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05-26-11  01:17am - 4979 days #20
moonbyrd (0)
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Posts: 17
Registered: Aug 07, '08
Well, it is obvious now that I am not a good match for this board (or vice versa) as my sense of humour tends to go in different directions than that of the usual denizens. Such as contemplating the musical possibilities of such wind instruments. Perhaps they could start a band of fartists (which might have difficulties with long pieces).

In fact, Wikipedia informs us that farting for entertainment has a long history, with documented examples from the Middle Ages (hence the phrase "to go medieval on someone's ass").

The idea of using a pump suggests a refinement where a visible, coloured gas is used, so that the expulsion could be witnessed visually as a plume. (The pertinent phrase would be "to blow smoke up someone's ass", although smoke might have adverse health effects.)

Tangentially I am reminded also of the Kilgore Trout story of the alien with a -- from human perspective -- unusual form of communication, which caused a fatal misunderstanding.

05-25-11  10:55am - 4980 days #14
moonbyrd (0)
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If you'd bother to read the TBP review you would find that in the reviewer's opinion most of the flatulence on the site is fake. Anyway I don't see what the big deal is. As fetishes go this one seems to be fairly innocent. Yet there are a handful of guys gathered tut-tutting and guffawing about it.

Now it the girls were on the level of Monsieur Pujol (a.k.a. Le Pétomane), I might be mildly interested, although not in an erotic sense.

05-05-11  10:16am - 5000 days #12
moonbyrd (0)
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Interestingly (or actually not so much except maybe to myself) recently I had to click to Aziani to check who was in the "What's Hot" picture at TBP, only to be astonished that I had not recognized Lexi Belle right away. So I guess I like her with the darker hair which I had not run into before, which proves that I don't keep up with porn things.

02-07-11  12:41pm - 5086 days #7
moonbyrd (0)
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That is the same picture as in the first post, I think the guy goes by Oliver Strelly. From text I expected to see the other one of the Russian Duo, Timo Hardy. They seem to work for pretty much every site and producer that shoots in St. Petersburg, and there seem to be tons of them these days. Personally I don't really care but these guys must have gotten pretty jaded by this time.

The PG porn videos are hilarious, though. I love Jenna Haze in Squeal Happy Whores.

02-19-10  11:02am - 5440 days #16
moonbyrd (0)
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Sweeping generalizations based on inaccurate/incomplete data are seldom advisable.

I expect many people pick the movies they want to see at least partly based on who's in it (or who directed it or who wrote it). I know I do. Of course that doesn't mean they blindly want to watch any movie, no matter how bad, that certain favorite actor happens to appear in. However, a familiar name in the credits may raise certain expectations (justified or not) about the work.

I don't see why porn would be a different matter. There are models/porn stars who bring a certain quality/personality to their scenes. (On the other hand, my impression - correct or not - is that these days directors/photographers are in danger of sinking into obscurity. Deservedly or not. There were some porn auteurs in earlier days, and there may still be, but the "disposable" quality of Internet porn does not seem to be conducive to that kind of phenomenon.)

Yes, there may be people who want to "collect" everything with a certain model, no matter how badly photographed etc. I guess I can see the attraction, and digital media make this kind of pack-rat completism deceptively easy. On the other hand it makes one lose sight of what the porn viewing experience should be about. Edited on Feb 19, 2010, 11:06am

02-19-10  03:29am - 5440 days #14
moonbyrd (0)
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That Sammie Rhodes scene will turn up eventually. I have seen that kind of thing happen a lot with new updates. Sometimes the actual content is delayed for days.

Agree that browsing is a pain. My main annoyance is that when you are on a certain page of a long list of scenes and open one of them, you can't go back to that page any more - the back button brings you to the first page.

Why can't they have a simple text search for names and such - for instance now it is impossible to search for scenes where Model A is paired with Model B (except by browsing either model's scenes until you find the one you want).

I just noticed that the download speed problem seems to be file specific.

02-19-10  01:51am - 5440 days #12
moonbyrd (0)
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OK now the download speeds have gone down and the streaming is unusable. Hoping that is just a temporary hiccup.

02-18-10  08:09am - 5441 days #2
moonbyrd (0)
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Agree that the new user interface seems somewhat unfinished. There are oodles of search options for scenes including rigorously classified ass, nipple and vulva shapes and sizes (what on earth is a pigtail ass, for instance? these classifications should come with helpful illustrations), but often these options are less than helpful, maybe because the actual scenes have not been classified according to these exacting criteria. Things don't work the way the user would expect. Some updates are delayed for days. Despite the messy and unfinished design the content is still very much worth it, in my opinion.

I haven't noticed problems with download speeds, but my connection is not all that fast. Still I'm getting consistently much better speeds than your 130 kilobytes?/sec.

The latest Eve Angel update is at Club Sandy, a scene with Peaches. Apparently Sophie Moone's site will start updating again in the future, the latest news being she is back in business.

02-04-10  01:22am - 5455 days #16
moonbyrd (0)
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Registered: Aug 07, '08
Most of the sites I am familiar with - which is not that many - do separate sessions for photos and video, going through the same set of positions twice and shooting both sets from rather similar angles, with similar lighting etc. In these cases I clearly prefer the video, where I can hear the sounds and see all the things that cannot be caught in stills - movements, small muscle contractions, fleeting expressions and so on. In this case, the photo set seems more of an afterthought, unlike the photo-stories in porn magazines, which are the main event because there is nothing else.

On the other hand, Pix&Video is one site that features some backstage sets with both video and photos. Those photo sets are more interesting to me, because they are not constrained by the rules of porn storytelling. They can show the people being out of character, looking bored, making funny faces or laughing at something - which helps me view them as more complete human beings, not that I would think of them as blow-up dolls or sex robots in any case. There are other interesting things about these kinds of photos: they are shot with a long lens and/or large aperture which gives them selective focus, and they are somehow more adventurous in framing etc.

02-02-10  12:09pm - 5457 days #8
moonbyrd (0)
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Registered: Aug 07, '08
I am a video guy, especially now that on some sites the videos are higher resolution than their photosets.

However, I have developed an interest in behind-the-scenes photos. Sometimes they capture certain private moments and spontaneous expressions that are more interesting than the more studied shots in regular sets. Also there is a rough and unpolished quality in them that I like

Also I tend to associate photos more with print media and find it more natural to leaf through a magazine than watch a slideshow on screen. Although I haven't bought those magazines for years.

09-08-09  03:53am - 5604 days #13
moonbyrd (0)
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Of course the thread was apparently created by a shill, but I remembered reading about this kind of stuff a long time ago. They did at least some CD's titled "Cyborgasm" using a "dummy head" technique. When you are listening to a dummy head recording with a pair of good headphones, perhaps with your eyes closed, the aural experience is supposed to be almost exactly the same as if you were where the recording apparatus, i.e. the dummy head, was located. I suppose the never caught on much, although the idea is intriguing. Sound and sound design is very much a weak spot in commercial porn.

My curiosity intrigued, I actually hunted down a sample of the "Cyborgasm" stuff. It was basically an erotic bedside story with some ambient music in the background. Kind of nice, but not earthshaking by any means. I suppose if there were good erotic stories as audiobooks read by a suitably seductive voice, I could get into it.

01-22-09  09:51am - 5833 days #29
moonbyrd (0)
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Posts: 17
Registered: Aug 07, '08
Originally Posted by messmer:

Amazing, I never knew that this could be done. Seeing that I'll never have two monitors can you or someone else explain to me how you can "freeze" a data entry page on one monitor while you switch to use the other?

Uh, if you are using the extended desktop mode you basically have your desktop extend to both displays. You can just drag a program window across the border and as it goes over the right edge of monitor 1 it will start to appear from the left edge on monitor 2. Very easy and intuitive and useful. You don't need to "freeze" anything any more than when you have two windows open side by side on one monitor.

01-22-09  02:11am - 5833 days #34
moonbyrd (0)
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Registered: Aug 07, '08
Originally Posted by TheSquirrel:

I believe the best way to deal with this regional discrimination is the same as dealing with DRM or limited downloads. If the site operates this policy then DON'T subscribe. Vote with your wallet. It's one of the reasons I subscribe to American Vice and not Video Box, although I prefer American Vice anyway, as they do actually have a customer service that answers customers' questions. Karup's I have noticed don't do regional discrimination or all the other bad things either. Is this a coincidence, or is it maybe that those sites that have the really bad things that we hate, like DRM, download limits, cross checking, and regional discrimination, also have really bad customer service? Whereas the sites which have great customer service don't have those bad things. The answer is to keep checking in here and subscribing to those sites which have great customer service and treat their customers well.

Don't just look at the pretty pictures and be tempted. That company could be run by crooks and scumbags who once they have your money don't care, because you're not getting what you think you're getting anyway. The pictures on the home page may be great, but the site doesn't always live up to expectation. The people who run these things may be just there to rip you off in any way they can. So support the good guys is what I'm saying. Keep the good guys in business, by diverting your money away from the bad guys. This helps everyone.

Seems to me this is too black and white. In my whole time as a porn consumer I have subscribed to only 10 different sites (unless I forget one or two), always after checking the reviews on several different review sites, not just TBP/PU. None of those sites have ever used DRM or download limits (as far as I recall). I'm not sure what cross checking is, unless you mean automatic subscription to some other site on the signup page - this I have seen a couple of times but it was easy to opt out - you just had to read the page and notice the check box. Many of these sites have recently adopted regional pricing. Still I wouldn't call any of them "bad guys" based only on that, even though I do not approve. Of course, some would say being in the porn business alone qualifies them for that moniker. Anyway, some of the sites I am talking about are among the top 10 at TBP.

I can't say I have ever fallen victim to false advertising or other rip-off practices. Sometimes I have been more satisfied with the content than others, but that is more a matter of taste than anything else.

About customer service I do not have much experience. I haven't had many problems that would have required me to contact the sites. Offhand I remember only two such occasions, in one case the issue was fixed, in the other I did get a reply promising a fix for a faulty video clip but nothing else happened - I didn't have very high expectations that time, the clip in question was fairly old and I assumed many other users would have complained about it before me and if it hadn't been fixed before then why would my message make a difference.

About Videobox versus American Vice: pricing aside, both have their pros and cons; based on content alone I would still go with VB because their videos look better and they have some stuff I like the other one doesn't.

12-18-08  11:25am - 5868 days #4
moonbyrd (0)
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Regional pricing certainly is misleading at least in the cases where a price of e.g. $29.95 is quoted on the site itself, but when an European-based customer tries to join, the CCbill site detects his or her country of origin and suddenly the price is €29.95.

Although investigating one example (ALS Scan) I seem to get one signup page with prices in USD with one browser and a different one with prices in EUR with another. (In the latter version no prices are quoted to the customer before entering the CCbill site.)

It sucks, but there is no help for this situation.

08-07-08  10:51pm - 6000 days #25
moonbyrd (0)
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Posts: 17
Registered: Aug 07, '08
Originally Posted by atrapat:

In the case you are mentioning (European site that lowers the price for US clients) it's somewhat different as the site is charging the usual price to Europeans and offering a discount to US clients to avoid losing them.

Although it's easy for me to be understanding as I've rarely signed up to European sites.

Sorry, I was being unclear and misleading in my post. In fact they did not lower the price for anyone, but decided to raise the price for some customers based solely on the location of the customers.

I can see why physical goods imported across the globe should be more expensive than in their country of origin, but this case is different, because now the merchant has arbitrarily decided that some guy living next door to the production studio must pay more than another one across the ocean. And the way they do it is very crude, substituting euros for dollars.

As for the US vs European porn thing, that is beside the point and I should have expressed myself more clearly. In any case, it seems that most of the top pay sites at thebestporn.com either are European or offer content produced in Europe (Hungarian, Czech and Russian). I mentioned Explicite as an example of European porn just because it offers something different, featuring predominantly French models and being more vérité in its approach, which I find refreshing compared to, say, the majority of the 21 Sextury sites.

08-07-08  09:07am - 6001 days #22
moonbyrd (0)
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Posts: 17
Registered: Aug 07, '08
Originally Posted by atrapat:

This is by no means a programming error on ccbill's part but a decision they have made based on this logic: "consumers are accustomed to paying 1:1 when it comes to US products". Just google this:
Regional Pricing Demo ccbill
and you'll come up with a slide presentation of the logic behind their regional pricing product.

I have trouble understanding why I should pay 60% more than a guy in the USA for the exact same product (site membership).

Hmm... US products... in that case one could say that an European site such as Explicite Art (to which I was subscribing until yesterday) is now offering massive discounts to US customers.

Well, I hope the scheme backfires.

Thanks anyway for the info.

08-07-08  05:26am - 6001 days #19
moonbyrd (0)
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Posts: 17
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This seems to be a fairly recent development with CCbill. Some months ago when you joined a site from an European location the form showed the price in euros but converted from US$ using a fairly reasonable rate. You could change the currency to US$ if you wished.

Now the same signup form does not convert the price into euros, but changes the currency sign. You can still change the currency, but then the US$ price is calculated according to the exchange rate and is correspondingly higher than what US-based surfers are offered, i.e. a $29.95 site turns into a $43.96 site when accessed from Europe (as of today).

(The above example is from the ftvgirls signup form. Another interesting point is that on the page they offer a subscription to another site at a price which is obviously converted from US$ - €4.73 which converts to $6.95 when you switch currencies on the page. Strange...)

One almost wonders if this is a programming error at their end. Has anyone tried to contact CCbill and ask about this?

As things stand, I'm not inclined to join any porn sites.

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