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Shown : 1-21 of 21  

Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit My Sexy Kittens

My Sexy Kittens

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * Gorgeous girls - as per usual for Euro sites
* Decent amount of video clips - around 600 now
* Latest stuff - 3 months - in HD, and very smooth too
* Price is reasonable
* No cross sells or instant upselling
Cons: * Only the newest - 3 months worth of clips - are Hi Def. All the rest are around 1000 to 2000 kbps, with around 80% at a just a measly: 400x300 (1000 kbps) !
* Slow updates - only 3 clips a week
* Only one connection allowed - cannot even browse the site while downloading a clip
* All but the HD vids, are split into 6 parts
* Photos not zippable - still !
* Navigation is confusing
Bottom Line: Two years ago, 1000kbps for video, was barely acceptable I guess, but not now. From a total of 600 (15 minute) clips, only around 40 are in HD. There are some 20 at 2000 kbps, and all the rest vary between 1000 and 1500 kbps. Appalling !

Two years ago when I last reviewed the site, many more were at 2000 kbps. I can only imagine that these have been "re-encoded" in HiDef, leaving a current catalogue of either Hi Def, or very low bitrate videos. This does beg the question as to whether updates will expand the catalogue or merely replace lower quality stuff, with Hi Def.

Although downloading is slowed by allowing only one connection to the site (most of the time I wasn't able to even navigate whilst downloading !), there is a "favourites" function. So, the best plan of attack is to whizz through the first 4 months of material (using the "Movies" tab as this is the only way to get clips in chronolgical order), "favouritising" the stuff you like, then spend a few days downloading it. The HD stuff is downloadable as 1 clip, so it's not too bad.

Essentially, this site is an offshoot of "Seventeen Video", and although it is smaller, by a long way, there is at least HD stuff up and coming. Whereas the majority of the Seventeen Video site has mainly "decent" quality material (more than half is at around 2000 kbps, with 25% at 3000 kbps), the "My Sexy Kittens" site seems to be employing a very different strategy. With just 10% of the videos in HD and 80% of the rest at just 1000 kbps, you are left with a very unusual inbalance.

Navigation is a little confusing. Igore the "DVD" header: it is merely an amalgamation of the "Movies" section - it is fake and misleading to say the least. You are better off searching by "Model", or simply clicking on "Movies" to list clips in chronological order.

When you consider that decent sites now launch with maybe 40-50 HD 20-30 minutes clips,then this site is not too bad, but it still only amounts to the equivalent of around 10 full DVDs. Compared to the likes of VideoBox or VideosZ, it makes you really question the value of these sites. I guess the Hi Def is the main draw.

I do believe that this site may well be VERY good in around 3 years time. Given the current update rate, they may have a catalogue of some 1000 clips, of which 50% will be HD - altohugh they may simply re-encode the low-rate material into Hi Def......time will tell !

However, until then, I would steer clear, and join Seventeen Video, which will give you a hell of a lot more video material, which altohugh not in Hi Def, is at least of a "decent" (2000-3000 kbps) quality.....and the girls, are pretty much the same !

Alternatively, if you really want Hi Def teen stuff, there are many better ones to choose from - MegaTeenWorld and stuff like that.

Overall, when you add the tiny number of HD vids, to the constant need to re-login (every 20 minutes), and the fact that only 1 connection can be made at a time, the whole experience is rather deflating!

02-18-10  03:39pm

Replies (2)
Visit Tiny Tyler

Tiny Tyler

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - 12 sites / girls are included
- Tiny Tyler (or Abelinda) is soooh sweet, as are some of the other girls.
- reasonably fast speeds
- download managers work okay
- pics quality pretty good
Cons: - Terrible quality videos
- pics not zipped - pain to download
- lots of upsells in members area. Tread Carefully !
- most of the sites are VERY old
- no updates
Bottom Line: Okay, so I've been slating this site for dishonesty, and that holds. You need to be aware of the instant upsells on the member page. Also, do not enter via the $1 trial...it will cause you pain !!!

If you are experienced in this area, you can easily navigate the "minefield" insode the member area once joined, but be VERY careful.

I joined as I NEEDED to get all the vids of Tiny Tyler that I could. I had joined this networked some 4 or 5 years ago, as it includes the like of Little April, Little Summer, Chloe18 etc.

All these girls are gorgeous and deserve a place on your hard drive...but only if you can handle the awful video quality - some 700-1000 kbps, max.

The price, given the quantity of stuff (12 or so sites are included) there, is okay, but the poor quality brings down the overall score.

If instant upsells worry you....steer clear.

11-14-09  08:24am

Replies (0)
Visit Abelinda


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Abelinda is gorgeous
- Hi Def (but see below) vids
- 12 different girl sites accessible
- speeds are pretty good
- download managers useable
- photsets are zipped
Cons: - Hi Def vids are very stuttery. Bad encoding using WMV 3 codec.
- photos either very large or pretty small.
- photos not great quality - large are very grainy
- only 5 or 6 videos of each girl
- "fake" forum is annoying
Bottom Line: I joined this site as I adore Abelinda / Tiny Tyler - or whatever other names she goes by.

Unfortunately, it appears this guy has rented a hotel room and a $500 HD Camera for a weekend - for each girl - paid them $1000 and knocked out some very amateurish material, that is all technically flawed.

On the 8th Day, God gave man a camera - guess what he did with it ! Unfortunately lessons didn't come with it.

Unfortunately, this is a fraction of what it could have been. With only 5 or 6 videos and 12 or so photosets, one imagines, that 6 or so videos have been held back, to generate updates. These are to come at the rate of 1 per week, but my guess is, there will only be 4 or five video updates.

Technically, the videos are awful. I am a HD teen cononsewer (deliberate misspelling !), and I have seen the likes of TeenMegaWorld videos, and so I know good HD quality when I see it ! I can also see when someone buys a camera and thinks he can produce quality material. NOT SO !

Certainly in this case, this guy needs to go to video school, learn about codecs and try again...preferably not with WMV3 whih is fraught with problems.

This site is only worth joining if you NEED to have ALL the videos avaiable for one of these girls. As for Abelinda, there are much better videos on countless other sites.... try TeenMegaWorld's network for example.

Final gripe, is the "Abelinda Forum", where Abelinda actually posts stuff and answers questions in real time.....oh, and in perfect English. Yeah right....and I'm the next Pope. Give me a break and please don't patronise me !

Otherwise, not really worth the $30 imo.

11-14-09  08:13am

Replies (0)
Visit Download Porn

Download Porn

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Large choice of videos
- Good variety
- Cheap sign up price - 9.99 Euros
Cons: - Sign up price is in Euros NOT dollars as advertised
- NO DOWNLOADS - streaming only
Bottom Line: I was arguably, "joined" to this site via an "upselling link" inside the members area of MegaSites.com.

See full review and details of this "questionable" comapany here:

Not recommended. To be avoided.

I can't believe a site called downloadporn.com, has no downloadable content....but if you read the full report on Megasite, it actually comes as no surprise, as joining this site - via their owner-ownded independent credit card processor - was a joke from beginning to end.

Score reflects streaming video only in 2009. Totally unacceptable.

07-19-09  06:56am

Replies (1)
Visit Mega Site Pass

Mega Site Pass

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: : Lots of variety

: Some pretty girls

: Mix of GG/GB/Solo

: Special price is reasonable

: Contrary to BP review, videos are downloadable - this may be a recent change.
Cons: - Special price is 9.99 Euros NOT dollars
- Of the 38 Sites, quite a few CLAIM to be in Hi Def but they are not...NONE OF THEM...nowhere near! h264 encoded vides are stretched to distortion
- All the photos are very poor resolution and small size - they may as well be screencaps.
- No zip files of photos
- Access to DVD site costs more
- Instant Upsell links - BEWARE !!! (see below for more)
- Most of sites have round 10-20 vids only
- No replies to emails from owner
- Uses payment processor owned by same company: no protection ! (see below for more)
Bottom Line: This is a site that has REALLY annoyed me!

First, the special price for BP users in Europe at least, is 9.99 Euros, NOT 9.99 dollars as claimed on the site and in the BP review.

Having overcome that minor annoyance, I joined and quickly found that of the 38 Sites, quite a few CLAIM to be in Hi Def but they are not...NONE OF THEM. (see my *comment* for a video *analysis* of the videos. All are around 1100 kbps and are around 450MB for 45 minutes.

Not only was it clearly marked on the front page that there were Hi Def (some say 1080p), many of the video options have a Hi Def h264 choice....However, these are the same size as the WMV versions (altohugh a few are labelled to suggest they are bigger - they are not !) AND look identical. To rub salt in the wounds, the h264 encoded vides are stretched to a distorted 640x426 (huh ?) ...you are therefore forced to use a media viewer that allows you to resize and this has to be done for every one !

Analysis of the video, showed that the bitrate and size were pretty much the same also. It is clear, that recoding the source material using h264, cannot perform miracles - clearly the source material is low resolution !

To state they are HiDef, is deliberately misleading. I have joined many Hi Def sites...so I know what they look like !

Thirdly, all the images are very poor resolution and small size - they may as well be screencaps.

Fourthly, while searching for the DVD site that was alluded to in the review here made by a user last year, I clicked on a link in the members area saying " Full Access to DVDs Here !" and ended up being charged via what I have since learned is know as an "INSTANT UPSELL".

Instant Upselling means you are not taken to a credit card sign-up page to affirm that you expressely wish to pay to join this new site, rather, it is done automatically in the background, and the first you know of it, is when you receive an email saying you've joined a new site.

Fifth, I had no reply to emails complaining...and when I tried out the www.downloadporn.com site that I had been "joined to".....none of them are even downloadable. what an expensive irony !!!

The icing on the cake was when I went to cancel. There was a sort of *cross-sell* on the cancellation page. A box was ticked that would give me a 3-day trial to the site I was cancelling !!! Of course, if I then didn't cancel, I would be re-billed at some $40.

I am expecting my first ever *Do Not Trust* rating for this and have cancelled my credit card as I do not trust this company.

AVOID AT ALL COSTS !!! MegaSite.com , downloadporn.com and safebilling.com (same owners !)

(Note re: scoring - Had I not had the problems of misleading description and upsells - ie. had it been a standard, average quality site that I was aware of, it would be a very average site 3 years ago. For 2009, it is merely an avarage site, and even for $15, there are many, better sites out there)

07-19-09  06:21am

Replies (4)
Visit 18 Only Girls

18 Only Girls

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: Loads of material - much is live
Utterly gorgeous European teens
Good variety of scenarios
Majority in near full HD
Good price
Decent navigation and speed
Live shows are quite amusing - but they talk to you!
Cons: Some of girls joke around
Not much audio - language barrier biggest problem
Not all "live" recordings were avaialable
Alice didn't visit me at home after I invited her round on a Live show (!)
Bottom Line: I joined this site a couple of months ago and have never gotten around to reviewing it.

I have in the past joined a variety of sites that feature the solo models - Natasha Shy, Alice Wonderbang and Ivan Fukalot. Well this site features them all - and interestingly, some of their best videos.

This is a great site to start with if you like any of these young eastern 'Euro-teens', and then if you find one girl that you can't get enough of, join her solo site too !

This is also a site where the most recent vids feature Natasha going at it with a bloke - it was nice (and I mean this respectfully) to see her constant smiley/giggly attitude, wiped off her face. She has 2 scenes with a guy, and in one, I have never seen such a violent, REAL orgasm....think 'elecrical current through a squid'......she certainly took that one seriously !

Alice also appears with a few guys, unlike on her own site where she only plays a secondary role in two G/G/B scenes. Here, she gets the custard - and the cream !

The other main stars have to be Vika, Kat and Ivana. VIKA has to be the dirtiest little thing ever - taking the crown from Alice - WOW ! I cannot get enough of her. I have never seen anything of her before, and I was absolutely gob-smacked. She is a natural and to be honest, it's worth joining the site just for her 20 or so vids.

Overall, great value, good speeds and fantastic girls. For fans of Alice and Natasha Shy it's a must see - real sex with real guys ! And if you've never experienced sex with Vika (the POV stuff is amazing), you need to !

Thoroughly recommended for any teen lover.

04-18-09  02:00am

Replies (0)
Visit Porn Pros Network

Porn Pros Network

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Some good quality videos
Wide Range of Tastes Catered for
Cheap with BP discount
Some very nice ladies
Cons: Very sloooooooooww....site....getting 150k-350 max.
Bad navigation.
Lots of adverts.
Cross sells always in view.
Not really "multi-site" - just a dozen sections.
Bottom Line: A few nuggets, but you need to sort throught the dross and avoid the adverts.

Navigation bewildering - I eventually realised it's best to scroll the pages in the lower "updates" section.

Some of the stuff is okay, some is good quality, but most is just mediocre.

Overall, mixed feelings - but as with many sites nowadays, they put it over as a multi-site "network". Is it hell....! It's one site with a few diverse sections with a range of 6 (yes - SIX) videos to maybe 50 videos in the various sections.

Bitrates vary from 1000-2000 kbps.....average to good.

Is it worth the current discount price ? Yes if you're bored and looking for something different...or of course, if you like the look of one or more of the girls.

I joined just for 2 videos....! For me £15 is worth it for 2 good videos given the dross out there.

Also, I can't buy DVDs here like the rest of the world can, due to the fact that I live in a police-state (the United Kingdom) where the private-schooled 'toffs' that run the country tell me 'what I can look at' and what's just 'far too perverted for me to look at' - and will lock me up if I dare to even think about having such perverted thoughts.

Thankyou 'Big Brother'...don't know what I'd do without you watching my back....and my internet activity ! You really should have better things to do !

04-17-09  06:24am

Replies (0)
Visit Natasha Shy

Natasha Shy

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Gorgeous Girls playing around

Good quality - nr HiDef - videos and photos

Cheap and cheerful - offers free/cheap access to other sites in the diesel Network after 2 months membership.

All lesbian stuff or solo

Multiple downloads and fast speeds
Cons: No girl-boy

Not much content - only around 20 10-15 minute vids and and around 20or so photosets.

A lot of stuff is transferred between siteso f the network - I joined Alice's site as well, and a lot is duplicated !

Strange navigation - takes a while to work out how to downloaf the stuff you want.

Although Natasha is very - VERY - pretty/hot, she does tend to see it all as a bit of a joke - especially the "fake-lesbo" stuff. This may put some people off.

I prefer Alice's site - she's dirty, plain and simple !
Bottom Line: Necessary if you like teen girls and want the full set !

Excellent video quality and they seem to be enjoying their work - which is always nice to see from Eastern europeans.

No blokes to be found for miles - always a nice change !

05-08-08  02:17am

Replies (2)
Visit Exclusive Teen Porn

Exclusive Teen Porn

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Good quality video. Most have AVi or WMV at 1280x720. Although this suggests HiDef, it is not quite...although at around (I would estimate)3500 kbps it is damn good nonetheless !

Around 50 half-hour vids available in clips or whole films. Fulls are around 500MB in size.
Fast connection speeds - just as well !

3 sizes of photos. Around 50 sets. Good quality
Cons: Needs to grow some more.
No free cuddly toys...none really. can only get bigger.
Bottom Line: Just joined the exclusive network and gained access to 10 sites - all teen stuff.

Gorgeous girls and good variety. Excellent choice of pic sizes, vids in clips or full...and excellent quality.

As part of a 10 site $30 package who could complain.

Worth the price for a month, even it were on its own !

Will report on other 9 as I visit them !

01-08-08  08:05am

Replies (1)
Visit Milton Twins

Milton Twins

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Nice girls.
Reasonable qualaity of video
Easy to navigate
Cheap if you join through TeenRevenue
Cons: Little variety
Not many vids (around 20)
All the same really.
Only about 2 or 3 with a man
Bottom Line: Don't even bother unless it's part of a package deal -Teenrev - too boring and repetitive and no updates.

Someone should get these girls and do something decent - what a waste !

01-08-08  05:01am

Replies (0)
Visit Little Lupe

Little Lupe

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Lots ( around 50) of long (around 25mins) vids
Very young looking
Good variety
Very cheap if you join through TeenRevenuePass for 10 days
Gorgeous eyes...yes eyes!
Cons: Terrible filming:
Exposure constantly shifting - clearly used too strong uni-directional lighting: ie didn't really have a clue - what a shame
Photos appalling - massive watermarks across the middle
She "never" talks -shame
Bottom Line: As with many sites, you give a bloke some cash and a camera...and some lovely willing girls, and they make a total hash of it.

This site personifies this truism. The cameraman hadn't got a clue about lighting and exposure although the director has at least got some imagination - it may the same person !

So the colour, contrast and brightness is all over the place.

Send him to night school on a photography course - he needs it.

Real shame actually...as this girl deserves good quality Hi-Definition - oh she really does !

But don't give a Hi-Def camera to this guy - the earth would probably end up being swallowed by a black hole !

01-08-08  04:54am

Replies (2)
Visit Only Cuties

Only Cuties

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: 1. Very nice-looking girls
2. Superb quality of video
3. Multiple Downloads
4. Fast Connection Speeds
5. Good Value
Cons: 1. Most of girls are very shy - chat is virtually non-existent
2. Bad direction
3. All Eastern European girls - possibly explains the above 2 comments
4. Not all in Hi Def by any means
Bottom Line: I felt I should review this site as the current score is, I feel, way too high.

Yes it's mainly Hi Def (around 75%) and yes there is a bonus site - Hannah - but her site is all solo or girl-girl and she never speaks.

Personally, the new influx of Eastern Europeans to the porn industry has mixed blessings imo.

Firstly, they are gorgeous - no doubt about it.
Secondly, they seem willing to do anything; this site has a good balance of girl-girl, girl-boy and solo.

But, the directing is poor and unimaginative - these videos are very 'samey'. They are VERY repetitive in terms of the few locations they use and the way the films are made.

They barely talk - even to each other - making it all very "sterile".

All in all...once the novelty of the lovely girls and the good video quality has worn off, you are left with a less than inspiring series of repetitive and dull scenarios.

So, in relation to the other sites I've reviewed, it has to marked down.

Great video quality and gorgeous girls does not necessarily make great porn...and this site demonstrates this fact perfectly.

Good potential, but needs to develop - bring in some decent western European or even American directors and it could be a great site.

12-11-07  02:43am

Replies (2)
Visit Cindy 8teen

Cindy 8teen

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: 1) Very pretty and young-looking girl
2) Very teasing in nature
3) Cheap if you're in the UK !
4) A few of the vids are good HD quality in parts (see below)
Cons: 1) Awful filming - seems as though its done by her best friend using a rented camera.
Although the resolution suggests its high def, it shakes about too much of the time and the lighting is all wrong.
2) She is very shy and none of the photos or videos show full frontals - although she does bend over - all the time! Clearly a very defensive posture.
3) No dirty talk or dirty anything
4) The softest porn site I've ever seen.
5) Videos only 1 minute long - total vids = 36 - yes, only 30mins
Bottom Line: With only half an hour of 'hi-def' (arguably) video, and short, repetitive photos of dubious quality, no full frontal nudity and very little in the way of sensuality - I feel a little ripped-off.

I downloaded the entire site in 2 hours - as the fastest speed was around 150 kbps.

Steer clear unless you really like her.
Be warned she does look very young - too young really, especially in the photos with barbi vest etc on. I felt rather uncomfortable looking at the photos.

Overall, it looks like something put together over a weekend by 2 bored 18 year olds......what a shame...give me a camera and a weekend and I'd make her more famous than Leah Luv !!!!!

Really not worth joining at the moment. IF she loosens up a little and shows us her vag - from THE FRONT !!! (wierd - I've never known anything quite like it really !), then it MAY be worth looking at again in around 18 months time.
(at an update rate of 3 minutes of new video a week.....er, well you do the math !)

Looked in again 3 weeks on. 3 more 1 minutes of teasy video - appalling. We are looking at around 1 hour of video per year in updates - this must be the most expensive site ever.

Leave it well alone if I were you.

08-30-07  01:15pm

Replies (0)
Visit My Sexy Kittens

My Sexy Kittens

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Fast download speeds...I had 2 clips downloading and the max. speed of my IP connection – 750k was shared between them.

429 Photosets - good quality too.

263 Videos. HQ Video for 90% of them - each 15mins long at over 2Gbps bitrate...one of the best out there.

Lovely young-looking girls - that look like their having fun - I can tell they are !

Reasonable number of simultaneous download/surfing connections.
Cons: Not many really.

No real hardcore stuff...you need to go elsewhere for that.

Downside...None of the vids or photos are labelled – you have to give each clip a name – I use the name, date and number of clip. Only 2 simult. downloads, but you can at least surf the rest of the site at the same time.
This is still better than some sites which limit speed and/or d/load conns.
No full clips
Bottom Line: HQ Video for 90% of them - each 15-20mins long at over 2Gbps bitrate...one of the best out there.

Very similar in look and feel to Seventeen Video – nice, gentle sex – no violence or gory stuff. All girls appear to be from Eastern Europe – this is clearly Seventeen’s attempt at breaking away from the Dutch girls which seem to frequent their films.

Best point is video quality - up there with the best.

Second best point: no Americans anywhere - hehe !
Sorry guys - no dis-respect intended; I just don't like American porn.

Well worth the 30 euros entry - although the American dollar may not agree at the moment.

For me, the videos of Chrissy - alone - are worth the entry fee....which for us in the UK is around 8 pints of Beer.

The company that owns this site is the same Dutch company that owns Seventeen. This makes feel happier that the girls are not being exploited by Eastern European mafiosa types...which I always worry about. So confidence is restored !

75 Hours of Video are worth the cost. don't know if there are any updates - they claim around 2-3 new vids per week.

06-30-07  06:29am

Replies (0)
Visit Seventeen Video

Seventeen Video

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: The higher quality vids are pretty good at >2000kbps.
Subject material excellent - I'm personally a big fan so I cannot fault it.

Some vintage stuff from the '70s etc on the site also.

Updates only ONE video per week - look to be at highest available quality.
Cons: Club Seventeen have literally thousands of DVD's across a number of series. Unfortunately - on this site you don't get access to more than a fraction of them.

Example: Teeners from Holland, has over 100 editions but on this site you get access to FOUR....yes "4". So, only around 5% per cent of the vids are available at 2000kbps. All the others - yes 95% (!) are at a measly 600 kbps - not even worth bothering with - although a few are at 960kbps.

No option for full DVD downloads.
Bottom Line: Even with only around 25 DVD's worth downloading - at 2 hours each on average, that makes for around 50 hours of teen heaven for 30 Euros - not bad really. So it's worth joining for the one month.

I'll leave it for 12 months until I rejoin - by then another 50 or so of their collection, should be available at the decent resolution of 2000 kbps - making the effort worthwhile.

Also, downloading is a bit of a hastle - the number of scenes each DVD is split into is too large for it not to be a pain in the ass - typically each vid is split into 10 - 15 micro-scenes.

This can also be a little misleading given the editing style of some of the series' whereby 4 or 5 "activities" are shown occurring simultaneously - so being selective as to which scenes you download can leave you with incomplete scenes essentially.

Better would be to allow the full download in one go.

Finally, before updating with new titles each week, perhaps they should concentrate on making the existing titles available at the highest resolution. When only 5% of the vids you look closer at, are at a decent resolution, it becomes very annoying.

Having joined again after 6 months, they are clearly adding a new full DVD (90 minutes) each week....all at around 2MBps bitrate - which is OK.

Must say I still love this stuff...and paying 30 Euros (around $40) for 26 DVD's each 6 months is is no problem for me.

As the proportion of Higher Quality stuff is now increasing rapidly, I have increased the score accordingly.

04-28-07  10:38am

Replies (1)
Visit Teen HDV

Teen HDV

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Good quality vids - what there are of them.

Photos are ok. Nice girls.
Cons: Some of the girls advertised on the Main Page cannot be found in the videos section once you go through the "members entrance".

General navigation is atrocious. You really need to suss-out the indexing system and type in consecutive numbers in the url bar to find the "bio's" which show the links to the 16 girls that do have videos - which should not really be necessary !

And still - no sign of the one's I was interested in though !
Bottom Line: OK - if you are hooked on HiDef - otherwise, better value and variety elsewhere.

Wrote 3 emails to complain - no answer to any.

No updates - so - be warned.

04-27-07  06:14am

Replies (0)
Visit FTV Girls

FTV Girls

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Lots....and lots of gorgeous models.
Lots of variety including outdoor/voyeur stuff - if that floats yer boat.

One of THE best videos I've seen of Leah - "we are not worthy !" Luv..... worth the entry fee on its own.
Cons: Dowload speeds not too great.
Only around 1/3 of the vids have the "higher" 2000kbps bitrate - although this will presumably increase as new vids are added.

Photos a little sparse and not great quality on the whole.

Worth joining for the variety, but better teen sites are available as first choices.
Bottom Line: Worth joining for the variety, but better teen sites are available as first choices.

03-27-07  10:43am

Replies (0)
Visit Snatches


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Excellent quality of HiDef Vids.
Very naughty, lots of close-ups - if you too have a 50" Plasma - you have been warned !!!!!
Cons: Very slow site.

Of all the mayors network, this is the slowest, which, given the fact that the highest quality vids are like 500mb, means it can take 2 hours to download.

I am getting speeds at the other sites (eg. CaseyHays and Brooke Sky) of around 300kbps, whilst this one is lower than a 100kbps at times, sometimes going up to around 175 kbps which is shared if you try to download multiple files - so if you want the good vids, be prepared to wait !

Not a huge amount of stuff yet
Bottom Line: Only worth admission as part of the entire Mayors Network, or if you really like HiDef close-ups - or if you are a budding medical student - nuff said I think !

01-23-07  02:33pm

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Visit Brooke Skye

Brooke Skye

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Nice, Nice and more Nice !

She is a very sexy girl, and the duo's are very cool.

Quite a lot of HD vids: around a third of the total 150...not bad really.
Cons: All movies a little too short.

Could talk a little more and the vids seem to stop just as they get going. clearly uses the smae director/producers as the other girls in this network.
Bottom Line: Overall: good value if you like pretty teens in soft/medium - core mainly-solo scenes.
But with access to a bunch of other sites (Mayors Network) and considering the cost of $17.99 - represents very good value.

Beware, you will have to hunt around for the "best" way to access the network. Not all the sites allow you to join via the "reviewers special" for $17.99 recurring.

Site on its own, would score around 80 % for me - just, but given the other sites....89 %

If vids were longer - mind you CaseyHays are even shorter at around 7 mins average, compared to 10-11 mins for Brooke - would score 90%

01-15-07  02:04pm

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Visit Mayor's Network

Mayor's Network

No Review.
01-12-07  01:47pm

Visit Casey Hays

Casey Hays

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Choice of quality: 400 kbps to 4 Mbps HiDef – ie. better than DVD.
Most of the time, picture quality is very impressive - especially viewed via component cable/HDMi on a HD Plama/LCD TV. But, close-ups are ruined by poor lighting and poor exposure compensation - unfortunately this really grates after a while and the over-reliance on close-ups makes this a real issue in my opinion. Casey is a cutey - let's see all of her ! I don't need a 42" nipple on my TV ! But, HiDef is new tech.
Cons: Only 35 episodes thus far.
5-10 minutes each and best quality videos are 250Mb each !
Only 1 or 2 short updates per week, no interaction or Live shows - yet !
A little more variety would be welcome. Maybe some girl-girl stuff as with the other girls on this network. At least this would relieve the boredom factor that often blights these solo-girl sites and indeed attract repeat subscriptions.

Way too much use of the zoom function - Man this guys clearly got a new camera for Xmas !
Bottom Line: This this is NOT a “hardcore” site – it is meant to be more of a “glamour” site – with very judicious use of toys/masturbation etc. But, if like me, you are a fan of this striptease, titilation genre, and if you think Casey is hot, which she certainly is (!) then you should join her site and you won’t be disappointed !
Only a few, recent videos involve anything juicy – masturbation, toys etc. and even then they are pretty conservative. To be fair however, the site is not advertised as a hardcore solo site anyway, so if that is what you’re after – visit Leah Luv – I do - often, and gosh she IS naughty !
All in all, pretty tame stuff although pleasant to watch - until Mr Zoom makes an appearance, which he does way too often !
Could do with being a little more raunchy, if only by having Casey talk a little more - I sometimes feel lonely watching her - but you can’t please everyone all of the time !
Finally, although Casey appears to be enjoying herself, it's not in the "right" way. I sometimes feel she may as well be having photos taken in the park rather than doing what is after all a "porn-shoot" ! But to be fair, she is relatively new to it and she is so utterly gorgeous - so I ain't gonna complain ? !
The score here is the score it would deserve if you had access to just Casey's site for $17.99.
Note: Mayors Network (reviewed elsewhere) includes a bunch of similar bonus sites making it an absolute bargain ! HiDef is the key selling point here - quality !

01-12-07  01:39pm

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