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08-08-10  10:42am - 5269 days Original Post - #1
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia

I trust a fair share (or most) of our forum participants would join me in saluting those Webmasters who contribute their input to our forum.

It's always a bonus to me when one pops up on any of our threads, because in addition to gettin' it straight from the horse's mouth, I find them extraordinarily helpful, informing and entertaining. It's like one-on-one with your professor.
So, you'uns out there in the business, don't-cha be a stranger, ya' heah?

08-08-10  12:41am - 5269 days #6
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
She's in a bathing area and seemingly marked with some suds. Looking closely, you'll see that area of her foot and leg engulfed in a bubbley suds giving it the appearence her foot is molded into the wall.
As for the extra wall to the right covering her toes, looks to me as an avant-garde concoction to enhance the scene.

08-08-10  12:02am - 5269 days #26
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by exotics4me:

The model in my avatar is the walking, talking definition of what is wrong with porn. Believe it or not, that is now ultra-hardcore model Lorena Sanchez very early in her career. She wanted to be a softcore, solo, tease model, but was told she wasn't pretty enough and was "too thick" to be successful unless she went into hardcore porn. That set is stashed away on Twistys and to my knowledge, is the only site that has the set it is from.

For a more current look at her, avatar is from 2006, see her wikipedia page here. As you can see, she was nominated for "freakiest" girl in porn in 2008.

There are quite a number hardcore videos of Lorena on SkinVideo , along with providing some of the sources from which they were uploaded. I did a review on this site here not long ago. Lorena is also featured in VideoBox....a popular site favored heavily here by many.
But you're right, she's doing it all (in hardcore) now. It's sorta sad to see this natural beauty taking what hardcore is dishing out these days. Edited on Aug 08, 2010, 12:59am

08-06-10  08:55pm - 5270 days #39
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by mistresskent:

Elvis liked cotton panties??? Full brief of thong Mr Linguist?

Although I would like to point out.. my preference is definitely Full brief in sheer with matching bra and plain girdle. x

Sorry, MistressKent, but being sorely lacking in the knowledge of women undergarments (except cotton panties and the dreadful thong) I'm embarrassed to admit I haven't a clue about the underwear in your accompaning preference....

I was, however, possessed with my own visual "preference" of MistressKent's attire....which promptly produced an elevated heart rate, followed by mounting activity in areas that's been heretofore dormant. Edited on Aug 08, 2010, 02:38am

08-06-10  03:58pm - 5270 days #36
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Golly, messmer, This thread is like the Eveready bunny (just keeps on....) and it has produced some interesting relevations:
We have our expert in the art of erotic debauchery, the one and only, The buxom Lady of "chain-an-pain" .... (Ta-DA) THE MISTRESSKENT... who has now regaled us with yet another of her formidable fields of knowledge, proving right here the status of being our ultimate, intiment-Femme-apparel connoisseur.
Having graced our humble porn mecca with her invaluable input, this sexy and sophisticated fox reinforces the venerable idiom: "Beauty and brains."

And willyWinky, who'da thunk it? A Shakespearian enthusiast who's also proved himself to be a master linquist.
BTW... Elvis did indeed love cotton panties...an' he's been in enough of them to be an uncontested authorty.

08-05-10  11:21pm - 5271 days #14
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by justme:

This is a porn forum, a gathering of individuals brought together by a shared interest in jerking off. How much acceptance does one wish to have?

Silly me! I was no doubt havin' one of my frequent senior moments when I come up with that dumb question about basic camaraderie, anyway. I tend to forget sometimes just how important jerking off is to the operation and success of our wonderful site.
I appreciate your input....it'll give me something to think about.

08-04-10  08:31pm - 5272 days #6
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Goldfish:

We're all here to have fun and discuss one of our favorite topics. If someone is having a bad day just stay away from them until it blows over.

Can't think of anybody who could'a said it better. Thanks for the lift.

08-04-10  07:29pm - 5272 days #4
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

When they see that I've replied to their thread, they know they've become unpopular and ostracized

You're being too hard on yourself, big guy. The truth of the matter is we don't get enough of your valuable input.
One would almost welcome the consequences you're facetiously alluding to for more of your replies.
Edited on Aug 05, 2010, 02:06am

08-04-10  03:59pm - 5272 days Original Post - #1
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia

Elsewhere posted in the forum, I picked up on a seasoned regular diplomatically pointing to another member's rather serious lack of taste about what he posts.
I further gathered there might be a justifiable level of ostracizing on the part of some fellow members because of it.
This bought up a question: How does one know if he's becoming unpopular with fellow forum members? What clues are we to look for that would indicate this? Maybe the offender is himself clueless about his unwelcome entries and would appreciate a wake-up call.
Anybody got anything on that he/she would care to share?

08-03-10  10:20pm - 5273 days #15
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
I just became a member of PU early this year, an' I wanna say that I join you and the others extolling the merits of this site, and especially the " civility" and comaraderie I've seen demonstrated among all.

I have but a few, and apparently haven't earned enough Trust points as yet to even be within sight of the playing field gates of PU's heavy-hitters...who keep rolling up trust points.

But, while on the subject, I want to express my most sincere gratitude for you (GCode) as being among the first of the few who's acknowledge me with your vote --- as well as add a complimentry message. This was among the most powerful introduction of welcome I've experienced at PU. So let it be said, you're a guy who practices what he preaches.

08-02-10  10:59pm - 5274 days #21
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Can't do much for squirrel's overall dilemma, but I will say I agree strongly with him concerning the garbage now being thrown out there by the porn industry. The word "smut" has now taken on new meaning and dimension, as it applies to the appalling number of porn sites that's adopted this idea that "raw shock" sells...even if they have to go into the toilet to get it.

Slapping women around, shouting insults, grabbing them by the hair, throat,tits, or any other appendage the guy can get his ratty hands on to get the desired attention from the weird creeps out there who digs that crap, is seemingly what the porn-peddlers thinks everybody wants.

Another welcome reminder by Squirrel comes in his disenchantment for lingering closeups, a view I support and have posted unequivocally in distaste on this forum.
He also gets thumbs-up on his admirable comments about more concern going into getting quality softcore on the net. It's woefully scarce.

I might have to politely take a differen stand, however, on squirrel's beef about reviews. A wordy review, though more favored by seasoned PU members, can be effectively condensed if the writer tells me basically what I want to know.... it's how the review is worded that matters. If the reviewer can make a positive and comprehensive impact on both his PU readers and the site he's reviewing, then I feel a contribution is made.

I'll add a final thought: If a fair share of the porn sites out there would just peruse our forum, and take seriously what has been written by our members... and incorporate most of what they find into their site's operation and content, I haven't a miniscule of doubt the whole lot would experience a positive result in popularity, and certainly reputation.

A hardy and deserving applause is certainly in order for the time and effort squirrel put into this eye-opener. Edited on Aug 03, 2010, 05:50pm

07-27-10  11:16pm - 5280 days #6
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
My first inclination was that this article was a spoof on religious fanaticism, and a well written one at that.
But it quickly became clear the author was dead serious about the destructive pitfalls of "self-abuse," and how it decimates spiritual growth and wrecks a man's health.
He goes on ad nauseam, painting a picture of an evil practice so vile and vulgar that one could say even our earthly spiritual guides recoil in disgust whenever man succumbs to this wasteful spilling of semen.

My rebuttal:
If the above proclamations were true, then why is this biological urge so powerfully instilled and embedded in males? And why do we find so damned much pleasure in doing what is obviously a natural function?
And mainly, why is guilt completely absent in those who engage in penile stimulation who were never indoctrinated in the tenets of religiosity? And why should they be doomed to hell having never known it was a sin?

07-24-10  10:14pm - 5283 days #4
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by WeeWillyWinky:

Well if flogging counts, I've gotten down to less than once a week at times. Recently I went ten days with no ill-effects. Not on purpose, just didn't care. I'm amazed when I hear that people can do it several times a day. Once a night was more than sufficient for me for many years.

When I was married I told my wife I wanted to make love every night, but that never panned out. It was about once or twice a week.

Looks like we're in the same ballpark, Willie......your figures and mine are running pretty close.
But, Yeah, in my youth it was a different story. The damned thing no more than exhusted it's fuel until it was right back at the pumps again. Went on night and day.
But I didn't have much choice.....this was an era when fear and reputation ruled....girls were brainwashed by the establishment to keep their legs tightly closed, or risk dire consequences.

07-24-10  03:06pm - 5283 days #42
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Sevrin:

I think it would catch on better here the other way around, but that's just me.

Glad you brought that out, my friend...as you can see, I've edited it to at least get me off the hook.

07-24-10  12:41pm - 5284 days #2
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
I didn't mean you should keep your mouthes shut! Edited on Jul 24, 2010, 12:47pm

07-24-10  12:35pm - 5284 days #40
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
This phrase just sort'a developed as I was reading these recent posts, so if it's new; and for what it's worth; and if it catches on....remember it started here:

"A dick in the "hand" is better than one in the "bush."

Let me make this clear....this is directed at the Gay community..and as it pertains to this thread.

I'm outta here.... Edited on Jul 24, 2010, 03:03pm

07-23-10  03:57pm - 5284 days #34
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Goldfish:

I don't see why it's a problem. Why can't this dude just ask the guy he's attracted to to jack him off?

Why not, indeed....."Hey, Dude, I'm attracted to you, would you kindly jack me off?"

You're probably right, I guess one wouldn't see any problem with that.

But seriously, many thanks, Goldfish, for taking the time and providing your input.

07-23-10  12:48pm - 5285 days #31
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
With all due respect to our honorable member who began this thread, and especially for the courage it took to appeal to others for help on this touchy matter, I hope he won't mind if I use it for a related inquiry:
Suppose a man finds himself developing a strong sexual feeling toward his same gender but.......cringes at the thought of having a male penis inserted into his rectum?
I know there are other ways men can share sexual affection. And I may be wrong, but my limited knowledge associates the anal thing as taking precedence. Edited on Jul 23, 2010, 01:36pm

07-23-10  06:20am - 5285 days #28
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by mistresskent:

Biological Recovery.... like hair or liver?

I had a mould of me done once.. how can I put pics on here? Plaster casted.. got bloody hot.

Ha, Ha, sniff, snort. ...now you got me into knee-slapping laughter, and (shuddering) I think my pectorals are beginning to quiver.
But, by golly, I think you've got it. (and Oh Mother of the universe HAVE YOU GOT IT!)
The idea is simple. Indure the casting heat for starters, and then get those heavenly melons multiplied by the millions in the form of mattress bumpers. The revenue would propel your site straight through the roof and up there past the ghost of Sputnik.
And who knows, if we're lucky, you can transport that incomparabley lovely, delectable eye-poppin' bubble-butt to the States, wherein you could grace our shores with some of your web-rockin' talent. Edited on Jul 23, 2010, 08:38am

07-22-10  07:44pm - 5285 days #25
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by mistresskent:

I'm trying, I'm trying! lol

Think of the positives.... the best of which is Biological Recovery (meaning they might grow back bigger and better.

Have you ever thought of having them cast in a lifelike mold? A mattress cover made with mistresskent's hooters would revolutionize the industry, by God. Clinical Depression in males would go the way of Penny-Loafers.
From what I've seen of the real thing portrayed on your site, Sleeping on a cushion of replicas would mean never gettin' out of bed.

07-22-10  06:46pm - 5285 days #24
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by turboshaft:

This could really redefine the complement "You have a really nice laugh" in more ways than one might imagine.

An astute commemoration, turboshaft. Nobody else could've said it better
And a thoughtful and well deserved gesture to herald an imposing lady. ( also some mighty imposing jugs , too, I might add)

07-22-10  05:02pm - 5285 days #20
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by mistresskent:

Giggling my tits off


OOOOOH-My-God.....now if you can get that "giggling" thing on video, I'm good for a subscription, yesterday.

07-21-10  09:48pm - 5286 days Original Post - #1
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia

I don't think these figures includes flogging our logs, guys. So, if you're married or in a relationship, you'll discover where you fit in (or out, as the case may be)

The frequency of sexual intercourse might range from zero (sexual abstinence) to 15 or 20 times a week (I fold).

In America, the average frequency of sexual intercourse for married couples is 2 to 3 times a week.
It's generally recognized that postmenopausal women experience declines in frequency, and those of us gettin' along in years don't need to be told that the average declines with age. Accordingly, the Institute's findings states the average frequency of sexual intercourse in US is 112 times per year (age 18-29), 86 times per year (age 30-39), and 69 times per year (age 40-49).

So who gives a damn, eh fellows?

07-21-10  05:58pm - 5286 days #18
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by mistresskent:

Flaming-Mammie?? lol... who's that then? If you're talkin about me.. then by all means I'll accommodate the best I can. Ha Ha Ha.. if you think you can take the pace that is...


OOPS! right church, wrong pew. I Assumed your site was plain old conventional boy-girl stuff...was I ever wrong!

Although your exceptionaly kind offer is undeniably the best that one could wish for, it is with a heavy heart that I must admit (after visiting your impressive website) I indeed couldn't "take the pace."
For the most part, All girl-girl dominatrixs is not my thing. Also, even if this once in a lifetime invitation were feasible, you're a bit of a fur-piece from my East Coast abode.
Lastly, I don't think I could "take the pace."
All isn't lost, though,...You've won a new convert, even if I ain't into dominatrix.

07-20-10  10:10pm - 5287 days #22
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by WeeWillyWinky:

You are definitely not alone in hating thongs. I detest, despise, abhor, loathe, hate, contemn, hold in aversion, and treat with contumely, the despicable and abominable thong.

I was gonna agree with willy about my strong dislike for thongs, too...but he's already used all the descriptive verbs in the Oxford International Dictionary....so I'll just simply say thanks, Mr.WeeWillyWinky.....I'm saying what you're saying.

A final word on cotton.....
Cotton panties rule.... To give credence to this wonderful fabric, might I quote the honorable Patrick Henry, who said: "give me liberty or give me cotton panties."
He ought'a know.

07-20-10  03:59pm - 5287 days #16
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
My thanks and appreciation to those of you who responded to my inquiry.
The fact every last one of you are already established PU-forum-Titans simply added icing on the cake.
I ain't had this much fun since (as a prepubertal toddler) I was routinely, playfully, and lovingly bounced on the lap of our stunningly beautiful family friend.


hodayathink > Always having interesting things to say.

pat362 > Speaking up and showing no intimidation.

turboshaft > comfortable and effective on any subject.

ik2fireone > Always adds enlightenment. A welcome visitor.

Pink Panther > He can purr or he can roar.
"Without warning, I will attack you. In this way, I will keep you vigilant and alert." (Clouseau Classic)

Denner > I Never pass over anything this guy has to say, cuz doing so is almost tantamount to ignoring a valuable gem lying in your path......My father bred and raised German Shepherds, inspiring a respect for anybody else who did likewise.

williamj > You gotta like this guy. A refreshingly absolute to have around to add spark to any forum.

Mistresskent > Haven't had the pleasure (that being forum-related, of course) but I consider it an honor to be acknowledged by her input. ...BTW,..if ever the male lead-character fails to show up for his scene with Flaming-Mammie....I'm easy to find.

07-19-10  10:53pm - 5288 days #2
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by WeeWillyWinky:

Hey guys,
I know there are a plethora of sites centered around the Almighty Blow Job, but are there any sites which focus on giving oral to a woman? I know this features in plenty of mainstream porn but I really don't wish to hunt around too much for what I'm looking for. I'd probably rather watch a girl go down on another girl, and I know there are plenty of lesbian sites, but again, I am looking for something fairly specialized. What I'm looking for is a place which features cunnilingus given skillfully to the point of climax. Hopefully NOT faked. Does such a site exist?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

This is a well written and thought-provoking thread, Willy. One could fairly speculate that the reason the implied inquiry didn't go airborne was because of the almost non-existent words that relate to porn was used: (Namely) "NOT faked."
Since porn (as we're seeing it) is knowingly an entirely hodgepodge of fakery anyway, such a site featuring this rarety is about as scarce as hen's teeth.....we simply didn't have anything to offer.
Edited by Staff on Jul 20, 2010, 05:58am (Khan: fixed quoteback)

07-19-10  07:36pm - 5288 days #13
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
P.S. Interestingly enough, according to the hostess, French women hate thongs because the allure is in the hiding (in a sexy way) not in the revealing. Boy, I love those French!

Thongs: ........Bah humbug:
Cotton panties: Yum
Lingerie: ......Hot, Hot, Hot

07-17-10  02:39pm - 5290 days #14
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

Join Kari Sweets' site - she's make a career out of going through the motions. You'll love it.

Thanks, Panther...
When it comes to leaving us good stuff to check out, you're one of PU's walkin'-talkin' encyclopedias.
However, Kari Sweets misses the mark. Her web page is bare-bones. She gives you little to nothing in her "tour."
The only way to get anything at all is going to the join-page.
I sought out some of her video samples through another source...and although Kari's a flaming knockout, whoever runs the show, features everything I'm against.
For starters, way too many of her clips are photo-shoots -- stills that are about as titillating as watching grass grow. Further, she has this habit of giggling, thereby thwarting any erotic appeal...and the biggest turnoff is some guy is always in the background chatting with her as if it was Old-Home-Week.
This is not to say your brief suggestion wasn't a valid one, it just wasn't for me.
You still roar, though, Panther......Peter Sellers would'a been proud. Edited on Jul 17, 2010, 04:22pm

07-17-10  01:31am - 5291 days #12
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
My apologies if I'm drifting off the subject, but for my money "solos" would improve a hundred percent if the subjects would keep anything tangible away from and out of their pussies.
Since masturbation effects are generally feigned anyway, Just go through the motions and let the viewers imaginations do the rest.

07-13-10  08:27pm - 5294 days #13
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by williamj:

Fucked about 10 porn stars as escorts over five years. 1/2 where worth it the other 1/2 was a xxx time I will never forget. WOW!

May I suggest you write a "How To Fuck Porn-Stars" book, Williamj. I'd be first in line to buy a copy when the books come off the press....And Oh-Yes, It'd be a high honor to have you autograph my copy.

And about the "1/2 was a xxx time I will never forget.WOW!"
Would you Pleeese include a detailed chapter or two about the "WOW!" part. Edited on Jul 13, 2010, 08:32pm

07-13-10  08:04pm - 5294 days #12
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Actually I could pretty much say that about a few mainstream actresses...until their security detail took me aside and told me if I ever bothered her again I would be swimming with the fishies!

Though with non-porn film you can give more credit to directors, cinematographers, editors, makeup artists, among many others, for making an actress and her performance look so titillating. With porn I think more credit can go to the individual actress (and sometimes the actor) for making something so damn hot. In theory anybody can screw on camera, but how many can make it look exciting, fun, erotic, and genuinely mind-blowing all at the same time? Only a talented few in my opinion, and I suspect the porn actresses who haven't gotten super religious or super private would be happy that a viewer got something out of watching them.

Echos exactly what I was trying to say....Though you Obviously said it a whole lot better.

07-13-10  07:54pm - 5294 days #11
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

I've talked about this in other threads - I've gone to clubs where porn stars were doing feature shows. At Gold Club Centerfolds in Rancho Cordova, CA - just outside of Sacramento - they have a cool set-up. They have an adult bookstore next door where the feature porn stars spend a couple of hours on Friday & Saturday when they're performing that weekend. You can chat with them in a more leisurely way without shouting over the pounding music in the club. I had the most fun with Stephanie Swift and Nautica Thorn, both of whom are very cool, like to meet their fans and like to chat in a relaxed sort of way.

I met Adriana Sage as well - gorgeous woman, but as far as chatting with strangers, she wasn't anywhere near as comfortable as Stephanie & Nautica.

Thanks, Panther, for bringing this back up. Just the kind of reply -- as were the others -- I was hoping to see.

07-12-10  11:33pm - 5295 days #4
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by pat362:

I am curious but I suspect I wouldn't because frankly what am I going to say. Hi! I loved your last movie. I jerked off so hard that I thought I'd pass out. It not like meeting a mainstream actress where you can say thanks for the great performance and she wasn't naked getting gang banged by 8 guys in that movie.

But of course, pat.....saying you "jerked off" seeing a porn star's performance is the ultimate and greatest compliment one can give her. It means she did her job well. Unlike mainstream, She's not getting paid to emote.
And what about "mainstream actresses?" why do they do simi and nude scenes, anyway? They do it to titillate, and prove to viewers and themselves that they have that something extra in sex appeal.
I've seen interviews done with "mainstream actresses" wherein the focus was entirely on the erotic aspects and how well it went over. While I wouldn't use the term "jerking off" -- should the opportunity of meeting a celebrity present itself -- I wouldn't have any problem commending either mainstream or porn actresses on how well they did nude or erotic performances.

07-11-10  04:09pm - 5296 days Original Post - #1
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia

I've never been given the opportunity, but you can bet the farm if a porn star (especially the women variety) ever ventures within sight, I'm gonna make my way to meeting her.
I don't care if I'm lifted up and carried away by bodyguards, I'm gonna get my worth in.

It's not that I'm a rabid fan or do the silly things some fanatics do when obsessed with celebrity, but I'd just want to drill her..(pardon me,).. I mean sort'a get the thrill of talking personally to one of those people who share in getting so deep into my pockets over the years.

07-11-10  02:56pm - 5296 days #11
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Although I'm intrigued with the idea of "swinging," I'm not defending nor endorsing it. From the three women to whom I was married and the many others I shared a serious relationship, maybe only two or three I'd entertained the thought of swinging with at all. I basically feel the same way about the women I've loved being faithful as most of those who've posted here.
But men, lets be honest...there's an unwelcome element inbred in most, if not all of us, that craves variety in numbers having to do with our conquests of women. whether we succumb matters not, it's still there and women know this. And women know generally men are very resourcful and cunning when it comes to cheating.
And while women are inherently monogamous, some think if their spouse is gonna do it so can they...and some do.
Hence the birth of swinging.
Might I amplify what one has said:..."it's not for everybody." In fact, not for most.

07-08-10  08:19pm - 5299 days Original Post - #1
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia

I knew a very happy couple who were dedicated swingers. They have kids, go to church, are involved in community affairs and are well thought of and respected by their peers.
The latest news coming down reports them still happily married and still actively involved in a variety of swinger's clubs. My second wife and I were very serious about following suit...and went so far as to personally meet the officers and plan our first encounter.

Do you have any thoughts to share with us on this seemingly taboo subject?

07-06-10  08:17pm - 5301 days #4
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
I'm with Mikey on this 100%. What you don't see, or convincing simulation thereof, is often-times more erotic than the raw explicit variety. Just like anticipation will use up as much sexual energy as the actual act itself.
As for a site that offers this "midcore" (compliments to Capn) class we're looking for, well....I'm also open for some suggestions.
I might add that it wouldn't hurt seeing for a change sex that comliments the women being laid rather than humiliating her. To be blunt, Sex that looks natural. Scratch the anal, ass and tit-slappin', facials...or rough-housing in general, and lets have it just like normal couples do it in their bedrooms.

Laugh if you will, but some of us actually like this kind of fare.

07-05-10  07:33pm - 5302 days #5
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

My question is which is better:
unscheduled hardware failure, or
a scheduled hardware failure?

A very good...but rhetorical question......Therefore my answer would have to be:


07-04-10  08:49pm - 5303 days Original Post - #1
graymane (0)

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Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia

Remember when you were young and the very flash of a girls panties triggered a groin rush which turned your "member to timber?" Happened to me a lot on crowded bus rides.
I never needed ten minutes of head to get 'ol Oscar at the starting gate with its motor revved-up and ready to do its job. No hands needed to guide it where it was supposed to go. Simply point your loaded warhead and turn on the after-burners. I'm sure you know what I mean.
Porn-guy's herculean cocks, on the other hand, (pun intended) from what I've seen, appears to need ongoing, vigorous lip service and throat tunneling just to raise his cock to half-mast. By the time his dick is rigid enough to gain entry, I've run my computer through a complete defrag. and 4-drive virus scan.
Why is that? Given the distractions of people all over the set and the other little erectile enemies hanging around, in my mind, considering the all-consumming erotic feast he's about to devour, It escapes me why his cock needs resuscitation at all. Pop a viagra or two, but do something to get the motor running so I won't be losing my lust. Edited on Jul 05, 2010, 08:49pm

07-02-10  12:26am - 5306 days Original Post - #1
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia

You've seen it. gal's legs spread, and this guy's fore-finger is digging feverishly as if there's gold somewhere in there. I mean, this guy ain't being gentle about it either. he's scooping out anything loose for as far as his hand will reach. This could be halfway tolerable if it went on for a minute or two, but the cameraman presumably is asleep at the wheel and the stupid director's vocabularly is so limited that it doesn't include "CUT."
Meanwhile, I leave and mow my lawn and get back just about time he's about to finally bang the chick.
So, guess what she says? Oh, I'm all wet. WELL, DUH!
You suppose it's because he's punchered the gal's bladder?

Does this bother anybody else out there?

06-27-10  07:20pm - 5310 days #5
graymane (0)

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Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Don't feel like the Lone Stranger,sevrin.....I have issues with these "bonus" features too.
I simply ignor whether these sites do or don't offer bonuses....because I join a particular site always for it's content...it has to appeal to me. The bonus stuff is usually a hodgepodge of crap they throw in to make you think you're gettin' more for your money.

06-27-10  06:57pm - 5310 days #9
graymane (0)

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Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
I agree with drooler, it's a very good idea; but don't hold your breath waiting for change. Recurring is a win-win for pay-sites in that the ratio of stay-ons weigh too heavily in their favor. They throw you a non-recurring bone or two BUT YOU GOTTA PAY EXTRA FOR IT --- The fact is they'd rather you be locked in. Note: They want your credit card info.; They want you to agree to their lousy legalize-laden agreements.
This sums up the fact they have a grip on your balls and will squeeze as they see fit.
I would join a hell'va lot more sites if they'd drop this "gottcha"

06-26-10  05:33pm - 5311 days Original Post - #1
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia

If it isn't already known by most, then those who don't might be interested to know that The film capital of the world is under pressure to force porn actors to rubber-up. California is considering a request to force it upon the industry in the name of worker safety, but oddly enough, the benefit could be much more widespread.
Quoting from the source: First, there’s “the off chance that some viewer, somewhere may absorb the message about safe sex;” “A teachable moment, the ultimate example of monkey-see, monkey-do” (if you will) an thus move these people to practice and take the use of condoms more seriously.
All that might be well and good, but have these air-heads given any thought as to what it will do and its' effect on porn production in this country. There's already talk of Brazil waiting in the wings to cash in should this become a reality. I'm sure all this will simply blow over, because California didn't become the giant film producers it is today by making such lame decisions.

06-25-10  12:48am - 5313 days Original Post - #1
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia

That's what they're asking one and all.

Curious, and with no plans for the evening, I registered for one of those dating services listed here at PU...I mean, they said it's all free, and there were so many pictures of horney women just aching to get some of me. All that pussy and so little time. Having loosely provide a profile and exiting the site....surprise, surprise, my mailbox came alive with pictures of ladies posing in provocative attire (what little there was of it).
There was this One chick, with a catchy name, who was particularily beckoning. Just click on the provided link and she's yours...FOR FREE.
By now, all this excitement had awaken 'ol Oscar, and with wild anticatition it was "up for the occasion."
I hurried on over to the site to collect my bounty; and There she was, beckoning, lust dripping from every pore.
Well, I shot in my user name and password and hungrily awaited my ticket to heaven's gate. But instead of getting my evening promise of marathon hey-rolling....I got:

Well, I got a few hard licks on the head in my early days playing football, but none so bad that it addled my brain enough to fall for this suspicious looking ruse.

So then I never clicked on the "upgrade" button. Therefore who's to say my evening delight actually wasn't waiting for me.....FOR FREE.
So now I feel somewhat torn for having made a hasty dicision, which is making me very, very sad. Can I get some help here? what do you think, oh compassionate comrades? Should I? or Shouldn't I?
A yes vote will get you FREE seconds. Edited on Jun 25, 2010, 01:17am

06-24-10  01:09am - 5314 days #23
graymane (0)

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Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by pat362:

If nothing else than I have learned a new word. Of course I have no idea how to properlly pronouce it and don't know where I could use it.

The Online Oxford Dictionary gives a one word definition for pulchritude. "Beauty." The difinition includes a provision to listen to it being pronounced, too.
The word can also be used as an adjective and an adverb.
Use it on a compliment your wife or girlfriend.....They'll love you for it. Edited on Jun 24, 2010, 11:41am

06-23-10  04:13pm - 5314 days #3
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by RagingBuddhist:


Now, that's the kind of answer that could only come from a pro. In just two words we have a complete, intelligent and comprehensibley simple contribution.
Now....if only I could do that.

06-23-10  11:17am - 5315 days Original Post - #1
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia

She's lying on her back on the floor..legs spread and working a dildo. Another scene gives us a gal setting akwardly on a chair..also with legs parted and busy with her fingers. Then there's the unparted legs-up, using whatever friction thats doing the job. Lets don't forget the kneeled doggie position, where it looks to me like an awful struggle is going on reaching her ass.
The places all this is going on could also impact the effect we get from the action: the couch, floor, bed, car seats, under trees, in the wilderness, caves, locker rooms....well you get my drift. Me, for example, the bed's the only place that makes sense.
The dildo objects they use must have some varying effects.
There's fruit (the banana seems to be the object of choice). All sizes and lengths of plastic elongated contraptions ---interestingly, some actually are shaped in the form of a real penis...head on, head off.
Whats really facinating to me is those little motorized devices that makes that annoying buzzing sound.
Puzzling to me also is these gals who use this knitting-like ensemble...which, I presume, is designed to stimulate the clitoris as well as all the other parts of the vagina that's normally there for bodily functions.

I'll spare you from belaboring this any further, and just toss it to you for your perusal. If anything should warrant a comment, I'd be grateful to get your input. If you think this was a stupid post and a waste of your time, I'd certainly welcome your venting that out also.
I'll finalize this by asking if I should SHUT UP .....but I already know that answer.

06-23-10  09:43am - 5315 days #9
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
A very thoughtful and commendable presentation Sir-Denner....an outstanding tribute to this great site.

Icing on the cake is that it came from one of our most profific and respected members.

06-22-10  09:28pm - 5315 days #21
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by pat362:

I think you are confusing wantoness with kindness. One makes you screw anything that breathes while the other is a state of being where helping others is a joy and hurting them isn't. By your eloquent description. I'd say that your wife is the prior and not the later.

Golly, pat. You ought to know me by now. A lot of my stuff on here are sometimes whole or in part hyperbole anyway. Although I always get my message out, it's being kicked in the ass by exaggeration.
If I may inject a little perpertinent observation here: Wantoness or hurting has nothing to do with the X-wife in question. If you'll read my post carefully, nothing there actually spells out or connects what you're interpreting as infidelity. Packing up and leaving me for her home state of Texas might've been her only indiscretion...but who's to say it was any fault of hers at all?
The delightful truth is, in fact, being 20 yrs. my junior and the epitome of pulchritude to boot.. accepting her harmless wanderlust was a small price to pay for memories that are priceless beyond my capacity to give it justice. Edited on Jun 22, 2010, 09:48pm

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