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12-24-11  03:44pm - 4746 days #20
Yariana (0)
Suspended Webmaster

Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Originally Posted by Khan:

Yariana, there was nothing wrong at all with your initial question. It was just the part of your reply to Lance about affiliates that was inappropriate.

The only reason I didn't just delete Lance's post (and your reply to it) was that part of that exchange *did* have to do with your initial question. Which again, was fine.

Anyway, didn't mean to upset you here on Christmas eve nor did I want to side-track the thread addressing watermarks, thus the "'nuff said"

Happy holidays.

I understand. I just felt scolded for spamming your board which was not my intent. I should probably stick with boards like xbiz for these questions but xbiz is mostly webmasters and I wanted the opinions of users as well because after all, their opinions are very valuable. Plus, I get a kick out of reading the posts here. I don't reply that often and this is my first thread here but I always read the posts because I learn a lot from them.

Sorry for losing my cool and thanks for clarifying your intent.

Yariana Edited on Dec 24, 2011, 03:51pm

12-24-11  03:04pm - 4746 days #17
Yariana (0)
Suspended Webmaster

Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Originally Posted by Khan:

To Lance and to a lesser extent, Yariana ...

I will remind you (just this once) that this is a site/forum for webSurfer discussions, not discussions related to webMasters.

Do not use our forum to try to drum up affiliate business.

'nuff said

Hi Khan,

I apologize, my question to the users was the first thread I have ever started here and feel it was a legitimate question with no intent of drumming up business.

I have a history hear of showing respect to the users and only responding to posts I feel I have something of value to add. And the users have stated before they love talking to the webmasters. I was simply responding out of courtesy to lance. Once again, I apologize. There will be no need to warn me again. I feel like crap now and wont be back. Have a great day.

Yariana Edited on Dec 24, 2011, 03:11pm

12-24-11  02:13pm - 4746 days #15
Yariana (0)
Suspended Webmaster

Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Originally Posted by Lance Chris:

Hey guys Lance here from bangbros. I was inquiring to see what sites all you webmasters own. Would love to do some new business with some solid sites. As far as the watermarking, if it is not done i can assure you problems in the future lol. Merry Christmas guys. Im happy to be on this board with some good chat, and intelligent conversation.

Lance Chris

Hi Lance. Are you looking for affiliates or do you have something else in mind?

You said if watermarking is not done you can assure problems in the future. This is strong advice. Thank you.

And thanks to all for responding with your insights and experience. I appreciate you all taking the time to offer advice and views.

Have a safe and wonderful holiday season.


12-24-11  02:05pm - 4746 days #14
Yariana (0)
Suspended Webmaster

Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Originally Posted by Drooler:

If I were producing content, I'd watermark, but keep it small and non-intrusive. As a user, I HATE watermarks that interfere with my viewing. And there have been some sites with extremely, ridiculously large and ugly and garish watermarks!

I think to myself: "They went to all of the trouble to arrange shooting (a lot involved just there) and editing and so on, and THEN they RUIN THEIR OWN WORK with a watermark that a lot of people are going to just HATE."

So, don't be that person.

And good luck with the CMS. I used to work with one (can't remember the name now), and it was awful. Hopefully, yours will turn out to be more solution than "added nuisance."

This is how I feel. It does seem to ruin the work which is a shame really. As for the CMS, I too have tried several companies that were awful. This time I am trying elevated x which has a very good reputation. Difficult program to figure out but has a great encoder that simplifies the process.

12-24-11  01:57pm - 4746 days #13
Yariana (0)
Suspended Webmaster

Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

I do professional photography, I try and find subtle water marks that do not take away from my photo.
A person decides in less then 3 seconds if the picture the view is pleasing, I for one do not want my viewer to include the watermark as part of their viewing enjoyment so I do it subtle.

Agreed. I watermarked a few last night. Even with the subtle mark my first thought was "Yuk" It is like a huge zit on the nose of a beautiful women!

12-24-11  01:53pm - 4746 days #12
Yariana (0)
Suspended Webmaster

Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Originally Posted by Ed2009:

Review sites seem to appreciate if photos within the members' area are not watermarked. I mark everything outside the members' area, but leave the stuff inside pure.

Interesting point about the review sites and something to be considered.

12-24-11  01:48pm - 4746 days #11
Yariana (0)
Suspended Webmaster

Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Originally Posted by Capn:

A spin-off of watermarking is that at what might be called a casual level of piracy, such as reposting on public fora, if a surfer likes it, they can see where it came from to go and get more. That can actually work in your favour. You could look at that as a form of free advertising.

So to sum up from this photo phreak's point of view.
I have no objection to small typeface watermarking in any of the corners of the image.

Thanks for taking the trouble to ask, BTW.



You are correct about the "free advertising." We don't have a huge problem with piracy and most we find does not have the watermark removed. It is interesting we sometimes have people join then email the link where they found the pirated video which we then have removed.

I have encountered a few pirated vids that someone has taken the time to remove our watermark and replace it with their own and it seems to lead to the same company over and over.

12-24-11  01:32pm - 4746 days #10
Yariana (0)
Suspended Webmaster

Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Originally Posted by Khan:

Why it doesn't address your question, if you decide to watermark you may find a recent poll we had of help ...

What would be your preferred position for a Logo (Watermark)

Thanks for the link. Very informative poll.

12-24-11  07:44am - 4747 days Original Post - #1
Yariana (0)
Suspended Webmaster

Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon

Hi everyone,

I need a little advice from the professonal porn users here. Especially from you pic lovers. I have always run a site that specializes in video and never had much interest in posting pic sets.

The main reason is all the work converting to different sizes and manually having to watermark all those pics. I am now converting to a professional CMS that does all the encoding of video and pics for me so I will be adding a lot more pictures to the site.

I am not sure whether it is common to watermark pics provided in the membership section that are packaged in zip files for download. Most webmasters tell me "watermark everything!" while most surfers tell me "No, I won't join a site that watermarks their pics. It ruins the pics."

I can see the argument on both sides but am not sure what is most common in the industry. In my opinion, if someone really wants to pirate the pic, they could easily crop off the watermark. They do it all the time with video. But my fellow webmasters say "why make it easy for them"

On the other hand, I want my members happy with the pics. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Have a wonderful Christmas. Edited by Staff on Dec 24, 2011, 08:44am

12-11-11  07:57pm - 4759 days #11
Yariana (0)
Suspended Webmaster

Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Originally Posted by Drooler:

To me, sex is about affection, and abuse simply has no place with it. They're like water and oil.

Well, to each their own? No. I'm not going to be politically correct and "tolerant" about those who like seeing women abused or like doing it themselves. They're sick.

Awesome post!

12-11-11  07:28pm - 4759 days #9
Yariana (0)
Suspended Webmaster

Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

What great insight I thought, thanks for sharing your input on this, It actually shed some clarity as I often wondered some of what you answered for me and it made allot of sense why these scenes are hard to find.

Thank You


You are welcome CT. Your above statement reminded me of a few things that happened recently. I frequently am contacted by potential porn producers who tell me they want to do what I do and ask how I do it. They are referring not only to setup of a company but production of "first time amateurs."

I am always happy to share my resources which will provide them with an easier start up but also explain how difficult it is to film real amateurs. There are a lot of reasons for this but mainly because they rarely show up to shoots.

A few months back I had this very conversation with a gentleman who argued that it couldn't possibly be that difficult. So I challenged him to give it a try if he felt my experience was an anomaly.

He started off with a few newbies here and there but is now filming adult industry models, as is the case with many adult sites who start with the intention of filming real amateurs. Sometimes even I consider switching. How much easier it would be to just pick up the phone and order a model or two for the week. But I just can't do it! So the battle goes on!

12-11-11  12:09pm - 4759 days #3
Yariana (0)
Suspended Webmaster

Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Kudos on your honesty! I found this post refreshing. Not because of your difficulty finding content you desire but because it verifies a few of my frustrations with this industry. In response, I would like to share my experience if I may.

The abusive behavior towards the talent really bothers me. I have been told by some that this really turns guys on and I should be less respectful to our girls and really "give it too them." I disagree and have stood my ground. I felt some relief from this post since it shares my views on the abuse issue.

As for the recycled material and infrequent updates, I can say the niche you enjoy is a difficult one to work. There are few girls in contact with us that deep throat and most refuse to swallow or take it on the face. Though we do full sex scenes, we do require some blowjob footage but will not force facials or deep throat if the girls don't like to naturally do this. So, I can understand why some sites might have difficulty updating regularly with outstanding content, in this particular niche.

I have noticed an increase in recycled material, even on some of the well known mega sites. Some sites are having difficulty for reasons mentioned above, while others are experiencing a drop in sales and cannot afford to film.

Not all sites film their own content. For those that purchase content this is not generally an issue but for those that film their own original content, getting girls for scenes is often difficult. With a lack of new content to update, webmasters must choose between "no update" and "recycled material updates."

Since a large portion of our members have been with us since 2009, when we changed from a clips site to a membership site, I don't think I could get away with recycling content nor would I feel comfortable doing so. And there is no way I could just let the site sit with no new content updates and feel comfortable accepting new members. To resolve this issue I had to get creative and came up with a solution for recurring members.

My solution was to offer an "Update Guarantee" meaning, if we do not update within the week, we extend billing for that week so the recurring members don't pay for the week in question. We figured this would take some of the pressure off if we cant get reasonably good content to film, thereby eliminating our need to recycle or leave the site stagnant.

This has helped some but in reality, membership sites are expected to update weekly and no creative solution will completely resolve this pressure.

In summary, the abusive behavior towards talent is obviously not as appealing to everyone, as some sites think.

And though I do not agree with the practice of recycling content and feel it is better to be honest with members and offer solutions as we have, I kind of understand why some sites are doing it. This is a really tough business to be in these days.

The economy, piracy, and free porn have taken a huge toll on the adult industry. In our current economic climate, I foresee this just getting worse. It is a "Brave New World" and adult pay sites will have to evolve and find new solutions if they wish to thrive in this current economic climate. Edited on Dec 11, 2011, 07:08pm

12-01-11  09:03pm - 4769 days #10
Yariana (0)
Suspended Webmaster

Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Originally Posted by pat362:

I'm probably way in left field on this one but I get the feeling that Google is somehow involved with these fuckers trying to make a huge cash grab. If they aren't directly involved then Google is already certain that they'll make gigantic amounts of money from all these new but useless internet addresses that will appear.

I think you are spot on. But I also think they may not have considered thoroughly the implications and lawsuits that await. It will be interesting to watch it unfold. On a slightly different note, have you all seen the fox news article:

Penn State Bought Adult .XXX Domain Names to Block Usage Prior to Sex Abuse Scandal

12-01-11  04:42pm - 4769 days #8
Yariana (0)
Suspended Webmaster

Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon

The way I understand it, if a .com, etc, does not apply for .xxx for that domain it will then be open to anyone to purchase. And if one does apply and someone else also applies it will go to auction between the applicants. This will not apply to those who have a legal trademark provided they pay the fee and purchase the .xxx for the trademarked domain. But without a trademark it goes up for bid. It does not matter if the domain name in question originates from an adult site or not. Basically, it is the wild wild west!

This goes way beyond legal ownership issues. How on earth is Google going to handle its algorithms? This will make SEO (Search Engine Optimization an absolute nightmare.

Bottom line, this is a fraudulent scam to force webmasters into spending more money in order to protect their domains.

11-30-11  11:45pm - 4770 days #2
Yariana (0)
Suspended Webmaster

Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Thank you for posting your thoughts on the subject. This industry is really getting tough. At least for most I have spoken with. Sales are way down and charge backs are way up! Historically, our percentage of chargebacks has been low but the past few months they have shot through the ceiling. People are signing up, staying on the site and downloading everything, then charging back. It appears they want the porn bad enough to charge it but cant afford to pay so charge it back.

In addition,the .xxx issue has the industry in an uproar. Apparently, if a dot com chooses not to purchase a .xxx domain, that domain can be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Many small companies chose not to purchase the .xxx due to financial issues or they just didn't feel being forced to purchase .xxx to protect their brand was ethical.

I was reluctant but eventually did purchase "mydomain.xxx" to protect our copyrights and trademark. Given our tyrannical political climate I was also concerned the government might eventually force us into .xxx and out of .com

If this were to happen those that did not purchase their domain in a .xxx could find someone else purchased it. I see the possibility of major legal battles on the horizon.

All this said, I agree that Pornageddon does seems around the corner.

04-02-11  01:18pm - 5012 days #3
Yariana (0)
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Location: Salem Oregon
I see a serious lawsuit on the horizon. This is why I never sell my content to other sites and warn my girls to be careful their documents are not compromised. I keep the records behind lock and key and refuse to sell the content because of the legal 2257 requirements for secondary producers. This is absolutely despicable.

03-04-11  05:16pm - 5041 days #2
Yariana (0)
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Location: Salem Oregon
Sounds like some of the horror stories my girls have told me. There is no lack of this behavior out there!

02-03-11  11:51pm - 5070 days #2
Yariana (0)
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Location: Salem Oregon
It is my understanding legislation has been introduced for an internet kill switch giving the president power to shut down the internet in the event of a national security issue. There are already executive orders in place giving our president power to take over all forms of telecommunication which I believe is executive order 10995, but the internet kill switch is more internet specific.

Our government is concerned with and trying to control information being released by alternative news investigative journalists and reporters. Americans are beginning to seriously question the legitimacy of our government in lieu of recently released documents and information, especially since they openly admit their plans to initiate martial law in America. The government sees the internet as a threat and have recently been noted as calling alternative news sources "Terrorists." This is documented, stated in Homeland Security documents.

The more information the alternative news sources release to the public, the more Americans are questioning the actions of our government. The more we question and resist the loss of our rights and liberties, the more control Homeland Security uses to suppress this information. The internet kill switch legislation is a panic reaction from our government. If they can do it in Egypt, they can do it here.

Their plan as I understand it, is to put in place their choice of a few major service providers and the rest of us will have sub-domains under these few major providers. We will be required to apply with the government for a license to run a site and be under their complete control. The biggest problem with this bill is it can be enacted with absolutely no judicial review. The final decision is placed in the hands of one Janet Napolitano, DHS secretary, Homeland Security.

The question is: Will America tolerate this? For more info on the subject:

http://www.infowars.com/internet-kill-sw...ch-bill-will-return/ Edited on Feb 04, 2011, 12:06am

01-29-11  12:17am - 5076 days #10
Yariana (0)
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Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Originally Posted by hodayathink:

Here's a little secret that most people don't seem to know when talking about this:

The President already has the power to shut off the internet in case of a National Emergency. He got the power to control all telecommunications in times of crisis when the FCC was created in the 1930s.

Very true. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995- Allows the government to seize and control communications media. They are just easing us into accepting its implementation in the very near future.

More Executive Orders many don't know about:

http://www.sianews.com/modules.php?name=...article&sid=1062 Edited on Jan 29, 2011, 01:57am

01-29-11  12:15am - 5076 days #9
Yariana (0)
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Location: Salem Oregon
Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Americans (the U.S) are supposed to follow China's lead for Internet control? China, which had the Tiananmen Square Massacre? China, which can jail non-violent protesters for protesting government policies?

Recently, Amercian citizens here in the US have been arrested for exercising their freedom of speech, sited as no longer having that right. Politicians have been noted as stating the Constitution no longer applies, and China who planted their flag on our soil during their visit, sang their anti-American song to us. Our President has praised China's dictatorship and Biden has stated Eqypts ousted dictator is "Not a dictator" and should not step down.

I am not a conspiracy nut either, but it appears America is heading for some real trouble! Edited on Jan 29, 2011, 02:48am

01-28-11  06:07pm - 5076 days #6
Yariana (0)
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Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Any thoughts?


01-14-11  09:59am - 5091 days #17
Yariana (0)
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Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Originally Posted by turboshaft:

I'm betting that's the hardest part--don't the majority of new sites fold within a year?

I guess if you retire rich from another industry (probably tech or web related) and have a few million dollars to just piss away then getting started could be somewhat easier. I've heard to stay in the industry requires passion--and I'm not talking --rather than any guarantee of a big paycheck.

Great insight! Most new porn start ups are not funded with millions in capital and many do fail within the first year. Misstresskents' story of squatting and finding an illegal internet connection to sell pictures is much more common than one might imagine. I applaud you Misstresskent for your tenacity and perseverance!

I too started on a shoestring budget. Laid off from an accounting position and unable to find work I was looking for a new career. One evening after watching another really bad "Pro hijacked amateur porn," I decided to venture into the industry. I wanted to work with down to earth people in a relaxing setting. I really wanted to see the girls enjoy themselves and not have to act out story lines and fake orgasms.

So I started out with a cheap walmart camera and halogen lights from Home Depot.I soon found out I would need to invest in better equipment. Thousand of dollars later, I started selling individual clips using PayPal as a payment processor and was eventually shut down because they do not allow adult content.

I couldn't locate another shopping cart that would work with adult friendly payment processors so eventually became a membership site, enlisting different third party processors. But I encountered problems when Visa shut them down thus, losing my payment processors. Then the hosting problems began and I learned I needed to invest in dedicated servers. And on...and on...and on!

The year following, I lost a lot of money on marketing scams such as worthless banner advertising, SEO campaigns, and countless other programs. I learned a lot of very expensive lessons. The pressure to be more like the big mega sites both in content quantity and design was self imposed. I spent a fortune trying to compete with the big guys because I got caught up in all the hype. In doing so, I lost my vision and creativity that sparked the amateur venture in the first place. As 2010 came to an end, I reflected on the years passed and resolved to return to my roots and am much happier doing so. I have returned to selling clips and package downloads so the pressure of weekly updates is off. Now, I can update when I have a great video to upload instead of throwing up a bunch of garbage just to get that update posted.

If one is creative and follows their heart it will show in their work. If it is just about making a lot of money, that too will show. It is a great business but requires originality, hard work, and most of all respect for the customers that support the site. Not only in their financial support but also their amazing offerings of patience and uplifting words through all the hard lessons! The self imposed pressure to be like the Pro's was just that, self imposed. Those that frequent the site are happy to see me return to my amateur roots. Edited on Jan 14, 2011, 10:11am

01-13-11  06:23am - 5092 days #7
Yariana (0)
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Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Wow, I love this thread! It is so interesting to read about the experiences of other webmasters.

I also get asked often what it is like being in the biz. So many that ask me think we all sit around and party a lot and are surprised to hear it is a full time job. Many of the typical job tasks that apply in a mainstream job also apply in this industry.

I start my days answering emails and phone calls, then I proceed with my daily record keeping and other administrative duties. We film mostly first timers that are really suffering from this economy and have lost their homes and cars so they have no transport. Just getting them to the video shoots can be a real challenge. More often than not, once the transport is arranged they chicken out and don't show for the video shoots.

But when they do manage to get here, they are often exhausted, hungry, and extremely nervous so I spend some time feeding them, allowing them hot baths to relax, and talking to them about their circumstances. I try to set a comfortable atmosphere they can relax in so they really enjoy themselves instead of just "Doing the deed".

When the video shoots are over I resume my other duties working on editing, posting, marketing, and record keeping. And now it is tax season so my administrative duties just increased ten fold!

Working in this industry (after retiring from a 30 year accounting background) has been fascinating. It is a lot of fun at times but can also be stressful and challenging, just like any other career. Since I work with so many first time amateurs, many with serious financial troubles, it is often difficult to separate the compassion I feel for them from the business side of things. But when the work is done, most stay in contact and have formed a family type relationship with us. For me, this is what is most gratifying. Edited on Jan 13, 2011, 06:31am

01-08-11  08:36pm - 5096 days #4
Yariana (0)
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Location: Salem Oregon

You are not wrong in anyway. I too have always understood the polls to be just for users. Your point is well taken.

To clarify, In my experience, most webmasters I talk to feel that both polls and posts to forums allow for the same level of webmaster usability. I am not saying my replies to users post on this particular forum are not welcome. Users here have been very gracious in their replies to my posts. I am saying that webmasters should be able to be more active in starting threads to communicate with users.

Let me give you an example. I have a lot of requests to expand my Pics section. I don't know what specs are acceptable in the industry since we have always been just a video site, so I tried to post a thread to ask you all what you thought but couldn't post a thread. I really wanted to know what you Pic lovers thought but couldn't ask you. I couldnt understand why I couldn't post a thread and was told webmaster had limited access to this function.

So I, as many other webmasters I communicate with are frustrated with this issue across the board. It is a valid issue. I depend greatly on the opinions and experiences of users to better my service to those frequenting my site. To not be able to post threads is frustrating as I have so many questions for you all. To not be able to ask you what you desire, is limiting my ability to provide this service for you. If I didn't care about what users want, I would care less to ask.

Advent, you stated you have been able to post threads. Maybe myself and others are just missing something here because I have not figured out how to do it nor have others I have communicated with. And the rules for webmasters state our abilities here are limited, as well as support emails I have received. I would love to straighten this all out. I love these forums. Edited on Jan 08, 2011, 08:59pm

01-08-11  08:00pm - 5096 days #2
Yariana (0)
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Location: Salem Oregon
Yes, there is a reason. And as much as I hesitate to say this, I have decided since you posted this, it is time to speak out.

First let me say this: I am a producer of a very small yet progressive pay site. Though it used to be a membership site, I recently made it a clips for sale site because I got tired of all the pay site expectations weighing down my ability to be creative. But that is another story.

I love porn users forums. The reason I love these forums is because I learn so much from you all. But it has been my experience, and as stated to me by other webmasters whether it be polls or threads, most porn forums are not really that webmaster friendly. We get the feeling it is because the forum moderators are concerned about us spamming, but not all of us are interested in spamming. Many are really interested in your opinions and to learn what your needs and desires are so we can create better websites.

I quit commenting on most boards some time ago. As a growing site, I have depended greatly on the opinions and experiences of porn surfers and their experiences as stated on these boards. But when trying to start a thread of my own with the purpose of asking a few questions addressed to the users here, I was not allowed to because I am a webmaster.

Though I still read your threads and take your opinions and experiences into consideration, I quit being active on the boards as I feel my opinions and experiences are not met with acceptance just because I am a webmaster.

Speaking for other webmasters I frequently communicate with, they have voiced their frustrations to me regarding the same issues.

If porn forums wish for us webmasters to be more active, they will have to make it more "Webmaster Friendly" in allowing us to start threads and such. For the time being, most of us read your posts and take your issues into consideration however, few of us are active on the boards or polls because we don't really feel our posts are that welcome.

I would not be remarking on this if the question were not posted. This is a really great forum and would be even more awesome if we could all post and learn from each other. If a webmaster is caught spamming, kick them off. The rest of us who do not engage in this behavior, as well as the porn users of this forum could benefit greatly in our communication with each other. Edited on Jan 08, 2011, 08:39pm

12-18-10  01:39pm - 5117 days #5
Yariana (0)
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Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
I used to use Zombaio as a payment processor and stopped using them because their customer service to both site members and webmasters is terrible. They are based in the UK and don't require US sites to pay the $750 Visa registration fee that CCBill and other US third party processors require. Same goes for Allied Wallet and GTbill. Speaking from my own experience, I'd stay away from all of them. Edited on Dec 18, 2010, 03:21pm

10-16-10  05:49pm - 5180 days #7
Yariana (0)
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Location: Salem Oregon
Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Lol. I thought only professionals did that!

Right on! In my experience first timers are far too nervous to be bitchy and petulant on set. Its the returning girls that usually become Prima Donna's after a few shoots.

10-16-10  05:38pm - 5180 days #3
Yariana (0)
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Location: Salem Oregon
82,000 not enough! She should have been awarded more after the 3 year battle.

10-16-10  02:37pm - 5180 days #3
Yariana (0)
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Location: Salem Oregon
Originally Posted by Drooler:

Some of them are professionals with self-image issues, possibly.

But seriously, I think you're right that "amateur" is a genre, just as MILF is. Really, are all of the women on the MILF sites mothers of children? Is proof provided of this on those websites?

When an experienced model gets bitchy and petulant on the set, has she become an amateur again?

Is a true first-timer who is also very photogenic and instinctively knows just how to work with the camera really an amateur?

Yeah, it's just a genre.

Respectfully, just because someone has done a photo shoot or happens to be photogenic does not make them a pro.

The amateur market was at one time really amateur. Tube sites and free sites were the gateway for amateur video uploads. When it became popular, the Pro sites basically hijacked the industry by claiming to have amateur girls which were really experienced actors disguised as amateurs. Over the years, the amateur industry has become a joke.

From a producers point of view, it is very hard to find true amateurs. Most sites just circulate the girls from one site to another, changing their names and appearances. It is comical really. Real amateur girls are very hard to find and even harder to work with when they are available. Though it is a genre in the industry as a whole, There are still a few real amateur sites out there. Edited on Oct 16, 2010, 06:01pm

10-04-10  09:24pm - 5192 days #8
Yariana (0)
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Originally Posted by Rob12:

Ok I'll give another shot, but I doubt it will do any good,since they haven't replied as of yet to the e-mail I sent them yesterday. Rob12

OK. Definitely not a good sign. Maybe they are just too spread out. As the saying goes; it is better to do a few things great than a lot of things poorly. Edited on Oct 04, 2010, 10:20pm

10-04-10  11:15am - 5193 days #4
Yariana (0)
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I certainly did not post the information to downgrade Evil Angel. I just wanted to shed some light on the complexities of using these fancy systems.

I kind of compare it to automobiles. I have two brothers who "Back in the day" could fix anything automotive regardless of the mechanical issues. These days, they can't fix anything because everything is electronic and so complex it requires professional mechanics who have very expensive diagnostic machinery that must be used to identify the problems. So, I can no longer asked my bro's to just pop on by and check out what is wrong. I have to spend a fortune at the mechanics.

I do believe if any website is going to continue using a CMS, they need to be willing to dish out the dough to maintain it and fix the problems. On the other hand, to compete in this highly competitive industry requires we use these systems which in my opinion, are just to difficult and complex.

If you like Evil Angels content, it might be helpful to drop them another email expressing what you have expressed here. If they are at all concerned about retaining you as a member, they will respond in a more appropriate fashion. If they do not, then it is on them. Edited on Oct 04, 2010, 10:02pm

10-04-10  10:26am - 5193 days #2
Yariana (0)
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Originally Posted by Rob12:

I had trouble using their add to favorites didn't work, their search engine for the stars would only show most popular models no matter what I tried. Sent an e-mail and got a load of BS pretaining to my browser which is internet explorer, suggested I try Firefox which I did and the resolutes remained the same.Then I find the download speeds are worse than some of the Russian sites even though I have a highspeed connection, the older clips are distorted (thumbnails) and there is no information on who is starring in the clip the famous N/A is there. This site has a lot of material and should be better maintained, guess success leads to laziness.

From what you have described it sounds like they are using CMS, a "Content Management System." Though these systems are really great for managing large amounts of content and offering the user many viewing options, they are heavily scripted with PHP and Javascript and must be installed correctly with all conflicts resolved or this will be the result. Just a few weeks ago I decided to invest in CMS.
I am encountering the same types of problems you have mentioned plus a whole lot more. I am going to have to hire a programmer to ensure everything works correctly prior to posting the new site, as all companies should be doing.

How these systems work to create many download and stream options and all those great bells and whistles is as follows:

One video and/or picture set in whatever format and setting is chosen is uploaded then CMS will create and distribute these files to the chosen locations in the site, saving the webmaster/editor huge amounts of time and labor. It functions similar with pics. If the settings are not correct the content will not look good or function correctly.

Evil Angel has been around long enough they certainly should have these problems fixed. It may be laziness as you stated or simply the inability in these hard economic times to hire a programmer to maintain such a complicated system. Still, if pay sites expect anyone to frequent their sites, they must get the problems fixed pronto. I doubt it is your browser. It is more than likely conflicts in there scripts and improper video and picture encoding.

As for older clips being distorted, this is something they can fix by re-editing the content from the original raw data. Once re-posted, it looks as good as new.

The issue of not giving more info on the models has nothing to do with scripting, this is definitely something the company could easily fix. Running a pay site can be very costly, for the reasons mentioned above, however, it is important webmasters respond appropriately to members and not just put it off as a problem with your browsers. All site functions can be scripted for cross browser compatibility. Edited on Oct 04, 2010, 09:59pm

10-02-10  06:01am - 5195 days #3
Yariana (0)
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Are they coming after us women perverts too or just you guys!

09-26-10  01:23am - 5201 days #7
Yariana (0)
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Originally Posted by malikstarks:

I'm very sorry to hear about your situation Yariana. It's the small sites like yours that really add to and enriche the industry. Unfortunately It's been my observation that most of the smaller sites are going by the waste side. I don't think most guys notice the impact this is having. When a big name player like Score says it may have to close up shop, I don't know what to say. They've been around for decades, still have their hand in magazines and DVD's, plus handled the transition to online better than most of their peers.

Again it comes down to not believing it can happen because it hasn't happened yet.

malikstarks, thanks. I will find a way too keep my head above water. I have invested way to much money to go down easy. It is just the stress of having to make decisions such as these that is exhausting. I don't think most people really understand what it takes to run a production company. The costs are very high. I really don't think this will go on forever and those that can weather this storm will come back strong. Edited on Sep 26, 2010, 01:27am

09-26-10  01:16am - 5201 days #6
Yariana (0)
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Originally Posted by slutty:

It is an unfortunate situation, although I think somewhat overblown - people said MP3s would be the death of the music industry, but in the long term I think it has been good for them.

Why isn't providing DRM that allows permanent ownership (like iTunes originally did) more common?

Slutty, You are most likely correct in saying it may be somewhat overblown, at least as far as it relates to the industry as a whole. I highly doubt the industry will disappear. It will just have to evolve and like with all industries facing hardship, it will force us to find new ways of protecting our products. But many smaller producers will have a hard time surviving this.

I think it is important to distinguish between adult content producers who shoot their own content and market their own sites and those that produce massive amounts of content, sell it to web sites all over the net that purchase it and sell it on their sites.

Buying bulk content and slapping it up on a site is easy and a lot less expensive then being a full production company that has the daily or weekly expensive of shooting the video. For the price of one exclusive video shoot, I can purchase between 6-15 non-exclusive weekly updates, depending on the quality. There is a huge difference in cost between the two business models.

There is hope however, The 2010 Joint Strategic Plan On Intellectual Property Enforcement dated June 2010, proposes the involvement of the DOJ, FBI, and other agencies to enforce and pursue prosecution of intellectual property rights infringement. It's focus is strongly on oversees infringement of US copyright/trademarks. It is a fascinating read. The tide is turning. The free ride will not last forever. I just hope it happens before too many of us go under. Edited on Sep 26, 2010, 01:26am

09-25-10  08:13pm - 5201 days #2
Yariana (0)
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Originally Posted by malikstarks:

Other things I've been observing is more and more bigger adult sites no longer updating (basically failing).(How many new reviews are from sites that everyone knows is no longer updating) And less new sites cropping up like in the old days. Maybe just saturation but I'm not so sure.

Who can afford to update? Producing adult content is very expensive. Especially when members are expecting weekly updates. This very well may be my last month of offering downloads then I will have to go to streaming as well.

Though I have been successful at getting my content removed from these sites the legal costs are prohibitive and the constant battle is exhausting. I just wonder this; what are they going to steal when the producers quit producing and we are all out of business? Edited on Sep 25, 2010, 08:21pm

09-24-10  02:34pm - 5202 days #13
Yariana (0)
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Originally Posted by RustyJ:

There's also the thing that I've understood in many cases the actors and actresses become directors and producers and eventually business owners. I guess it's the traditional "American way", the story that is told about people working at the Mc Donalds, frying hamburgers to eventually be the managing directors of the company. They of course go to many schools in between which I doubt pornographers do.

Could it be that many people on the high seats in adult industry aren't just educated in economy and law and their attitude is careless and even reckless without them really trying to scam or anything? I guess they rarely hire professional managers from outside but what do I know...

It's just that I'm starting to get this "they're out to get me" feeling about the whole thing

This is such an interesting thread! I think you hit the nail on the head RustyJ. Many just jump in the industry without any education or without researching the industry first. It is a fairly common belief "Start a porn business, get rich." Maybe back when it was the "Wild Wild West" but not anymore.

It always perplexes me when people email me with this question "I want to do just what you are doing. How do I get started." I tell them "Create an original idea, get some good equipment, take some classes, and get some advice from an adult industry attorney."

Too many adult webmasters are just copying everyone else. The blind leading the blind, so to speak. It is all about easy money. We need to get back to the way businesses use to be run, what is taught in business classes, "take care of your customers and they will return."

09-24-10  01:59pm - 5202 days #12
Yariana (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

The porn biz is a bitch because some people steal and repost your stuff and others try to get out of paying the bill (although it seems a site should be able to track how much each member has downloaded making those situations harder to dispute) and the costs of quality are high why the profits can be low. Welcome to the real business world.

It is certainly possible to track the bandwidth usage of members. Our new system is great at that! It is not that expensive and it pinpoints who is doing the deed instead of leaving us wondering who is doing the deed. If a member claims they were not on the site or could not download anything, we have record of their bandwidth usage per their IP. It is not fool proof but it is a tool of value.

I have heard complaints from some that sites will just ban their accounts without explanation. This is old school where security systems are concerned and should not be happening. Another thing our system does that many do not, is it temporarily bans the password of those using multiple IPs but only if the virtually velocity of the address indicates it impossible for that user to be in different places within a period of time.

If it does detect abuse it shuts down the password and asks them at next login to request a new password with a valid email account on file, stating it may not be their fault, someone may have acquired their password through unauthorized means. It does not automatically ban a user accusing them of fraud.

The webmaster also has control to allow certain IP's to be accepted if the user is a business traveler and uses laptops and other means of access. It takes work on the webmasters part but running a business effectively is work and there is no room for laziness.

It will only shut down a users access if the compromised password issue continues to happen over and over again with a particular user.

You are correct in stating "Welcome to the real business world." If a company is professional they will handle the issues in a professional manner rather than spreading their misery on everyone. It is just the cost of doing business. Edited on Sep 24, 2010, 02:45pm

09-24-10  01:42pm - 5202 days #11
Yariana (0)
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Originally Posted by Rob12:

Well,its nice to read your comments on the practices of various sites and companies. So far knock on wood I haven't been scammed just dissapointed with some of the sites I've joined and left feeling cheated. It would be great if sites which screw around with people could be put on a National Watch List or something along that line. To put a site up on such list would sure make users aware of what they are getting into, be hard to do though cause the sites are like lice, they come and go so quickly. Get the suckers money and split. Rob12


Great idea! I have been thinking about starting a forum where porn users could post their experiences with sites they have used. Just checking on the legalities of it first. We should be held accountable. Then maybe a lot of this crap would become less prevalent.

Would you mind sharing what types of disappointments you have encountered? Not the names of the companies, just the things that disappointed you.

I read these boards and others a lot. It is a learning tool for me. It keeps me grounded and aware of the needs and desires of consumers. Those companies that pay no attention to these issues get tunnel vision and often fail. I would love to hear of your experiences. Edited on Sep 24, 2010, 02:09pm

09-24-10  01:32pm - 5202 days #9
Yariana (0)
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Originally Posted by Advent:

I have to say that I agree with all of your points. I have not been in the business for very long, some people even call me naive. I look for the best in people and I do not go into situations with my guard up thinking I might get scammed. I can say that my company does not partake in those types of practices because we feel if we do not have the trust of our members then we do not have a member for life. If we are up front with our members on what they get, let them cancel if they want to and refund their membership when it is needed they might come back to us down the road.

I can say that scams are not just aimed at the paying customer. I am the affiliate manager and I was scammed last week. I got the ole bait and switch. Just like in every business there are people that are out to make a buck and have no regard for anyone else. Those people do not stay around very long. It is the ones that are honest that you see have been in the business for years and years.

We do not deal with fly by night guys because we do not want to put our members trust in us at jeopardy.


I do not believe you are naive. You just want to do things the way they should be done and this is highly commendable. We just celebrated our 1 year as a membership site and I must say I have learned a lot and changed my view points somewhat.

The facts are that there always have been and always will be scammers, both as consumers and as business owners. This will always be the case. The difficult part is knowing where to draw the line. I recently replied to a post regarding DRM. Boy did that open up some interesting discussions from both sides of the issue.

My problem with piracy led me to realizing the need for website security. Once installed my regular honest members had no problem with it, but it exposed the huge amount of password abuse that was taking place and those busted, cussed me then did charge backs.

The new security system eventually led me to an underground password trading sight where some of my paying members were actually selling their passwords for a buck to those wanting to get access to the site. One of them I busted doing this has been a recurring member for quite a while and has sent me emails telling me how much he loves the site. Yes, I bet he did as it was a source of income for him!

My point is this, I was hurt. I was stunned. I was shocked. I thought, "You cant trust anyone anymore." I have been strongly considering going all streaming instead of allowing downloads because of the piracy. It wouldn't stop it but it certainly would slow it down.

But after a few days I decided that I cannot allow it to affect my judgment and my communication with my members. It isn't fair to them. On the other hand, I have to toughen up or I will surely be out of business. My bandwidth usage was so high from all the password trading that it about put me under. But does toughening up result in becoming callous to the needs and desires of our members?

I disdain those sites that are giving all of us adult sites a bad reputation just for being in the industry, and I disdain those consumers who are giving other consumers a bad reputation just for being consumers.

Finding a balance in all this is important for both consumers and businesses. I love this thread and I love these PU forums. What a great way for us all to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of such issues. Edited on Sep 24, 2010, 02:42pm

09-24-10  03:11am - 5203 days #4
Yariana (0)
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Originally Posted by RustyJ:

Thanks for your reply! Even though it's caused trouble to you, it's good to hear that Visa has been cracking down on the scammy businesses. They must know that without Visa and Master Card they'd be dead in no time.

What I find strange is why do they even bother trying. It's so easy to get your money back on major credit cards that sometimes I pity the online sellers. There must be many who think it was only few dozen bucks and try to forget about their loss.

An online business can't survive without accepting Visa. At least not for any length of time. 90% of my sales are Visa so when they pulled the account I almost went out of business. I had to dip into my personal savings just to post an update each week. Ouch!

There really are people that join, download everything, then charge back, but this too Visa is cracking down on. If they see a trend with a card user doing this, they will cancel their account. But for the merchant, if they offer a great product, fair pricing, and great customer service, the honest consumer will continue to do business with them which in turn, out weights the loss incurred from the scammers. If a customer really likes the site, they will usually retrain from the charge back because they don't want to get blacklisted from the site.

09-24-10  02:53am - 5203 days #17
Yariana (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Sometimes the response is a form email that is little to no help. Only rarely do I get a response that is helpful. Tech support is one of the poorer areas of paysites, as far as I am concerned.

I had a member tell me the other day he joined a site and had a problem. When he tried to find an email or contact form to request help, there was none available anywhere on the site.

This is just crazy. Adult sites often complain about their retention ratios and wonder why they have problems retaining members. It isn't that hard to respond to an email. I think many online businesses feel because they are online, they don't have to bother with it. Wrong!

Out of site, Out of mind, Out of business!

09-24-10  02:30am - 5203 days #2
Yariana (0)
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Great post. You are not reading too much into this. Your concerns are very valid. One morning in January 2010 I awoke to check my stats only to find that all my members credit cards had been declined on re-bills and all potential new members as well. I promptly contacted my credit card processor to find out what was wrong.

The story they gave me was, well...just a story. I did not find out until a month later what the truth was. Visa got fed up with the practices you mentioned above and started pulling Visa merchant accounts from offending 3rd party payment processor in the adult industry for allowing adult sites to practice such behaviors. They would not reinstate any of the processing accounts they pulled until every last offender complied.

Unfortunately, when they pulled the merchant accounts of these payment processors, all adult sites using them whether guilty or not, went down, me included. I was furious because it took me quit awhile to get another merchant account and I was not involved in the shady practices many adult sites use to make money.

Bad customer service, tricky join pages with hardly visible check boxes joining members up for additional sites they do not want, making it difficult to get out of trials or to cancel memberships, are just a few of the reasons adult sites have so many charge backs.

These high charge back rates are the reason Visa is now cracking down on third party processors. They recently passed new regulation disallowing many of these practices. It has not stopped many sites from still using them but when Visa catches up with them, they will be asked to stop or lose their right to processor Visa payments.

Personally, I do not understand how some of these adult sites stay in business. My members often tell me stories about bad experiences with sites they have joined. I believe in building business based on loyalty to the paying customer. Without our members, we would have no business.

Though it is true that piracy and people charging back just to get their porn free (yes, this happens quit often),is a burden on the adult industry, there is still no excuse to treat members with such disrespect, or any other customer for that matter. The trend is rampant in all business these days, adult and mainstream.

I miss the good ole days when you could walk into your local store and they knew you by name. Now you are lucky to get a human on the phone in any customer service department. Not all of us are crooks and thieves however. We may be difficult to locate but some of us still respect and care about people and believe in giving people what they pay for. Edited on Sep 24, 2010, 02:39am

08-31-10  11:29am - 5227 days #31
Yariana (0)
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Originally Posted by hodayathink:

So for some reason, I had waited until just now to see what site you are actually the webmaster of. And now that I have, it's time for a "funny" story. I'm the person that recommended your site get listed here. And I found out about it from a video on a tube site. Mind you, I don't go searching them. People send me links, I click on them, if I find them interesting I search out the sites they came from. Someone sent me a link to a video from your site, and I looked at it and said "I like this". The video wasn't the whole scene, just a few minutes of it. And I think there was a part where a female voice started talking over the scene, telling you where it was from, so I thought it might have been the actual webmaster uploading teasers and/or trailers. So I went to the site and looked at a few other trailers, and decided that it was a site I'd like to put on my list of sites to join in the future, and wanted to get it listed here to see if someone else would review it so I had an idea of what to expect inside. Unfortunately, like a lot of your members, times are hard for me too, and I haven't gotten around to it yet. I'd hate to see the site get taken down before I have the chance.

Long story short: There is (or at the very least could be) a use for something like a tube site for promotional purposes. But I can't stand behind full-scale piracy, and the fact that these sites hide behind international law and the DMCA has to stop. I don't know what the solution is, but hopefully there are smarter people than me working to figure that out.

hodayathink, that was me on the voice over. I figure, if you cant beat em, join em! So I post teasers on all the tube sites. The one's that don't allow watermarks, I do voice overs! And I do not feel bad about it since they have no problem allowing my full length movies to be posted there.

I have thousands of followers and friends on these sites. The one's that can not afford to join, get some enjoyment from the trailers I post and I do get benefit from reading their emails and posts because they tell me what they love about the videos, which is always in reference to the "Lack of Acting", ie: realness, and the respect we have for the girls.

These sites are great for marketing because they are great communication resources to find out what people are looking for. The art of marketing is simple. Find a need and fill it.

As for the piracy issue, it was posted earlier in this thread " You have to remember though, the internet is global. US law only applies in its jurisdiction." My legal team busted 3 uploaders in the past 2 weeks on the grounds they are distributing adult materials without 2257 documentation. All 3 offenders are in the US, 1 a current member on our site. It can be done, it just takes diligence.

Thanks for the listing recommendation on Best Porn. I very much appreciate you taking the time to do that. Edited on Aug 31, 2010, 05:22pm

08-31-10  10:54am - 5227 days #30
Yariana (0)
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Originally Posted by mbaya:

That is very decent of you to offer breaks for those members that have been loyal. I also see on your site that you have given a preference to those models that need the money. I can see that you are not greedy and quite sincere. That may not be a great buisness model to follow, but I hope you have success. Your site looks interesting and quite different from the norm.

mbaya, Thank you! I must tell you how this whole thing started. I have a very good friend and business partner that insisted on trying out the adult market. We have other main stream businesses and I wasn't so sure I wanted to get into adult productions. But he insisted it was a good thing to do so I agreed to give it a try.

We tried it his way and it wasn't working. He was doing what everyone else was doing and there is simply too much of it out there to compete on that level. We lost a ton of money. So I decided to try a different approach. Being that I personally do not like the way the adult industry in general approaches the subject of sex, I followed my heart and thus was born the site as we now know it.

We tend to attract a 40+ demographic. We have several loyal subscribers that are in their 70's. We cater to their thirst for sensuality and real sex, no acting. I am very interactive with them. I answer all emails personally and we all share our thoughts with each other. We have built a very unusual community for people to just relax and decompress. They love my respect and heart toward the girls.

Though I have been criticized by some because the site is very plain, I keep it simple and free of busy graphics because my members say it is refreshing. The site has become popular because it is focused and it is different. When people ask me what they should do to get into the adult industry, the first thing I suggest is that they come up with an original idea, something different and fresh.

This site does not appeal to all, as no site ever will. But it appeals to those that are hungry for something simple and real and to those that want a community to share their thoughts with. I spend a lot of times on boards like PU, not commenting very often but reading a lot about what people like and do not like. I commented on this thread because it is such a controversial topic and one I am currently struggling with as a webmaster.

But regardless of the piracy problems this industry faces, there are always honest people who will pay for products they like, especially if the company respects them and appreciates their loyalty. If any business, main stream or adult forgets that the customer is the only reason they remain in business, then they are sure to fail. The first rule of any great business model is this, "Don't forget to appreciate those that keep you in business, your customers!".

Thanks again for your thoughts mbaya. Always appreciated. Edited on Aug 31, 2010, 11:04am

08-30-10  04:53am - 5228 days #27
Yariana (0)
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Originally Posted by Jay G:

If intellectual property fanatics had their way the actual market would dry up as prices went through the roof and public libraries would be shut down for allowing non-purchasers to read books they haven't bought.

Respectfully, not all intellectual property owners are driving prices up just to be greedy and make huge profits. Not anymore than all porn collectors are stealing free porn. It isn't as though we are selling books that sit on a shelf in a book store and complaining if someone reads a few pages but doesn't purchase the book. Books that have metal strips in the binding so if someone walks out the door with them an alarm goes off.

It has often been said that our products make a lot of money because we produce them once and they are sold over and over and over. Not necessarily so when the bandwidth costs go through the roof when the memberships increase, worst yet when brute force attacks stagger bandwidth costs. If a producers bandwidth cost normally runs $500 per month and they wake up one morning to a $5000 bandwidth overage charge (speaking from experience here!) it can put a real damper on their ability to produce content for the next weeks update. Especially if they are a small production company just getting started.

Membership sites require frequent updates if producers expect to retain their subscribers. Producing updates weekly is very expensive and sometimes extremely hard to do if the costs are out of control. I often give away extended memberships and free months to frequent subscribers. I love our members and I love doing it.

Lately I have extended quite a few of my regular members a free months access because they have contacted me to explain they have to leave because of economic hardships. I feel for them. They have been with me since the beginning, and some for only a few months but they have been so supportive of me and I love them for that. They are not leaving because they want to, just because they are financially burdened.

It isn't always about the money, or about making the "Big Bucks." Sometimes it is just as simple as keeping one's head above water. And more importantly, believe it or not, it is sometimes just about caring for others. Edited on Aug 31, 2010, 12:57pm

08-26-10  08:36pm - 5231 days #12
Yariana (0)
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Originally Posted by justme:

I work in a small family run business that does not compete against internet piracy, and our profit margins have taken a dive over the past fifteen years too. Happens to everyone. That is capitalism.

While I understand the need to protect your content, I do not believe DRM is the answer if the question is "How do I increase my revenues?" If you believe that DRM will decrease your expenses more than it will decreases your revenues, then by all means go ahead and give it a try.

Ok, Ok... So if you own a gas station and someone pulls in, fills up, then drives off without paying, then hey, it happens to everyone, it's just Capitalism! I think the only way to increase my profit is to get rid of the membership site! It is a bandwidth hog. I do not use DRM and never will. I think my honest members should be able to download and keep it. All I am saying is that I do understand the argument for it. Edited on Aug 26, 2010, 09:18pm

08-26-10  07:21pm - 5231 days #10
Yariana (0)
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Originally Posted by justme:

Not really. If you implement DRM, streaming, whatever you want to stop your content from being distributed for free...

Their only interest in downloading your content is because they can. Sad truth is, eliminating your works from the piracy realm does not increase your sales. Those who used to grab your works for free, if the new sets are no longer available through piracy, they more than likely will not subscribe they will just move on to the next freely available porn.

True, but though my sales have been much higher with the membership site, my profit margin has taken a dive. If the piraters don't resubscribe because they can't steal, I am better off. Producers have to make money or they cannot continue to update weekly.

08-26-10  07:06pm - 5231 days #9
Yariana (0)
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Location: Salem Oregon
Wittyguy, I do understand your point and agree with you on your point of view. There are several angles one might view this subject. I can only attest to what is happening financially to myself and other producers I speak with. As for streaming, it is true it offers very little protection. My neighbor sat here the other day and showed me what programs he uses to capture streaming video from pay sites. There is no simple solution here. You are right, market, market, market. Edited on Aug 26, 2010, 07:12pm

08-26-10  04:39pm - 5231 days #77
Yariana (0)
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Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Originally Posted by Jay G:

Paranoia about intellectual property is nothing new.

Somehow, in the case of Disney Vs. Betamax, the producer (Disney) claimed that sales of videorecorders would destroy the movie industry because illegal copying of videotapes would keep Disney from making a profit. Ironically, when Disney and other companies finally stopped fighting progress, they made more money selling huge numbers of videotapes at fairly reasonable prices than they ever had from renting movies at high prices to very few people.

Sell to the masses, eat with the classes. Sell to the classes, eat with the masses.

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