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10-15-14  08:41am - 3738 days #15
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Ya know Lpee23,

Its going to boil down to what it means to you.
I have been a webmaster a long time as as porn on the web developed I never ventured into the porn biz much more then consulting .
I hope you take this to heart my friend as from your post over the last year or so you like porn, you enjoy it like most of us. If you pursue porn your attraction will change maybe for the better maybe not.

Look at it this way men often have affairs because they get bored the woman they wake up to doesnt do it for them so they sneak some on the side. Porn day in and out and seeing all the details and preps and mess and arguments on the day of shoots will take porn to another level for you.

Its why you will find some member take a porn break after awhile and even a PU break. but if you are in the business you cant walk away and regroup.

I always thought doing a porn biz would be great and for some it maybe. Just remember that in many cases you wont be able to go back to the way porn is to you now if will be different.

Think of it this way you are a porn biz virgin and once you go in you cant take it back.

Best of luck and hope it all works out as you would like it to. Since 2007

10-14-14  08:10am - 3739 days #12
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Invite them to a free screening of the Lion King and put in the wrong DVD , when it pops up produced by you.... there your opening so to speak. Since 2007

10-13-14  09:05am - 3740 days #5
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Couple Thoughts for you to ponder.

There are two kinds of perspective to porn.
Adult Entertainment and Art.

If you look at the turn of the century they show more skin in soap operas then they did then. So called blue movies were hidden and risky side businesses done by perverted men.

Now days porn is not nasty anymore then a hooker is.
Just go to Wall Street and people are getting fucked there far worse then a street walker.

Point is here you can't open a business based on what others think about it. If its a niche you must serve that niche.
Bakers do not try and please those whom like french fries.

Did I lose you ? Thats what will occur to your customers if you start looking at the responses from others.
If it is really someone close like parents.
I think hiding can backfire, imagine you get real big and famous how will you hide you are a porn king.

If it was me, I would say I in the adult art industry,if asked. The word art ads class.

My two cents. Since 2007

10-09-14  09:01am - 3744 days #57
Cybertoad (0)
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Since 2007

10-09-14  08:58am - 3744 days #56
Cybertoad (0)
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Since 2007

10-09-14  08:53am - 3744 days #10
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by AWpress:

lol, good luck mate. Most serious paysites don't sell ad-space (it shits of the members, who rightly feel that by paying they needn't have to deal with ads). Not sure about Brazzers specifically, but as one of the biggest studios out there, if the do sell adspace it's not going to be cheap.

Perhaps GFY would be a better place for this line of questioning? It's an affiliate discussion board, just google 'GFY affiliates' and you should find it.

AWpress nailed it OP.

I have websites and we are reasonable and not porn, and not cheap. Getting on a site of this stature would be in the likes of lottery winning funds. Look a it this way a local TV station for running a local add about a barber shop will charge 35.00- up for 30 seconds with a 5K contract agreement. I can imagine it would be a huge cost hardly worth even advertising there.

My thought it would be cheaper to open your own www.com then so this . Since 2007

10-07-14  09:18am - 3746 days #7
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
I like the sites that allow you to pick and chose what pic files it will download so you can choose the ones you want and do not. I think babes.com does this ... Since 2007 Edited on Oct 09, 2014, 08:55am

10-07-14  09:14am - 3746 days #45
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
To bring this back on topic:

Due to recent laws such as condoms and where one can shoot porn. It appears the laws are in a limbo area and really could tilt either way.

One aspect that is always puzzling.

A hooker cant charge for sex.
A porn star can get paid not only for sex, but can sell the video and post it all over the net.

There has been talk of legalizing prostitution and regulate it like they may end up doing with Marijuana.

I think things are changing in the sex industry for good or bad it is changing. Since 2007

10-07-14  09:10am - 3746 days #44
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
AWpress I am sorry you are not from this great nation.
Places like England and Canada are military states compared to the freedoms here. If you are not raised free AWpress then you can only read and never know what that it feels like. I have met with people who move here at first they are stand offish until they realize you matter here, your votes, your ideas, your freedoms.
I was at a hearing with a man from Russia, you want to know how valuable our 1st and 2nds are listen to these people.

One commenting from another country is like me trying to say I know what its like to deliver a baby.

America is the only country where you are free and have freedoms like we do. You took what it means to be and American and put into a couple globs and statistics that fit your ideals. That is not the whole picture as you miss why the Constitution was written and I invite you to read the federalist papers and see exactly why these Amendment were written your response clearly shows your knowledge on this was not included your statements.

In any event can't really debate this with you for two reasons. 1. this is not the place. 2.You are not a free man in this United States and only then can one look at the Constitution as a way of life not just some paper you erase and edit at will.

Since 2007

10-06-14  08:51am - 3747 days #7
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
There should be a contact on there site look near the bottom of the page. Since 2007

10-06-14  08:49am - 3747 days #4
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Editing and creating your own from video is about the best way.
I like when vid and pic are DL as you can add to the pic list with scenes that should have been included. Since 2007

10-06-14  08:48am - 3747 days #17
Cybertoad (0)
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This is the best by far, great care is taken to ensure the accuracy, cost and help is available.
TBP, is bare none the best out there. Since 2007

10-03-14  01:05pm - 3750 days #41
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Its why I always say and many do not agree with me.

Going after things like the 2nd Amendment, harms the first amendment and why people do not get this is beyond me. You start fucking with ones Constitutional rights and soon they will fuck with every right you have.
Porn is a form of freedom of speech and is why its legal to fuck and get paid, but not be a hooker. Its considered and expression. Dont like guns in American, to fucking bad, because they take that right away all the rest are up for grabs. I never say people have to agree with me, but common sense tells any reasonable person if there is a nice crisp clean working Constitution and you start saying its flawed lets fuck with it, then it all could become flawed and they will fuck with it all.

Want to help keep your rights, Liberal or not tell your law makers to stop fucking with your constitutional rights.

You are not going to stop violence from taking away guns any more then people wont jerk off if they take away porn.
People will still die and people will still think your going to hell for wanking.

We need to stop allowing political goals to get in the way of our beloved rights. Its what makes us free, without them, we are not free. Since 2007

09-29-14  08:35am - 3754 days #14
Cybertoad (0)
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😼 Since 2007

09-23-14  04:45pm - 3760 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash

Thought this might be a good thread to start and maybe get some new activity in the forum.

What was your favorite scene or porn star you watched today ?

Please give detail of what you watched and whom and from where it applicable.

Watched a lesbian works our scene with Sunny Leone.
Good stuff. Since 2007

09-23-14  09:39am - 3760 days #11
Cybertoad (0)
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I agree, I owned a business niche and we did above and beyond quality. Why other people were content with mill work, we pushed out the best and best technology and broke molds never seen we did things never heard of in our industry but we were not cheap.

You are in a quandary for sure, if you drop a price then you will be in the likes of porn mills, but in economy slump and you are selling Porches while everyone is drivng VW's its a hard business.

I eventually sold my business to a large corporation because I simply could not compete with the other doing it for half I was. The economy when good make me well off, when it was slowing it near killed the business.

If the business world picks up this will be one of the sites I will be at first. Since 2007

09-22-14  09:38am - 3761 days #9
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by jook:

I feel the same way except when it comes to sites such as this. It's worth the extra $10 or so to me to feel safe in the credit card transaction, know that there is real support and a good quality product. Too bad it's not entirely up my alley, though close. -)

Id spend that 10.00 truly would if was exceptional , problem is no way of knowing that until after joing if it was worth the 10.00 extra, sadly porn sites are not like most products you cant test drive the real product 99.9% only show their best stuff as previews in the best they have. I may join, but will wait, maybe until hell freezes over .
I set a cap , on porn like I do if I gamble 24.95 is the most I ever spent on it, ever ever ever. So cant break my own rules unless it was very very very good. Since 2007

09-22-14  09:34am - 3761 days #16
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Having a could based system is the equivalent to locking your front door and leaving the back opened.

In 1991 M$ claimed the security on their OS was safe and secure and well we all know that WinX until very recently is one of the most insecure system and without 3rd party modifications we all would be screwed by now.

The cloud systems are flawed in they rely on one technology that if hacked that it bye bye data.
You wont see me on my life time putting data out there like this.
I am so old school the computers I once used had punch card so this is not something I cant approve of using. Since 2007

09-19-14  02:38pm - 3764 days #6
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by AWpress:

If it's lesbian and solo girl stuff you like, you might be a fan of our site. The flavour is a little different; mostly very youthful and happy models, but no make-up, airbrushing, or fake-ness.

Here's our review on TBP.

Hi there, I agree I have heard great things about this site, the high price tag is all that has kept me from joining if I ever see a 19.95 in there I will be a member in seconds flat. but cant quite pry my wallet away for a $30+ site. But I have heard good things. Since 2007

09-15-14  07:22am - 3768 days #690
Cybertoad (0)
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In the terms of rules located on the bottom if the page it says in the rules:

Reviews may NOT be based on LIMITED Trials or FREE Access to a site unless such free access is a normal part of a PAID subscription to a network. Users MAY NOT contact webmasters / site owners asking for free access for the purposes to do a review.

If the site is a free site as is referred to in the name it mots likely wont be approved by the staff here. Just my experience is Free is not allowed .

I am sure someone will let you know shortly. Since 2007

09-14-14  07:54am - 3769 days #18
Cybertoad (0)
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Growing up in Silcone valley before it was so, I was running old pc's before they ever hit public use, we dumpster dived every weekend at Advanced Micro,Intel,Atari, Sun and many more before were even aware they were around. It was a huge adventure as we built our own thing things in the workshop our back. By the time I was old enough to drive security was going up and dumpster diving ended with barbwire fences. Since 2007

09-08-14  01:44pm - 3775 days #5
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Ed2009:

Plus websites are getting much better are tracing where their stolen content is going and prosecuting those involved. It's just not worth the risk.

And don't forget that a percentage of money spent on legitimate content goes towards shooting new content. Stolen stuff doesn't encourage new material to be made.

This is true, with my software on my site I can down to the second look and see who was where what and when, I can track their tor-browser and get their actual IP, and all sorts of obvious stuff like browser, PC ID and such. 10 years ago it took a master hacker to see all that. I just click a button and can see anything bout a visitor. If I can see it you know others out there are using it in many ways, some good and some to track your access to stealing their content.

We did an experiment a few years ago, we ran wide open access to the internet. No firewall software or anything to see what would occur. Well obviously we were hacked, and our bios on the PC basically in all practical sense was melted. The PC became a pile of plastic.

The illusion is you are safe to do what ever, hackers good ones may be, but if you are pirating the only space between you and jail is how good your magic is on your PC.
one slip, one miss step and they gotch you.

I want to enjoy my ladies on here, not wonder if they will be knocking on my door to serve me papers for watching a pirated video of Marylou rotten crotch.

Its simply not worth and as ed said it just way to affordable to even risk one little rewards "MAY" occur. Since 2007

09-08-14  11:59am - 3775 days #3
Cybertoad (0)
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Usenet and torrents are the devils playground and not in a good way. Many a " hidden internet stalkers" prowl the Usenets looking for someone to grab the title .
New Teen Porn Hot video and now they have infected your PC.
Torrents are just as bad and about every prated porn now days is hooked with a nice tag with your IP addy.

Porn is reasonably low cost, or surf the internet many a pics can be see legally on line.

Just remember nothing is free and there is always a price, malware, adware, virus, or hostile pc take over is not worth the rare chance you can get to see a boobie and pussy for free. Since 2007

09-03-14  11:24pm - 3780 days #11
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by biker:

I finally bought a new computer game after ten years of playing my favorites and wanting something new. To my surprise, I have to be part of a client server called Steam. Now any member can see everything I do with the game. How well I play and how often.

We live in a strange new world, now that we have the internet. You give up some of your privacy the minute you enter this vast universe. Friends and family want me to join one of those social networks, but your not just sending your thoughts to a few friends, but to the whole world. That is not what I want. I like my life kept private. Might as well live in a glass house.

I use that prog we use other means of communication. Since 2007

09-02-14  08:30am - 3781 days #5
Cybertoad (0)
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Where did monday go. LOL Since 2007

09-02-14  08:28am - 3781 days #6
Cybertoad (0)
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When I was a kid, you could crank call people and
, you know your 10 and you call random people asking if they have prince albert in a can kinda stuff.
Many a person was also harassed then Caller ID came along, and call blocking.

Now smart phones can be tracked, we have hidden camera everywhere. People used to hide there smut under a bed, now its on drives that when you die all the world will see you were a pervert. .

Take a look at donwblouse and upskirt sites and see how people are violated in public and can do nothing about it really.

I am old school so to me privacy is huge and the violation very obvious.

Facebook, how many " idiots in my book " Hey everyone, me and the misses will be gone two weeks in the Bahamas. My sister said she would watch our dogs at her ranch thats great. See you guys later kinda crap.


I see it all the time and it floors me. Since 2007

09-02-14  08:18am - 3781 days #8
Cybertoad (0)
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How much does an average test cost, this would help others to understand the who process cost wise.

CT Since 2007

09-01-14  11:09am - 3782 days #2
Cybertoad (0)
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Well guess it depends are we talking the legal definition or maybe more slang.

If a person uses site ripping software it is very possible they will violate some copyright law. A nonpaying person taking all your stuff is called site ripping. There is software out there but with more and more sites being PHP based like probably 80% or more now days. Illegal site ripping is harder.

If I pay and am given access to a site and take everything I can, why it might be a hoggish thing to do, it would be legal.

On pay sites I think of all you can eat porn, like all you can eat Smorga Places. You should eat what you take, but not take what you don't eat.

I think of illegal site ripping like I would Torrents and such. People do it, it harms all sides and well its not worth it.

I stand by :

You should eat what you take, but not take what you don't eat.
Since 2007

09-01-14  10:28am - 3782 days #2
Cybertoad (0)
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Its just as easy to buy a 2TB drive and save your stuff.
Then I know where it is.

If you do not like the Government having your information why in the hell would people trust a private business to do as well. Since 2007

08-31-14  06:49am - 3784 days #5
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by pat362:

The only way the system will work is if the performer has a positive test result prior to shooting and is told that she can't shoot because of the positive result. Anything else is a crap shoot. I don't know if you gamble but the house always wins in the end. The other option is condoms but we know how much the industry loves condoms.

The only good news in this case is that it appears the performer had a false positive so the moratorium is already lifted.

I agree with Pat on this HIV testing only works to prevent exposure in this case why false. She was exposed. So whom exposed her, shows it does not work. Whether she would have got it in her own private life matters not. It shoes a hole in her story if she was found positive ( no pun intended ). Since 2007

08-31-14  06:46am - 3784 days #11
Cybertoad (0)
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There are other review sites other then PU 7 TBP?

No say it aint so.

In my head there are no others even close to this place. Since 2007

08-31-14  06:43am - 3784 days #10
Cybertoad (0)
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Hi GM, coming from the blacksheep of the group or black toad if it were. I always feel at home even though politically especially I differ from 70% of those here.
I know at times people wont respond to me because they feel oh great now CT is going to start talking about his constitutional rights. .

I care about the friends on here and part of being friends is understanding that what brings you together in interest is what you focus on to keep good interactions going.

I knew a guy like 25 years, he was the most annoying fuck at times. Yet we did all sorts of stuff all the time. The point was not that he was an annoying fuck, the point was he and I had common interests that bonded the friendship, not the crazy shit he or I did, wow and we did some crazy shit and thats another thread LOL.

Point is in life, be yourself for you. If other do not like it fuckem, and always be true to yourself.

I enjoy PU even if some of you are annoying fucks
But seriously lets be honest each of us could point out someone in the group they go huh ? Allot to.
Hey stop point at me .

Ok I'm done, but GM. Be you. Its whom is respected here. Since 2007

08-31-14  06:32am - 3784 days #4
Cybertoad (0)
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Id like to, join. But Brazzers. Even at $9.95 i'm passing on it as much as Id like to see it .
I have just not ever enjoyed that site just seems to be the cookie cutter of all porn.
I did think about it, but just couldn't quite get myself to do it., Since 2007

08-31-14  06:18am - 3784 days #16
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Toads take,
I have been on all ends of the spectrum when it comes to acquiring porn online. Let look at facts.

1. both pay and free are in it for the money not to give aging old men a boner..

2. Almost 99% of the free-sites I have ever checked out set off my spam detectors and even malware. Never has occurred on pay sites for me.

3. Everyone uses Facebook, google, twitter, and forums and "ALL" of your material even my post is sifted by bots.

I agree with the premise that the emails are sold on pay sites know it to be 99% factual. I joined Babes.com with anew email and walla a week later porn ads. But I am sure its not the site and is the billing.

Example: CCBILL policy .
CCBil may share any information about you and your company when required by third parties in processing credit cards and online checks.

Now children what information is included when processing your online billing..... wait for it,.........wait for it.
EVERYTHING, name address, age and email. You just agreed that they can do any fucking thing they want with it LOL. That does not protect you from what third parties will do with it but you gave them rights to provide it..

Most billers have this nice padded disclosure in the middle where they tell you your privacy is important. They then say in plain English we can share your shit with anyone we need to. Not Picking on CCbill they are usually good and honest, the point was even the biggest of all billers says they can share your shit. (and I bet at price too).

Point is also, ( not picking on OP) anyone reading the small print? Well I can tell you 100% they are selling your information legally. Because its in disclosures !!!!

My site says on it I will ( dumb it down). The long agreement says in one of the paragraphs. I own what you do here, its mine and I can do what I want with it when ever, where-ever, and how ever I please. And own anything you provide me like pictures video etc. Guess what I am flooded 20,000 visits a month by people agreeing to that .

People do not often read, and I have it in place not to screw a member or sell anything but to protect the rights I need to protect others and if the authorities come a knocken I had Bobs shit right over with legal cause.

Moral of the story, read the small print on any site free or not, or don't bitch about it. again OP not attacking you this was my open general thought. Since 2007 Edited on Aug 31, 2014, 06:26am

08-27-14  05:30pm - 3787 days #4
Cybertoad (0)
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As Kahn said, and as a member I am here 99.999% of the time check reviews and TBP before joining always.
Saves you a headache and heartburn. Since 2007

08-27-14  05:25pm - 3787 days #4
Cybertoad (0)
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But I have to say it out loud.

Ok going back to sleep after reading this thread. LOL Since 2007

08-17-14  07:44am - 3797 days #4
Cybertoad (0)
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Awwww man I lose , or well maybe next year. Since 2007

08-17-14  07:42am - 3797 days #3
Cybertoad (0)
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Sure I am in ...no problem.
Starting right now. Since 2007

08-16-14  07:42am - 3798 days #12
Cybertoad (0)
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I am at your age, but no hair loss .
I thought Hi T levels lost hair. ? Since 2007

08-14-14  03:23pm - 3800 days #44
Cybertoad (0)
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SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The state Senate Appropriations Committee did not act on AB 1576 today and the bill will not move forward.

Porn-condom bill AB 1576 sponsored by Assemblyman Isadore Hall of Compton, Calif., was tabled — placed in the "suspense file" — by California's Senate Appropriations Committee last week.

Today, the committee shelved the bill, which would have required the use of condoms in adult film productions, as well as STI and HIV testing for performers. Since 2007

08-14-14  11:28am - 3800 days #7
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by biker:

I guess she beat him up with her face. He added to the evidence against himself with his tweets.

Someone needs to strip him of him mancard.
replace it with a Duchebag one. Since 2007

08-14-14  11:26am - 3800 days #4
Cybertoad (0)
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Amazing, was a definition of what sexxy truly is.

Thank you for all these awesome times watching. Since 2007

08-12-14  03:47pm - 3802 days #6
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by jberryl69:

I'm sure that Robin would like us to enjoy his time on earth and with that I present the following Golf story

Ya that was good JB. Since 2007

08-12-14  06:39am - 3803 days #3
Cybertoad (0)
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Grew up in 70's when he was becoming popular at clubs.
Same as many were back then. In the bay area was common place for these would be stars. I was at these clubs every weekend.
Maybe where CT gets his off beat humor.

I remember him, for his style and with that often reminded me of Vaudeville, when people had to be smart and act on their feet. He was pure definition of showmanship. He took any audience either on stage or screen for a ride not seen to this day by anyone . I would say George Carlin was bout the closest fast thinker to Robin but even he was miles away.

I wish people would understand, this is a one time deal. No do overs. You do not come back start over where you left off.
No fixing regrets, or mending those you hurt by doing things like this. I hope the Toad never feels the kinda depression it would take to end it. I thought he had it all, and this is living proof once again, you can be rich, famous and well know for a life time and still not know what lives value is.
Sadly Robin died not knowing his own value to himself, his family and millions .

One can only hope on the other side he is once again on stage. Since 2007

08-06-14  02:12pm - 3808 days #5
Cybertoad (0)
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Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Whether or not we're going down the "tubes" is a subject for debate but they're here to stay. I see both sides of the coin. Tubes do suck business out of the industry but there are always people like us willing to pay for quality and ease of downloadability. Also, most of the major sites have their own tube sites as a means of advertising or pay some tube sites for referral clicks just like PU/TBP operates.

About the only thing I see that tube sites have going for them is that they generate a bit of revenue for the owners. I could be all wrong but I'd bet 99% of the tube site owners aren't making much coin, probably minimum wage type $$. It's just that it's cheap to get one started. Like AW said, tubes still rely on the industry to pay their bills so there is a symbiotic relationship to be maintained.

My guess is that much like the thumb nail gallery posts of old, tube sites will evolve but it's going to take a while. So long as porn is relatively cheap like it is today there will probably be enough true buyers to keep the regular production house industry going.

The internet is going to change a lot in the next decade or two as it falls more under national and regional control (lots of second tier countries pretty much have almost complete control over their national telecom systems) and as the internet as we know it starts to crumble under it's arcane structural foundations. As these issues get addressed it will probably become easier to enforce copyright protections across the web. Designer websites and 3-D porn will also put more pressure on tubes. I don't see the major industry players disappearing but no one really knows since the web is still in it's wild west years and where it goes nobody really knows.

Someday the drives we all have may be worth a ton of cash. Since 2007

08-06-14  08:54am - 3808 days #3
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Society as a whole is always and ever changing.
Fifty years ago everyone smoked, and for the previous
several millennia this was true, and then modern man so called civilized ( use that word very lightly ) by science decided smoking was taboo. I can remember riding in the read window of our sedan with the widows up and parents smoking.
That changed.

Today we have porn, porn was around before it was called porn.
I am sure the first porn was born by Voyeurism. Some guy 5000 years ago gave a guy a goat watch his wife bathe or something.

Point is somethings you cant slow down, and carnal desires will be here long after we are all gone. How those desires are met is a whole other issue. The reality of sex robots is nearing every year. Porn once downloaded in bytes is downloaded in gigs.

Tube sites, I think the day of Download sites is is limited.
Porn has been a mainstay the last ten years people pay, people download. I am sure the sales of tubesocks and hand lotions is 500x what it was ten years ago.

I think a better form of interaction with porn is where it will be, my guess is more choosing scenes and characterless material and replaced with CGI actors that will look real and you can design and load your own porn movie.
Imagine logging on to XXXXX.com creating a moving with
Ginger Lynn and Madison Ivy? In the future there will be more custom porn, and less billions of downloads.

As AW stated, stream is already doing allot of what porn may end up doing. Creating a fantasy world that members create to watch. Since 2007

08-05-14  07:18am - 3809 days #14
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

If you have a prime account these are cheaper I think.
I think neither cost me 40 .00 including shipping but are like 70.00 without prime.

Read the reviews, so you can be prepared. I had mine running in 5 minutes.
PS it will do better if your porn is in folders and not one big folder.

I was thinking someone like Capn would like this because it does pics and slide show too. The larger unit has zoom on pics I think.

Curious how these are working out for people. They make media specific hardrives I am trying they are not great for OS installs but for extra media. Amazon has them. Since 2007

08-05-14  07:16am - 3809 days #26
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by LPee23:

Nice call! Here's one from digitaldesire.com. Any takers on this one?

My Neighbor ?? Since 2007

08-05-14  07:14am - 3809 days #10
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Ed2009:

It's a classic example of there being two extremes and a grey area in the middle (as most situations are), where politicians include the grey area in with the bad extreme to persuade people to agree with them (the if you're not with us you're against us argument).

Politicians do the same thing with terrorism. Saying that if you don't agree with new laws, torture or invading foreign countries then you are siding with the terrorists.

It happens a lot, but most people don't notice it (which I guess is why they get away with it).

I was thinking two things school shootings and Pitbulls.
Yes people can get shot at schools or anywhere else for that matter. But what they do is go after the law abiding gun owners instead of addressing the mentally ill psychopath that shot up the school.
Pittbulls can be bred to be violent, I had a Rottweiler that would eat Pitbulls for a snack. He was not violent either. Yet now every owner of a pittbull or Rott is guilty of owning a violent animal. Its the owners not dogs fault.
Its the crazy guy with the gun, not the guns fault.
Guns and Dogs do not hurt people. careless and insane owners of both do. Since 2007

08-02-14  06:24am - 3813 days #2
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
We use Charter here, and get 50MB connections for under 50.00 a month. Of course I have it bundled with phone and TV.

Many suppliers are slowing down allot on what they are offering I heard Unlimited Talk and text is being discontinued by Verizon, and those pre-pays. Since 2007

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