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06-24-14  09:00am - 3851 days #20
AWpress (0)
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Posts: 118
Registered: Nov 20, '12
Location: The Netherlands
Originally Posted by pat362:

The main reason 2257 exists is because too many 17 years old were getting into the industry and it was next to impossible to track these young men and women

I respectfully disagree, I don't think it is primarily to do with a proliferation of 17-year-olds determined to get into porn (not to say it *absolutely* wasn't that).

2257 requirements were put in place by the 'Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act of 1988'; ostensibly to 'protect the children'. Though few can fault the noble goal of combating and criminalising porn depicting minors (which is why it passed), this law doesn't do much in that regard. It's not as if illegal and immoral sites give a hoot about compliance (the distribution of such content typically occurs entirely in the shadows). Moreover, this ceremonial law is basically unenforced. To my knowledge, the FBI haven't *ever* audited anyone's 2257 records, much less pressed charges on those grounds.

Not to say it's useless. It's good practice to maintain rigorous documentation, to protect oneself with evidence of reasonable and responsible efforts to ensure all performers are of age. Decrying pornographers as predators of children is pretty stock-standard, it's nice to have a quick and solid answer to that charge.

Mostly, though, I'd say the purpose of 2257 is customer assurance. Title 18 is a US law, applicable to US sites, in the US. Yet, virtually all sites of repute, regardless of origin, comply. We're an Australian company based in the Netherlands, and we keep meticulous 2257 documentation ready for presentation at any moment. Why? Well, the majority of internet surfers, and porn customers, are American. It makes them feel assured that a site is above the level to see 2257 compliance. Conversely, absence of compliance is seen as suspicious (or downright incriminating, regardless of the lack of jurisdiction).

Such it is that a child-protection bill protected roughly zero children but lives on as a kind of consumer confidence accreditation; outside of the US, as a kind of industry self-regulation.

06-19-14  08:47am - 3856 days #17
AWpress (0)
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Registered: Nov 20, '12
Location: The Netherlands
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

Personally there should be a porn search engine and advertising company. Maybe someone will catch that and run.

This is basically what TGP and tube affiliate sites are/do (with wildly varying success).

06-17-14  09:38am - 3858 days #15
AWpress (0)
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Registered: Nov 20, '12
Location: The Netherlands
Originally Posted by graymane:

Sirs, and/or ranking women of AWpress website ...(webmasters)

Just wanna say, I've been following your recent posts in our forum with a good deal of interest. Always useful, and certainly something pleasantly different.

During the last five years, of which I've been quite active on this forum, some of my fondest memories was having webmasters around. I've certainly missed them.

So I guess it goes without saying ....and I trust speaks collectively, that we're really glad to again have webmasters aboard.

Hey Graymane, cheers for the kind words! To clarify; I'm not one of the ranking ladies, more of the 'sir' variety- but this is a shared account, so anyone could pop on and say 'hi'.

06-11-14  07:51am - 3864 days #2
AWpress (0)
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Location: The Netherlands
Oooh, some affiliates aren't gunna like that one.

06-11-14  07:50am - 3864 days #7
AWpress (0)
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Location: The Netherlands
Originally Posted by host2626:

Enjoy the face closeup, because we're into art-schmart and stuff.

06-06-14  08:58am - 3869 days #5
AWpress (0)
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Registered: Nov 20, '12
Location: The Netherlands
Originally Posted by TheMoreYouKnow:

abbeywinters.com has a mixed bag of sets softcore and hardcore. Solo models shoots without the gloss of tons in make-up are plenty to find there.

Heyy, thanks for the recommendation.

It's true, girls doing random activities nude, often in groups and/or outdoor, is something that we like to do. That said, our typical model is more of the amateur/girl-next-door type (rather than the fashion-model type elephant mentioned). For that, I'd recommend Femjoy.

06-06-14  08:36am - 3869 days #17
AWpress (0)
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Registered: Nov 20, '12
Location: The Netherlands
Originally Posted by turboshaft:

I think after revenge porn the next thing I hate is slut shaming, or the double standard our society places on the sexual activities of men versus women.

The former is arguably an incarnation of the latter. It's because of this doublestandard that the victims of revenge porn are overwhelmingly women; the social penalty for being exposed as promiscuous just isn't as severe for men.

It'd be nice if society could move past it's obsession with female sexual agency, and quit worrying about what a woman does with her body. But until then, the next best thing is opposing stuff like revenge porn.
Originally Posted by turboshaft:

You have point there, LPee23. "Porn," in my book, implies consent. Posting this shit without people's permission is anything but consensual. Sort of like how some people insist on the term "sexual assault," when the word "sexual" usually implies a consensual activity, not a crime against someone's will.

Indeed, an alternate term for revenge porn is 'non-consensual pornography', a term I think is better. Firstly, 'revenge' corrolates vaguely to justice/come-uppance, or at the very least cause-and-effect- in turn, pointing down the road to victim blaming. Conversely, 'non-consensual porn' points to r@pe, without over-sensationalising the issue. Make no mistake, though, I do think the comparison is a fair one, though not an equivalent one. People who do this kind of thing are definitely in the same spectrum; misogynists who think women should be ashamed of their sexuality, using that to inflict shame and hurt upon someone for pleasure or a sense of satisfaction and superiority. Edited by Staff on Jun 06, 2014, 10:09am (Khan: edited dis-allowed word)

06-06-14  08:17am - 3869 days #34
AWpress (0)
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Registered: Nov 20, '12
Location: The Netherlands
We take model health extremely seriously, and have rigorous testing procedures in place.

We're based in Amsterdam, so this law isn't applicable to our operation. Moreover, the vast majority of our content is solo girl, and girl-girl. That said, we do regularly shoot and release girl-boy shoots too (1 per month). In almost 40 girl-boy shoots so far, none have used a condom.

That. Said. Our girl-boy scenes feature only real-life couples, we turn the cameras on and encourage them to relax and show us how they normally do it. Imposing condoms would be like imposing sex positions or money shots; fake. Of course, couples are free to use condoms if that's how they do it.

06-06-14  07:54am - 3869 days #1222
AWpress (0)
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Posts: 118
Registered: Nov 20, '12
Location: The Netherlands
Originally Posted by pat362:

^No they weren't. The only reason why Titanic became the hit that it was is because there was a love story between two beautiful young people. You take that out of the movie or girls decide that it's not a believable love story and Titanic becomes the most expensive flop in the history of cinema.

Can't beat the mass appeal of impossible love. That said, the exorbitant costs weren't meaningless, the setting/sfx added a cultural touchstone and sense of magnitude to the love story.

Even considering Titanic and Avatar, I still can't get aboard the 'screw Cameron' train. After Aliens and T2, he gets a free pass from me for life. Here's hoping he turns his skills back to clever, unconventional, genre-forging flicks.

05-23-14  02:33am - 3883 days #2
AWpress (0)
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Posts: 118
Registered: Nov 20, '12
Location: The Netherlands
I think this is a pretty good decision; I know that the EFF is worried about this kind of legislation overreaching, and that is a legitimate concern, but nevertheless there is a deficiency in the law when it comes to revenge porn.

Not too long ago we had a model who'd had their real name posted alongside some of our photos on a scummy revenge porn website. The website made it's money by offering to take posts down for $400; basically blackmail, except that nothing is illegal. Luckily for the model, in this instance, the pictures were ours; so we were able to get the page taken down on a copyright infringement basis.

How messed up is it that it's more illegal to host unlicenced images than it is to publicly extort someone?

05-20-14  10:24am - 3886 days #1217
AWpress (0)
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Posts: 118
Registered: Nov 20, '12
Location: The Netherlands
Originally Posted by pat362:

I'd add Looper to the list of guilty as charged but it's such a fucked up time travel plot that I can't get my head around all the twist and turns the creators took in this movie. Let's just say that the protagonist killing himself in the present should have made it impossible for his old self to even exist and therefore the movie should never have existed.

I really liked looper's handling of time travel. The two (one?) main characters blatantly lampshaded it in the diner scene at the beginning:

"I don't want to talk about time travel because if we start talking about it then we're going to be here all day talking about it, making diagrams with straws."

To me, that was the creators of the movie levelling with the audience. "Ok, listen, if you want hard sci fi and theoretical physics, this film is not for you. The time travel in this film doesn't make sense, and it's not the point. If you want the love child of die hard and back to the future, buckle in."

04-30-14  01:31am - 3906 days #10
AWpress (0)
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Registered: Nov 20, '12
Location: The Netherlands
Oh yep, lesbea is great; a nice mix of girl-girl and glamour/erotica. Though not dedicated to girl-girl content, our Aussie friends at IShotMyself.com offer beautifully shot, genuine amateur content (without the fake stuff).

04-29-14  02:21am - 3907 days #8
AWpress (0)
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Registered: Nov 20, '12
Location: The Netherlands
Oh lol, no offence with that; though we don't have a hard download limit, our bandwidth monitoring software does shoot out emails to accounts that trip certain flags. Certainly, though, the intention isn't to target fans on a barnstorming AW binge. Rather, most of the accounts that raise those flags have either been hacked, shared, or using some unsavoury software.

With the genuinity thing, it's a tricky thing to make guarantees upon, or enforce (after all, we're not the sexuality police). Also, we don't aim to shoot people of a specific sexuality only. However, we can (and do) insist on awesome shoots of awesome girls having fun. If someone's not into it, it shows, and we're not about limp and dull-eyed professionals going through the motions.

Ultimately, I'd estimate that most of the girls who appear in girl-girl scenes are 'bi-curious' or bisexual. Exclusive lesbians aren't rare, though, and are among some of our most popular models (they're so sexually aggressive and confident). We'd never want someone to do something for us that they weren't into and take great measures to communicate that.

04-29-14  02:10am - 3907 days #17
AWpress (0)
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Location: The Netherlands
Conversely, though, a lot of people are super-interested in the daily mores of a porn company.

But you sure are right; if you want to work in the adult industry and keep it a secret, you're going to have a bad time. Best to preclude any crises by 'owning it', IMO.

04-28-14  09:17am - 3908 days #17
AWpress (0)
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Location: The Netherlands
Shout out to amateur canada!

04-28-14  09:13am - 3908 days #6
AWpress (0)
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Posts: 118
Registered: Nov 20, '12
Location: The Netherlands
Well we've got a huge focus in girl-girl porn on abbywinters.com; our models aren't 'fake' (no airbrushing, make-up, cosmetic surgery, etc), many are privately lesbian or bisexual, and in general there's a fairly strong 'sex positive' vibe to what we do.

I'll add that I think they're a little off in implying that fakeness is a male taste or influence on porn. Plenty of media is fake, regardless of the target audience, and plenty of males have a keen enthusiasm for 'the real thing' too.

That said, I think it's still fair to say that we don't fundamentally cater to the lesbian demographic. Some of our content is super for them, and they've told us as much (real girlfriends are a hit), but a lot of it really isn't in step with queer culture. Also, most of our members are men.

More broadly, though, I'd say that erotic fiction is the true hub of female-targeted smut- and there's no shortage of queer representation in that scene.

04-28-14  09:01am - 3908 days #15
AWpress (0)
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Registered: Nov 20, '12
Location: The Netherlands
Although we're well known amongst enthusiasts of the niches we inhabit, rare is the 'square' who recognises abbywinters.com. Over the course of several years, I've casually met just one person who knew the site off the bat.

I've got a few shirts with the name and logo on it, at first I was worried I'd get weird looks if I wore them out, but after some time I can confirm they've never pulled so much as a sideward glance (so far as I know).

04-28-14  08:56am - 3908 days #15
AWpress (0)
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Registered: Nov 20, '12
Location: The Netherlands
Well, I work at a porn site, so colleagues are no issue. Most of my friends know too (because who wouldn't tell that story). Family is dicier- it's openly known and joked about in the down-to-earth part, and spoken of in hushed tones of scandal amongst the stuck-up part.

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