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Post History:
Cybertoad (0)
1251-1300 of 2159 Posts | < Previous Page | 1 | 2 | 7 | 12 | 17 | 25 | Page 26 | 27 | 30 | 33 | 36 | 43 | 44 | Next Page > |
04-12-12 07:47am - 4652 days | #24 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
I think the gun issue why controversial is clear we view it as a right not an option here in the USA. In Cananda in the 70's and 80's especially, only Biker gangs like the Hells Angels had guns and terrorized ordinary people. Cops could do nothing and obviously the average citizen could not. Where I live, 90% of this state carries guns. And homebreak in's are non-existent. As a crook I would pick a state or country where I could walk in and take your cash with no struggle. Here once in awhile some dumb ass breaks in a home and is in the morgue the next day! CT Since 2007 | |
04-12-12 07:40am - 4652 days | #8 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
First thing I would do is run a partition program at boot and see if it has data on it. There are a few free ones out there, make a CD and try and boot and see if the drive is workable? That would be my first step is to check it outside of an OS. Since 2007 | |
04-11-12 10:42am - 4653 days | #3 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Pat, Probably found his membership to PU, as you know what unsavory people we all are . But seriously, what is with women and getting mad at guys and damaging the boys down south. I mean guys do not get mad at women and do something to their boobies or hoo haw ! *( yes I said hoo haw ). Imagine the horror if a man did that, my thoughts are would it be more serious a crime. It seems like attempted murder or something more then felony assault. Felony assault should be when a weapon is involved, when mutilation and the intent to do so is clearly involved it should be a much higher crime. Since 2007 | |
04-10-12 07:49am - 4654 days | #12 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Fart: is the expulsion through the rectum of a mixture of gases that are byproducts of the digestion process of mammals and other animals. The medical term for the mixture of gases is flatus, informally known as a fart, The gases are expelled from the rectum in a process colloquially referred to as "passing gas", "breaking wind" or "farting". Flatus is brought to the rectum by the same peristaltic process which causes feces to descend from the large intestine. The noises commonly associated with flatulence are caused by the vibration of the anal sphincter, and occasionally by the closed buttocks. Farts Funny ? Doesn't sound funny. Since 2007 | |
04-07-12 12:51pm - 4657 days | #7 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
For me, its not the point so far as why do they need to. My point is why are you saying a legal trained person can not. I am one of these people that do not mind laws, but give me a reason why it harmful to have the law. In porn so , ok fine porn is not favorable to all just like guns are not ( why I chose the two as examples). But tell me why Porn in harmful outside of your geo-Christian rules ? 9 outta 10 don't know why porn is bad for society, just why people say Gun are bad. People really do not have a good answer. They just feel its bad cause, well I was brought up that way, or why make thing worse lol, but they never give evidence of why it would be worse. Since 2007 | |
04-07-12 12:44pm - 4657 days | #41 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Nice renewal of an oldy but goody Jberry. I would say since the opening of these threads some new talent might be in order. I tried to pick a few from different areas of talent and abilities. Hayden Winter, Charm, body and sweet voice. Vannesa Lane , talk about getting into scenes. Lisa Ann , If there was ever an actress in porn she is it. Janine Lindemulder, she was one of porns most honest in her scenes. Shy Love, all around good star. Obviously there are millions to pick from , I do not necessarily love all my choices, but they are the most accurate to cover a wide variety. CT Since 2007 | |
04-06-12 06:46pm - 4658 days | Original Post - #1 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Q: What's slimy cold long and smells like pork? A: Kermit the frogs finger Q: What's the difference between a hooker and a drug dealer? A: A hooker can wash her crack and sell it again. Q: What should you do if your girlfriend starts smoking? A: Slow down. And possibly use a lubricant. Q: Why does the Easter Bunny hide Easter eggs? A: He doesn't want anyone knowing he's been fucking the chickens! Q. What do a gynocologist and a pizza boy have in common? A. They can smell it but they cant eat it! Since 2007 | |
04-06-12 06:36pm - 4658 days | #4 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Me I am on the fence on this, ok case in point I own a gun. Ok lots of them, big powerful and dangerous. Whether you are pro-gun or not. The point I am here to make is I am 49 years old and in that 49 year my rights on how I can own, carry and buy guns have changed more then 1 per year, in reality its about 500 new guns laws. Now everyone stil has guns however laws will smack your ass down now if you break these that were not there 50 years ago. Is porn in the midst of being regulated first and terminated later ? God knows every tom dick and harry wants my fucking 40 caliber taken away because it can carry 12 in the clip. Not to go all activist, but to again prove a point. Not one case on anyone that had a concealed license and committed a crime in a school can be found in my state. However they want to take that right away. WHY ? Sure if teachers and professors were shooting up the place that would make sense but not one case on any time of school ground by any teachers or professors. Same point porn users by nature are not baby rapers. I would find it hard to find anyone that looked at legal porn and decided that made them a pedophile. Its total bullshit, however if they decide in their own fuck up reasoning that porn makes people go out and commit sexual crimes that may be were they take a bite outta porn. Thats this Toads Take ! Since 2007 | |
04-06-12 06:08pm - 4658 days | #8 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
I will be honest here in a search for solo excitement I have spend allot of money on so called toys even did quite a few reviews as well. My take after more then 10 year trying different things here is my take. 1. Masturbatory devices like sleeves, fleshlight etc, all lack durability. At as high at 80.00 for non-motorized a few uses on many and they tear and are useless. 2. Masturbatory devices that are mechanical as well work in some cases but very often are noisy machines and battery hogs,as rechargeable are not currently in any that I know of. These can be heavy and awards to try and use and even balance or support. 3. Prostate massagers have the most promise alone or with a partner because even ppl spanking the monkey 20, 30, 40 or 50 years or more will explore something most males crinch or think it makes them gay. There is also reported benefits of these. Make sure you trust who is inserting and buy good quality non-toxic. You don;t want anything toxic, breakable or rough going in your ass, severe damage and bleeding so if this becomes a choice do your homework and it could be worth it. 4. Home made devices, there are several things a person can do to make a homemade Masturbatory device. This in its self can be very erotic making something that your create that will please your pecker. Do a internet search there are hundreds I have even made a few of my own design from hardware store parts. There are hundred of sex toys for men. Some ideas are even using slight electrical shocks from a tens unit while aroused with other toys. Extreme caution as well with this device and never use above the waist. But for some that might enjoy it can spark interest. Thats my brief input. CT Since 2007 | |
04-02-12 02:35pm - 4662 days | #11 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Myself, hmmm there has to be a better word Since 2007 | |
04-02-12 11:07am - 4662 days | #17 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
I am going to go with Capn on this one. I find it sad we focus on Marijuana and Porn in this country and others. But apparently one tossing off in the privacy of their own house why taking back a doobie is the end of the world? But we think its fine to throw the constitution in the toilet and double, triple and quadruple tax to the citizens. Give Rapist and child molesters 5 years in prison but if ya steal 5 grand from a bank and you get 25-35 years. We have homeless people living under bridges and eating at soup kitchens. While the USA pay companies to destroy left over food and build houses no one can live in for tax purposes. We give banks a get out of debt free card, but lose our homes because we can not afford the payments. Sure little Johny jerkin off to a playboy is the end of the fucking world. He can go to highschool any day and see more hard core life then any porn could ever legally show him. He can watch mommy and daddy drink into a coma, but lets focus on porn. Sixty five percent of all marriages end in divorce out of those 65%, Fifty nine percent have kids. And end up living in broken homes. But lets focus on porn on his Ipad. I can not open the paper with reading about crooked cops, politicians, and people stealing from the elderly. People are abused, not trustworthy and do far more things that are illegal. Porn is not illegal its morality is created by society and its fear of sex. I could careless if it was porn or buying a candy bar or playing video games. But people always want to attack some ones fantasy be it games or porn. Well I got news for you open a fucking paper, reality is not as great as its cracked up to be either Ok, done, now gonna go take my Viagra medication and jerk off LOL ( not really but sounded like a great way to end the rant ) Since 2007 | |
03-30-12 12:08pm - 4665 days | #26 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
What if the penis was American but the dildo made in china ? Or Vise Versa ? Since 2007 | |
03-27-12 05:45pm - 4668 days | #17 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Beauty is not about sex,( said it a 1000 times) its about what pleases the eye, gender has nothing to do with it. It has to do with what or whom you find attractive. Since 2007 | |
03-27-12 05:41pm - 4668 days | #8 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
I guess what ever a PEFECT is ? I guess we can all go along with you on being P E F E C T ! Sorry bud .. I had to nail you on the typo, the irony of being perfect and having a typo was to much for me to sustain Since 2007 | |
03-27-12 11:36am - 4668 days | #7 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
True, beauty is in the eye or pocket book of the beholder! Since 2007 | |
03-27-12 11:35am - 4668 days | #6 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
This is so true Capn. Soooo True ! Since 2007 | |
03-26-12 11:43am - 4669 days | Original Post - #1 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
It appears that the forum has several rentals open of the proverbial soap box. Far be it from me to stand idly by why my minds races. God and adult material are as one, and yet society decided long ago to separate the two. When I say society I mean those that decided their definition of a higher power exceeded anyone else�s belief system. Atheist and the Clergy are opposed but are the same in there struggles to persuade others to believe them over anyone else. The Clergy would have you believe there is a guy high up in the cloud that throws fire and brimstone and floods the earth in reality of sinners. The Atheist, says there is nothing that created anything and we are here by chance. I look at both ( my opinion ) as being wrong, the Atheist has assumed that a process Determined by certain acts �did not� create life. However as a man and a women having sex, creates a child so does, bounding molecules and matter make things. Its not by chance anymore then having children is chance happening. If you turn on the stove to 125 degrees water will boil. It is not by chance it does this, it does because water in its creative state will boil at higher temperatures. It is real easy to say it just kinda happened by no facts to support things just happen. The clergy looks at one being creating all possible life, this too is also a chance happening, At what point did God become a person and not just a life form? And where do we draw the line on him being alive. Water is alive and the universe is alive, but where do you say God is alive and or just living as does most of the universe. The sun In its reactive state is both alive and sustains life, just like the clergy says God does. Wonder why people thought the sun was God. To break this down on a level, there is no proof of anything it is all based on facts and theory and facts we create in our piddly minds. Nature does not create facts, we do and make up anything to work out our belief in . After all 2+2 = 4 , or does it? Who decided to use facts to make that equation so? It was not God and was not natural process ? So all these facts we use to explain God or in the Atheist view lack thereof is all created with in our own minds. So is any fact truly a fact ? Or Just a guess. And so people that do brain surgery and create nuclear weapons, are guessing and created there own facts. God, no yes, maybe���� guess the better question on the huge scale I described does it matter if there is one or not? As people will make facts to create what they believe as one can truly not prove anything we say is fact ! CT Since 2007 Edited on Mar 26, 2012, 11:47am | |
03-25-12 03:31pm - 4670 days | #22 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
I agree mostly as well. Don't mind it much but during especially if she is vocal cuts away from it. Since 2007 | |
03-25-12 03:29pm - 4670 days | #22 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Hmm if you had stopped there it would represent every sex toy on the planet Since 2007 | |
03-25-12 03:27pm - 4670 days | #14 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
I tend not to pay much attention what politicians say, after all they say allot don't the. However 9 out of ten what they say and then end up doing are often not even close. Since 2007 | |
03-22-12 04:24pm - 4673 days | #7 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
It almost seemed competitive in nature Khan, no one can ever accuse PU of not giving fair chance to people. Since 2007 | |
03-21-12 11:09pm - 4674 days | #14 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
What do you use as; 1. Picture Viewer: 2. Video Player (wmv, mpeg, dvix, avi, qt) 3. Download Manager Photos 4. Download Manager Videos 5. File Management Tool ACDSEE and Picassa are good for pictures. KMPlayer for videos I use and have for a few years . Xplorer Pro plays videos and pictures as well as slideshow and is a nice file manager. There is a free version and the pro I have. As far as the others non particular are awesome. Since 2007 Edited on Mar 22, 2012, 04:26pm | |
03-21-12 09:02am - 4674 days | #4 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Yes WG, this is so true, as I put even on a CD of music that I partially owned. Being media I still had to get permission although it was free cause I own part of it. Being I was not sole owner I had to get permission to reproduce and use it in my movie. So Arnold, if that is any example of how much more it would take to use items you do not own to use in a site you would own. The problem is not having a review, it is strictly copying another material and ............. And ....... making it public. Lets take this a step further, lets say you hypothetically had an account at Twistys, and downloaded a video with Nicole Aniston. And you decided to put it on DVD, and maybe invite a few personal friends to watch it at your house for free of course. Your user rights extend to that personal use in most countries. You can not however take that video down to a club you own and show it to your guess even for free. So will you run into the problem of taking video and involving a business in this case your website provider, your internet company etc. Once, you cross the line from personal use and involve any business in your venture it no longer was just personal use. And that is where your obstetrical will lay. Since 2007 | |
03-21-12 08:47am - 4674 days | #6 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
I guess I could say I agree to a point as well BMF, . In my book there is: Hair, Bush and Hedges I don't mind hair or little fuzz. But too much to where all I can see is hair kinda ruins it. Since 2007 | |
03-21-12 08:44am - 4674 days | #217 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
I could second that Capn, that best in my case as well. Since 2007 | |
03-20-12 11:35am - 4675 days | Original Post - #1 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
I was looking at some old archived stuff, I mean back to the old days of porn. Just for nostalgia I was looking at Behind the Green Door, The Candy Stripers, Taboo 1 & 2 . I have about 50 old movies from, then just wondered what any of my PU pals might have in their archives. Does not have to be just 70's but the 80's and 90's . The title just sounded better to put in the forum lol. Since 2007 | |
03-20-12 08:47am - 4675 days | #6 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
If you have any still pictures ? Google has a search option where you can upload your picture and it tries to find similar or duplicated pictures. Might help locate a model and in turn the site. CT Since 2007 | |
03-20-12 08:45am - 4675 days | #2 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Most videos have watermarks of some kind which means they have a possible trademark on it. You can not from my knowledge recreate another persons work in this fashion. Lets take a look at this, you can not go on Youtube and replay a full video of lets say Metallica ( its a rock band for those who do not know) and you have there video. And you review it. NO, you can do that, however you and your buddies can get together in your garage and recreate your version and post it and give a review. Giving credit to Metallica. Kinda the same reason I can say the word Metallica in here and have the rights to my opinion. Its a slippery slope, as example I worked an a music CD and even though my name is on the CD I had to get permission to use it in my film, as the original purpose was changed. If I have a movie and you wanted to recreate my movie and review it live. With out permission from me, you could get sued. More over if the review was not positive or to my liking I could sue for slander. If you buy the video or DVD reproducing the cover would not be as big and issue. Or doing a website copy. However you maybe be asked to take it down by the owners. Same way a site owner could ask that PU remove a site we review. I am going to close in saying it is a slippery slope using anyone copyrighted material. for free or profit. Not only that but your reputation can be made or broke by saying a site or scene sucks. There are free sites that do similar and do so with huge TOU, and work to be done legally. CT Since 2007 | |
03-20-12 08:33am - 4675 days | #16 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
I was watching one yesterday it would play 30 seconds and restart with obvious restart of music, geees really ? Since 2007 | |
03-20-12 08:32am - 4675 days | #22 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
I have posted simple replies to similar thread, so pardon if I repeat. Compared to video games and cartoons , things have gone way past what was considered appropriate. Video games now have hookers and have you walking down the street stabbing and killing people. Cartoon gees, family guy and alike are on normal networks and reach way past bugs bunny and alike. Of course there was always Popeye where Brutus was always trying to molest and rape olive. But I digress the industries as a whole have run outta stuff and now push the boundaries. Imagine watching, or lets pick House, everyone has seen that show I guess. Now imagine next season we see house getting a blow jo under the table. At first it would be OMG, but then people would get used to it. I remember years ago, Ellen DeGeneres, on her TV came out gave and everyone freaked and they cancelled her show now guys and gals tongue and grab ass on public TV. So is it any wonder in porn and industry know for its debauchery anyways to not push the envelope as well. Remember Play boy once was outrageous and pornographic now its tame and boring to many. I think ( my opinion) directors who degrade women or film with this garbage they are milling are talentless and looking to find a name by putting out the slop they do. I can not imagine spitting on my partner or gagging her until vomits. Thats not fantasy at least not in my book. And no one will change my mind, women's bodies are a work of art and should be viewed to honor that art, not throw at it and see if it sticks. I can take a nice photo and admire it of a women even clothed is awesome. Maybe it is just me, but class and taste is slowing being removed from porn and becoming garbage , My opinion. Since 2007 | |
03-20-12 08:18am - 4675 days | #12 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Prices seem to be dropping on Amazon and Newegg. Since 2007 | |
03-14-12 03:43pm - 4681 days | #195 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
I found some older Strip Teases in my old archives . Its always worth taking a look in the basement LOL Since 2007 | |
03-14-12 02:43pm - 4681 days | #9 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Hehehe, Need a long scene that is for sure to bad we couldn't post results on here . Since 2007 | |
03-14-12 01:03pm - 4681 days | #5 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
That's what I do when I have the slides, I find Picassa and ACDSee Photo Manager 12 do a good job. Although ACDsee allows several mp3's to play. Since 2007 | |
03-14-12 12:29pm - 4681 days | #3 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Do you ever slide show with music ??? lol Since 2007 | |
03-14-12 12:24pm - 4681 days | #6 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
This was long ago so no longer a member at a site, but had something similar happen. I never thought it was cause of my review here. But I rated the site moderate nothing horrible. Since 2007 | |
03-14-12 12:17pm - 4681 days | Original Post - #1 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
So I was going through some old porn and laughed at the early 80's stuff where the ring of disco and soul rang out through the scenes. Funny the the scenes made me laugh more then anything. Anyways it made me think about some of the new music and scenes. There has to be a generic package directors and producers buy royalty free, because I have heard the same songs on Twistys, X-Art, and most solo scenes elsewhere. All solos have some music even if only in the beginning for the most part. So question, how much do you see music are part of the porn experience? I like music, just not over powering or cheesy, sometime quiet is too quiet if the model is quiet or the background noise of dogs and sirens going off can kill a scene. Since 2007 | |
03-14-12 11:09am - 4681 days | #4 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
As are most PU member Since 2007 | |
03-14-12 09:03am - 4681 days | #2 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Hmmmmm interesting Squirrel. Are you selling your passwords again on the internet. Seriously glad the CC card company did the right thing. Since 2007 | |
03-14-12 09:00am - 4681 days | #25 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Probably why I am sometimes, oh on the side lines here at PU, or have thoughts or comments that members go huh ? To explain, I am not an Anarchist. But I am anti-establishment 60's kid in the strongest sense. Again why my views tend to go against the grain around here. But have read the PU rules and careful always to stay within the boarders. I do ask why allot and why this is not the proper forum to spread out these issues. I know that more people to need to start asking the Government, just because they can do something? Should They Do It ? Should we send billions over sees to help the needy why oun own people and veterans live under bridges, and we will arrest them for loitering. I'll stop there but there are questions that need asked. They could spend less money investigating Child_pornography and spend it elsewhere. The question is should they and are we not setting those abused children to later draw on resources or worse become abusers themselves or even worse. Ok done with my rant. And yes I do get involved locally and elsewhere, just try not to draw to much attention to myself. The government also does not like that either. So I do it peacefully but progressively. Since 2007 | |
03-14-12 08:47am - 4681 days | #4 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Good information . Since 2007 | |
03-13-12 08:02am - 4682 days | #21 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Ed makes a good point, I think to say nothing in life is free is justified here too. If you go to get free porn you might get something else free. Another point that I am sure legit sites never engage in however is slowly smothering the internet is sex-slavery. I am sure these people have ways to fake everything from ID's to birth certificates. Lucky for me women in there late 20's and up and many in their 30's and up interest me. So I doubt I will ever cross that area even by accident. This frontier is changing and like I once said elsewhere in the forum I truly believe the industry is not changing for the better. Which may be why the Feds are focused so much more then they used too ! CT Since 2007 | |
03-12-12 09:32am - 4683 days | #11 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Great post Andy, I agree with everything you said. I recall back in the 90's coming across something like you had happen. There was no limits back then and I remember being panicked and wiping my hard drive and thinking what did I just see. I too only saw seconds and was enough to burn in my head still even now EWWWW ! I do though remember I wish I knew what to do with this thing I found. The law scares the crap out of you so much that we panic and delete rather then think about reporting. I never came across anything again, but worried who these people were. And the law makes it hard to go forward. I think too many people have made errors in a clicks or links and now can face huge fines and jail time for an innocent mistake. I was off topic watching a show on Discovery channel, these cops were busting a weed growing unit in the bushes of California. Days later ( same cop) they pull a guy over with 75 plants in his Van and let him go cause it was for medical Marijuana ? Laws are too vague and confusing, to really protect people. Since 2007 | |
03-11-12 08:48am - 4684 days | #3 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Hmm there is a tame version of X-art MC Nudes . Since 2007 | |
03-11-12 08:47am - 4684 days | #27 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
After reading all the inputs, I find it hard that this u=industry survives at all in this economy. At even 1.99 a minute that huge now days and could cost huge for one encounter. I also can not help but wonder if they are taught to keep you on the line as long as possible with them. It seems like and industry that could pilfer legally money from consumers. It is not like other adult sites where you see you buy and you get a product. Cam sites are very misleading to what they supply and for how long. It reminds me of the 1900 numbers in the magazines they would put you on hold and then they would drag out the call. I am sure web-cam sites are run legally, but I wonder are they run fair to the consumer. This Toad thinks it a business I will ever avoid putting money into. You ever get stuck on a phone call and realize you been on 1 hour, imagine doing that here and how do you know the billing stops the minute you hang up. Couldnt they sneak in a minute or two without anyone noticing on a 30 minute call ? Like I said it is to unmonitored and to unpredictable, of course these are just my own views. Since 2007 | |
03-10-12 06:54pm - 4685 days | #10 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
So Installed UNBUNTU, along side Windows XPPr03. On separate partitions. Flawless and recognizes all movie formats even FLV found my sound card and found my wireless all without me doing a thing. I have heard since version 10 things improved I have 11.10 Version 12 is in beta. PS it found new drivers for my new video card I installed at the same time. And shrunk my main drive like Windows7 does to allow a partition. It's different but for speed and graphics wow. O think I will use it for my messing around OS. PS lots and lots of great free programs. I'll keep everyone posted. Questions let me know~! Since 2007 | |
03-10-12 06:48pm - 4685 days | #5 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
MP4 is what I make all my movies in , and like it when I find the format will play on anything. Since 2007 | |
03-09-12 09:48am - 4686 days | #5 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
The reality in allot of this is man power to enforce it, in no means do I approve of illegal downloads. However that said the enforcement is spotty at best, and open range at worse. We recently had in our county men from outta county scamming people in car deals in Craigs List ( craigs list is a free advertising site if people do not know? ) Anywho,the guy gotta away for 6 months stealing cars on CraigsList, until they could go and get him. The reports said they had his ID and IP withing a week but had no man power to do the investigation. And that was cars, now imagine you stealing a copy of In The Crack a 1.5 gig file. the odds are nill even if you downloaded hundred that you will be caught. They are after the people uploading the stuff not downloading unless you are reselling it. And after all this said the highest online issue and money spent is on illegal child material and issues with children like predators etc. And that is where It should be in my opinion. they probably have your IP but inless you are a threat they will find someone else far worse to get . Since 2007 | |
03-08-12 02:44pm - 4687 days | #7 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
To reiterate on the dual boot and why. Reasons why Ubuntu/Linux is better than Windows 1) Security Windows 7 is no more secure than Windows has ever been. Is it better than Vista? Sure. Is it faster than XP? Not so much. Does it run a ton of popular applications? You betcha. But is Windows 7 still prone to an endless array of malware programs and stuck with a pre-Internet security model? Yes � yes, it is. 2) Expenses ! I use older computers until they fall apart ( mine is 4 years old a and quadcore). I could no more get a decent version of Windows 7 (Home Premium ) to run on that box than I could get my old Toyota RAV-4 to break 100 MPH on the highway. Hardware is not compatible ruined any chance to do the upgrade cheap! 3) Easy upgrade This is how I will upgrade to Ubuntu: I downloaded and burned a CD, booted up my Ubuntu system with it, and install the new version. I am done. Total time, just short of an hour. The upgrade path from Vista is much easier, but it's still time-consuming: Microsoft itself estimates that it can take up to 20 hours to go from XP to Windows 7. 4) Hardware compatibility There is a persistent delusion that Linux only supports a limited set of peripherals. Wrong. Ubuntu Linux supports pretty much every piece of hardware out there. ( mine tested fine was on the internet in 10 minutes) Yes, there are some items, especially graphic cards and chipsets, for which you may need to download a driver to get the most out of your graphics. What does this have to do with comparing Windows 7 and Ubuntu? A lot. Even though Microsoft did a much better job of supporting hardware with Windows then they did with Vista, it still has gaps in supporting commonplace devices. For example, there's the already infamous iPhone synchronization problem, which seems to be a combination of 64-bit Windows 7 and certain high-end motherboards that use Intel's P55 Express chipset. Or how about this one, which I find hard to believe but it's true: many HP printers still don't have Windows 7 drivers. How can this be!? The last time I checked with IDC, HP still had 54% of the U.S. printer market. Amazing. Simply amazing. 5) Applications Conventional wisdom is that Windows has the software advantage because it has more polished applications than Linux does. And it does. But how many of those do you use? Sure, if nothing but Adobe Photoshop will do, then you're not going to want to run Linux. Of course, my question to you then is why aren't you running Snow Leopard on a Mac � but that's neither here nor there. But, with the exception of games, I don't see any reason to favor Windows. Ubuntu Linux comes with a free office suite, OpenOffice. If you want an office suite for Windows 7, you're going to be paying extra for it. Want an e-mail program? Outlook Express doesn't come with Windows anymore. Ubuntu has Evolution, the best e-mail and groupware client on the planet as far as I'm concerned. Need to back up your system? Both can do that, but only Ubuntu has its own online back-up service, Ubuntu One, with 2GB of storage. Want a program that doesn't come with the operating system? Easy. Use the Ubuntu Software Center, Ubuntu's new one stop application "store." I put store in quotes because it's all free. With Windows, you know the drill. Go to your local store, poke around what's available on Download.com and Tucows, etc. etc. Just be sure to have your credit card ready since a good deal of Windows software isn't open source or free. I don't expect really to convince any Windows fans out there to switch. What I do hope for though is to give you some food for thought. There are many easy ways to try Linux without changing anything on your Windows PC. You may just fine that Ubuntu or another desktop Linux will do everything you want to do on a computer with a lot less trouble and money. I for one will be going dual boot, and Ubuntu or Linux use the hardware on a PC the way windows never could. Just wondered if anyone else has used it for porn ? And how thats may have turned out. Oh and fast, I mean really fast and that was running the cd-boot test version can not imagine how fast it will be on a harddrive ? CT Since 2007 | |
03-08-12 10:47am - 4687 days | #3 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Good thread, I was unsure by your question if you were referring to illegal downloaded porn or illegal content. I will address both in what I think. 1. Illegal downloads are just that illegal downloading. If you go to what is called torrent site that are in nature and claimed to be peer to peer to improve downloading of freeware. Why the case is many torrents have lots of freeware along with reviews helps a person decide. There is also allot of software illegally downloaded and and in turn porn. However there are ways to tag porn especially AVI's and MOV formats, what that means is the movie file contains a IP tracker and when you open it it logs on their server you downloaded an illegal placed porn. Is this entrapment? No because private firms not police are doing it. Their goal is not to catch you downloading their porn, their goal is to get you booted off your ISP for copyright infringements. So my opinion private firm not police are after your illegally downloaded porn. Now illegal content is a slippery slope as RearAdmiral points out the proof is hard to get. You guys ever watch Cris Hansen to catch a predator on MSNBC ? This is how they work in theory they sell you what you think is illegal content and then your nailed. Kinda like the undercover cop that sells you fake weed, you thought it was real so the crime still exists. This is my take from cop friends I have talked with. I only trust a few cops as most I have seen lie to get a bust over and over again. but thats another rant. Since 2007 | |
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