the filenames. If your file is 30fps then there are 108000 frames per hour, which is why the %06d is a sensible default choice here. For example, with a file from Naughty America, ffmpeg -i nrglaylajmac_4k.mp4 -t 1 fr%04d.png will output all frames from the first 1 second (the -t 1 bit) as .png images (so as not to lossy compress yet again). ffmpeg -ss 120 -i nrglaylajmac_4k.mp4 -t 1 fr%04d.png will do the same, but from 120 seconds in (approx). Note that 1 second of 4k came out as 345MB of .png files. So 1h of 4k frames is roughly 1.3TB, so basically you want to extract clips rather than all frames at once. I use ffmpeg a lot for doing stuff like this with porn downloads. | |
11-05-16 01:17am - 2987 days | #20 | |
CharlieSkyward (0)
Suspended Posts: 16 Registered: Oct 25, '16 Location: UK |
If I compare 576p (DVD) vs 1080p videos, on a 24" monitor or 15" laptop, let alone a 40" TV, the difference in sharpness and detail is clear (provided the bitrate hasn't been set too low, as often happens: for 1080p you really need 8kbps). With 4k, though facilities aren't there yet in user software, the capacity to interactively pan and zoom on a full hd screen without losing detail seems nice. I have yet to buy myself a 4k TV, but quietly the biggest motivation for me to do so, as it was with a 40" full hd tv, was to see what porn would look like on it. (I have been a hobby photographer quite a bit in the past, and the sharpness is easy to see, and something I like. I look forward for HDR (high dynamic range) 4k porn on a high-end 4k tv.) With respect to 1080p vs 4k, I generally download the 4k first, and if possible also the 1080p, since both will have been encoded from the original high-res source files, and so the 1080p will have fewer compression artifacts than a file re-encoded from the 4k, assuming identical bitrates. That, and encoding time. With modern graphics cards and ffmpeg it still takes rather a while to encode from 4k to 1080p (and also 540p, which is fine for smartphones and devices with a screen res less than 1080p). Finally, I like to draw (with pencil and paper, or with corel painter/krita and tablet) from scenes, and that is where 4k is wonderful as source material (since the DSLR stills often do not exactly match the video). | |
11-05-16 01:08am - 2987 days | #28 | |
CharlieSkyward (0)
Suspended Posts: 16 Registered: Oct 25, '16 Location: UK |
I don't know others' preferences, nor the general demographics, but for me, my preferences with regards to boobs are definitely: 1. Large Natural Boobs 2. Small Natural Boobs 3. Augmented Boobs in that order (1 is favourite). I have yet to see a pornstar whom I prefer after breast augmentation. I love what ample breasts can do for a woman's figure, and if she's going to keep her clothes on, augmented breasts can do wonders. But of course in porn the clothes come off early, and stay off. And without clothes and bras to hide the 'fakeness' of augmented breasts, they just don't look like real breasts to me, nor move like them. In life in general, my philosophy is far more one of people doing the best with what they are given, rather than striving to be somebody they're not. Pornstars like Tori Black and Stoya, or Iwia*, show how good porn can be done with small breasts. In a similar vein, one thing I do not enjoy about modern porn is the massively exaggerated vocals. As an exercise once I stripped out the audio track for a number of porn movies, and listened to just that, on high quality headphones. I remember with one Czech lesbian erotica scene (Dane Jones' Teachers Training Trip), just how relaxed and playful the performers sounded, and personally I love that. Porn that is seems natural, playful, and honest, is what appeals to me the most. *The first site I subscribed to was Dane Jones, and her scenes there were generally fantastic. I especially love watching her give a blowjob, and how she flashes cheeky natural grins as she explores the guy's cock with her lips and tongue. | |
11-05-16 12:50am - 2987 days | #10 | |
CharlieSkyward (0)
Suspended Posts: 16 Registered: Oct 25, '16 Location: UK |
There are some niche sites like Fellucia Blow that specialise in doing 'artistic blowjob' scenes. These are pure blowjob: all you see of the guy is his dick, and solely for the girl to perform with. I don't watch them as often as I thought I might, but found them a massive turn-on the first time I saw them. More generally, though, some girls seem to enjoy the delivery of a good blowjob, and others appear to perform it in a more 'workmanlike' way. Likewise some girls appear to love the crazy stuff, and others seem to struggle to do it because that is what is expected of them. For me, the girl wanting and loving what is happening is a massive part of the fantasy: I don't enjoy porn unless it is reasonably convincing about the girls performing enjoying it. The same is true of blowjobs: if it looks like something they're doing to get paid vs it looks like something they enjoy, it makes all the difference. | |
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