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Ratings & Reviews

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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Tokyo Bang

Tokyo Bang

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Tons of content
- Some very attractive women
- Lots of screenshots (when they work that is)
- Lots of sites
Cons: - Many, many broken links to movies and pics
- Customer service seems non-existent
- Download speeds not very fast
Bottom Line: Run by amateurs; just that simple. On their Big Tits Tokyo site, there are SO MANY broken links to movies and preview pics there's no other way to put it.

It's so bad that to me this site is a rip-off. I don't know how the other sites are because was too frustrated to bother checking. Literally on the Big Tits Tokyo site, all the movie pages have at least a third to half of the links that don't work in one fashion or another.

Subscribe at your own risk, is my advice.

05-12-11  08:15am

Replies (0)
Visit Plumper Pass

Plumper Pass

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Good variety of big natural breasts
-Good mix of soft and hardcore
-That's it, everything else is total crap or a rip-off (see below)
Cons: -Site so slow it makes you think the pages will time out
-Video and thumbnail quality like something out of the late '90's
-Absolutely no customer support
-Price is a total rip-off given the content and problems
-Photo pages of every set I looked at sends you back to page 1 if multiple pages (cannot view any page except the first, regardless how many pages might be listed)
-Some vids won't download
-Much harder to navigate than it needs to be with downloading vids
Bottom Line: It doesn't get any worse than this, it really doesn't. It was so bad I requested a refund from the processing company, but they were no help either. The card company is Netcash.com and although they told me they would investigate and issue a refund, they never did. I certainly will not join another site they process for.

It's clear they are committing fraud as there is a great deal of content they say is available (see vid and photo comments in "Cons" section) but the customer cannot get to it.

You're wasting your time, and your money, if you join this site.

02-18-08  06:12am

Replies (1)
Visit Kelly Madison

Kelly Madison

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Most vids are excellent quality
-Kelly has one of the best bodies on the 'net
-Lots and lots of hardcore
-Varied scenes
-As enthusiastic during sex as they come
-Big selection of guest models
-One of the few sites where the amount and quality of
content matches up well with subscribtion cost
Cons: Hmmm, having a hard time finally anything really wrong here; maybe the only thing is the picture-only sets are sometimes small (many 20-30 pics). But the vids all have their own pic sets and most are outstanding quality
Bottom Line: This site might be the closest I've come to giving a perfect score; it's really that good. But every site can probably stand some improvement, even if it is nit-picking.

Something I didn't mention in the "Pros" section is the trial they offer. For 8.95, you get 3 days full-access to everything, and that is a wonderful touch. You might have a problem getting through all the content in that amount of time, but after seeing this site, you might decide on a monthly anyway.

Top-notch all the way.

03-17-07  08:37am

Replies (1)
Visit Alexandra Moore

Alexandra Moore

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Very attractive
-Stunning breasts
Cons: -You'll need coke-bottle-sized glasses to make out
anything in the videos. The quality is as bad as
it gets
-$20 for content that'll take you 10 minutes to go
through everything
-Updates are few and far between
-Customer service? Right.
Bottom Line: Well I've come to the conclusion the people that run DivineBreasts and their spin-off sites just don't give a damn about ensuring their paying customers receive value for their money.

Just like Alica Loren's site, this one is on the verge of being a rip-off, at least if you join now. You're much better off waiting about 6 months until they can build up enough content to justify the subscribtion cost. But with as few updates as they seem to post, even that might be too soon.

What makes it worse is I sent them a mail and explained (diplomatically) the drawbacks of their site --and of course they already know all this -- and received no response.

What I don't understand is DivineBreasts updates on time and frequently, why can't their other sites do the same?

03-14-07  01:28am

Replies (1)
Visit Garden Of Eden

Garden Of Eden

Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: -Good GOD is Eden drop dead gorgeous!
-Pic quality very good and lots per update
-Vid quality getting much better
-Lately more adventurous (but still no hardcore)
-Serious charm with this girl
-Accent is impossibly cute
-Not overly expensive for single model site
Cons: -Site can be a bit slow to load
-Doesn't always make the post date (but makes up
for it)
Bottom Line: A really well-run site, Eden seems to take her subscriber's experience into account and has a real desire to give them value for their money.

One of the things I like best is the imagination that goes into it, they really vary the sets, style and poses with the updates and absolutely know how to maximize Eden's ridiculously big and beautiful breasts.

She also has a girl-next-door charm about her that is extremely appealing.

I held the score down a bit because while she's expanding on the things she does (breast fondling by a male) I get the feeling that's about as far as she's willing to go, which is too bad: if she did other things (like tit-fucking) I think my head would explode.

Anyone ever see "Scanners?" (For those of you old enough to remember 80's flicks). You know that scene where the guy with the glasses head blows apart? That would be me if I ever see a cock sliding in and out of Eden's perfect breasts or an actual hardcore scene.

02-24-07  02:50am

Replies (3)
Visit Divine Breasts

Divine Breasts

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: -Maybe the best collection of big-breated (natural only) models on the 'Net
-Updates seem consistently on time
-Good variety of sets and poses
-Models have friendly, smiling demeanor (don't come across as conceited)
-Have built up solid amount of content
Cons: -Some out-of-focus photos (but seem to be getting better)
-Vid quality still needs lots of work
-Vids are short and not much imagination
-Softcore only
Bottom Line: I read another review of this site where the score was pretty low so decided to give my take (that's why this site's here - anyone can give their opinion and all of them have value).

I really like this site; when I first joined about a year ago it frustrated me because of the lack of quality: too many photos were blurry, vids were grainy, small, and pretty much worthless. What made it worse is how gawd-awful attractive the girls are, so to see them screw it up was annoying as hell.

Well, I can't say they've improved much on the vid clips, but they are much better with the pics (and photos seems to be the focus of this site).

I think it's well worth, at the very least, a one month investment if you like naturally big-breasted women. They truly do have some drop-dead gorgeous models here, and the content is all their own.

01-28-07  02:54am

Replies (2)
Visit Velvet Ecstasy

Velvet Ecstasy

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Very good video quality
-Most girls range from very attractive to "I'd do 'em"
-Varied scenes
-LOTS of vids (and good quality pics to go with them)
-Can't beat the price for the content and dedication
Cons: -Bonus sites are those online feeds that aren't worth a crap
-Can't think of anything else
-2 GB dload limit per 24 hrs.
Bottom Line: If only more adult sites showed the dedication, professionalism, and desire to ensure their customers receive value for their money like Velvet Ecstasy does, the online world would be a far better place.

I am hard, really hard, on adult sites (so many are utterly terrible), but I just can'f find anything of significance where this site can improve.

Maybe the only thing is some of the older vids are a bit less quality than the newer, but still good overall (that and the 2 GB dload limit -which is understandable for bandwidth purposes).

This site just does it right.

***Highest recommendation***

01-27-07  07:19am

Replies (0)
Visit Incredible Pass

Incredible Pass

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Tons of content
-Varied women (race, looks, body), sets, themes
-Price is outstanding for content
-Hardcore all they way
-Fast downloads
-Enough screenshots to know what you are
-Seems like regular and timely updates
-Vid quality for newer vids is solid
Cons: -Some girls not terribly attractive (but many are)
-VERY annoying tendency to write on girl's foreheads
at end of many vids
- Vid quality on some of older vids is not good
-Didn't get confirmation email upon signing up
(granted, more card processing company than site
issue, but a confirm mail should always be sent).
Bottom Line: ***Upon further investigation***

I've had to readjust my score and move it from a 90 to an 80. Two reasons: the first is this writing on the forehead thing; all the sites do it and in just about all the vids (as far as I can tell). Flat-out annoying.

Second, a little variety in the climax scenes, please? The vast majority of them end with the girl sitting on the floor as the guy cums over her. Then, for some bizarre reason they have her brush her teeth and spread the cum around.

I mean, show some imagination people.

***Original review below***

I just joined but after scrolling through the sites and dowloading several vids, there is no question this is one of the very best megasites I've seen -- maybe the best.

They lean toward naturally busty (thank goodness, for those like me that appreciate well-endowed women) but not all the girls are (see varied women Pro), so there seems to be a girl for everyone.

Another thing that's nice is many girls make an appearance on more than one site, so you get a chance to see them in different vids.

The only real negative is many of the older vids (and some in 2006) are not good quality at all, but they seem to have realized that because the newer ones are fine.

I'm tough on adult sites (so many just aren't worth a crap), but this one is far and away at the very top of my list.

01-21-07  07:41am

Replies (0)
Visit Love Your Tits

Love Your Tits

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Attractive girls
-Newer vids DVD quality
-Outstanding pic database (newer updates)
-Very good hardcore action
Cons: -Older vids average to poor quality
-Most bonus sites very little content
-Not all updates have have same amount of pics
Bottom Line: I liked this site; they seem to be growing at a solid pace (at least LoveYourTits, the bonus sites not so much) and the quality is very good.

One of the best selling points is how many and the quality of photos they have for the newer updates - among the best I've seen. And as noted, the vid quality on the newer updates is very, very good.

Overall, I think this site just needs time to grow to take its place among the better hardcore sites out there, as long as they continue with the quality and amount of content with each new update.

01-14-07  09:49am

Replies (0)
Visit XL Girls

XL Girls

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: -Tons of content
-Large, natural breasts? This is the place
-latest vids are solid quality
-Easy to navigate
-hardcore and softcore
-Updates regular and consistent
Cons: -Difficult to cancel (See bottom line)
-Annoying tendency to post updates already seen on Scoreland (some years old)
-Isses with replying to email questions\complaints
Bottom Line: If you love natural breasts (and unlike it's sister site Scoreland, this site is all natural), then you will be busy for a long, long time.

So overall I would recommend this site.

But the first two cons really hold the score down. It seems the only way to join is with Scoreland's provider and not through CCBill or the like. Which would be OK except they don't send a confirmation email when you join, which makes it much harder to cancel.

Also, the last time I was a member I didn't receive a cancel mail either, which forced me to contact them to verify.

The more conspiracy-minded among us might think they do this on purpose, but decide for yourself on that.

Also, the posting of sets that are already available elsewhere (on Scoreland) is not good. Many updates I've seen I recall seeing before (years ago sometimes).

But overall, there's no question this site is worth a membership (just make sure you catch the URL on the joinpage so you know where to go to cancel).

01-14-07  06:36am

Replies (0)
Visit Alicia Loren

Alicia Loren

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -one of the most stunning naturally big-breasted models on the 'net(maybe THE most)
-Very charming and alluring girl
-Solid pic quality (some blurry)
Cons: -Updaes few and far between (no less than every two weeks, sometimes longer)
-Pic count on updates on smallish side
-vid quality could be much better
-Not NEARLY enough content to justify subscribtion cost
-No email support link
-Does not go completely nude (almost never)
Bottom Line: This is another in the stable that "Sarita's World" belongs to, you can tell from the site design, no support link, infrequent updates and style of updates.

And that's just too bad, because Alicia is FLAT-OUT one of the most attractive women I have ever seen. In the hands of someone who takes customer sastisfaction into account this site would be one of the very few I would retain a membership on.

Unfortunately, the webmaster does not seem terribly concerned with that, and that's probably why the sites in this stable never seem to have a support link because they got tired of people ripping them.

Here is an example: I am a current member of this site, and the last update was on the 27th of December. Well, here it the 13th of Jan. and I have yet to see the next update. That's 17 days without anything new (and there's precious little content on this site to begin with).

So this means when my membership expires, there is a very good chance I wll have seen a grand total of one update during my entire membership cycle.

That's customer service? That's getting quality for your money?

One final thing. The last update is the exact same photo set as was already posted on a site called DivineBreasts.com. Exactly the same.

So why pay for this site when you can join DivineBreasts (which is actually a quality site) and see the same content?


01-13-07  05:37am

Replies (1)
Visit Sarita's World

Sarita's World

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Absolutely huge stunning breasts (if you like mature)
-Poses and sets are varied and well-done (for the most part)

Cons: -Cost (19.95) is too high for the quality of content
-Video quality is pathetic (like something out of the late 90's)
-Updates seem to happen whenever they get around to it
-No support link or email
-They B.S. their customers (vid updates are often not there, or are recycling previous vids already posted)
Bottom Line: I think many people still feel you "take your chances" when purchasing something online, certainly where adult-oriented sites are concerned.

People who run sites like Sarita's know this, and so trot out any crap they feel like (assuming they update at all, I think there's been two photo set updates over the last 6 months and no vids), because they understand no one will call them on it.

And that's where pornusers.com (and other review sites) come in; the more information we can provide the quicker sites like this will go away and stop cheating people out of their money.

Because that is exactly what they are doing. The owners of this site run others that do the exact same thing (Karen Udders, Sarah Mercury, are a couple just as bad) as I noted in the Cons section.

They know people will join, maybe not come back, but they will join initially if they like the genre. So they make their money while all of us get ripped off.

The more people that point out these worthless sites the better chances we have of getting rid of them.

01-13-07  05:21am

Replies (0)
Visit Sabrina Meloni

Sabrina Meloni

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Among the biggest nautral breasts on the 'Net
-Sabrina has a certain charm about her
Cons: -Sets are too similar in style and poses
-Many sets are non-nude
-Updates are small (few pics short vids)
-Terrible video quality
-Many poses don't offer much erotic appeal
-Ethical (join link says 16.95 a month, but that's after the first month which costs 19.95. Of course, there's no mention of that on the site).
Bottom Line: If anyone's read my gigantischebrueste (gigantic natural tits) review, this site is part of that stable and seems to be run by the same yahoo (note the cons sections are very similar).

Quite simply, the person who runs these two sites (and there's a couple others as well) just doesn't know how to create a pleasing, customer-friendly environment where you feel you get your money's worth.

To put this in perspective, I've seen two different sets where Sabrina is playing -- non-nude mind you -- with her dog...her dog.

If that wasn't bad enough, the photographer seemed to think that in itself would have enough erotic appeal, because the pictures do nothing to focus on her spectacular natural attributes (her body's blocked by the dog, her back's to us, she has a loose fitting t-shirt on, etc., etc.).

But what annoys me most is this penchant (and both sites do this) to break up the sets and locations among the updates. What I mean by that is one week will be pics featuring a certain shoot (bathroom, outdoors and so on) and poses, and the next week, or two, will finish that shoot.

The result of this is each update will be small, and, for two or three weeks in a row you will be seeing updates that are virtually the same from the last week's.

Go's back to the ethics issue I mentioned. I'm quite sure this is being done to save money, but as a result anyone who pays for the sites are getting severely short-changed.

01-13-07  05:02am

Replies (5)
Visit Gigantic Natural Breasts

Gigantic Natural Breasts

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Extremely naturally well-endowed women, but this site manages to screw even that up.

That's it, no other Pros I can think of.
Cons: Video quality is utter garbage

The photographer has no clue how best to pose busty women

Updates are sporadic at best (one previous membership was months in between updates, I believe)

Far too many pics are out of focus

Bottom Line: If you're a fan of women with very large natural breasts, then you might have heard of this site; it's been around for awhile.

If you've never joined, please allow me to save you $25 along with a great deal of frustration.

I've joined this site a couple times over the last few years and it is without question one of the worst run sites I've ever seen (and adult site connisures know what a damning statement that is).

I've already mentioned in the Cons section the numerous issues this site has, but with my latest membership they've somehow managed to top even that. This time, I can't even open the pics or videos section (except for one model and then only the pics). All you can do is salivate over one preview pic of each model (note the frustration part at the top of this review).

Furthermore, the join link states $9.99 a month, but what isn't said is you get that ONLY after you pay $25 for the first month, so there is an ethical issue here as well.

What can I say? All of us should steer far away from sites like this so they go away and we can actually get something for our money.

I certainly won't be coming back.

01-12-07  05:21pm

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