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12-28-08  12:30pm - 5918 days #3
deadelvis (0)

Posts: 11
Registered: May 29, '08
Location: London/UK
The word `Lolita` is taboo these days equates with child porn
in the eyes of the law.
Offer a Lolita video for sale in your local newspaper and
watch the law come a calling.


12-28-08  12:26pm - 5918 days #13
deadelvis (0)

Posts: 11
Registered: May 29, '08
Location: London/UK
quote/Spitting into the mouth is how birds mate/quote

No mate its not.I have 60 budgies in an aviary that i can
observe from my living room window.
They hump like billyho and sometimes fall of their perch in
their excitment.
Hens feed their babies mouth to mouth and others do the same
even male to male dunno why perhaps just being friendly.

12-28-08  11:54am - 5918 days #16
deadelvis (0)

Posts: 11
Registered: May 29, '08
Location: London/UK
Another series of witchhunts like the Landslide fitup.
In that case both the postal inspectors and the FBI lied.
Here in the UK we had 1,000`s arrested and 39 suicides.
I think this may be the end of freely available porn as we know it now.
They are talking of blocking porn sites now with Australia
leading the way.Give it a few years and all porn will be illegal with jail time for possession.
Its happening now to a degree here in the UK.


12-28-08  11:12am - 5918 days #11
deadelvis (0)

Posts: 11
Registered: May 29, '08
Location: London/UK
My view of a guy spitting in a girls ass before entering is pity for the girl especially if the guy has a big dick.
Spittle can`t be that good a lubricant and if a guy is being abusive to a girl i find it a real turnoff unless its `that`
kind of video.I would like to see those same guys rammed up the ass with something of the same size and see how they like it.
We all may have the inkling to dominate women but not hurt them.If you do you are a physco and want locking up.


12-27-08  02:09pm - 5919 days #8
deadelvis (0)

Posts: 11
Registered: May 29, '08
Location: London/UK
Originally Posted by turboshaft:

I saw a DVD a few years back that included a girl-girl scene where all they did was spit on each other's faces. It was kind of amusing, but not particularly stimulating, and one of those "Is this even porn?" situations that we all experience from time to time. (Sorry, don't remember the title, if anybody was interested.)

But the whole guy-in-a-girl's-mouth is not really my thing. I just watched a scene yesterday where, among other things, the guy spit right on the girl's face. Not very nice, and she didn't look like she was expecting it. He never did it directly into her mouth, like a lot of other videos, but it came off as just as dirty. She was quite attractive and I don�t think I would have the heart to be such an ass to her -� probably why I am not a porn star.

There seems to be a vogue among the younger generation for spitting in the street as if it adds something to their ?.
Also i would sooner see the use of a lubricant oil than a bloke spitting in a girls ass before entering it.
Some of the guys in the vids are really low life oafs whose
only attribrute seems to be a big dick.

12-27-08  12:36pm - 5919 days #5
deadelvis (0)

Posts: 11
Registered: May 29, '08
Location: London/UK
Women can be very obliging to us men by doing things to please us.I doubt if there are many women who like being slapped about and generally being treated roughly although they like to give that impression for mens sake.
Another example just once taste your own sperm and you will find just how lousy it tastes.Women put on an act in porn films when they say they enjoy it just for our benefit,one of the
drawbacks of the job i suppose.
When we(me included) get off on seeing girls taking a mouthful of cum its just our basest instinct probably a throwback from our earlier primitive days when we wished to punish a women
for being well just a women.


12-27-08  11:43am - 5919 days #6
deadelvis (0)

Posts: 11
Registered: May 29, '08
Location: London/UK
I`m mainly into general porn as i find teen glamour
wanking sites boring.
I`ve signed up to most of the big boy`s over the years
and the site that is most easy to use with download managers
and not to big size files is Videobox.
Never a complaint about me downloading to much,resumes work
every time.Ok so a lot of their vids are 2nd division but
over time they post some quite decent stuff.
Speeds here in UK are good and an overnighter is usually still running in the morning.

12-27-08  11:28am - 5919 days #3
deadelvis (0)

Posts: 11
Registered: May 29, '08
Location: London/UK
It may have its place in an S/M scene where a woman is being
degraded but is unnecessary in relatively vanilla porn.
In my book its as ucky as say shitting and pissing in a girls mouth.Even the most wild porn stars deserve some respect
unless you have the mind of a rapist.


12-27-08  10:47am - 5919 days Original Post - #1
deadelvis (0)

Posts: 11
Registered: May 29, '08
Location: London/UK

What are your views on the title ?
While i find a guy shooting his load into a girls mouth ok,
if he also spits into it beforehand i find it repulsive
and degrading to the the girl i.e. an act of hostility
an not sexy at all.

12-27-08  10:40am - 5919 days #7
deadelvis (0)

Posts: 11
Registered: May 29, '08
Location: London/UK

11-09-08  04:04pm - 5967 days #56
deadelvis (0)

Posts: 11
Registered: May 29, '08
Location: London/UK
I only discovered this forum today.
We in the UK now live in fear of imprisonment if our
computer and dvd-roms e.c.t ever fell in to the hands of the police.I have hidden my collection away because a lot of what i downloaded legally years ago would put me in jail and i am not talking about child porn either.
Many of the innocent sites from the USA that display under 18
models even if dressed or in a bikini would merit a jail sentence here on a child porn charge.
Our law might define extreme porn but show a jury especially one with a few women members some bondage and S/M and you
will be convicted and imprisoned.
D Edited on Nov 09, 2008, 04:08pm

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