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Visit Touch My Wife

1. Touch My Wife (0)

PalmTrees (0) 11-12-24  08:47pm
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Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: + High quality cuckolding porn
+ Downloads include 4K download option
+ Well thought out scenes with plot and lengthy videos
+ Very simple site to use
+ Weekly update
+ Beautiful models of different races
Cons: - There are no bonuses
- Low believability in some scenes
Bottom Line: The biggest hurdle cuckolding porn faces is being believable. If the viewer doesn’t believe the presented couple is really a couple, it blows up the whole plot of the scene. If the presented cuckold doesn’t give a believable enough reaction to seeing his wife with another man – once again, plot blown up. I believe because of this difficulty, we don’t see as many genuine attempts at creating a cuckolding site.

It makes it difficult, even for us viewers to either suspend our disbelief or accept it’s still just a porn scene. I prefer to suspend my disbelief and try to see each scene as a realistic example of a wife having sex with another man to please either her desires of her husband watching her with another man or pleasing the desires of the cuck husband.

Touch My Wife does a good enough job of making it possible to suspend my disbelief. As a bisexual woman, I am happy to conclude the models, especially females, are an extraordinary set of females. There are various races, ages and even body types. Those are also important in helping us to suspend our disbelief. The scenes do a good job of presenting the plot and at the very least, giving the viewer reason to believe it’s real. The length of the scenes is robust, often over 40 minutes and there are also pictures to view and download.

There are also varying factors that go into how believable the scenes are. I love the scenes that project the married couple as being on holiday. Just mentioning that makes the scenes more believable to me. I could see a husband possibly being willing to share his wife with another man who she is highly unlikely to ever see again. I am more into the scenes projecting the cuckolding idea as the husband’s, instead of the wife’s. I believe the wife pushing for a husband to be a cuckold lowers the believability. It just feels more right when it’s the wife being willing to sleep with another man while her husband watches and enjoys himself watching her than the wife forcing the husband to watch her have sex with another man.

There are so many fine lines in this genre of porn. I believe if you lean too heavily on the basis of the wife pushing the husband to be her voyeur cuck, you risk cuckolding’s biggest audience which is the husband who is aroused by watching his wife with another man.

Touch My Wife, for me, is the most believable porn cuckolding site I have been a member of. It’s not perfect though, there are scenes that lose me within the first minutes thanks to not being believable. The advantage I see them having is they have more cuckolding scenes of willing husbands than cuckolding scenes of dominating wives.

The videos can be downloaded in 4K resolution, but be warned, with the long-length of the videos, the 4K versions are often massive in size. The photos are downloadable as well and have vivid colors and presentation. The settings play a major role in this genre and more times than not, I feel like Touch My Wife nails the setting perfectly. I say that as a part-time resident of the Cayman Islands and know there is a relatively high amount of tourists who visit with cuckolding intentions. If a cuckolding site could go 100% tropical or to a major holiday spot, I believe it would be the most believable and greatest cuckolding site possible. I do admittedly wish we would see more reverse cuckolding of the wife who wants to watch her husband with another female. That just doesn’t seem to be as popular of a genre in porn as the traditional cuckold male.

I thoroughly enjoyed my membership on Touch My Wife and look forward to returning in the future to check out their updates. As of right now, they are updating once a week.
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Visit Touch My Wife

2. Touch My Wife (0)

Do Not Bite It (0) 11-07-23  09:54am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Fun niche that may not appeal to everyone
Owned by Gamma and has the quality you come to expect from Gamma
Storylines are at best comedic but if it works it works
Is really just cuckold porn, but that’s okay
Downloads of videos are up to 4K on all scenes
Small site and it’s a pro, the scenes are worth watching from start to finish
Cons: Story porn is not for everyone. I usually don’t even like it, but do find these scenes entertaining
Far from a unique idea. They really could do more with this niche.
Most of the female models are known pornstars and that hurts the content
Bottom Line: Some of the first porn I watched was of an older man who paid married women to have sex with him or another man, while her husband watched. Touch My Wife tries to follow that tried and true basis, but some of the scenes only tell the viewer “the husband knows”. That, to me, is the best part of this niche. I enjoy seeing the “husband” trying to watch his wife or girlfriend have sex with someone else without getting aroused by it. Isn’t that what porn is for? Showing and doing the things most of us would never even consider doing in real life?

The scenes on Touch My Wife lack a lot of the believability I am used to from this niche. Maybe it is because it’s not officially tagged as cuckold porn? The title of the site, Touch My Wife, implies that the husband is at least somewhat involved in the decision. Why not have him in the scene?

It may seem like I’m focusing too much on this part, but porn has a hard enough time making believable scenes. Now, the husband knows someone is touching his wife, but he’s not there to watch, enjoy or become angry?

My feeling with Gamma-owned sites is they have times where they depend on the quality of their videos too much. That is the best part of Touch My Wife. The video quality. All available scenes have 4K downloads and a very good picture set you can download. Everything else about the scenes could be better, in some cases, exponentially better.

The female models are all known and I don’t follow mainstream porn much. I’m confident, at least from my perspective, I would like all these scenes better if the models were amateurs. It’s hard to convince me there’s a wife “cheating” on her husband, if I just saw her advertised in 50 other porn scenes.

There is available humor if you’re going to invest much time into these scenes. It’s just not prominent enough to carry the scenes. The scenes also follow a similar path. If a woman is cheating on her husband, couldn’t some of the scenes just be her giving the guy head? I came away feeling like these scenes could have been from a bargain bin DVD.

If I was going to compare the site directly to a more known site it would be the New Sensations Network. These scenes are not believable and the basis of the site is to convince the viewer these women are cheating on their husbands. It’s an okay site at best. I won’t be joining it again, but can see some porn fans being into it.
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Visit Lets Go Bi

3. Lets Go Bi (0)

PalmTrees (0) 02-08-23  05:39am
No Badges TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: + The most accessible bisexual male with men and women site.
+ The majority of scenes are male, male and female, but there are scenes with more than 3.
+ Full downloads and unlimited downloads.
+ Comes with the super Adult Prime network.
+ Good production for bisexual porn.
+ Almost 100 scenes and new scenes are added every other week.
Cons: - The scenes that look like someone slipped a woman into a scene between two gay men.
- The scenes without good production. This shows more in biseual male porn than any other genre.
Bottom Line: Bisexual porn will likely be inaccessible to the mainstream porn industry for a few more decades. One of the biggest reasons is the gay element. Even though the males are having sex with a female, many bisexual sites are plagued by the feeling of the two men are gay and just worked the female into the scene.

Another reason bisexual porn is struggling to reach the mainstream is the lower standard bisexual male sites have. At least half of the bisexual sites I have been a member of do not allow downloads. Lets Go Bi not only allows downloads, but offer up to 4K downloads.

Good production in a bisexual male scene has the female in the more dominant role. This way, if the two men are effeminate and seem more closer to gay than straight, the female can play the role of flipping or turning the gay guys to the straight side just with her body and words. It’s a hidden attraction part of bisexual male porn.

You have the instant bonus of access to Adult Prime -- in my opinion -- the best overall network. Quality is high throughout the network and on this site too. Bisexual male sites also struggle with new updates, but Lets Go Bi has a new update every other week. Many bisexual male sites are small and while Lets Go Bi is not a huge site, it is nearing 100 scenes, which is rare to see in bisexual male porn.

The most difficult part of bisexual male porn reaching mainstream is how unbelievable the scenes can sometimes be. You have to accept the men are not gay or are being flipped straight to be with the woman. Since it’s bisexual, while the male is with the female, he may also be doing “gay” actions with the other male. That causes a lot of question and even confusion. The production on Lets Go Bi does a good enough job of making it look like two men interested in each other, but interested in the woman just as much. It causes the scenes to be viewed as the males losing their interest in male to be with the seductive woman.

When well-produced, bisexual male porn, is not only arousing to watch, but also blurs the line between sex and lusts connection to love or need of love.
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Visit Porn Fidelity

1. Porn Fidelity (0)

PinkPanther (0) 01-09-25  12:56pm
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No Zip Download of Photos

This is a site I join periodically because a lot of their stuff is really damned good, excellent quality videos and photos. I was stumbling all over since I joined this time trying to figure out how to download zips of the photos and bts shots, which I'm sure I've been able to do in the past. I figured I was missing something and was feeling embarrassed when I sent a message to their C/S - to my shock, this is the response I received: "The photo download link is no longer available on the site. You may now grab the image(s) of your choice then drag and drop them on to your desktop."

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Visit Dirty D\'s Adult Web Ring

2. Dirty D's Adult Web Ring (0)

pornpundit (0) 12-04-23  02:12pm
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Appears to be out of operation!

At this point the join page returns a " somethings wrong" notation. My guess, after trying for a month, is that this site has gone belly up!

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Visit Dixie\'s Trailer Park

3. Dixie's Trailer Park (0)

MissoulaMan62 (0) 11-03-21  07:18am
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Legitimate Claim of Party Attendance?

They claim you can join in their sex parties. Is this true?

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