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12-24-12  08:25am - 4382 days #10
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Originally Posted by skunk:

Hi cybertoad
there is a film of Olivia Black (Belladonna) on sexxximps.com
ii is on page 12 of the site

Hmm you sure thats here kinda hard to tell the preview pics are dinky Since 2007

12-24-12  08:21am - 4382 days #9
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Interestingly I saw a Civil War belt buckle on Pawn Stars a few years ago with a bullet lodged in it. And this year saw
American Pickers find the exact same belt buckle. I had heard rumor the shows were fake, and until I saw that I did not believe the hype. But I saw it with my own eyes. LOL I still watch it though.

I thought she was nice addition and had amazing eyes, the fact she had been a porn star may have helped the reputation as a sin city pawn shop. I think they kissed opportunity good bye.

I do not watch allot of TV, but some of the new shows on TV like Two Broke Girls is on at 830pm talking about smoking pot, blow jobs, anal and titty rubs and they keep this show on. I have never heard a CBS station push the envelope this far until this year. But then we see them remove and old porn star for what? It was not like she was performing or talking about sex ever ! Since 2007

12-23-12  06:04pm - 4382 days #59
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Most assault weapons do one thing, and they do it well !

I feel as do many owning one, makes you part of the problem not the solution. Since 2007

12-22-12  10:05pm - 4383 days #54
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Originally Posted by jberryl69:

The Assault part are optional dressings to make it look a certain way.Do you have any thoughts about it?

From my own gun enthusiast point of view.
And assault weapon is different from any other semi-auto and semi-auto as bad as it sounds only means fires as fast as the gun allows and this varies some guns cycle way faster then others. I have a semi-auto pistol police edition and the first pull is heavy and not feather light to fire it fast would require work, ok that said.

Assault weapons are semi-auto that are either by design or by modification
able to do the following.

1. Fire a medium to large caliber bullet.
2. Cycles fast ( meaning ejects and reloads fast)
3. Has a feather trigger.( means takes little to squeeze and is were rapid fire comes from.

I was not sure what your friend was explaining as what makes a assault rifle more deadly is high velocity rounds not just the caliber.
And AR-15 why not a heavy round the volume and speed it can put out really makes the argument it is dangerous, and could kill pretty easy. Since 2007

12-22-12  04:39pm - 4383 days #52
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Originally Posted by messmer:

Thanks, CT. A very reasonable answer and I left your answer intact for that reason. Now if only every gun owner were like you!

Thanks for the compliment

Sadly, also I agree too. I know some very nice people who agree with me, and have similar gun views. For every 10 people I know with my view there are 5 more that do not get it.

Owning a gun is a 2nd amendment right, sweeping a crowd with ammo is not, nor is stocking up for Armageddon Or having high capacity assault riles.
I do believe the founding fathers wanted us to have guns if we chose to, however in the day of cannons and flint locks I can not see them ever foreseeing one gun like an AK that alone could take on 100 soldier with flint locks. So what is next, laser guns? Maybe some that produce radiation ?
I have no idea what the next technology in guns will be, but the word Gun should not mean automatic ownership.

Sorry hate to ramble on about this, but most of my gun owning responsible owners think training should be required on the very first gun you buy should require a 6 hour class on gun safety and gun owners have to pass a test after that and then the typical background check.
I also have a very unpopular view that owners should be licensed to show you are license owner. I know I have to carry my Concealed License everywhere I go and police are happy when the know I have one, because I took time to learn.

There is room for compromise. Since 2007

12-22-12  02:45pm - 4383 days #49
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Originally Posted by pat362:

I don't know who asked that question but maybe you know the answer. Why does anyone need an AR-15 assault riffle?

I have been a gun owner as in owned not just shot them, let see, 30+ years ( 50 NOW) . I fired an assault weapon once for training never have again.

LOL Pat thats just it, I think I am a responsible gun owner, and I see no need at all for an assault weapon.
And as I mentioned in my post, guns should be a last resort not a first resort and is why I have carried and had guns for years with no issues. Most people do not know I carry or even own guns.

I support what may be called the Liberal point of view on assault weapons, they were banned in 1994 and I saw no reason to lift it. It is the gun type of choice for these crimes and I hate them because they make responsible gun owners like me look like gun toten yahoos.

Having a clip with 30 or even 20 rounds of 223 Nato rounds serves no point. I wish I had the answer of why, sure people can claim a right to have them, but I recently asked a group I know in a gun forum, WHY DO YOU NEED AND ASSAULT WEAPON ? and you know pat not one gun owner gave me a good reason. It all had to do with gun rights no one said they are great for target shooting or something. And left me still saying WHY DO YOU NEED THEM?

Hope this helped, but as a gun owner I am even puzzled why ! Since 2007 Edited on Dec 22, 2012, 02:48pm

12-22-12  02:32pm - 4383 days #48
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Originally Posted by messmer:

^ Why do you possess so many guns, CT? And wouldn't your theory practically force you to get rid of all of them just in case someone pulls your trigger one of these days?

Hi Messmer, very legitimate question since you asked.
First why I do not own guns.
I do not own them , because I think the government will take over, nor do I think riots will leave me unarmed to protect my family.
I do not keep them with any intent to cause harm to another.
In fact I would rather leave a situation and use my cell phone then be forced to use it.

I do have guns however for two reasons to maybe share some about myself
( not to much lol )

I became accustomed with firearms the since the first day I attended police training. I have since then really enjoyed the mechanics and what makes them tick. In all these years I have never once had to fire a shot at anyone for any reason. But I keep them because I like the mechanics involved and have been around them since I was young I carry them when I move large amounts of money which happens time to time I have a concealed gun license and no one knows I have it, and use it when safety may be needed. But as I said if I can leave the situation I would rather that, using a gun to fight off the bad guys is a TV movie thing and never ends well in real life.

2. When I real young I used to target shoot with slingshots and bbguns I became very very good and progressed to shotgun targets and other firearms.
It is quite fun to try and hit the center target 100 yards away with a very small projectile, kinda like playing darts but harder ( I like darts too )

Now I am an professionally trained person, I have had both criminal and physiological checks and evaluations done, so I may differ slightly from many guns owners as I am trained and approved by the State Police here, and I have gone through testing. And is why I see guns as a last resort not a first one.

Hope that helped Messmer ?

PS I do not hunt, because my guns use is not to kill........anything.

PSS, sorry one more thing I also do not own an assault weapon mainly because I see those as a gun good for one thing that it does well and that is kill therefore I do not need one.
Some of my friends do not agree with me on that, but I do not need one
and will not get one. Since 2007 Edited on Dec 22, 2012, 02:36pm

12-22-12  11:12am - 4383 days #17
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Xbox is very clear they will not allow it period, and so far foreign manufactures get blocked by updated so the number onegame machine will never allot it and each year the say the same.

WII and Playstation have similar rules in the US, but Japan does sell Xrated playstaion games online. I cannot say where because I think shipping here is not legal. Since 2007

12-22-12  08:26am - 4384 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

Olivia Black, fired I was shocked to read the newsletter she was let go. I thought she was hot and now I know why.
the PU newsletter explains it but I thought it was sad, she was hot and kinda sexxy on that show.

I mean come on Pawn Stars and Porn Stars and they never though to check the correlation when the hired her ?


I would have loved to find video or pics anyone seen her on and sites ? Since 2007

12-22-12  08:22am - 4384 days #14
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Yep a big fan , big fan. Since 2007

12-20-12  07:27pm - 4385 days #42
Cybertoad (0)
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Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
The human mind is far more complex then we give it credit for, I own guns, allot of them. Most on here would not have a clue about my hobby as hopefully I do not come across as some crazy gun toted yahoo redneck LOL.

The point may sound funny but it is not.

I was telling this story to my son when he asked me today about the shooting and do just crazy people do that?
And as I paused and said no, his eyes lit up as now I just confirmed you do not have to be a loon to shoot up a school.

The reality is most every human has a built in trigger that could make them snap. I often refer to what I call the
Game Theory and was what I wrote a paper on about the human mind and its reactions.
Ok to the point, Imagine being in a Basket ball game eating hotdogs sipping a pop and cheering for your team. People around you are cheering in a packed crowd of 5000 people everyone has fun and the home team wins. They go out an in the streets begin to smash cars, destroy store fronts and loot them. People are attacked and women molested by the same people whom were just sitting possibly next to you ?

I wish I could say this was just one rare game, fact is it occurs world wide from professional to high-school games with an occasional death with scary frequency.

This misses the news most times, and even though at a school or college they are ignored. I call it the Game Theory were perfectly normal people become animals and act in away they never would have in a control situation.
There is more, but to close this out the basic premises is
Mentally ill people do not kill and normally cognitive ranged people do not kill. However the news will clearly show all kinds of people taking a life. Since 2007

12-13-12  04:02pm - 4392 days #225
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Capn:

Actually those were my words quoted, hence my signoff.

All the poster did was add the spam link replacing my original one.

The Moderators were kind enough to restore my original link once I reported the post.


Hey thats not cool

And I said hi and everything LOL Since 2007

12-13-12  07:04am - 4393 days #8
Cybertoad (0)
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Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Thanks I added that scrip blocker. I use spybot search and destroy have since way back when. great program works most times lol. Since 2007

12-13-12  06:59am - 4393 days #31
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Capn:

Excellently put, my friend.


Ditto, Ditto Since 2007

12-13-12  06:59am - 4393 days #10
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by RustyJ:

And here I was thinking the reason might be their customer service when I saw the thread title

ROFL. Since 2007

12-13-12  06:58am - 4393 days #223
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by lindats19:

There used to be some decent older material at Euronudes, usually by Jan Vels, that was half decent.

It takes a bit of searching out though. [Blink]

Cap'n. [Cool]

Welcome to PU, and the information very cool.
I forgot about this thread thanks for restarting it lindats19.

One thing I have been stumbling upon is Lez workout strips, not the classic strips type but two women striping to music is close enough to me. Some one on here was asking me about the music I create and forgot who ask me ?
Hope someone will remember lol my brain must have taken a left turn lol Since 2007

12-11-12  10:44pm - 4394 days #4
Cybertoad (0)
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Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Originally Posted by jberryl69:

Another good reason to skip tube sites is the threat of Ransomware. According to an on line article, (http://finance.yahoo.com/news/pc-virus-v...-else-004529732.html)

I got one a few weeks ago from a photo link, this exactly happened and took all my skill to remove it. Spent 3 hours going through the registry and other stuff eventually removed it, I do not get viruses cause I do not go to sites like tubes etc, however I was a dumb ass and followed a link to a picture example that was embedded before I could notice.

Won't do that again, nothing like being a techy and getting a virus.

Cybertoad lowering head in shame.
Since 2007

12-11-12  10:38pm - 4394 days #19
Cybertoad (0)
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Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Originally Posted by exotics4me:

Shows my focus. I didn't even notice her boobs at first. The hair, eyes, lips and face got my attention. Is there a little Sandra Shine in this one?

PS I agree the Sandra Shine look was there. Since 2007

12-11-12  10:36pm - 4394 days #18
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Denner:

A newer star of W4B........amazing.


Is that a picture only site ??? Since 2007

12-11-12  10:34pm - 4394 days #25
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
This is about one of the best posts I have read in along time.
If you look at society today the world is not as friendly as this group of people. In fact the tolerance alone we all share is amazing. Everyone is polite and respectful and just happen to enjoy porn. the world could learn allot from a site many do not understand.
This same respect and admiration we have for each other rolls over to the the stars we all love as well, the point is clear we can not lose respect for these people as I am sure it would reflect on us all.

This world may never be the same and Messmer said it best:

I have never met a more civilized, courteous bunch of people than in Porn Users .. and it's not the first time I say this .. I love your company, consider many of you to be "friends" in the detached, on-line sense.
Since 2007

12-11-12  10:25pm - 4394 days #24
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Capn:

Yes, I am sure we did!

One of the main reasons I dislike harder sites, is their propensity to go down the route of degrading the women.
There is no need for it, & I certainly do not find it in the least appealing.

Like you, I love looking the ladies, but only in an appreciative manner.

I would never wish to degrade, abuse or belittle them.


This is exactly the way it should be Since 2007

12-05-12  05:16pm - 4400 days #7
Cybertoad (0)
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Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
This is easy :

1. A search engine that works the way it should.

2. Put and end to canned websites and search engines.

3. No more behind the scenes on any site.

4. End director talking on all sites.

5. Offer buy one get one free as offers to join. Since 2007

12-03-12  12:45pm - 4402 days #15
Cybertoad (0)
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Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Khan:

Ouchie ... we'll hope that's not the case.

But yeah, you should have one this Friday afternoon.

Faithful yes, but Turkey only comes round once a year LOL.
I will blame my absence on vacation Since 2007

11-30-12  08:54am - 4406 days #6
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
The amount of tablets is near the amount of smart phones and just as many variations.

Things to consider in order on my priorities:

1 Battery Life
2 Wifi and or 3G
3 Storage
4.Screen size.
6.Charged by and or docking or USB
8.Droid compatible
9.installed Applications
10 Warranty and returns.

These would be my top 10 of things to look for there are more but this is where I would start.

Then before buying look up reviews. Since 2007

11-26-12  08:23am - 4410 days #11
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
That actually makes really good sense and in insightful.
Speaking for myself I would say that I do look at the girl and what she is liking as well.
It is not 100% but perhaps 40-50% is why I choose is because she is into the scenes. I hate show up for a fuck and make a buck types. It is obvious they want it over and go home and take a bath Since 2007

11-24-12  02:49pm - 4411 days #7
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by t9chome:

If I were to lose it all tomorrow except for ONE scene, though that one would have to be Jenna Haze in POV Centerfolds 6.

Both CD of that POV are pretty good, just reviewed it for old times sake. That is a good scenes. Since 2007

11-24-12  12:16pm - 4411 days #5
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Wow I admire you guys to have the intelligence to figure out your favorites.

I seriously first read it and said, sure and then quickly went oh hell. And then Oh Sh*t, and realized I like allot of the stuff I have. I tried doing a favorites list now I have about 20 folders each with maybe 50 and then that is just ones I know are pretty good. Favorites are very hard. No pun intended ! Since 2007

11-24-12  09:22am - 4412 days #2
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
I do not think I could pin it down that much as the scenes for me vary on the mood I am in.

Some days a nice solo, maybe some Lez, or HC etc. Hard to pick favorites when my niche changes here an there.

I have been liking allot of scenes with Madison Ivy Lately. She has got some very natural curves Since 2007

11-23-12  11:31am - 4412 days #5
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
I tend to be right in the middle not aggressive but not to much like XART either. I like solos at X-art but but the HC is not very HC. I like solos to be more savory and sex to be in the middle seems more natural that way. Since 2007

11-23-12  11:27am - 4412 days #10
Cybertoad (0)
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Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
It is funny how when a regular takes time away that we notice right off the contribution is not there.

I hope it is just a short break Since 2007

11-23-12  10:54am - 4412 days #119
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

A man is walking home alone late one foggy night... when behind him he hears: Bump... BUMP... BUMP... Walking faster, he looks back and through the fog he makes out the image of an upright casket banging its way down the middle of the street toward him. BUMP... BUMP... BUMP... Terrified, the man begins to run toward his home, the casket bouncing quickly behind him FASTER... FASTER... BUMP... BUMP... BUMP... He runs up to his door, fumbles with his keys, opens the door, rushes in, slams and locks the door behind him. However, the casket crashes through his door, with the lid of the casket clapping clappity-BUMP... clappity-BUMP... clappity-BUMP... on his heels, the terrified man runs. Rushing upstairs to the bathroom, the man locks himself in. His heart is pounding; his head is reeling; his breath is coming in sobbing gasps. With a loud CRASH the casket breaks down the door.Bumping and clapping toward him. The man screams and reaches for something, anything, but all he can find is a bottle of cough syrup! Desperate, he throws the cough syrup at the casket... and, (hopefully you're ready for this!!!) the coffin stops! Since 2007

11-23-12  10:53am - 4412 days #118
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in Delta Airlines one year ago,
you would have $49.00 today!

If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in AIG two years ago, you would
have $33.00 today.

If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in Lehman Brothers three years ago,
you would have $0.00 today.

But, if you had purchased $1,000 worth of beer one year ago, drank all
the beer, then turned in the aluminum cans for the recycling refund,
you would have received $214.00.

Based on the above, the best current investment plan is to drink
heavily & recycle.

It is called the 401-Keg.

And as a bonus...

A recent study found that the
average American walks about 900 miles a
year. Another study found that on average Americans drink 22 gallons of
alcohol a year. That means that the average American gets about 41
miles to the gallon!

Makes you darned proud to be an American Since 2007

11-23-12  10:51am - 4412 days #117
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Once a sailor...always a sailor

Baptist Preacher was seated next to a Sailor on a flight to Norfolk.

After the plane took off, the Sailor asked for a whiskey and soda, which was brought and placed before him.

The flight attendant then asked the preacher if he would like a drink.

Appalled, the preacher replied, "I'd rather be tied up and taken advantage of by women of ill-repute, than let liquor touch my lips."

The Sailor then handed his drink back to the attendant and said, "Me too. I didn't know we had a choice." Since 2007

11-23-12  10:50am - 4412 days #116
Cybertoad (0)
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Since 2007

11-22-12  12:22pm - 4413 days #4
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Happy Turkey Day everyone, ditto to Droolers posts. Since 2007

11-21-12  10:03am - 4414 days #114
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Caught Speeding

Woman: Is there a problem, Officer?

Officer: Ma'am, you were speeding.

Woman: Oh, I see.

Officer: Can I see your license please?

Woman: I'd give it to you but I don't have one.

Officer: Don't have one?

Woman: Lost it 4 times for drunk driving.

Officer: I see...Can I see your vehicle registration papers please.

Woman: I can't do that.

Officer: Why not?

Woman: I stole this car.

Officer: Stole it?

Woman: Yes, and I killed and hacked up the owner.

Officer: You what?

Woman: His body parts are in plastic bags in the trunk if you want to see.

The Officer looks at the woman, slowly backs away to his car, and calls for back up. Within minutes 5 police cars circle the car. A senior officer slowly approaches the car, clasping his half drawn gun.

Officer 2: Ma'am, could you step out of your vehicle

The woman steps out of her vehicle.

Woman: Is there a problem sir?

Officer 2: One of my officers told me that you have stolen this car and murdered the owner.

Woman: Murdered the owner?

Officer 2: Yes, could you please open the trunk of your car, please.

The woman opens the trunk, revealing nothing but an empty trunk.

Officer 2: Is this your car, ma'am?

Woman: Yes, here are the registration papers.

The first officer is stunned.

Officer 2: One of my officers claims that you do not have a driving license.

The woman digs into her handbag and pulls out a clutch purse and hands it to the officer. The officer snaps open the clutch purse and examines the license. He looks quite puzzled.

Officer 2: Thank you ma'am, one of my officers told me you didn't have a license, that you stole this car, and that you murdered and hacked up the owner.

Woman: Betcha the lying bastard told you I was speeding too. Since 2007

11-21-12  09:58am - 4414 days #113
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
A Holiday Poem

'Twas the night before Christmas, and wow it was neat

The kids were both gone, and my wife was in heat

The doors were all bolted, and the phone off the hook

It was time for some nooky, by hook or by crook.

Momma in her teddy, and I in the nude. Had just hit the bedroom and reached for the lube

When out on the lawn there arose such a cry, That I lost my boner and poor momma went dry.

Up to the window I sprang like an elf, Tore back the shade while she played with herself.

The moon on the crest of the snowman we'd built, Showed a broom up his ass, clean up to the hilt.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a rusty old sleigh and eight mangy reindeer.

With a fat little driver, half out of his sled, A sock in his ear, and a bra on his head.

Sure as I'm speaking, he was as high as a kite.

And he yelled to his team, but it didn't sound right.

Whoa Shithead, whoa Asshole, whoa Stupid, whoa Putz, Either slow down this rig or I'll cut off your nuts.

Look out for the lamp post, and don't hit the tree, Quit shaking the sleigh, 'cause I gotta go pee.

They cleared the old lamp post, the tree got a rub, Just as Santa leaned out and threw up on my shrub.

And then from the roof we heard such a clatter, As each little reindeer now emptied its bladder.

I was donning my jacket to cover my ass, When down the chimney Santa came with a crash.

His suit was all smelly with perfume galore, He looked like a bum and he smelled like a whore.

That was some brothel, he said with a smile, The reindeer are pooped, I'll just stay here awhile.

He walked to the kitchen, himself poured a drink, Then whipped out his pecker and pissed in the sink.

I started to laugh, my wife smiled with glee, The old boy was hung nearly down to his knee.

Back in the den, Santa reached in his sack, But his toys were all gone, and some new things were packed.

The first thing he found was a pair of false tits, The next was a handgun with a penis that spits.

A box filled with condoms was Santa's next find, And a six pair of panties, the edible kind.

A bra without nipples, a penis extension, And several other things that I shouldn't even mention.

A cock ring, a G-string, and all types of oil, A dildo so long, it lay in a coil.

This suff ain't for kids, Mrs. Santa will shit, So I'll leave 'em here, and then I'll just split.

He filled every stocking and then took his leave, With one tiny butt plug tucked under his sleeve.

He sprang to his sleigh, but his feet were like lead, Thus he fell on his ass and broke wind instead.

In time he was seated, took the reins of his hitch, Take me home Rudolph, this night's been a bitch!

The sleigh was near gone when we heard Santa shout, The best thing about sex is that it never wears out! Since 2007

11-21-12  09:52am - 4414 days #112
Cybertoad (0)
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One day in the forest, 3 guys were just hiking along a trail when all of a sudden, a huge pack of indians attaked them and knocked them out.

When they woke up, they were at the leader of the tribe's throne.

The chief then said "All of your lives may be spared if you can find ten of one fruit and bring them back to me."

So after a while the first man returned with 10 apples. The cheif then ordered him to stick all ten of them up his butt without making any expression at all on his face. He had a little bit of trouble with the first one and started crying while trying to put the next one in. He was soon killed.

Later, the next guy came in with 10 grapes. The cheif soon ordered him to do the same as the first guy. After to the 9th grape, the man started laughing so hard for no apperant reason, and was killed.

The first two guys soon met in heaven and the first guy ask the second, "Why did you start laughing? You only needed one more grape and you'd have gotten away!"

The second guy answered while still laughing, "I couldn't help it. I saw the third guy walking in with pineapples." Since 2007

11-20-12  03:37pm - 4415 days #15
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Originally Posted by Secretease com:

I considered airbrushing when starting but decided against. Partly because of the false look but also to keep things as consistent with the video as possible. For example, if a model has tan lines in the photos, she should have tan lines in the video. That way members know what they'll be seeing.


I am glad yo mentioned that, funny I have seen many over the years that do not match the pictures or vise versa.
I mean no tan line, and hey where that mole go LOL Since 2007

11-20-12  03:32pm - 4415 days #5
Cybertoad (0)
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Cybertoads Take :

Fantasy take one, they are drinking a nice bottle of wine she is feeling a little frisky after three glasses and decides he has to many clothes on., stripping him down she decides she will also go down on him later this leads to .....

Reality in real life

Reality Take One
they are drinking a nice bottle of wine she is feeling a little frisky after three glasses and decides he has to many clothes on. But then realizes she is feeling a little gassy and excuses her self, returning from the bathroom she then begins stripping him down and decides she will also go down on him.
Having had three glasses him self, he also realizes the bathroom is a good idea, but fears he may lose his new erection.

This is why fantasy is great you can leave out the parts that make it why fantasy and reality will never merge as one

Since 2007

11-20-12  06:46am - 4416 days #11
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Originally Posted by graymane:

If this site only catered to, or required Quotas to those giving reviews, then Id'a got my walking papers long ago.
Most, by now, should already know I'm dragging far behind on the number of reviews that are presented here, and that is because most of my fellow-members, and esp. regulars who are prolific contributors, simply purchase sizable more subscriptions.
I try to compensate by putting those would-be-review efforts in other Porn-User features ... ie., forum, polls, as well as replies and other sundry accolades I feel are justifiable acknowledgments worthy of honoring my fellow-members.

Uh-hum! I can I get an Amen on that?
Moreover, (and in conclusion) may the overall production that compliments us here at PU spark worthy self-approbation attributed to this marvelous family, who, as I do, feel right at home with this great site.

Here Here , Graymane.
Is indeed a unique site, I share your same limitations I join but not as often, and like Capn and Messmer my limits are also based on a shrinking niche I share with many on here. As one could see by my interaction will revolve around and often morning coffee, perhaps followed by and evening one and some more fun Since 2007

11-19-12  08:12am - 4417 days #6
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Originally Posted by Ed2009:

I think the vast majority of review sites work on a commission basis. I know quite a few won't review sites that won't pay referral commissions.

I know I try and always click through, I figured there has to be something that make the system viable. Anything I can do to help this awesome site stay up I'm in. I do not think you are sucking up GPL, I agree that we should all think how boring our porn lives would be without PU and TBP?
Some times it is just to say hey in the forum, but more often I check out new sites and reviews and such, and always visit the sites in the review from clicking through.

So along with your thoughts GPL, Id like everyone to think what it would be like without this one of a kind incredible access we have. Since 2007

11-15-12  03:56pm - 4420 days #9
Cybertoad (0)
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Very cool, I do hope you keep in touch Since 2007

11-14-12  12:30pm - 4421 days #4
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Originally Posted by graymane:

I think I speak for all my fellow members in expressing my heartfelt gratitude for the success your reviews have garnered.

Most definitely some of the best reviews I read are of your Denner. Since 2007

11-14-12  09:25am - 4422 days #2
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Love the links some cools stuff and funny.

I have thought the same time to time Denner and I wait and do them up after awhile when the mood hits sometimes. I have a few reviews not done and did some last week and paused from a few before. I personally want to give my best shot at giving information and some sites as you said as just same old same old.
Sometimes I will look at the reviews before me, and try and be creative if it was recent. I may not include what they do and make it my own. I hear ya though, I think this time of year does it for some I know I get porn bored when the weather changes and I have more time for porn and then get burned out watching and reviewing.

Probably doesn't help but I think we all go through different times like you are talking about. I think is why some take breaks or do other hobby's and come back.

I guess it could be said with any hobby after awhile it could seem repetitious?

CT Since 2007

11-14-12  08:17am - 4422 days #9
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Would be nice if there was a review, and then perhaps a small area to put notes on sub sites ?

Not that the website owners would try and over sell, but makes me wonder if a network only has limited contents should they benefit in having access to reviews that users may click and join when their effort is not as good as others ?

I am trying to think of a good analogy , ummmm.

Say you advertise and advertise to get your garage sale known, you put up signs advertise and the day of the sale your neighbor opens up a sale next to you in his driveway. All your hard work and expense and he got the same attention for nothing.

I am thinking somewhere like that is a non-maintained or poorly maintained site should they get the same benefits of multiple access reviews like those that work hard to promote the sub-sites ?

I don't have the answer just questions that had me curious.

CT Since 2007

11-13-12  09:35pm - 4422 days #7
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Seems that for me it all depends on the site is it really an addition, or designed to entice others into thinking the site network is bigger then it is. I have been members in both cases. A safe place seems to only rate the parent site unless it is obvious the addition is not an addition and therefore would warrant its own rating.

Most reviews usually rate or mention the bonus sites, and for me that usually enough.

CT Since 2007

11-13-12  08:38am - 4423 days #32
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Originally Posted by hodayathink:

hy is it any different? It's not technically a free speech argument, but you're allowed to do certain things that are actually illegal in a movie for the sake of creative expression, and pornographers feel that not having to wear condoms should fall under that line, especially since it isn't something that's illegal in the first place.

Not to get all political but this is why Americans need to looks at all rights when they are challenged. Often people who oppose guns, also are wanting gay rights. Rights are rights, and when ever we look to the government to tell us our rights we have put yet one more nail in the socialism coffin.
I am iffy in some ways on certain rights, but I like my guns. I may not agree that with others in their rights but I will vote for their freedoms as well.

Whether a person wants to be married to a gay person, have abortion, own guns, or smoke marijuana is not my business. But I vote the rights for them to choose not the government. If a person hates guns or opposes gay rights, then fine do not own a gun or umm be marry a gay person. But do not take away others rights to choose. It is such a dangerous slope when we say we want rights but take that same ability away from others just because we do not agree.

As it is with this condom BS, how in the hell does a government get to the point that they can tell me what I need to wear on my penis? Sounds like we are going backwards not forward. There is a law being considered by the new Administration that has been in the works since 2008, it is a gun treaty that will all but limit gun selling by USA companies outside the USA and n turn not allow dangerous weapons like AK's here. Sounds fine until you realize we do not sell dangerous guns to other countries we just buy them, now it will begin to put even more American companies out of business.

I remember when the gay rights was looked at I was shocked it was even and issues. Who a person has sex with is non of the governments business. They made it sound like every gay person was out raping heterosexuals. The same is with guns, they make it seems like everyone who owns a gun is shooting up the town looting and wild west shoots outs. Both are false and so far off reality it is pathetic. Gay people are not responsible for Aids any more then a gun owner is responsible when a nut take a gun and shoots a person.

I went on this rants because, if you feel you have rights, then do not take others rights way allow them to choose themselves. I will close in saying when ever we take another person or groups rights away just because we do not agree, we allow the government to know it is ok to tell us, how to dress, what to eat, and what to wear during sex.

CT Since 2007 Edited on Nov 13, 2012, 08:42am

11-12-12  07:20pm - 4423 days #9
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Semper Fi
************************** Since 2007

11-11-12  03:07pm - 4424 days #18
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Originally Posted by pat362:

My rule of thumb is that I am a lot more likely to accept a performer with tattoos if she came into the industry with them as opposed to getting them after already being known without them. It's the same for implants or facial reconstruction. What can I say. If I like the appearance of a performer then it stands to reason that I may stop doing so if she decides to alter her appearance.

I could not agree more Pat exactly how I fee about every aspect you mentioned. Since 2007

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