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08-14-22  07:17am - 960 days #5
BoyWithaProblem (0)
Active User

Posts: 5
Registered: Feb 11, '18
Location: UK

Sorry for the delay, I missed your response. I do use a prepaid card, the moderate extra cost is worth it to separate my personal banking from the dodgy world of porn.

But you seem to confirm my worst fears, that everything including my card no, CVC and address is in the hands of those pornsites that do not fully redirect to the payment processor's site.

And smaller sites tend to be the most at risk of hacking as they don't have the same resources for IT security that the big ones do.

Surely storing this data can never be OK?

08-14-22  07:17am - 960 days #4
BoyWithaProblem (0)
Active User

Posts: 5
Registered: Feb 11, '18
Location: UK

Sorry for the delay, I missed your response. I do use a prepaid card, the moderate extra cost is worth it to separate my personal banking from the dodgy world of porn.

But you seem to confirm my worst fears, that everything including my card no, CVC and address is in the hands of those pornsites that do not fully redirect to the payment processor's site.

And smaller sites tend to be the most at risk of hacking as they don't have the same resources for IT security that the big ones do.

Surely storing this data can never be OK?

08-14-22  07:17am - 960 days #3
BoyWithaProblem (0)
Active User

Posts: 5
Registered: Feb 11, '18
Location: UK

Sorry for the delay, I missed your response. I do use a prepaid card, the moderate extra cost is worth it to separate my personal banking from the dodgy world of porn.

But you seem to confirm my worst fears, that everything including my card no, CVC and address is in the hands of those pornsites that do not fully redirect to the payment processor's site.

And smaller sites tend to be the most at risk of hacking as they don't have the same resources for IT security that the big ones do.

Surely storing this data can never be OK?

07-31-22  07:01am - 974 days Original Post - #1
BoyWithaProblem (0)
Active User

Posts: 5
Registered: Feb 11, '18
Location: UK

I tend to use major card processors like ccBill or Epoch when subscribing to a pornsite. When I click on 'Join Now' I'm typically taken to a site apparently related to the above companies root addresses. At most I might have to first hand over an email address before getting to that payment processor page, which the pornsite later use to email rejoining offers etc.

But joining a minor site recently, the screen into which I was to type all my credit card, CVC, address and name info was derived from the pornsite's own web address, making me suspect they would then have full access to all of the above info, not just my payment and email address.

Am I wrong?

12-26-18  03:32am - 2287 days #7
BoyWithaProblem (0)
Active User

Posts: 5
Registered: Feb 11, '18
Location: UK
Hi Irk2fireone - thanks for the advice and for the positive vote for my reviews; I will try to write some more soon.

As you say, we have differing tastes, mass-market multichannel sites are less likely to work for me, 10 years ago they would have done however. I guess that's the effect of doing porn or anything else longterm, your brain tends to get tired and seek novelty. I'm intrigued that as an experienced used you've not found the same? I think this general subject, of what still works in porn, probably deserves a new thread that I'll try to start sooner or later.

Plus, as stated before, the modern trend for porn to emulate young ladies body fashions in general and go down the skinny route just does not work for me. I bet their mothers look better than they do.

So I often find myself looking at less common sites, hence all the more annoying for them to play games with joining. As you say, with hefty charges levied by the big porn billing companies and porn in general being in recession (due to the availability of so much free vanilla flavour variety) it makes me scratch my head as to why any site would reject a customer at the final sign-up stage because they have a little-known payment method called MasterCard. How do they stay in business?

Anyway, I will try to start a thread on what I touched on here soon. Meanwhile, have a great Xmas break.

12-26-18  03:32am - 2287 days #6
BoyWithaProblem (0)
Active User

Posts: 5
Registered: Feb 11, '18
Location: UK
Hi Irk2fireone - thanks for the advice and for the positive vote for my reviews; I will try to write some more soon.

As you say, we have differing tastes, mass-market multichannel sites are less likely to work for me, 10 years ago they would have done however. I guess that's the effect of doing porn or anything else longterm, your brain tends to get tired and seek novelty. I'm intrigued that as an experienced used you've not found the same? I think this general subject, of what still works in porn, probably deserves a new thread that I'll try to start sooner or later.

Plus, as stated before, the modern trend for porn to emulate young ladies body fashions in general and go down the skinny route just does not work for me. I bet their mothers look better than they do.

So I often find myself looking at less common sites, hence all the more annoying for them to play games with joining. As you say, with hefty charges levied by the big porn billing companies and porn in general being in recession (due to the availability of so much free vanilla flavour variety) it makes me scratch my head as to why any site would reject a customer at the final sign-up stage because they have a little-known payment method called MasterCard. How do they stay in business?

Anyway, I will try to start a thread on what I touched on here soon. Meanwhile, have a great Xmas break.

12-26-18  03:32am - 2287 days #5
BoyWithaProblem (0)
Active User

Posts: 5
Registered: Feb 11, '18
Location: UK
Hi Irk2fireone - thanks for the advice and for the positive vote for my reviews; I will try to write some more soon.

As you say, we have differing tastes, mass-market multichannel sites are less likely to work for me, 10 years ago they would have done however. I guess that's the effect of doing porn or anything else longterm, your brain tends to get tired and seek novelty. I'm intrigued that as an experienced used you've not found the same? I think this general subject, of what still works in porn, probably deserves a new thread that I'll try to start sooner or later.

Plus, as stated before, the modern trend for porn to emulate young ladies body fashions in general and go down the skinny route just does not work for me. I bet their mothers look better than they do.

So I often find myself looking at less common sites, hence all the more annoying for them to play games with joining. As you say, with hefty charges levied by the big porn billing companies and porn in general being in recession (due to the availability of so much free vanilla flavour variety) it makes me scratch my head as to why any site would reject a customer at the final sign-up stage because they have a little-known payment method called MasterCard. How do they stay in business?

Anyway, I will try to start a thread on what I touched on here soon. Meanwhile, have a great Xmas break.

12-24-18  04:33am - 2289 days #3
BoyWithaProblem (0)
Active User

Posts: 5
Registered: Feb 11, '18
Location: UK
Irk2fireone - Thanks for the advice. Just to add a little more, I eventually did try signing up via surfnet with my usual (Prepaid) Mastercard only to be refused due to a 'Risk rating'.

I'm guessing that the problem might be that I normally surf via a VPN, what with internet surveilance being an apparently international hobby of governments everywhere and so one I naturally resist. This almost always causes CCBill to decline the transaction, they sometimes emailing me later to chase the failed transaction (which they'll then accept via online chat), but this rejection never happens with good old Epoch. So I used CCBill this time without VPN only to hit this baffling 'Visa only' restriction.

I'm loathe to signup for a Visa card for just one odd site's limitations. I may seek a prepaid Visa giftcard before trying that.

With CCBill now commonly viewed as the 'PayPal of the porn industry' in terms of trust, I can just about see why they don't like VPNs, albeit these are becoming more & more recommended/normal for travellers and others.

But why oh why does the biggest in the business allow sites to limit accepted cards to just Visa? Does anyone know more than me about their charging schemes?

12-23-18  07:06am - 2290 days Original Post - #1
BoyWithaProblem (0)
Active User

Posts: 5
Registered: Feb 11, '18
Location: UK

Just a quick question, I tried to signup to a site via CCBill but bizarrely the CCBill card details page will only take Visa not MasterCard.

Never come across this issue before with CCBill, I can only guess it's a thing between the pornsite and CCBill re differing charges? I don't have a Visa card.

Anyway, there's also a http://www.surfnetcorp.com/ signup link that does take MasterCard, but does anyone have any trust ratings/issues to share before I do? Is cancellation easy/reliable?

02-14-18  11:01am - 2602 days #4
BoyWithaProblem (0)
Active User

Posts: 5
Registered: Feb 11, '18
Location: UK
lk2fireone - thanks for the detailed reply. Yes I agree, they are already getting rather more personal info than in a perfect world I would want to part with. A mobile number is just plain intrusive.

I know, I know, it's all stored securely. But if the Pentagon, the CIA and NASA can all be hacked for their data by geeks working from their bedrooms, I'm not sure some small-time payment processor can be considered any more secure.

Yes I did ask for a mainstream payment processor instead, but the pornsite never responded. Shame.

rearadmiral - it must be a new step introduced by Vendo. Let's hope they drop it. Oh, and thanks for the welcome! Edited on Feb 14, 2018, 11:05am

02-11-18  06:31am - 2605 days Original Post - #1
BoyWithaProblem (0)
Active User

Posts: 5
Registered: Feb 11, '18
Location: UK

Hi there,

Whilst recently trying to sign up for a smalltime BBW site, the only payment option was Vendo Services. After Step 1 of providing Card number & Address details etc, Step 2 expected me to enter my mobile(cellphone) number to receive a verification code. I quit at this stage.

Now, I'm all in favour of limiting fraud, but in this industry handing over my mobile number to an unknown payment processor is too much.

I could find nothing useful about Vendo via google, and a few mixed/negative comments on this website. I assume that the smaller payment processors offer better deals that the ccBill/Epoch etc known & trusted ones, but if they lose some custom for already obscure & small sites, that is not a great deal for anyone.

Has anyone else been asked for this kind of verification, and maybe reacted differently?

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