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f84815 (0) Registered August 21st, 2007
Male, 71 yrs old  

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Avg Site Rating: 85.0

Category Total
*Total Points 0
Site Reviews 5
Site Comments 3
Site Ratings 0
Replies Given 3
Replies Received 4
Forum Posts 0

f84815's Activity

*Points are awarded based on qualified reviews and badges earned.

Site Rating Review Date
1. Color Climax 75 Yes 11-10-08
2. Ass Traffic 95 Yes 11-10-08
3. Black Ice Pass 85 Yes 10-01-08
4. All Internal 95 Yes 08-26-08
5. VideosZ 75 Yes 05-02-08

View All : Latest Ratings

Site Rating Review Date
1. All Internal 95 Yes 08-26-08
2. Ass Traffic 95 Yes 11-10-08
3. Black Ice Pass 85 Yes 10-01-08
4. VideosZ 75 Yes 05-02-08
5. Color Climax 75 Yes 11-10-08

View All : Top Sites

Question Answer
Tell us a little about yourself...
I am not associated with any website of any type. I am an maintenance Electrician. I am Married. I enjoy Porn and I don't like being ripped off.
How long have you been surfing porn online?
I have been surfing and downloading since 2001
What are your favorite porn niches or tastes?
I like pissing and fisting/objects and I like to see the cum oozing back out in creampies Its natural.
Does your spouse approve of your porn hobby? (if applies)
I don't think she would be happy but I am home every night and weekends so she does not complain.
What sites do you currently have a membership to? (if any)
I have membership to two sites currently and I lost count of memberships in the past
What influences you the most when signing up to a pay-site?
I like easy downloading of quality video.
How much do you consider the price of a porn site?
20-30 dollars US.
You prefer downloading or streaming video?
Downloading. I don't always have hours to spend behind PC Streaming. I made to watch it in patches.
Do you buy (or rent) adult DVD's?
Not any more.
What's your monthly porn budget?
20-40 dollars US
What do you like and dislike about PornUsers.com?
It gives us (the porn user) a voice. We collectively spend billions a year and some people get very rich on our pockets it is good for us to have a voice.
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
There are some things about porn sites that upset me. One is a site that rips off another and sites that don't let you download the stuff you pay good money for. DRM is an bother but there are ways to get around it legally.

Answered: 12 of 12

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