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08-07-18  01:53pm - 2427 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Posts: 1,831
Registered: Mar 11, '07
Location: USA

After I remarked three days ago at a recent poll that the polls here are "too basic," Yujin of the PU Staff suggested that I start a discussion thread on the topic.

I do think it would be good if we had the option of creating polls in which users could rank choices when they respond instead of having only one choice each and every time.

Questions of a certain kind, such as "What matters to you when deciding to join a site?" with answers such as price, frequency of updates, video quality, photo quality, and number of models really lend themselves to a ranking response.

Multiple answers, not just one, matter when a user would choose not one, but potentially not all choices. Example: "What do you typically admire most about the models you like?" could have choices such as face, legs, tits, ass, feet, etc.

So what do y'all think? And can it be done? (Back to you, Yujin ...) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Aug 07, 2018, 01:56pm

12-14-17  11:44am - 2663 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA

The news came today: The Federal Communications Commission has, by a single vote on its 5-member committee, ended net neutrality.

They have, in effect, become the Supreme Court of consumer choice, ruling in favor of the interests of the telecom giants and over the protests of many others.

Your thoughts? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-19-16  03:58am - 3023 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Ever get an idea for a funny porn scene name? Post it here!

Here's one for starts, but first, a little background will help.

Basically, the plot is that the lady or ladies are invited on a trip to a mediation retreat. They travel on the host's private jet, but on the way, things get frisky.

The title: Ass-Drill Plane

(It's a pun on "astral plane.") I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-19-16  03:49am - 3023 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA

Ever get an idea for a funny porn scene name? Post it here!

Here's one for starts, but first, a little background will help.

Basically, the plot is that the lady or ladies are invited on a trip to a mediation retreat. They travel on the host's private jet, but on the way, things get frisky.

The title: Ass-Drill Plane

(It's a pun on "astral plane.") I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-09-16  03:21pm - 3308 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA

George Martin was a innovator of music recording and production and, along with the Beatles, was very influential in shaping the styles and sounds of the era from the mid-1960s until, well, who can say, really?

May he rest in peace. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

04-05-15  10:32am - 3647 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Ever said to yourself, "That girl is so hot, she should have her own site!" But she doesn't.

A couple I can think of quicker than adding 1 + 1 are Whitney Westgate and newcomer Marley Brinx. They're both awesome! Oh, and Pristine Edge!

Any other girls that you, gentle reader, think should have her own site? And not just some corporate quick 'n dirty shit-job site, either, but a really good one with, y'know, quality, consistency, and longevity. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

10-28-14  05:09pm - 3806 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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I've acknowledged the passing of fine musicians such as Jon Lord and Johnny Winter in my little sig file before. Jack Bruce, who I have just learned passed away last Saturday, deserves a thread.

He was a student at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, studying cello, before he branched out into jazz and then on to Cream, West Bruce and Laing, and various bands of his own.

And he wasn't just a superb bassist but also a composer of great music. Look up Theme for an Imaginary Western (some performances by Mountain, some by Jack) or Out Into the Fields.

It's too bad that he only lasted 71 years before succumbing to liver disease. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-28-14  04:09pm - 4020 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Been a long-term member of Goddess Nudes. A recent photoset of a girl there named Artemia gave me a spell of d�j� vu, then I remembered enough to go on a hunch: My Precious Virgins. So I scrolled through about 25 visitor pages and there she was: Susan, the blond who served a year in the Israeli army.

But I digress. I just wonder how old some of the content we porn hounds are getting is. There's no complaint, just a question.

BTW, I'm not recommending My Precious Virgins. Goddess Nudes I like, though. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

06-26-13  06:37am - 4295 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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I was going over some of my collection of photos and noticed something surprising. I'd picked up a number of sets in which some of the girls were so short that their upper chests were at table height, or their knees were just slightly higher than chair seats.

Took a closer look at a girl from one of the "Only" sites (OnlyTease, etc.) and noticed that her legs were noticeably short for her overall frame. Another girl, whom I'd been collecting from ATK Galleria (not the "petites" site) was similarly short though more evenly proportioned.

These are pretty girls, but I was still kind of shocked at the possibility that they might be dwarfs or midgets and I simply hadn't noticed. But the more I looked at them, the more I felt that I really preferred taller women, meaning at least 4' 11", which is about 150 cm.

On the other end of things, I also remember being floored by how tall some of the women can be, too. Take Peaches, for example, who is 5' 10". For years, I hadn't noticed that and always assumed that she was probably under 5' 5". Not that I mind. I'm a big Peaches fan!

With that introduction taken care of, I ask: What's your threshold on height, tops and bottoms? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

01-01-13  01:19pm - 4471 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Happy New Year, fellow PUers. This thread poses two basic questions. As for their being related to each other, you can decide for yourself. Personally, I think that proximity counts.

1. Funny how with about 2055 threads on this forum, a scant 11 or so have titles mentioning the vagina by that or another name. You'd think that the PornUsers forum would have more focus than .005% on the subject. Maybe this will bring us away, for a moment, from discussions of sports, movies, and the latest news in "the industry," and we can stop acting like 40-year-old virgins.

Do you like seeing the models stretch their pussies? There are a few sites that really get into this. ALS Scans comes immediately to mind, but I was amazed, upon my reviewing my ATK Galleria collection of Lacey Leveah, just how stretchable she is. She is endowed with a most remarkable organ.

2. Who has the most amazing bubble butt? I nominate three contenders, though there are probably others: Melisa, Jenni, and Mia Malkova.

Note that two are Czech. Mia is supposedly from California, but perhaps her name has something to do with her ethnic heritage. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-23-12  03:58am - 4510 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA

This is a question for you porn hounds: Do you like to see fucking that is really aggressive, such as what you'd probably expect from Eric Everhard or Ryan Madison, or fucking that is slower and more savory, the kind you tend to get at, say, FuckedHard18? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-01-12  01:53pm - 4624 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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The question really says it ... assuming you've seen it. Seems she got it about 5 months ago. (I didn't know that until today.) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

07-28-12  12:57am - 4629 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Anyone else having problems with Adobe Flash Player crashing in their browser? It's intermittent with mine, but still annoying.

Specs: Firefox 13.0.1 on Windows 7 I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

07-22-12  10:25am - 4634 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA

Has anyone else noticed this latest feat performed at some of the nude modeling sites?

The model is wearing a long beaded necklace. She then makes a small loop in it, then hangs the loop on one of her nipples and stands there.

Natali at ShowyBeauty is the latest I've seen to do the bead-to-boob number.

I guess it proves beyond a doubt the erectness of the nipples on her natural breasts. She is quite an eyefull, I must say.

This is not a complaint, by the way. I'm just a bit curious as to why. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-03-12  04:32pm - 4775 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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What do other users think of photos of a model shot in such a way that they seem to be from the perspective of a tiny person looking up at her? You know, Tom Thumb.

In The Crack regularly features these kinds of shots, but a few other sites also have them at times. ATK Galleria comes to mind.

It's true that you often get a good view of the crotch area, though above that it's just a murky cloud that resembles the model's face.

Personally, I don't care much for them. It's no big deal to me, but sometimes I just pitch them into the dust bin.

Yet they must be appealing to at least some folks. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

01-04-12  03:32pm - 4834 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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I was looking through the sites I'm subscribed to right now and was struck by how difficult it was to view some thumbnail photos. It's especially hard when the subject takes up only about 50% of the shot AND the thumbnails themselves are really too small and I find myself squinting.

I don't have that problem with MPL Studios or the ATK Galleria or Premium sites (though I sure do with ATK Petites, which has smaller thumbnails).

The solution I propose is simply this: Make the thumbnails 200 pixels on the long end (200px tall for portrait orientation, 200px wide for landscape). This is the size used by the above-mentioned sites that aren't a problem.

So webmasters everywhere: Please make your thumbnail photos large enough for easy viewing. It would be most appreciated! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-29-11  04:48pm - 4962 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Congratulations, Pat362, you've made it into the PU elite, la creme de la creme, reaching the coveted 5 spot!

I used to occupy this perch, but lately I've been too lazy to maintain my status. First Denner surpassed me, and now Pat362 has brought even more news to the town square of Pornsburgh.

But as Stuart Smalley might say, "That's ... O-kay."

Let's hear it for Pat362, who has labored so long and hard for us! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-10-11  05:00pm - 4981 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Well, naked Marketa, anyway. Marketa Belonoha, the blond Czech beauty. See this page from the Watch4Beauty site.

She's 29 and still looking like dynamite. She plans to do fashion modeling but no more "erotic."

Good luck to Marketa! I'll always be a fan! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

05-01-11  04:14am - 5082 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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I was thinking about how some models change their hair color. Girls who have been both blond or brunette at various times include Sandra Shine, Breanne Benson, Lexi Belle, Monique Alexander, Veronica DaSouza (Denisa Keltnerova), and Bambi (Zsuzsa Tanczos).

Does anyone have a strong preference, even it if means not the natural color? Does anyone like to see the girls change their hair color? Why do they, anyway? And whose names did I miss?

My : Most of the girls listed above I prefer as brunettes, except for Lexi Belle, who I much prefer as blond. And Bambi looks great as either a blond or a brunette; I just didn't quite like it as much when she had very black hair, though it's no big deal ... I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

04-05-11  08:10pm - 5108 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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1. Preserve porn video stash in secure shelter
2. Sales spike for various "devices"
3. How about a blow job, then?
4. At least a hand job?
5. Tomorrow's stupidity takes an early holiday
6. Time to find a virtual girlfriend
7. Ho'addicts experience a budget glut
8. What about lesbians?
9. Take a walk on the "other side"
10. I'm taking you out tonight, baby ... to Burger King.
11. Married? Well, then you already know what this would be like.

And? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-28-11  01:35am - 5116 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA

Who do you think is currently the model who causes the biggest draw to a site? I mean more specifically that by having the model on the site, there are more subscribers in response.

I'm tempted to say that right now it's Marina/Euphrat. She seems to be "everywhere." And she's got such amazing appeal, it's easy to understand why!

There are others who also come to mind: Little Caprice, Dominika C, Tiffany Thompson, Lola/Dido, and, of course, Piper Fawn.

Of course, I don't have any statistical data on this, but who is the biggest draw for you? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-22-10  12:18am - 5213 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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It used to be more common, I think, as standard practice that softcore shoots had female assistants rather than male, so that the model would be more comfortable that way. The further implication was that she wouldn't have to worry about some guy or guys coming on the scene with unwanted friskiness.

Things seem to be changing. ALS Scan now has more scenes than before with male helpers, who not only hand "appliances" and such to the ladies, but even put their hairy mitts right on the goodies sometimes and give them a good squeezin'.

Same kind of thing seems to be taking place at First Time Videos. Male hands are seen providing propulsion to phallic objects into the ladies' orifices, for instance.

And so another captivating analysis has begun!

Thoughts, anyone?

Anyone? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-15-10  05:16pm - 5249 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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I was visiting The Onion (a humor site, if you didn't know). They have a new "article" with the title "Poll Finds Majority Of Male Voters Would Have Elected Naked Woman."

They actually have a picture of a naked woman, and it is none other than Marketa Belonoha!

Well, I say, "Good choice!" She looks fantastic.

I don't know how this is going turn into a discussion thread, but I didn't know where else to post this discovery. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

06-28-10  12:02pm - 5389 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Carrying on in the tradition that Denner started -- just last year

Well, to start things off, Kitty Jane! She goes by other names, but anyway, have you seen this girl?? Incredible!

She's appeared a number of softcore sites (MC Nudes, Eva's Garden, and most recently at Watch4Beauty) but also at a lot of hardcore sites.

Actually, I think I first saw her at Karupspc last year. Whatever ... I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

02-11-10  11:24am - 5526 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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This is just for fun. First, some background: Saturday Night Live had a skit in their "Weekend Update" back around '78 in which the Voyager spacecraft had gone by Mars with recordings of earth sounds and music playing. In the skit, Earth got a response: "Send more Chuck Berry!"

Now, imagine we've sent various samples of pornography to Mars instead. What would the Martians say in response?

(The thread title is just one possible example, though Mia Hilton would certainly generate some extraterrestrial enthusiasm.)

Have fun, or Wittyguy will add this to his list of Drooler's Bombed Threads.

So please give generously. ;) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

01-23-10  03:19pm - 5545 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Now, don't get me wrong. I like the doggies and the kitties and the gerbils and hey, why not throw in boa constrictors and hermit crabs?

But I don't think they have a place in softcore photography, (nor hardcore porn for that matter).

Sure, a couple of pics of the girl holding up a cute little puttytat is no problem, but when the little animal friend is left in there to play a continual supporting role, and even worse, is seen standing on the girl's back above her protruding ass, etc., it think it wrecks the mood, and that's when I say:

"No pets allowed!" I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

01-03-10  03:10pm - 5565 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Maybe you've noticed at this or that site there is what could be called a "dangling corner," the top right animated to look as if the page is waiting to be turned.

Mousing up to it makes it move and reveal info and/or some kind of offer or upsell.

Eveangelofficial has one. JustTeenSite used to have one. Babelicious did, too; funny, I complained about theirs (like, 2 years ago) and, in response, they took it out!

Well, it's like this. You're trying to concentrate. You move your mouse on your monitor and -- as a result -- things happen that distract you. The dangling corner is one of those. It's annoying, if you ask me.

I hate it when sites add all of this extra crap to their pages that pop up and/or animate and really do nothing more than irritate. I find myself developing spatial/motor memory on return visits in order to recall where on the screen matrix I should move the mouse so that this shit can be avoided. Which wastes cycles on my own internal "processor."

Web pages can be done well without this code "goop" clogging up the pathways of algorithmic elegance.

But what do you think? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Jan 03, 2010, 03:17pm

12-22-09  10:55pm - 5577 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Is Debra K Olga Bartz? Olga has done some pretty naughty hardcore, but she's also been at softcore sites such as Rigin Studio and MetArt. So I wonder if that black hair and ultra-glamming are the only things that keep me from easily recognizing her at Only Opaques or the other "Only" sites.

And BTW, I thought I saw her at Karupspc but under a different name. Or was it Karupsha?

Any Olga-savvy people out there who can help me? Thanks. Olga has tremendous magnetism and she's gotten under my skin lately. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-21-09  02:45am - 5578 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Some sites have a fair amount of shoots done with the model in a "plain" background, where there are few or no props and little or no furniture. You could probably throw in the watery shoots done by Rylsky.

Do you like that kind of shoot?

Some sites that do this regularly or exclusively: MetArt (which has a lot of Rylsky), MetModels, Hegre-Art, VirtuaGirlHD, MC Nudes, and Sweet and Nude. Less often, you see it at AvErotica, Pretty4Ever, and Babelicious/SexyBabes (lots of shoots from the former Matrix-Nudes site and VirtuaGirl).

I tend to like them as long as they're not too dark. But I hate it when the girl is on a black background with fairly low light and a lot of shadowing. Getting back to Rylksy, while that's not the only style coming from this photographer, the "water on the floor in cavernous darkness" shoots have almost no appeal to me.

Just interested in finding out what others think. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-15-09  01:26pm - 5614 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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I've noticed something about certain models that I've seen over the years and months, which is that some of them have improved in their photogenic abilities, their magnetism ... their sex appeal!

Examples I've found are Bianca Golden/Szofya Cox, Valleria (who doesn't seem yet to have a moniker that sticks), and Lea Tyron.

Used to be it seemed kind of hard to get them to crack a smile and really show some warmth, but they've all been doing better lately. It's nice! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-01-09  06:26pm - 5628 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Yes, if you could have an action figure of a pornstar, who would it be and what would it do?

I don't mean sex dolls, btw. Just action figures of a typical size. And this thread is just meant to be fun.

Some ideas just to get things started: The Jenna Haze Booty Girl with Gyrating Ass (like, every 15 seconds), the Klara/Zoe with implant kits (sold separately, of course), the Rebecca Linares Bilingual Edition, etc. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

09-12-09  10:46am - 5678 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Would you give a monogrammed gift to someone whose initials spelled something potentially weird or embarrassing such as UFO, SOS, SOB, BBW, BBG, BGG, ATM, CUM, etc.? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-24-09  04:14pm - 5697 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Spencer's review of Explicite Art rekindled my interest in the site. (3000x2000 px photos for one, 'til I realized that it's only since the start of this month.)

But then another thing caught my eye: a photoset of "Mia," (aka Michaela, etc.) dated April 22nd in the previous updates for this year. But it looked familiar! So I checked by collection, and there it was. Made sure by matching two exact photos from the site's preview with what I had. The "date modified" on my hard drive? Nov. 2007, the last time I'd been a member of the site.

I guess you can't blame Spencer for giving the site a 90.5, especially if he's not a collector of Explicite Art content. But I would never give that high a score to a site that recycles content.

Anyway, my point must be clear enough by now: Collectors are more likely to catch such things than reviewers are. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Aug 24, 2009, 04:19pm

08-16-09  07:31am - 5705 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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That's right, folks. This is an item that's been on my mind for some time. Submit your song parodies here!

It should be nice to have some amusing, revamped tunes to play in our heads, or even sing a capella in front of our muted PCs, as we deal with things pornographic, both good and bad.

Looking forward to everyone's contributions. And just to help wet the whistle -- if you'll pardon the expression -- I'll post one today myself. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Aug 16, 2009, 07:42am

06-05-09  02:30am - 5777 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Having just viewed the poll on sound systems, I thought, "Why not ask my fellow PUs?"

I've got a bunch of vinyl LPs, but no longer do I have a system to play them on! This is indeed a very sad state of affairs.

Making matters worse is my ignorance of what's available that is of good quality.

Anyone know? Something under the 100-watts-per-channel range would do, but nothing too tame, either.

Something decent to spin, say, "Live Cream" on. Thanks. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

05-21-09  02:32pm - 5792 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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In the US, President Obama is due to sign, tomorrow, legislation on how interest rates may be raised by credit card companies. The law goes into effect in nine months.

On the face of it, it looks good in that credit card holders will have fewer problems with high interest rates.

But I've been reading about a down side to this, which is that credit companies are going to compensate for their losses by 1) reinstituting annual fees, even for their best borrowers, and 2) eliminating the grace periods before interest begins on a purchase; that is, interest begins as soon as you buy.

There's an article about it at http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/19/business/19credit.html

Frankly, I don't see this as a potential improvement. It looks more like a game of moving the goal posts.

If new annual fees and the vanquishing of the grace period were to take place, would it affect your behaviors in signing up for sites? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on May 21, 2009, 02:35pm

03-08-09  06:04am - 5866 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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One of the star qualities of a nude model, I think, is the ability to project a feeling of instant familiarity. Maybe I should add "warm familiarity," just to be perfectly clear. (No, it's not the familiarity that breeds contempt, should anyone be entertaining that notion.)

Who do YOU think has this ability? Please, speak your mind.

Some who do come to my own mind on that are:
Ambra (aka Vendula, Nadja, Vanessa Cooper, ETC.)
Susana Spears
Lola (the dark eyed blond from ALS Scans, DDF, Mc-Nudes, Teenrotica, ETC.)
Rebecca C (at MetArt and Met Models)
Rebecca Linares
Mindy Vega
Michelle Maylene
Evelyn Lory (did especially in earlier stuff at Karupspc and ATK Premium)

That's just a starter list, I'm sure. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

02-20-09  04:24pm - 5882 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA

We at PU -- and I'm among the guilty -- have done a lot of complaining about how hardcore videos (and pics, if you like) are fraught with similitude. That is, they're all pretty much the same anymore!

Well, isn't it time for us to get our creative juices flowing and make suggestions about what we'd like to see instead of the usual McPorno?

Dear Reader, the "suggestion box" is now open and awaiting your contributions.

Fire away ... I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

02-10-09  02:13pm - 5892 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Er, farewell, Sophie Moone. From nude modeling and porno, that is. Just saw this announced at eurobabeindex.

I think she deserves a fine tribute. I've personally been dazzled silly by the sight of Sophie many a time. My own pics collection goes from AAAscan (probably a defunct site by now) to Zpornstars (yet another, I s'pose). There's even stuff I grabbed once a long while ago at OliverKlozov.

Wishing you well in all that you do in future years, Sophie. As for me, I'll continue to admire! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

02-06-09  02:51pm - 5896 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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You right-click, save target as ...

No, seriously, I have a techie question. No biggie, but I've always been curious. Mostly I use IE7, if that matters.

Downloads I understand: You right-click, save target as ..., the box that says how big the file is appears, start download, then watch the progress bar and speed and all that until it's done. This is typically my experience with sites like Twistys, FemJoy, and MetArt.

Downloads I DON'T understand: After that first progress bar completes, ANOTHER progress bar shows up. Now my computer is getting noisier. Sometimes the number of minutes it's probably going to take increases, sometimes by a factor of even 3. This is typical, for me anyway, of sites like InTheCrack -- especially the vids -- and JustTeenSite.

So what's going on with that SECOND progress bar? Why does it happen? Any techie insights would be appreciated. Thanks. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-09-08  03:50am - 5955 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Recently I've noticed what seems to be a growing trend of one website posting content from another:

An ALS Scan gallery showing up at 1byday
A Pretty4Ever gallery showing up at AmourAngels
A Watch4Beauty gallery showing up at Pretty4Ever (of course, they're the same company)

This seems to me to be a cooperative marketing ploy to get members (and sometimes even visitors) of one site interested in another.

I wonder how well it works? To me, it's a letdown when content from a different site takes the place of what could have been fresh, new, exclusive content. One example is the Iveta B gallery that has shown up at Pretty4Ever. And that gallery is better than the average on offer at Watch4Beauty, meaning in my opinion that it doesn't really represent Watch4Beauty, which I think is overall a pretty boring site.

This is of course different from what, say, MetArt does with content from errotica-archives. MetArt posts Errotica content, but it's always unique and exclusive to MetArt and doesn't show up at Errotica. That I don't mind a bit.

So what do others think about this trend that seems to be emerging? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Dec 09, 2008, 03:54am

08-08-08  07:04pm - 6078 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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When you find a model who looks familiar, but
1. has a different name from the one you'd saved her by earlier, AND
2. you aren't completely sure she is the same model

do you compare freckles, moles, or tats on the new and already saved content to confirm her identity?

I know, this is a weird topic, I suppose. I have done this when all else seemed to fail, and it has actually worked a few times! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

07-27-08  12:42pm - 6090 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Since starting my thread about great ass, it has occurred to me that another particular aspect to love about certain models should get attention, too, and that is sweetness in the way they smile.

My inspiration for this came from Anne at Nubiles. She's also Anne at Teenrotica.

Other girls with delightful smiles I would say include Aneta Smrhova, Carli Banks, Mindy Vega, Anya, Jennifer at Nubiles (just to show you who I mean though the pics don't show the smiles), Katya, Mia (known as Lerou at Errotica), Misa/Michaela Kaplanova (yes, it would seem that we're back to ass, but who's complaining?), Martine, Sammie Rhodes (who always takes my breath away anyway), and of course Helena/Larissa/Natalie/Nata/etc.

Now it's your turn ... I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Jul 30, 2008, 04:25am

05-08-08  12:52pm - 6170 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA

This thread is on a very positive note. Tell us about the best stuff you've found, in your opinion and according to your tastes, in your search for porn -- the stuff that really hit the "sweet spot."

For me, a total ass fanatic, just a few of the best finds in photosets include:

Evelyn Lory "Verdezza" at evelyn.glam0ur.com; "Xarian" and "Gratian" at MetArt

Vendula "tdreams_10899" at TeenDreams (They don't name the galleries and the sequence numbers change as they add new ones. She starts off in black lingerie.)

Mia Stone "Psychedelic Chicken in the Kitchen" at Eve Angel's site.

Nikky Case "Fabulous" at MetArt (Starts with her at an ironing board -- waaaay sexy!); no title at a marble pillar indoors at topmiss (a French language site that's been rejecting my dollar-based credit card)

Mindy Vega's X-mas set for 2006-2007 at mindyvega.com

Among the videos (sorry for the lack of dates):

Mindy Main, Amy Reid, Bree Olson, Riley Shy, Lela Starr, and Cassie Young at the StuffedPetite, etc. group of Brazzers sites (These are all hardcore.)

Liliane Tiger (HC in bed) at Pier999

Julie Silver (HC in the office) at Pier999

ETC. Wow, this is exhausting! ;) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

04-06-08  11:48am - 6202 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA

Ok, we're talkin' serious booty here. Who's got the finest? And why limit it to just one, or a scant few? The more the merrier!

Here are some sure-fire favorites: Andie Valentino, Crystal Klein, Eve Angel, Evelyn Lory, Gitta Blonde, Jana Cova, Julie Silver, Lenka Gaborova, Linda O'Neil, Marina/Euphrat, Mia Lina, Mia Stone, Monique Alexander, Peaches, Rebecca Linares, Sandy (the "Hungarian Queen," I call her), Sasha Grey, Denisa Keltnerova/Veronica DaSouza, Sophie Moone, Susana Spears, Mindy Vega ...

And one I wish there were more of is Olivia York, as she's known at Club Sandy. There's a gallery there from some time ago called "Magnetic Eyes" with a few dynamite ass poses. I've only seen her lately at Eva's Garden as Autoria (4 photosets, the best of which is "Driving Me Crazy," although that one isn't as good as "Magnetic Eyes"). I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Nov 28, 2009, 12:22am

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