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12-01-14  01:40pm - 3772 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

See Ya Guys and Gals,

Been around PU since 2007 and near 8 years later its not for me anymore. The site has dropped off and the dynamics are not what I find healthy for my participation. As I have mentioned before to each their own, but this is American, this site is based here. Now why I know we accept visitors from all over the tone in the groups is just not for me anymore. I stand by "all" my Constitutional Rights not just the ones that give me rights to have porn or bare arms but all. For me when things get hypocritical or Anti-American I tend not to stick around.
The PU staff members are great, and I thank you for the time here. Although the promises of a great site and more never developed. I still respect the staff here and all the fun. Yes people leave and come back, but I am for good hanging up my hat here and wont be returning. Just too much has changed for me to stick around. I love Freedom for all men and women regardless of what sex, religions, and preferences. Some people say that, but if you are wanting to limited US freedoms then you do not get what freedom is.

I wish you all well, I hope the site returns to its former glory days, but even then I wont be returning. Just not for me, and the group seems to be switching to a Liberal only point of view, which I find odd in the midst of some of the largest suppression of rights occurring in the nations history. Something is seriously broken in many forums and groups when they see freedom is in removing rights not embracing them.

No reason to babble on, to my friends on here, was great ride wow what allot of great conversations.
Id say seeya , but as said wont be back just too much has changed since 2007.

Every have a safe season and stay outta trouble, Since 2007

11-18-14  08:56am - 3785 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

Hi Guys,

I am going to take a break from the site for awhile, not porn just the forum. I see myself getting irritated in some areas around here and before I say something I might regret, going to take some time away.
Not quitting etc, its actually the PU environment I am taking a break from.

The site for my taste is beginning to lean allot more to one side politically then I find tasteful.( not the staff ).
And being the forum is slow a overwhelming taste is occurring that I do not care for. You guys know me I am a pro-Constitutional ( that should be a bad thing) person i'm open about protecting our rights, when I see an area of my internet access leaning towards allowing violations of these rights I get irritated and avoid it.

Not a history lesson here so I will end the thought, hey everyone entitled to their opinions, I just have my own personal convictions I have to stand by and at the moment some content is not to my liking and does not represent where I live in the USA.

Take care guys have a safe holiday and drive safe.

CT Since 2007

09-23-14  04:45pm - 3841 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

Thought this might be a good thread to start and maybe get some new activity in the forum.

What was your favorite scene or porn star you watched today ?

Please give detail of what you watched and whom and from where it applicable.

Watched a lesbian works our scene with Sunny Leone.
Good stuff. Since 2007

06-10-14  05:52pm - 3946 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

LOS ANGELES — A recent e-mail from the Google AdWords Team to advertisers employing its popular service for getting visitors to websites, warns of upcoming changes to the company’s advertising policies that will limit its use by adult content marketers:

“Beginning in the coming weeks, we’ll no longer accept ads that promote graphic depictions of sexual acts including, but not limited to, hardcore pornography; graphic sexual acts including sex acts such as masturbation; genital, anal, and oral sexual activity,” the Google e-mail states. “When we make this change, Google will disapprove all ads and sites that are identified as being in violation of our revised policy … We ask that you make any necessary changes to your ads and sites to comply so that your campaigns can continue to run.”

Predicted this a year ago first legislation and now advertisers. And you all laughed at me ??
Guess they can afford to now they are so big. Since 2007

05-21-14  03:28pm - 3966 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — The Rhode Island Senate has approved a revenge porn bill that would make it a felony to post sexually explicit photos of a person online without permission.

Senators approved the bill 33-0 that would carry a maximum possible penalty of three years in prison, up to a $3,000 fine, or both.

Under the new law, a person would be guilty of “unauthorized dissemination of indecent material” when using a device to “capture, record, or store visual images of another person 18 years of age or older engaged in sexually explicit conduct or of the intimate areas of another person” when that person “would have a reasonable expectation of privacy.”

The lawmakers said tougher penalties might make someone think twice before they post such pictures.

“Posting explicit photos of a former partner without that person’s consent is extremely hurtful and embarrassing. Penalties need to be strong to ensure that people think twice before attempting to degrade an individual in this way,” Lynch said in a statement. She described revenge porn as a “new kind of virtual assault” that “disproportionately targets women.”

The legislation was first proposed by Attorney General Peter Kilmartin’s office a few years ago as part of a package of Internet safety bills.

Kilmartin told the Providence Journal, “The latest phenomenon of individuals posting intimate photos and videos on ‘revenge porn’ sites with the mission to embarrass exes takes the exploitation and degradation of people, especially women, to a new level of depravity.”

He added, “Passage of this legislation will give victims some comfort that the perpetrators will be held accountable.” Since 2007

05-21-14  03:21pm - 3966 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

SACRAMENTO — AB 1576, a bill that would mandate condom use on all adult productions shot in California, has passed the state Appropriations Committee, which heard the bill this morning.

Today’s debate, running more than an hour, echoed previous hearings, with particular emphasis on the proposal’s economic viability.

The committee, which is tasked to allocate annual funds to state government agencies, was given a report this morning that estimated a special fund costs of up to $150,000 to the OSHA Standards Board for additional rulemaking for AB 1576.

However, adult industry attorney Karen Tynan, who spoke for the opposition, began her argument by declaring that “the cost of this bill is drastically undercalculated,” pointing to the high price tag of drafting new protocols and regulations, as well as the proposal to keep logs of performer’s tests, unforeseen legal costs and more.

IV-positive former performer Cameron Bay delivered a pathos-suffused tesimony on behalf of the bill, and offered her own succinct fiscal assessment.

“You and the citizens of California are paying for my HIV medication, while producers laugh their way to the bank,” she said. “Condoms cost 4 cents. HIV medications cost half a million dollars.”

A new buzz phrase tossed around at the hearing was the notion of “forced consent,” that was apparently included in the bill’s most recent reincarnation.

Although the definition and interpretation of the phrase was hotly contested between both sides, the adult industry interpreted it as meaning that they would be essentially be forced to release their medical records to state officials, an encroachment on their right to privacy.

“I don’t know what that means and how that can exist, but in what other industry would we accept forced consent as a concept?” an attorney from Mind Geek asked.

Assemblymember Tim Donnelly expressed doubt about the legality of “forced consent,” adding that he had “concerns about the idea of the government being this deeply involved in people’s private business.”

"Forced consent is not consent," Tynan concluded. "And the forced consent language is in violation of other health and safety codes and flies in the face of our California constitutional protections for privacy."

Performer/director/producer Lorelei Lee also spoke at length in poignant opposition to the bill. Aside from providing a comprehensive performer's perspective, Lee touched on the sluggishness endemic to government bodies.

"Beacause our testing protocols are developed by performers and are run by performer groups [with medical input], we can react very quickly to changes in technology and constantly be using the most advanced testing," Lee said. "I don’t think a government agency is able to react as quickly as we are."

Assemblymember Steven Bradford tapped into a similar concern later in the hearing when he referenced a recent Cal/OSHA report that stated it has only two safety inspectors for all California airports. “How are they then going to inspect thousands of sets?” he asked.

Supporters and opponents showed up in such strong numbers that many of those who wished to give testimony were cut off mid-speech.

“Your voice can be heard as long as your voice is brief,” Assembly chair Mike Gatto told a performer who insisted on being allowed to speak.

Many other industry members attended the hearing to voice their dissent, including Diane Duke, Mo Reese, Amber Chase, Ariel X, Shine Louise Houston, Jiz Lee and Emma Claire.

Former adult industry performers Bay and Rod Daily, who tested positive for HIV last year, spoke on behalf of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, along with AHF lobbyist Rand Martin.

The bill will now head to the full California Assembly for consideration. Since 2007

04-02-14  08:52am - 4015 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

So I always hated downloading porn to the PC and then having to be near the PC.
I would burn DVD as an option so I could take them anywhere a good double sided DVD could take an hour with menus added and if conversations.

2. Xbox to and from windows 7 works well even wireless but Xbox is horrible at codec translation and buffering. Als it mashes all your porn together. So that was a pain the back side to.

3. I ran a HDMI from my PC to my TV so I could watch the movies from there. Problem is remotes do not work well around corners or direct line of site.

I have a few nice TV's large HD and even though they are internet ready lets face it TVs are still not including great software.

I found a solution in a box about half the size of a smart phone.
Micca Speck 1080p Full-HD ( makes varied models )
These units plug in to any HDMI input and allows you to play photo's, videos, music all from a portable USB, Flash, harddrive and even SD cards. So I took my portable harddrive drive plugged it in to the Micca Speck 1080p Full-HD unit turned it on and I had full access to pause, fast forward, next chapter, video sound, and he is the great thing. The menu list it just like the folders on your hardrive on the PC. It does not make up menus like Xbox, but will allow you to surf folders and play what ever you want.

More advanced units have built in harddrives with hot swap,
my unit is not WMV or FLV comparable but more expensive units are . On Amazon with my prime account was only 39.00
the high end units you can put drives in are only around 70.00 with a prime account. I like prime because you get free shipping. Some units have WiFi too where you can download off your PC via wireless to the box and your TV.

Now of course it not just for porn, but makes it easy just grab your portable drive plug it in and instant access, My little Micca Speck 1080p Full-HD box some how does this so fast, it beats Xbox time by minutes not just second. I can plug it in and have a porn movie playing in 15 seconds ( I timed it for fun).

My PC had a nice video card, plays HD has 2gigs on the video card and gives me crisp HD porn this did it better on my tv and looked as good ad blueray ( my opinion).
It is 2.0 3.0+ usb compatible.

( Disclaimer )
Be aware if you steamwireless check you security, due to copyrights you want to make sure only you view your porn.
The box also should be turned off before plugging in HDMI as you could get a static charge and short the box so as safety I advise making sure Micca Speck 1080p Full-HD is off when plugging in.
I tested the unit on an old 500G that is semi dying on me
and even that old clunker that clicks and chirps played HD better then my PC.

Only cons on my particular unit was.

No FLV or WMV support and for some reason the video plays slightly darker on the TVs quick TV adjutment made it work great.

If I had it to do again I might have purchased the WIFI or built in drive one ( drive not included )

So there were some of my solutions.

CT Since 2007

03-31-14  03:32pm - 4017 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

Made a mistake of downloading a bunch of WMV formats files to save space. I have a great setup now where I can run either tv or pc the files. Problem is my hardware only views MP4,AVI,MPG but not WMV.

I found some free single fire converters.
What I need one that can do bulk files.
One at a time would take me a year LOL.

Any help appreciated to convert the bulk.
I think to AVI would be the least intrusive as they tend to
convert tad easier I heard.

Thanks Since 2007

09-25-13  11:26am - 4204 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

I think, I will be calling myself a liar on this, one. I am closing my account and getting away from what I see as a destructive interaction for now just not good for me or a good way to spend my time. I read Messmers out going and feel very much the same way . Things are not the same around here, not for me. I try and be supportive and honest but seems that is not what is needed for this group as the dynamics have changed over who we are to each other.
I will drop on by when the new site is up and running, see what it looks like, but unsure I will join back up, This whole situation has left a bad taste in it. For no blame to anyone, but I have seen more personal attacks and spiteful notes between members since earlier this year then I ever saw in all the years here. That’s not the site I joined. I do not feel I belong here any longer.

Many of my long time friends have left and never returned, I look at the list of Forum participants and many are long gone. Guess I can put myself on that list. It won’t matter for the site will be torn down and the memories that were will become dust in the electronic world, with the delete of a folder in a distant server this and everything will be gone even this posting very soon.
I go by my user name in site forums perhaps I will run across some of you, I never posted much except here. Don’t post elsehwhere much either. This was home!

GreyMane , I hope your health gets better, I worry about you my friend I will pray your health improves. To all my other friends, what great conversations we all had and you guys are amazing at reviews. I learned allot from many of you about the industry and much more.
Have fun everyone, may your wide screens be filled with lovely ladies !
Be well !
Cybertoad, Signing Out ! Since 2007

09-19-13  01:27pm - 4210 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

There has not been a review on
Mac and Bumble in years, TBP did a review a year ago, but PU was back in 2008.
I recently took a look and it appears they are doing an overhaul and more HD stuff.

hi-res photo galleries
true HD videos
unlimited downloads
tons of hot nude babes

zip & mp4 downloads
tons of XXX feeds
iOS & Android friendly

This was not present on the 2012 review by TBP.
I found a link to the site for 14.95 1/2 off and thinking of joining for 30 days anyone else a member and have insight ? Since 2007

09-03-13  02:42pm - 4226 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

I have to say that this site would not be the same without the people I know when I come here.
That Graymane, Messmer and Pat are as to porn knowledge as to what Eddie Van Halen, Jimmy Hendrix, and Pete Townshend are to guitar playing.

I tilt my lilly pad to you guys for always sharing such insight.

Riding close behind are the likes of. In no particular order


You make the site worth coming back to day after day ! Since 2007

08-21-13  08:16am - 4239 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

I recently ask on on a poll about sites that use PayPal.
Apparently in June 2013 Paypal executives voted to approve the use.
These sites apparently accept paypal now .

At : http://paypalporn.blogspot.com/ they put an article and some sites.
( I have not checked or verified the authenticity ).
But leads one to think it has chnaged.

Anyone have any in site on this ?

I will search and add more if I find anything about it.


There is no Paypal option for US based customers, only in Europe (andorra, austria, belgium, cyprus, denmark, finland, france, germany, gibraltar, luxembourgh, greece, greenland, ireland, iceland, isle of man, israel, italy, liechstestein, malta, monaco, netherlands, norway, portugal, romania, san marino, slovenia, spain, sweden, switzerland, turkey, united kingdom, vatican, This is all europe (includes Swiss, Norway, Romania) + Israel, Turkey.)
But that just occurred in June 2013

The USA has not accepted Paypal for porn since the EBAY bought Paypal. Still dont......... Yet ??

CT Since 2007 Edited on Aug 21, 2013, 08:27am

08-14-13  11:06am - 4246 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

Not since XPPro have I had any luck combining my PC for work play and games.

I came across a DEXPOT that allows you to have several on the fly desktop sessions and even backgrounds, icon etc. I am sure some have heard of it, I just never did.
The fact it allows separate wallpaper,sounds and screen saver and even passwords the desktop from prying eyes is pretty cool and its free ( for personal use ).
So I setup one sexy one, and one game one and one regular business one. and all I do is click a number in the task bar and it changes it. The password one is cool so if you want to leave your movie player open and switch it cant accidentally be clicked and seen without a password. Cool and very very easy to use.
Anyways if you are like me and like switching around to other looks etc, now you can do it easy. I was surprised it was free and no spyware etc that I found. Its been around several years but all the custom options is like having multiple pc's.
I think there is a mac version too but not sure. Since 2007 Edited on Aug 14, 2013, 11:09am

06-19-13  12:06pm - 4302 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

Things have dropped to snails pace, .
I like trying to be active but each day pop on a few times and the site all but asleep. Used to be id take a few days away come back and would be a few minutes to an hour to catch up. ! Hard not to feel pushed aside after putting years of time in seeing all the great thing about this site.

I am going to take some time away and explore some avenues.
I like the interaction of reviews and post here. But when there are little or none what does one do enjoy the site.
I have couple reviews due too but with no visitors I am thinking I will wait.

See ya guys around, not leaving I just hope when I come back the site is still here.

Very disappointing ! I guess . S Since 2007

06-02-13  08:28am - 4319 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

Anyone know who this is?
Looked all over.

OK updated see if that works. Since 2007 Edited on Jun 02, 2013, 05:23pm

05-30-13  11:19am - 4322 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

My Story

Back in early 2006 I was looking for someway to find porn, my way cost me allot of money. I have bought a porn domain name and had thought of doing a link page to porn. I had been successful with other link sites, even had a nice buy out from a well known Nascar owner now days. The guy I bought the name from said he heard about a site due to open up next year there was a few friends of his being solicited I think one was BangBros.

In early 2007 my link site was beginning and I came over and saw in March or there about this site I never heard of called pornusers. I had seen TBP back in 2004/05 and had admired the site. Did not realize until after joining pornusers the two were connected. I joined PU in 2007 and lost my ID and had sold the domain with the email. Back then was difficult to get outta such a mess. I did not come back for a few months as I had started a new job in 2007. Late the year began spending more on porn and remembered the site I had joined months earlier. I poked around a bit and after the holidays I joined up. Did a review and almost at once got a negative trust for my review. I was not a happy camper and almost left, but and came back.
Soon after I think I found out about a new Forum and the Raffle. I stayed around and met a few people. Some never see anymore was cool seeing WeeWillyWinky post recently.

I started doing more reviews and found the reviews others did really helps me avoid spending my cash. And in turn I found stuff others needed to know or avoid.
Porn Users became a resource to get and gather information, kinda like Black Ops for porn .
That original neg trust rating stayed with me over the years I even asked Khan about it too. But got some wisdom from him and it made sense.

The rest is kinda history, I like to think I am a good contributor money is tight and I owe a few reviews too, sometimes I'm like the Black Toad on the family at times bringing up topics that sometimes I know others go . Or WTF did he say ??
But its who I am and I think it ads to sometimes brutally honest reviews.

I like it here, its fun and I think we all enjoy being able to be ourselves somewhat about porn in a safe place.
And this in turn allows honest reviews.

Thats my story and sticking with it . lol Since 2007

05-28-13  03:48pm - 4324 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

Hey guys very cool that it was a few of the old timers too to pull the last Raffle.

Winning tickets for May 28th drawing:

Ticket # User Nick Prize
54577 1. Capn (2 $100
54721 2. slutty (109) $50
54640 3. RagingBuddhist (59) $50

Since 2007 Edited on May 28, 2013, 06:00pm

05-21-13  09:24am - 4331 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

I recently did a pole where I asked about men and their interest in Porn. Kind sparked a few raised eyes when I put Perverted as a possible answer.
I thought about it and looked into it a bit more.
A perversion when it comes to porn would and could be material that a normal viewer may not participate in.

As an example there may be voyeurs in the group, or bondage fans. Or one of many other not so main stream.
Have you ever looked at a public upskirt picture or a nice cleavage shot that was unknown to the modeler. Are you a pervert for looking at it or the guy chasing women around with a camera on his shoe the pervert ?
Admiring the human body is great, however is how we view it does that make it perverted?

Our Dictionary says
Originally Posted by null:

to cause to turn aside or away from what is generally done or accepted

I guess depends whom is setting the standards?

Is a man with 8 wives a pervert, an opportunist or the luckiest guy on the planet ? Some would look at such a man as sicko or pervert.

What my poll taught me is we all may not like things in porn, but one mans perversion may be another mans norm. Since 2007

05-20-13  09:54am - 4332 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

So hey guys I have ACDSEE 6, XNVIEW, PICASSA and this new one


I tried all of these as ways to sort my photos and recently purchased EasyFlixpix to see how it does.

After two weeks here is my review of EasyFlixpix for porn.

Cost 7.00
Scale 1-10 (10 being best)

Ease of use 5
Versatility 3
Stability 2
Tech Support 8
Installation 3
Options 2

Over all 5

EasyFlixpix, looks cool and easy but is not and they have an active forum, they advertise ease of use. I have to say it was anything but easy. ACDSEE 6, XNVIEW, PICASSA are all superior to Easy-Mojo EasyFlixpix. The prgram crashed often and required XP capatibility to work on my Win7 64 Machine.

The program database is anything but intuitive, I tried a scan on my drive which scans picture sets and makes a handy thumbnail. Sounds cool, but deleting the db does not remove the thumbnails. I accidentally scanned the main drive and ended up with several thousand thumbnails so spent Sunday removing them GRRRRR!

Thats not the worse part, there is literately no easy access to the databases you make, they are hidden in a hive of menus. Removing menus does not work either. So once you make something you are stuck with it renaming it wont work.
I had to reinstall it to get a clean no-db software.

The program has potential, but they seem a few years out, I am very tech savvy and this had me about ready to pull my hair out. No help file made the work, WORK! no directions online or in the forum if you get stuck ask they are great about helping ......but never really fixed the problems I had.

I asked for a refund but after two weeks I think they stopped answering me.

EasyFlixpix is just not at the caliber I was hoping for.
I had high hopes but alas disappointed.

I will check on it time to time as you get free life time upgrade for the original 7.00 Since 2007 Edited on May 20, 2013, 09:58am

05-15-13  01:44pm - 4337 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

Porn stud Mr. Marcus -- who, we kid you not, is a member of the porn Hall of Fame -- was arrested in Hollywood early this morning, after cops say he was driving drunk ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement tells us ... Mr. Marcus -- star of "Phat Ass White Booty 6" and "Manhammer 7" -- was pulled over in a Hyundai Elantra around 2:30 AM after cops noticed the car weaving all over the road.

During the stop, we're told cops smelled booze, so they performed a field sobriety test.

Sources tell us ... Marcus bombed the breathalyzer (blowing isn't really his forte) ... so he was arrested for DUI.

Marcus -- who was the source of the famous porn star syphilis scare of 2012 -- is still in custody.

And Last Month:

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. – Police say former adult film star Jenna Jameson has been arrested after a report that she attacked someone at an Orange County home.

Newport Beach police Lt. Evan Sailor says the alleged victim put Jameson under citizen's arrest until police arrived at the home on the upscale Balboa Peninsula on Saturday night.

The 38-year-old Jameson, born Jenna Marie Massoli, was given a court date to face a misdemeanor battery charge and released on her own recognizance.

The arrest came on the night Jameson was due to celebrate her 39th birthday, which is on Tuesday, at a club in Anaheim.

In May, Jameson was arrested for drunken driving after hitting a light pole in Westminster. She pleaded guilty in August was sentenced to three years' informal probation. Since 2007 Edited on May 15, 2013, 01:48pm

05-11-13  02:03pm - 4341 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

Hey guys so here it comes up yet again I know in the past everyone comes up with little fixes etc, but like many others I just have too much to keep in traditional way. Folder are hard because sometimes you do not know stars names and I never organized by sites so that a done deal.
I tried niche folders but some became to big to manage.

There have got to be a better way to organize movies and pics with some ease. I have thousands and gems I can not find sometimes. I want to organize it once and for all.
Does anyone know of a free or paid system that would make this easier. I must have memory issues or something as I am usually great at logistics . But I am just dumb founded to have any reliable resource.

kinda frustrated with all this stuff trying to organize.
Since 2007

01-07-13  08:26am - 4465 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

If you could pick some non-porn people to be porn stars who would you pick ?

I think I would pick :

Number #1 favorite:

Milla Jovovich ( famous for the Resident Evil movies )


Erica Durance ( from smallville )

Michael Muller and Tricia Helfer

All would be perfect porn stars. Since 2007

12-22-12  08:26am - 4481 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

Olivia Black, fired I was shocked to read the newsletter she was let go. I thought she was hot and now I know why.
the PU newsletter explains it but I thought it was sad, she was hot and kinda sexxy on that show.

I mean come on Pawn Stars and Porn Stars and they never though to check the correlation when the hired her ?


I would have loved to find video or pics anyone seen her on and sites ? Since 2007

11-09-12  03:25pm - 4524 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

From what I read the measure says:
Known officially as the “County of Los Angeles Safer Sex In The Adult Film Industry Act,” Measure B was designed to require producers of adult films to obtain a public health permit from the L.A. County Department of Public Health and pay a permit fee sufficient for necessary enforcement.

Furthermore, The fee will finance periodic inspections of porn filming, and violations will be subject to civil fines and criminal misdemeanor charges.

The adult film industry is planning to challenge Measure B in court, arguing it is a violation of free speech and will chase jobs and economic activity out of Los Angeles.
The Measure B, which requires actors in pornographic movies filmed locally to wear condoms when they shoot sex scenes is having some confusing with voter over the exact city or county area to be affected.

I do not live anywhere near S-Cal and am not in California wondered if any of you live there could explain what this was all about. I am also curious what people think if this was to go industry wide in some federal law. There was hint in Articles that California was looking at it as state law but wanted to see how this fared in court.

I was really surprised with the extreme liberalism of that state that this was even on any ballot. ( I was born and raised there don't live now so can say that ) .
I digress a state that legalizes pot and gay marriages infringes and says who must wear condoms ?

On a lighter note I put in my application today to be a member of the inspection team, to go and watch these scenes to make sure they comply, I know it is a dirty job but I am an American and willing to give one for team. I will spend days weeks or months if needed to get to the bottom ( pun intended ), of any Measure B violations. Since 2007

11-06-12  10:21am - 4527 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Anyone going ?

AVN Adult Entertainment Expo
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas
January 17, 2013 - January 19, 2013
4455 Paradise Road
Las Vegas, NV, 89169 Since 2007

11-02-12  06:19pm - 4531 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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The new site added https://www.pornusers.com/review/emilyaddisonnet/

Uses this biller just wondered any concerns or kudos ??

Thanks CT Since 2007

10-25-12  04:09pm - 4539 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash

Executive Order For Homeland,

Earlier this year:

- - - - - - -


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

(c) have access to all appropriate information related to the test, exercise, evaluation, and readiness of the capabilities of all existing and planned NS/EP communications systems, networks, and facilities to meet all executive branch NS/EP requirements.

Based on the above order above and new addiction to this order was heard in the radio today to propose homeland security to monitor to and to investigate possible threats on the internet, by passing due process or warrants.

I know we are all law abiding PUers, but we all have one thing in common and that is the internet. According to the news. They could is so many words pop in to your ISP and view your email if you are suspected of a activity this is not just of a threat to the USA, but a possible threat.
Some porn users like their anonymity and some do not. I found it disturbing that any thing I do or anywhere I go could be viewed by a third party. For me it is not that I am up to something it is that I should eb allowed privacy in my home. Just wondered what others thought? maybe I am over reacting but I have always liked the wild frontier that was the WORLD WIDE WEB. I feel like a western coming to the end. Timmy we can not ride our horses anymore cause therea buildin a freeways here.

CT Since 2007

10-04-12  09:14am - 4560 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Hey there fellow PU'ers:

I was having a conversation with another users and thought hey would be cool to come up with new names for porn web sites.

So give us your best website porn name, perhaps if you were going to open a site what would you call it what would it have? Or have some fun with names etc.

Could be fun :
I will throw one in the mix.

Studs In Muffins
( a gay anal sex sight )

See how this works ? Lets see what everyone else could come up with. Trying to get the forum more active .

CT Since 2007

10-02-12  10:25am - 4562 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash

Poetic Pornography !
by CT.

To whom it may concern, my days are long as my mind recovers, from my days with out another; part of insanity as I stem my reality of what will this life give as rewards.

I am in his arms but still alone, my bed has become my home.
With faces who come and go, when will my life fulfill the dream of fame and fortune only surrounded by confusion. Who am I? Who do they think I am .

Are my thoughts my own or fictitious reality of the scripted life I have chosen. When I close my eyes there is no sleep, only searches of a place my heart may rest.

My time is not my own, I am the fantasy of those who lust after me, but I have no fantasy or hope of escaping this place. A place where my identity is now shadowed with in the mist of my current self.

As I peer out the window, looking for a new day to bring me new life. Do I leap from the sill for which I sit, or do I
close the windows and cease to look out upon the reality my life has become.

( written from the perspective of a porn star.) Since 2007

10-01-12  09:05am - 4563 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash

As it is with any post there is ying and yang.

I really enjoy solo scenes where the women talk sexxy a little and not allot and I like a tad music that also goes way when the scene is getting interesting.

I like sex scenes when the guy actually figures out he is not and actor but a stunt cock, and does not talk.

I a great rave is to all the Lesbian scenes that seem to do their porn better then solo's or sex. I they undress, there is tad intimacy and lots of boobies woohoo.
Ok back on topic, here.

There are allot of great scenes out there, I think scenes do best when they try not to over do it.
Kinda like CGI in movies, a little is ok, allot is annoying and not much to it if the whole movie is CGI. ( except G movies like CARS, ICE AGE etc.

Wow from porn to rated G, time to end this Rave.

Since 2007

10-01-12  08:59am - 4563 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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So how do I say this, I like nice looking ladies, smooth hard bodies, maybe even a little pushin cushion. I little makeup is good as is natural. There are just so many very nice women out there to study .

But.. I have grown to dislike many of the reality sites due to quality. The HD is stunning, but seems every guy has a beat red face probably by taking Vigra, and every women I see wears he undies to tight and has lines all over her skin.
( I am a size 2 in a size 5 body looks bad )
So it takes away from the enjoyment to see guys looking like their having a stroke ( not the good kind), and women who just look kinda worn out. ( not in a good way.)

Seems more and more stars look like they just rolled outta bed grabbed a cigarette and down a few pills and opened up for a marathon run.

I know maybe everyone is not like me, I just like things that look nice. I also and not into pile drivers and rough, slapping, spitting either so probably no surprise here.
I do not watch male gay porn but wondered do they all look like they are having a heart attack too?
( I would watch gay porn but I might turn gay)
It's a joke. I watch lesbian porn and I did not turn lesbian
umm at-least I do not think so.

Ok boy where did this post go so wrong........
Point is I like nice looking pretty ladies and guys fucking them should not look like they are dying. Since 2007

09-23-12  09:33am - 4571 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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I recently have ran out of drive space for the collection, funny really did not see it coming.

I tried some house cleaning but still no room.
I have other collections like private movies pictures, and over 16,000 song titles aside from my porn collection. o allot going on on the drives.

Buying another drive is not justified right now as I already have enough drives I just think I have to much porn LOL and seems I like them all. Kinda like eating pie there is no bad piece.

I can not come up with a good solution just wondered if anyone every comes up with this? Like others I would hate to delete and regret later that Ginger Lynn I thought was old or something.

I guess it is like that TV show hoarder, I need to go through the piles and remove some and keep some.

Just wondered what others do ? Since 2007

09-12-12  09:46am - 4582 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Lisa Ann can put yet another ‘ MILF of the Year ‘ award in her garter belt, with the 3rd annual Fame Registry issuing it’s 2012 winner’s list and giving the hard-working Lisa Ann the honors. This on the heels of her winning her second ‘ Adult Movie Entertainer of the Year ‘ from ED Exotic Dancer Expo and as well as the Bang Bros MILF contest last month.

I also did not know Jenna Haze Retired.

CT Since 2007

09-11-12  11:52am - 4583 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash

How to save money as porn user, my fellow PU, as the EU is in trouble the USA dollars is failing and many are out of work whats a PUer to do to save money ?

Cybertoads top 5 tips, I said tips not.... oh you know !

1. When you get your oil changed have the attendant save the old oil to use as lube.

2. Use the church's down the street free WiFi instead of using your own internet.

3. Find out what neighbors watch porn and try peeking in their windows at night with your pants around your ankles just in case. Then you wont have to buy your own.

4. Try masturbating at work, that way you get paid to yank.

5. Try getting arrested so you can get a pat down by the cops. And tell them you have drugs in your anus.

hehe, hey best I could make up.


CT Since 2007

09-11-12  11:40am - 4583 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash

Oh porn, thou savior of the Internet,
Thy worthiness be known
Thou giv'st us all the love we crave
In the comfort of our homes.

Thy diversity unparalleled,
Innovation unmatched,
No fetish goes unsatisfied,
From straight sex to Rugrats.

Thy prices, too, quite reason'ble,
For those willing to pay,
And for those not, lo, what we can find
O'er the course of a trying day.

And so we sit here, dicks in hand,
Whiling away the hours
As thou show'st us pictures on our screens
That would make our parents cower.

Though our grades will take a hit,
We choose to bear that brunt,
If it means one last glorious peek
at Jenna Jameson's… eyes. Since 2007

09-04-12  05:16pm - 4590 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash

I found a new piece of software online that allows you to open to or more databases of pics. I found it pretty cool has anyone else used similar items ? Picassa as a rule only allows one database but found a free program that allows two or even more. Not sure I can post it here cause its free.
But is this new or did I stumble upon something cool ? Since 2007

08-27-12  08:27am - 4598 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash

What Porn Star looks better dressed then undressed?

You know the ones, I guess Lisa Ann comes to mind she is very sexy and not a bad actress. But undressed hmm not so much. I prefer Julia Ann in reversed and similar age. Since 2007

07-07-12  05:00pm - 4649 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash

hey guys
Sorry been absent a few weeks, my job went south and well the whole eating thing and paying bill thing suggested I seek a way to remedy it.
Working on it now so far nothing promising !

Since 2007

06-04-12  07:59am - 4682 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Happy birthday to me ! Since 2007 Edited on Jun 04, 2012, 08:03am

05-30-12  07:28am - 4687 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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it seemed to me about 5- 6 years ago a pecking order arriving. I remember sites like brazzers and bang bro way back were no more then just shots taken in low cost places and film quality was cheap looking. Other sites like Jessica Jaymes, and Catlina Cruz, rose to the top only to become another brick in the wall. Catalina even tried expanding out her sites and then it just stopped as fast as it came.

Sites like Twistys, have manage to stay in the middle which like Xart and a few others is not a bad place to be, as staying power seems key. Rather then list all the sites I thinbk have come and gone or been knocked down from once rise to power, I wondered what anyone else thought as far as sites they have seen rise and fall. I am reminded of porn sites like rock bands often some site come along is amazing but juts like a one hit wonder we soon never hear from them. There are many many bands that come and go rise to stardom in 50,000 plus arenas to playing at fairgrounds and bars. So is places like porn sites that update daily, have huge new models only to stop updating and end up with rushed shooting and taking more risks that eventually steer customers away.

Right now I see Digital Desire as a site doing just this, they were always a slow mover but have lost many top stars to other sites, they now experiment with fade in and out camera angles and are slowly turn to more softer porn. I watched one movie by them just released and you saw the girls ass all of 30 seconds in 7 minutes. and rest was just fade in outs weird angles and their photo lack any erotic nature. What happened to them is what I see other just like them do they fade and then struggle to regain fame.

I remember back in the 70;s many rock bands tried to convert their 70's rock to 80's pop and it was horrible crash and burn, porn sites need to realize it aint broke don't fix it. Since 2007

05-19-12  03:06pm - 4698 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash

I just loaded my last set that put me at 100,230 pictures.

I am a video guys, but love pictures and I have over 300,000 pictures but now 100,230 of them are porn pictures.

I wish there was a real good organizer I still find most inadequate .

What do you use to organize and sort photos if you ghave a large collection?

CT Since 2007

05-12-12  09:42am - 4705 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

Hi guys I asked Khan if I could post a program I have been using it is called WinMend Folder Hidden,

I have had it about two week and did a virus Male-ware scan and it came up clean on my pc. I installed on Win7 Ultimate and it works well.


WinMend Folder Hidden is a free file/folder hiding tool. While ensuring the absolute system safety, this application can quickly hide files and folders on local partitions and/or on removable devices. The hidden files/folders will be safely hidden whether the drive is accessed in another operating system on the same computer or reinstalled on another computer. You can set a password for this application. Hidden data can be displayed and unhidden only when the user enters the valid password. The data is completely invisible to other programs or on other operating systems. However, please keep in mind that this application is for home use only. It�s not recommended for commercial settings where more strict confidentiality is required. Supports Language: English, French, German, Hungarian, Spanish, Dutch, Arabic, Greek, Korean, Itanlian, Slovak, Vietnames.

I have tried both Windows explorer and Xplorer2 and other ways to find the folder that are hidden and so far nothing was found. It can be found at :

This is a free program, there are other programs on this site I have not used or tested. It did not eat up any resources appears to work on xp through Win7 .
But I only tested on Win7.

Anyways now my collection is safe from searches and snoops . Its like they do not exist. Other programs appears to hide them, but if you are clever you can find them, so far this one hides it very well. Not CIA well, but prying eyes and snoops easily can not even have a clue. Nice thing is even if hidden file or drive, it can still be accessed by downloaders and movie player already qued up.

I love it , can use varied passwords per drive or file and there can be a main password to even open the program to begin with. The fact it is free and no ads is great.

I do not endorse this, I can only say it worked great for me, please make sure you back up before trying any software you are concerned of.


PS would like to hear if others use it. Since 2007 Edited on May 12, 2012, 01:33pm

04-25-12  10:37pm - 4722 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

Erotic Story X

Erotic Story X

It was Wednesday. Hump day. Everything that could have gone wrong in her day had. She was looking forward to going home, eating yesterday’s leftover Chinese food for dinner and sinking into a hot bath.
Upon getting into her car Brooke managed to get a ragged fingernail caught on the thigh of her stockings. She watched as the tear of the material continued upwards and stopped only because its path was blocked by black lace and elastic.
‘Goddamnit!’ she cursed.
That reminded her. She thought of her sock drawer and tried to recall if she had any packages of stockings left. Nope. She’d opened the last package this morning. An eight-dollar pair of stockings had at least managed to survive the day. What a fuckin’ waste. On the bright side – at least the other leg was salvageable.
She considered wearing a pantsuit to her early morning meeting with the higher-ups of the company she worked for, but thought better of it. In a skirt Brooke would look her smartest – meaning she needed to pick up more stockings. There was a Macy’s on the way home. That would do. She could be in and out in five minutes.
Walking through the store, she was a woman on a mission. Her high heels clicked noisily against the floor. The store was all but empty with a few customers and seemingly even fewer employees around.
With her purchase tucked away in her purse, she walked past the men’s department and noticed a deliciously suited man milling through the clothes racks. She slowed her pace and cut into an aisle.
She took a better look at him as she slowly moved closer. He was wearing a dark suit with a blue shirt on underneath, although it wasn’t tucked it. His tie had been loosened. Fuck. Brooke loved that casual look. He
couldn’t have been much older than her, late thirties maybe. He was very well groomed with a closely cropped haircut and tightly groomed goatee. She’d wager he had softer hands than most men and wore expensive cologne. She had to have him.
As if sensing he was being watched he looked up and his eyes connected with hers. Very nice. She didn’t look away. She held his gaze as she walked towards him.
‘Are you lost?’ he asked, his voice deep and baritone.
‘I assume you aren’t shopping for yourself,’ he joked as she propped her arm up against a clothes rack.
She quickly glanced down at his left hand. No ring. Good.
‘Maybe I’m shopping for a boyfriend…my father or brother,’ she rebutted.
‘I don’t think so,’ he replied, and stared at her knowingly.
‘I was on my way home. Tore my stockings.’
She pulled up her skirt showing him the torn stocking.
‘Oh dear. What a shame,’ he said, not taking his eyes off her exposed thigh.
‘That suit is really hot. Or…I should say – you are hot in that suit,’ she said, her eyes fixed on his.
How ridiculous. She couldn’t believe the words were coming out of her mouth. That was one hell of a pick-up line. She considered that if a man said those same words to a woman he was liable to be punched. How wonderful the things women could get away with.
She reached for a shirt hanging from a nearby rack.
‘I think you’d look really good in this. Why don’t you try it on for me?’

He didn’t even blink. Did this type of thing happen to him often? She didn’t care. She spun on her heel and walked towards the changing rooms.
‘You’re coming, I hope,’ she said, not bothering to turn around.
Her eyes scanned the area. There wasn’t a soul around. She walked to an empty changing room in the farthest corner. She turned and grabbed hold of his tie and pulled him in after her.
She dropped her purse, pulled off her coat and leaned against the wall.
‘What’s your name?’ he asked.
‘Kate,’ she lied, thinking how much her friend would appreciate being directly involved in her latest sexual escapade.
‘Well Richard. I sure would like to see you minus that suit.’
She made no offer to help him undress. She had no intention of it. She watched intently as he slowly pulled off his tie and slid out of his shirt. His confidence was unfettered. Heat radiated from her pussy upwards. The room suddenly felt like it was a thousand degrees.
He was in good shape. With his shirt off his skin was darker than it should be considering the season. He probably paid for an artificial suntan. His chest was wide and his arms strong.
Brooke undid the buttons of her blouse and let her suit jacket fall to the floor. They had yet to break eye contact as if they were in some sort of stare-off. Let him win. She averted her eyes to his crotch as he unbuttoned his pants. His hard-on was obvious. Looked like he had a good-sized cock. She guessed she wasn’t going to be disappointed.

She reached down for her purse, found the inner pocket and the condom inside. She pulled it out and tossed it at him.
She tugged at the bottom of her skirt and pulled it up her thighs until it was tight around her hips. Looking him in the eye again she reached down and stroked herself through her panties, feeling the dampness of the material against her fingers.
‘Very nice,’ she purred at him.
She watched as he pulled his underwear and pants down and let them collect in a heap around his ankles. His cock jutted out in front of him as he fumbled with the condom wrapper.
She hooked her fingers through her panties, slid them down her thighs and kicked them off to rest at his feet. She rotated her hips seductively as her fingers slipped between her moist folds and traced over her clit.
‘You going to fuck me, Richard?’ she purred.
‘Fuckin’ right,’ he growled, the former professional businessman persona having now disappeared.
She turned away from him and leaned against the wall, moving her right foot up to rest on a small bench.
She then felt his hot hands come to rest on her hips. His fingers roughly kneaded the skin of her ass before moving down to her pussy. She felt his fingertips trace over her clit before opening her up for his cock to follow.
Brooke moaned out an ‘ugggghhh’ as he forced himself into her. She winced in pleasure as his girth spread her open.
She braced her hand against the wall as her free hand slithered down her belly to play with her clit.
He grunted behind her as he roughly pounded into her. His hand reached around to her breasts which he grabbed at, pushing her bra up and leaving the under wire to pinch
pleasantly into the skin above her breasts. He tweaked and squeezed her nipples.
‘Fuck. That’s nice,’ she coaxed him on, lost in the feelings that were erupting in her cunt.
She didn’t know how long he banged her for – it could have been five minutes, it could have been three. It didn’t matter. It was quick and that’s all she wanted. He fucked her relentlessly, hard and in a consistent rhythm. Now this was a man who knew how to fuck.
‘Oh my…FUCK…’ she squeaked out as she came, her legs shaking violently beneath her.
His orgasm was quick to follow hers. His fingers roughly squeezed at her hips and breasts. She would no doubt have some form of blood bruises tomorrow.
Brooke turned around to face him once he’d pulled away from her. She reached down for her panties and quickly stuffed them in her purse, at the same time fumbling with her buttons. She had her skirt pulled down and her jacket back on before he had pulled the condom off.
‘Thanks. That was really…crazy,’ she said, searching for an appropriate word and coming up empty.
She looked at herself in the mirror as she smoothed out her clothes and hair. Then, she moved towards him and kissed him hard and quick on the lips.
‘I suppose asking for your number would be a waste of time,’ he asked, clearly already knowing the answer but trying anyway.
‘Yeah. Probably,’ she replied, feeling very much like a slut.
She reached for the door handle.
‘Take it easy,’ she said, walked out, through the men’s department and out the door.

Thanks Kahn for the ok of the story.
I won't ask for anything further on this, but appreciate yet again the opportunity . Was a story from awhile ago posted on my site and long taken off so even a search would not brink up anything.
And about as short as I had.
No names given or links etc as promised.

Since 2007 Edited on Apr 25, 2012, 10:41pm

04-22-12  08:05am - 4725 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
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Location: Wash

Hi guys, a hidden I guess talent if you want to call it is I am a writer, I know many of you have read my postings and yes thank God for spell checkers. I remember reading one of my books to a lady 400 miles away and she masturbated while I read it to her, that was many years ago and got me into writing. These are never before publicly made. There would be possiblly a few erotic pictures in the book but not sure of that yet if I did it would be limited.

I digress, I am seriously thinking about making some erotic stories public. Mostly a collection of shorties perhaps one might read to their significant other. Why I am not Gay or Bi-sexual my stories range from all areas.

Anyways I decided as well to make them available for PC,Kindles and other ebooks since that seems where reading is going.

Question, is as porn users do you see this are something any of you would buy ? ( not advertising here just asking about interests) ( and would be very responsible since they are not paper books. ( talking few dollars max, unless it was a big collection )

Would appreciate any and all comments.

Thanks Since 2007 Edited on Apr 22, 2012, 08:08am

04-06-12  06:46pm - 4741 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
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Location: Wash

Q: What's slimy cold long and smells like pork?
A: Kermit the frogs finger

Q: What's the difference between a hooker and a drug dealer? A: A hooker can wash her crack and sell it again.

Q: What should you do if your girlfriend starts smoking?
A: Slow down. And possibly use a lubricant.

Q: Why does the Easter Bunny hide Easter eggs?
A: He doesn't want anyone knowing he's been fucking the chickens!

Q. What do a gynocologist and a pizza boy have in common? A. They can smell it but they cant eat it!

Since 2007

03-26-12  11:43am - 4752 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash

It appears that the forum has several rentals open of the proverbial soap box.
Far be it from me to stand idly by why my minds races.

God and adult material are as one, and yet society decided long ago to separate the two.
When I say society I mean those that decided their definition of a higher power exceeded anyone else�s belief system.

Atheist and the Clergy are opposed but are the same in there struggles to persuade others to believe them over anyone else. The Clergy would have you believe there is a guy high up in the cloud that throws fire and brimstone and floods the earth in reality of sinners.
The Atheist, says there is nothing that created anything and we are here by chance.

I look at both ( my opinion ) as being wrong, the Atheist has assumed that a process
Determined by certain acts �did not� create life. However as a man and a women having sex, creates a child so does, bounding molecules and matter make things. Its not by chance anymore then having children is chance happening. If you turn on the stove
to 125 degrees water will boil. It is not by chance it does this, it does because water in its creative state will boil at higher temperatures. It is real easy to say it just kinda happened by no facts to support things just happen.
The clergy looks at one being creating all possible life, this too is also a chance happening, At what point did God become a person and not just a life form? And where do we draw the line on him being alive. Water is alive and the universe is alive, but where do you say God is alive and or just living as does most of the universe. The sun
In its reactive state is both alive and sustains life, just like the clergy says God does.
Wonder why people thought the sun was God.

To break this down on a level, there is no proof of anything it is all based on facts and
theory and facts we create in our piddly minds. Nature does not create facts, we do and make up anything to work out our belief in . After all 2+2 = 4 , or does it? Who decided
to use facts to make that equation so? It was not God and was not natural process ?
So all these facts we use to explain God or in the Atheist view lack thereof is all created with in our own minds. So is any fact truly a fact ? Or Just a guess. And so people that do brain surgery and create nuclear weapons, are guessing and created there own facts.

God, no yes, maybe���� guess the better question on the huge scale I described does it matter if there is one or not? As people will make facts to create what they believe as one can truly not prove anything we say is fact !

CT Since 2007 Edited on Mar 26, 2012, 11:47am

03-20-12  11:35am - 4758 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

I was looking at some old archived stuff, I mean
back to the old days of porn.

Just for nostalgia I was looking at Behind the Green Door,
The Candy Stripers, Taboo 1 & 2 .
I have about 50 old movies from, then just wondered what any of my PU pals might have in their archives.

Does not have to be just 70's but the 80's and 90's .
The title just sounded better to put in the forum lol. Since 2007

03-14-12  12:17pm - 4764 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

So I was going through some old porn and laughed at the early 80's stuff where the ring of disco and soul rang out through the scenes. Funny the the scenes made me laugh more then anything.
Anyways it made me think about some of the new music and scenes. There has to be a generic package directors and producers buy royalty free, because I have heard the same songs on Twistys, X-Art, and most solo scenes elsewhere.
All solos have some music even if only in the beginning
for the most part.

So question, how much do you see music are part of the porn experience?

I like music, just not over powering or cheesy, sometime quiet is too quiet if the model is quiet or the background noise of dogs and sirens going off can kill a scene. Since 2007

03-07-12  12:55pm - 4771 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

What is your experience with 3d porn?

And what type of glasses did you wear , hardware etc. Since 2007

03-07-12  11:16am - 4771 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

So guys, I am after along time deciding to modify my Operating system uses. I have my drivers in place and my back ups well ? backed up !
I am switching to dual boot XP3-PRO and Unbuntu ( which is linux based ). I have used Unbunto in the past and well it was not even close to anything I would want 9 years ago.
However vast improvements have occurred to name a few, huge amounts of free comparable software. Compatibility with Firefox and Crome and finds drivers for just about any PC built after 2005. And 64 bit versions And for some reason graphics on HD porn look fantastic on my screen !

I was wondering if anyone here has been using or plans to use Unbunto OS for porn use? I tested it today and WOW was it fast compared to my XP-Pro !
The useability was far superior to any windows I have used even windows 7. Only reason I am even dual booting as I have some software that is windows based only and I use it for film and audio. I am looking for suitable replacements for them but for now staying on a dual boot.

Thoughts ? Since 2007

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