Question |
Answer |
How long have you been surfing porn online? |
for about a 3 years now
What are your favorite porn niches or tastes? |
hot woman ( in my opinion) and threesomes
Does your spouse approve of your porn hobby? (if applies) |
dont think i want them to know
What sites do you currently have a membership to? (if any) |
Bang bro's,VideoZ,thirdmovies,black ice and ztod( all included in the same price)
What influences you the most when signing up to a pay-site? |
quality of video and quality of woman
How much do you consider the price of a porn site? |
dont really if i like site i join
You prefer downloading or streaming video? |
no preferance
Do you buy (or rent) adult DVD's? |
Prefer internet porn.its cheaper
What's your monthly porn budget? |
40 euro
What do you like and dislike about |
gives members of pornsites to share there views about them
Is there anything else you'd like to add? |
why dont all sites go hi-def its not the future its now