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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Penthouse


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: +Decent sized collection of videos, but...(see first con)
+Fully downloadable for the most part
+Original content thats pretty damn good
+Solid site navigation, but limited
+Picture sets are good for the most part
Cons: -...but, they fucking took away alot of their content. Used to have like 3000+ videos....now 700 or so. WHAT THE FUCK!?
-No video or download options. You can stream and download in only one format and quality. Quality for streams can be meh....downloads are better, but varying quality.
-Too expensive for what they currently offer. $25 a month? They have better options for staying longer, but there is literally no reason to stay for longer than a month right now, and they seemingly know this.
-Disorganized. While you can find scenes and girls you want pretty easily with the search function. the time stamps on their content is seemingly way off and just kind of thrown together in a jumbled mess, with no options of organizing alphabetically, by date, etc...
-Picture sets are decent, but inconsistent in quality
-Limited variety in the types/niches it offers. For me, thats fine....but if youre looking for a wide range of porn options, you wont find that here.
Bottom Line: I am pretty sure there was a shake up at Penthouse sometime last year, so Im not sure if thats why alot of their content is gone, or if they are just being assholes by taking away alot of the content they used to offer.

Bottom line....all I can say is, while this site is not BAD and certainly has some decent content, I cannot get over how much of their content is gone, the lack of download options/quality, and the fact that the price is still as high as it is, despite taking away so much content.

I can only recommend joining for a month if you are REALLY interested. Otherwise, spend your money elsewhere. There are much better sites out there that offer far more in terms of both quality and quantity. All Penthouse.com does is remind me of how good it COULD be if not for how stripped down it is now.

08-05-16  02:36pm

Replies (0)
Visit Zero Tolerance On Demand

Zero Tolerance On Demand

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Updated: 02-19-13  03:30pm  (Update History)
Reason: Needed to add new info
Pros: +ALOT of VIDEO content
+Videos cover alot of niches and cater to alot of tastes.
+Several download options.
+Their content can be found on other sites, but most of their videos, especially newer stuff, can only be found on their site.
+Comes with access to 3rd Degree Movies and Black Ice.
+Price is decent...not great.
+Updates fairly regularly.
Cons: -----Site navigation and design is beyond horrible. Seriously, this is amateur bullshit, and even most amateur sites have better design.
-Many times, Ive clicked on a movie, then clicked on a scene I wanted to see, only to be directed to a completely different scene.
-Video quality for many videos is shit. Not the definition, just many that were encoded extremely poorly.
-Customer service doesnt seem to care much.
-Have some picture sets, but they are poor quality and no zip file for them.
Bottom Line: UPDATE: Wow, so I wrote this review, and shortly after checked 3rd Degree, and they must have recently changed to the same shitty site design.

I bumped the score up to 70. The site design and navigation is dreadful, but you adjust to its crap factor.

I was just browsing the site and trying to look at different scenes, only to be redirected to scenes I wasnt looking for....even though the URL said it was the movie I clicked on.

I just had to do a quick review. I was going to review this, 3rd Degree and Black Ice together, but this one deserved its own review. The other sites are much better overall. ZTOD, however, must be run by incompetent assholes.

What annoys me the most is that a couple years ago when I was a member, the navigation was fine...much like 3rd Degree. NOW...its almost like they wanted to come up with a cool new layout for the site, but halfway through designing it they just said "fuck it!"....and we are left with this garbage. That, or they just decided to fuck things up for their customers on purpose, neither of which would really surprise me.

Bottom line: The only reason I recommned this at all is because you get 3rd Degree and Black Ice with it, so if you like their stuff, its worth a month. However, ZTOD is a mess. You can tinker with it while you are a member...maybe youll have better luck than I. But if you are joining mainly for the ZTod content, I strongly recommned you find other means of getting their content, because their site, while not a complete ripoff, is just not worth any kind of real investment. There are far better places to spend your money.

02-19-13  04:25am

Replies (1)
Visit Brazzers


Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Updated: 01-11-13  03:18am  (Update History)
Reason: Major Gripe
Pros: +Alot of content, both picture and video.
+Updated regularly, 13-15 per week the norm.
+Only the hottest and best known girls in the industry.
+Often get girls that are hard to get (Eve Lawrence, Karlie Montana, etc...)
+TRUE HD Video and Pics for most stuff newer than 3 years. Quality before that is good for its time, as well.
+Several video options
+Great site design and navigation
+Search function works fine (despite claims Ive seen to the contrary)
+Ability to favorite scenes and stars you like.
+Offers more niche porn than they have in the past, like Lesbian and DP.
-Good price/value

-ABSOLUTELY DREADFUL SITE SECURITY AND CUSTOMER SERVICE. See my comments below for more more info.
-Recently, they have deleted 250 or so scenes with no explanation whatsoever, despite being asked repeatedly.
-Not enough variety in terms of girls. They do get great talent, but tend to shot the same girls over and over and over. They hardly ever shoot any ethnic girls, but thats a problem alot of sites these days have.
-Too much anal these days. If thats your thing...good for you. Im not an anal fan and half of their updates any more are anal scenes.
-Male performers, partouclarly Kerian Lee are overused. He is a good performer, but he doesnt deserve to be shot that much.
-Picture previews on site are awful, because they dont show the whole picture in the preview frame.
-Pre checked sales on sign up page.
Bottom Line: UPDATE 1/11/2013:

So these fuckin incompetent pieces of shit just royally fucked me over.

I told you all about the issues I was having with my login around Christmas. That lasted about a week.

During that time, my account was charged 2.95 several times for live shows, which I dont even like and never watch.

So, after that happened, I contacted Brazzers online, and they told me I would have to take the charges up with my bank.

I did just that. I disputed the charges and was refunded for them.

Tonight,I go to login to my account, and Im told that my membership had expired. I wasnt happy about MORE tech issues, but I contacted them, thinking it would be an easy fix.

Once I do so, they fucking tell me that my membership is cancelled, my money is refunded, but I am banned from Brazzers FOR LIFE!!!!

Now, dont get me wrong, Brazzers can suck my nuts. If they arent going to let me pay for their content...roger that...

What pisses the fuck off is that its THEIR FUCKING UTTER INCOMPETENCE why this happened. THEY are the ones with piss poor security measures and get hacked every month, and THEY are the ones that charged me for things I never bought and THEY are the ones that told me to take it up with my bank. And then they tell me nothing can be done to fix it.

Fuck these assholes. Seriously. Give me my money back and Ill get what I want through other means.

Site Review....

Okay....so, let me just say that I have a storied history with Brazzers. If you ever read my last review...


You would see that I used to be a huge fan. Sadly, shortly after that review was written, my relationship with them went downhill. Here are three incidents that really soured me on Brazzers...

1) Late 2008: I signed up for a year and was charged the right price. The next month I was charged for ANOTHER yearly membership. I contacted their customer service and they kept insisting they had no record my previous membership. So, I disputed it with my bank, and it got cleared up and my money from the 2nd payment was returned. HOWEVER, immediately after that, I was not able to access the site, and customer service told me they still had no record. Again, I had to take it up with my bank, got my money returned, and not long after that, Brazzers contacted me apologizing and offered me a huge discount. It was fucked up, but I figured "why not?"

2) 2009 (forget when exactly): It was right around the time they brought out the "Brazzers Live" shit where you had to pay per minute, and the prices were ridiculous. And to purchase the time, apparently, you just needed an account and clicking "buy time" would automatically take it from your account. No further authorization, just access to the account. So, I wake up one day and find that I was charged $900 by Brazzers. Apparently, my account was hacked, and people just bought time without needing any extra authorization. Long story short, I got it fixed, but Brazzers still gave me the run around.

After my mebership expired, I left and didnt return until November 2012. Then, around Christmas...

December 26, 2012: My account got locked out. Okay...shit happens. I contact customer service, and get it fixed. Half hour later, Im banned again. I contact Brazzers again, rinse and repeat. It happens again shortly after. They continued to insist the problem was on my end and that I should run an antivirus and change my email passwords and shit, but not ONE of my other accounts had any other issues. NOT ONE, and further than that, the last time I had any issues like this was WITH FUCKING BRAZZERS 3 YEARS BEFORE!

Over the course of 5 fucking days, my account was locked out 11 times. There dumbfuck customer service told me the same shit over and over again. It wasnt until the 8th time or so that they finally tried something different and said it wouldnt happen again. But it still did a few times. It finally stopped, but what really pissed me off was the fact that they kept insistenting it was a problem on my end and that I had a fucking keylogger or something. Whats funny, is that Brazzers has been hacked more than once, and supposedly on December 23rd, which happened to be the last time I had logged on before the 26th due to Christmas.

So, there you have it. My disdain with Brazzers isnt their content. Content alone, Id give the site a 90. Its their shady ass business practices. Ive never had these issues with any other site Ive ever joined. Couple everything I just said with the fact that they deleted ALOT of scenes without warning, and they refuse to address why and if they are coming back.

Bottom line: Brazzers is a great site from a pure content standpoint. The biggest downfall is I dont fucking trust then at all. When my membership expires, thats the end of my relationship with Brazzers forever, barring some unforeseen miracle.

01-08-13  11:21pm

Replies (1)
Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: +TONS of Content
+Something for pretty much everyone
+Regular updates...12-13 per week, the norm (not counting their extended membership stuff)
+Hot ladies!
+Not only hot ladies, but also alot of girls you dont see elsewhere.
+Hi Definition videos and pictures (for more recent stuff)
+They regularly remaster old stuff.
+Nice price with discount
+Older content not remastered still has better quality than alot of older stuff you see on other sites.
Cons: -Content feels very cheap compared to other companies
-While there are alot of updates, several of the sites that they regularly update now are ones Im not into.
-Amateur girls are hit or miss. While some are very hot and hard to find, some are not into the scene at all and it hurts alot of the content.
-Fucking Cameramen never shut the fuck up.
-Many videos have technical issues...including incomplete files and out of sync audio.
-Site design and navigation is fairly straightforward, but below standards compared to other porn sites IMO.
-Zip files for picture sets are ridiculously huge. I expected big, but some are ridiculous. There are some sets that are a 1.5+ GBs. Ive seen sites with better picture quality and just as many pictures that are not even a gig. Thats ridiculus.
-They discontinued formerly great sites like MILF Lesssons and Brown Bunnies, among others.
-Prechecked sales...beware. Not a big deal anymore as Ive gotten used to them, but still worth noting.
-For some dumbass fucking reason, BangBros decided to put scrolling watermarks at certain points in their newer videos. Now, in the middle of the action, suddenly text will scroll across the screen saying "BangBros Exclusive Content". WHAT A TOTAL FUCK UP! Seriously....this is the only place Ive seen that in the fucking members area. Its only thing to include it in preview videos, but no...full length videos in the members section. HUGE DOWN I needed to mention.

BangBros, IMO, has always been extremely overrated. Maybe its a preference thing, and I respect that. Not that they have bad content, but I just dont feel its as consistently good as other porn companies. Their scenes always feel extremely hit or miss for various reasons...some just feel very cheap in quality, some have girls that dont really wanna be there which KILLS a scene for me, and my god....the cameramen need to shut the fuck up. Reality Kings has improved in this area over the years, but BangBros has only gotten worse.

Would I recommend BangBros? Yes...for a month. Even if you dont love all their content, its very much worth a month or two, especially with the discount.

But its definitely not a site that I would sign up for long term. I hadnt been a member of BangBros for 4 years before signing up recently, because there was alot of older content I wanted. But their updates are still very hit or miss, so after you have the old stuff you want, its really a matter of how much you like their updates. Usually, there are 3 or 4 scenes a week I like, and sometimes not even that. Thats not enough compared to other companies...some of which have 8 or 9 I like.

Bottom line, it comes down to preference. I dont mind the whole "real reality" porn stuff, but the downside is it feels really cheap sometimes and the cameramen ruin some scenes with their blabbing.

Betweem Naughty America, Brazzers, Reality Kings and BangBros, Id say...

1. Naughty America
2. Reality Kings
3/4 Brazzers and BangBros are interchangeable.

Ill be doing my Brazzers review soon too.

As for BangBros...give it a shot. Not nearly as great as some make it out to be, but worth a try.

01-07-13  10:13pm

Replies (3)
Visit All Over 30

All Over 30

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -ALOT of Mature Content
-Many exclusive hot older broads you wont find many other places
-TONS of updates
-Unlimited Downloads...no restrictions
-Good hardcore and softcore content.
-Alot of HD picture sets and videos
-Something for everyone
-Easy Site navigation
-Links to other sites with the certain girls
Cons: -MANY of the photosets are completely fucking ruined because of poor direction.
-A fair share of the older women are really rough to look at....IMO anyway. (Didnt age well, too hairy, ugly in general, etc...)
-Not a ton of hardcore content. Plenty of it, but in general its primarily a softcore picture site.
-Price...a little too expensive given the other options out there for cheaper.
-Some older sets and videos are fairly mediocre in quality.
Bottom Line: Let me make one thing perfectly clear.....this site in many regards is VERY good, and if someone gave it a score in the high 80s, I wouldnt argue it. The big reason I took off 10-15 points was personal preference, and Ill tell you my issue...

Recently, I got into photosets. For a long time i was only a video guy, but i started really liking pictures for some reason. In terms of pure quantity of content, this site is amazing. TONS of content, and as mentioned something for everyone. BUT, one fatal flaw fucked up ALOT of the content in my eyes.

The issue being is poor direction. What do I mean by that? Many of the sets repeat the same shots over and over and over. They are way too obsessed with pussy shots. Now, before you go calling me a fag or something, I dont mean I dont want to see it at all. But they will focus on it way too much and MANY of the shots will be the exact same, except maybe the girls fingers are in a different position or her head it titled in another direction. In tons of sets, they ignore ass shots....sometimes completely.

I love everything about a women and I want to see a girls entire body, and Im much more of an ass man these days. Many of the sets really didnt give me what I want. Some of the girls had great asses, but they would hardly show it and sometimes not at all, and in some cases, even when they did show it, the girl was reaching around and fingering herself or had her hand on her ass and you dont get a good view of it.

If this were just a few sets here and there, I wouldnt make an issue. But NO, this is a mistake repeated CONSTANTLY, not just on AllOver30, but also on KarupsOW. Both sites suffer from the same fucking issues. Its like they were trying to be as obnoxious as possible and limited the quality of how good the sets could have been, simply because they just showed the same shit over and over.

All of that being said...this site, even with my issues, is worth joining at least for a month. If you can look past those issues or they simply dont bother you, you may want to make this site a staple.

As for me, I enjoyed my month, but I doubt Ill join again after my membership expires. Between the price and my issues, I PERSONALLY just cant justify staying longer than a month.

12-05-12  02:46am

Replies (4)
Visit Score HD

Score HD

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Alot of content.
-Videos look good. No true high def but still nice.
-Tig Ole Bitties Everywhere!
-Alot of girls you cant see much of elsewhere
-Several download options.
-Quick site navigation
-Good site design.
-Supports DL manager
-No DL limits
-Regular updates
-Fast downloads
Cons: -Updates are regular but you dont get much idea whats coming up.
-Alot of newer content IMO is not as good as it once was. (HUGE down for me)
-Not alot of known girls. Both a good thing and bad thing.
-Many recent girls are below my porn standards

I was a member of Score for over a year from June 2010 to July 2011 or so. This was my first visit back since then, and I was extremely disappointed. Dont get me wrong, there was a good bit of decent content avaiable, but most of the girls Score has shot over the last year seem below what I look for. Socre has always shot some heavier girls, which is fine with me usually, but lately, alot of the heavier and older models they shoot arent that good looking IMO. I found myself watching previews to see if the vids were worth downloading...and many werent after watching those previews.

Long story short....Score has gone downhill IMO. Ive heard others say similar things, but thought Id give it a chance because I wanted to see Eva Notty's content (which is very good). But this time, my stay ends after a month, and I doubt Ill join again anytime soon.

Dont get me wrong...Im sure alot of guys will like some of the stuff I dont. And I wouldnt consider my money completely wasted on them....but given what else is offered for the same price around the internet....Im not sure its worth more than a month anymore...to guys like me anyway. Other sites offer more frequent updates with hotter women at the same price.

SCORE IMO just isnt the same anymore...at least by my taste. The site in general is probably in the range of a 70-80 overall score, but the 69 is in terms of over the last year, which I think is pretty mediocre for them.

Bottom line...check it out if you like big tits. You may like some of the stuff I didnt. If you are anything like me though, you probably wont stay longer than one month.

07-17-12  09:46am

Replies (4)
Visit Karup's Hometown Amateurs

Karup's Hometown Amateurs

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -TONS of content for both hardcore and softcore fans
-Lots of hardcore videos featuring well known teen/early 20s pornstars and some hot amatuers as well.
-Updates ALOT
-Action is pretty damn hot.
-Newer video content has streaming options.
-Newer videos are in "HD" (see negatives)
-You can search for models alphabetically or in certain categories (athletic, ethnic, a few others...)
-Pictures look great. Newer sets are in High Res, and even med res and low res arent bad on older sets.
-Advanced Search option helps you find what you are looking for.
-Male talent deliver some good cumshots in HC scenes
-Site is organized. Not hard to navigate and find what you want.
-No download limit
Cons: -Lone site...meaning not part of a network, despite having several other sites that could be part of one (KarupsOW and PC)
-Expensive for what it offers compared to other sites and what they offer.
-No model info...at all.
-Scene offered in HD arent TRULY HD. Doesnt bother me much but may bother some.
-Nearly 2/3rds of the videos on the site have no full download option...meaning you have to download them in parts.
-Content is extremely straight forward. No frills at all really.
-Site Navigation is easy, but is also very tedious due to limited options and large amount of content.
-Site design is very bland.
-Some Download Managers dont work with site.
-Setting is pretty much always the same for hardcore stuff (bed on generic set or in generic room)
Bottom Line: There honestly isnt alot to say that TBP didnt cover in their review...Im just not quite as generous with my score for several reasons.

There is alot to like about KarupsHA. I joined because there were some cute faces I never seen before and I wasnt disppointed with the girls or the amount of content. There is enough content here to keep teen porn lovers fat an giggly for awhile.

But being that I am not that big into pictures, videos are my focus. I do give them credit for the pictures though. They deliver on that for those who are into it. And yes, I did factor it into my score, despite it not being my thing.

The videos offered are good all around. Not GREAT, but good. The quality of video for newer scenes is solid, but the HD scenes are not true HD. Im not big into the 2 GB file sizes so I rarely download true HD vids anyway. What annoys me here is that their "HD" videos are still pushing 1 GB in alot of cases, and they dont look much better than DVD qualtiy scenes on other sites, which are about half the size of these files.

The biggest issue I think I had was the lack of full video downloads before mid-2008. I mean come on...MID 2008? They werent fucking offering full downloads as of that point? I can understand the stuff from the early 2000s and even 2005 maybe...but 2000 fucking 8? Gimme a break. And even if that is the case....by now, they shouldve started converting them to full videos like Reality Kings and other sites have done. But NO...they are content offering a huge amount of their video content in parts, and there are ALOT of good videos in that form....so you have to go through each one individually and save them in parts.

That fact alone dropped this site 10 points in my book. Thats unacceptable, especially considering how recent it is and that they dont even seem to care about converting those into full videos.

Im not going to rant on forever, because my review and TBPs review say most of what needs to be said.

Bottom line...I do recommend this site if you are into the type of content it offers. There is alot of keep you happy, and even more if you like softcore stuff and pictures.

Personally, I wont be staying past my 1 month. Not so much because its not a good site or worth more months, but because there are many better porn offerings that offer better stuff, more of it and for the same price or cheaper.

Thats another issue I had....is the fact that they have this site, and then KarupsOW and KarupsPC. Why not offer that as a packaged network? Then I could see staying more time. As it is, you have to join each site separately at 30 bones a month, which is way WAY too much.

So its definitely a quality site worth a looksee, but for me, its one and done. If you like pictures and softcore, you may want to (and have to) spend a few months there to see everything they have to offer.

06-03-12  04:30pm

Replies (14)
Visit Hustler Unlimited, formerly Hustler

Hustler Unlimited, formerly Hustler

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Updated: 05-09-12  09:05am  (Update History)
Reason: New Issues Arose
Pros: -ALOT of content from all their videos
-Varied content: Something for ALMOST everyone
-Teen lovers will get the most enjoyment.
-Multiple download options for most videos (WMV, QT, MP4, etc)
-Video quality is good-very good for most videos
-Regular updates by Hustler and various other studios
-Lots of popular and amateur porn starlets
-High quality pictures for some sites on the Hustler network
-Good download speeds
-Decent price
Cons: -MANY of the videos started to malfunction days after I downloaded them.
-ALOT of the scenes are mislabled or the wrong video is uploaded.
-NO SOUND AT ALL on alot of newer videos.
-Scene/DVD Navigation and setup is pretty awful
-Alot of older videos are stone age quality
-No true HD options
-Streaming can be annoying because often have to reload it to get it to play. At least I did.
-Videos dont have screen caps
-Majority of updates are videos you can find on other sites
-Some Hustler videos are shot very well while others look terrible
-Sound is out of sync in several videos (not too many though)
-Search engine sucks in some cases.
-No where to report minor issues with videos.
Bottom Line: UPDATE 5/9/2012: I lowered the score once again and I take back what I said about joining for a month. At this point, its hardly even worth that. Not because of content or updates because as mentioned, they are pretty good. Its the overall fuckin shittiness of how the site is run...from the videos to the site navigation. Hustler is a huge name in porn and you would expect something better, but you dont really get it

The main reason I lowered the score was because over the last few days (my subscription ended today) alot of the videos I downloaded went bad...either they lost sound or they would stop playing mid way through. And I seriously doubt the issue is on my end because I havent had issues with any other videos from other places.

UPDATED Bottom line: It may still be worth A month, but do so with caution. I will not be joining this site ever again. Better ways to spend money that on a site ran with such little care.

This is a hard site to grade, because some of my cons may not be cons to everyone. BY FAR, the biggest issue with this site is the fact that so many scenes are either mislabled or they dont have the right scenes uploaded. They have each movie divided into scenes. There were several movies I checked out where every scene on that movie was the same...meaning they accidentally (I think anyway) uploaded the same scene from a particular movie. That pissed me off because there were scenes I wanted and couldnt get for that reason.

This issue alone knocked 10 points off for me.

And while there is customer service, there should be somewhere on the video pages where you can report a problem. Im not going to email tech support with every issue I found with the videos.

Beyond that, there are only minor gripes. Hustler has a good lineup of movies and scenes, especially for guys who like teens and 20 somethings.

There is alot to like and they do alot well, but there are issues with the setup of the site that are really annoying. They even just changed it up and I thought they may have improved things, but while the site now looks sleeker, the navigation is still just as bad if not worse for movies and scenes. Not that you cant find what you are looking for, but its poorly done IMO. The search engine is pretty crappy too. I did searches for certain porn stars and they never showed up in the search, even though I knew they had scenes on the site.

Bottom line: This site is definitely worth a month at least, especially if you like teens and 20 somethings. But I personally wont be staying longer than a month. The original updates just arent there enough and the mislabled/wrong upload thing annoys the fuckin shit out of me.

05-06-12  09:05am

Replies (5)
Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings

Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: -Gorgeous Amateur Girls you dont really see anywhere else.
-Nice array of niches to cater to different tastes.
-Nice selection of download options (HD, standard, MP4)
-Consistent daily updates
-High quality videos (HD nice...standard looks good too on newer videos)
-Most of the male stars they hire are decent (except JMac IMO, but thats a personal preference)
-Good pictures and screencaps of every scene
-Multiple Membership options
-Good prices, especially for a year membership
-Alot of older videos remastered for better quality.
Cons: -Lacks "star power" (big name pornstars), which hurts it in some peoples eyes.
-Cameramen on some sites (mainly MilfHunter) are extremely annoying...STFU douchebag!!
-They remastered a bunch of older videos, but neglected to remaster alot of the more popular older videos, which I assume is to make people go get their DVDs if they want those in better quality.
-No update schedule IN TERMS OF WHO SPECIFICALLY will be on the sites. They have an update schedule for when each site is updated, but you never know who is coming up.
-No way to really interact with staff like NA and Brazzers has.
-They ruined a few sites IMO...InTheVIP, FirstTimeAuditions and to an extent, MILFHunter, because they changed the format of them without notice.
-Daily Download Limits- I THINK its like 5 GBs a day, which aint bad, but with the size of HD videos, Im sure it can annoy some people trying to catch up on some downloading.
Bottom Line: There isnt really a whole lot bad to say about RK. I know alot of people dont like them, but the reason Ive always liked this site is because they are good with updating the site regularly and they provide alot of really hot girls that you dont see elsewhere. RK shoots in Florida while most other companies shoot in Cali. Now, that does mean that RK doesnt get as many big time names, but I am fine with that because other sites offer that.

RK IMO has alot to offer if you can look past the lack of star power. There are 5 girls in particular on that site that I never seen anywhere else that were fucking amazing.

And while I dont love all of their updates and sites, I do enjoy most of them. They provide a wide array of different tastes. I am a fan of black girls and RoundandBrown is one of the very few, original, black girl sites that is updated consistently. Go find me black girls on NA and Brazzers....few and far between. RK offers, that, latinas, Euros, Brazillians, MILFs, teens, lez and others. None of the other sites offer ALL of that.

In the end, it will come down to what YOU like which will determine how much you enjoy RK. Its not perfect, but its easily one of the better network sites out there and neck and neck with NA and Brazzers IMO.

I highly recommend it to anyone who has a wide array of tastes and isnt too hung up on seeing big named stars all the time..

05-04-12  11:12am

Replies (4)
Visit All Adult Pass

All Adult Pass

Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: -Lots of sites with plenty of content
-Most sites offer picture sets of the videos
-Alot of content is from Lethal Hardcore, which is usually good stuff.
- Sound quality for most videos is fine (namely, its clear and in sync with what is happening)
-Multiple download options - Hi Def for most newer vids (although not 1080 or even 720 I dont think), as well as standard def and low quality stuff for those with slow connections.
-TBP Discount for 9.99 is well worth it. I went to cancel after a month and they reduced my price to 5.99, so Ive been a member ever since.
-Girls on most sites are hot
-Some of the content is original and hard to find
-Something for everyone (Teen, Milf, anal, DP, black girls, latin girls, asians, tranny, etc...)
-Easy to cancel
Cons: - They seem to try to pull a fast one on customers with their updates. Alot of their videos they posted before, they will bump up and claim they were just uploaded. There are some solid updates and alot of content, but seems very shady. Guess they are trying to trick new customers, but once youve been there awhile, you catch on.

-Site Layout looks like something from the early 2000s
- Navigation can be annoying. No good search feature so you just roam around.
- While there are alot of sites, Id say at least half are pretty shitty, at least to me.
-Cant filter out sites you dont wanna see. For instance, they have alot of tranny content, and when I look around, that shit pops up alot, and I really have no interest seeing that.
Bottom Line: TBP's review in this case was very accurate by my account. The site has enough content and is cheap enough that its worth checking out.

There really isnt alot to add that isnt in my pros and cons and from what TBP said. The only real hangups about this network are the layout (like I said...very generic and outdated) and the fact that they try to fool customers by bumping old updates. Dont get me wrong, they do update and there is enough quality content that its worth at least a month or two, but I really dont know who they think they are fooling.

Bottom line: Its definitely not the best network out there, but from a cost/value perspective, its worth a look-see. You may like it enough to stay longer than a month, but if you dont, its not like you wasted alot of money. There are a ton of worse sites out there that charge 30 bucks a month.

***If you feel like I left something out, let me know what you'd like to see in future reviews or what more youd like to know about this one. Feedback is welcomed. Thanks.

03-25-12  05:35am

Replies (1)
Visit Naughty America

Naughty America

Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: -Top notch content
-Hottest women in the industry
-Nice variety of girls TO AN EXTENT (See cons)
-Good lighting and camera work for the most part
-Great download speeds
-HD videos and standard both look really good
-Nice location variance
-13 Updates a week
-HUGE collection
-Staff very receptive to suggestions
-Fully Downloadable content
-No daily download limit (at least I dont think)
Cons: -HD videos arent as good as other sites, but not bad
-While they offer a better variety of hot girls than Brazzers and BangBros, they still dont seem to use enough ethic girls. Mainly all white chicks
-Site ideas are basically all the same, but not a big deal.
-SOMETIMES scenes randomly disappear, but its pretty rare
-Older videos, aside for some remastered scenes, look pretty rough by todays standard.
-May be too soft for some
Bottom Line: Overall, in my opinion, NA is the best of the big 4 networks (NA, Brazzers, BangBros and RK) at this point in time (March 2012). Obviously, opinions vary, but I love what they are doing right now. I am not into the super hardcore stuff, so this stuff is right up my alley. A few years ago I was really on the fence about them and thought they were heading downhill, but they really upped the production value and dont hire uggos or grandmothers anymore. All the girls they hire are either very in demand or hot up and cummers.

I seen the previous review before this one, and I have to comment on it briefly. Yes, this site wont appeal much to those who are into the super hardcore stuff, but IMO, its silly to judge a site for something it doesnt try to be. NA is like the Playboy of hardcore porn. Its fairly straight forward and regular, but thats what it sets out to be. The preview area of the site doesnt suggest in anyway that its anything other than that, so I cant see how people can complain that its not hard enough. Thats like walking into Kentucky Fried Chicken and getting pissed because they wont serve you a hamburger.

NA is great for what it is. If you are into harder stuff, there are many other sites that will appeal to your tastes better. But it does annoy me when people complain about a site not doing something it never claims it does. It would be one thing if they promised "extreme hardcore porn", but they dont.

Beyond that, the only real complaints I have is that it doesnt offer more ethnic women. No, they dont promise that either, but when it comes to girls, its a bit different. Even their Latin site hardly gets updated anymore.

Bottom line: If you are into basic, straight forward hardcore porn that isnt over the top, but offers high quality content regularly and consistent updates, this site is absolutely for you. But if you love the real raunchy hardcore (regular DPs, gaping, etc...), do not join...and if you do, well, go order a hamburger at KFC.

03-24-12  06:23am

Replies (7)
Visit Sweet Sinner

Sweet Sinner

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Good offering of original content
-Nice Download speeds
-HD videos look fantastic
-Hot models
-Network overall offers good content
-Download speeds are great
-Well organized for the most part
-Easy to cancel
Cons: -Site layout can be annoying, but nothing too bad.
-Relatively small compared to many other sites
-Updates seem kind of slow, but still decent
-Not for those who like real hardcore stuff. Its about the softest hardcore porn content out there.
Bottom Line: Not much to complain about here. I saw several Sweet Sinner videos via a Pay Per View site and thought they were great, although if you are into the really hard shit, Id avoid it. This porn is more sensual and intimate and I really dig that and I highly recommend this site to anyone who does. Its a pretty small site compared to similar sites, but all content is original and has a good production value, and the site is still updating, albeit slowly. The networks its a part of only has 4 sites, but they are pretty good as well and has something for everyone.

Highly recommended. Would be a higher score if the site was a bit larger.

*Let me clarify that each site does update once a week, but it seems slower because there are only 4 sites.

03-24-12  05:57am

Replies (0)
Visit Download Pass

Download Pass

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Has some studios/videos alot of sites dont have
-Decent quality, but no real HQ options
-Lots of updates, but many are cheap porns you can find in a dollar bin at a porn shop.
-Large collection (atlhough most are available elsewhere on the net)
Cons: -Shitty DL speeds
-Poor sound encryption for nearly all videos
-Videos arent even as HQ as they claim
-Most videos can be found elsewhere
Bottom Line: 3-24 EDIT: Okay, so I got a thumbs down yesterday because the guy claimed my reviews didnt have much info, so I tried to add more to this. However, there really isnt much to add. I hit all the main points. This site is fairly "what you see is what you get" for the most part. I just tried to inform some of what the wont see until they join. There really isnt any picture sets or other frills to talk about, and I cant talk about production quality of scenes and stuff because its not orginai content and completely varies from video to video, unlike a review for a specific company like Brazzers, NA, Hustler, etc....whose videos are all from them and the production values are about the same.

So if you believe I didnt include much info in this review...now you know why.


Basically, I signed up to this site because Ive always been a fan of the Simon Wolf videos and there arent that many sites that offer them downloadable these days all at one place.

The fact its very cheap is a saving grace, but unless you are like me and want some videos that cant be found easily elsewhere, your money is better spent elsewhere. I can DL at most sites at 2MB per second, yet on this site I only DL at 350 KB. And the sound qualtiy on most videos is terrible. Almost all the videos I DLd, the sound wasnt in sync with the action. Its not a killer but its fucking annoying.

Bottom line: Back in 2005, this may have been a great site. Now...there are many other video sites that offer more videos, of better quality for just as cheap or slightly more. This site simply isnt worth paying money for given all the other options these days.

03-23-12  10:30am

Replies (2)
Visit Pink Visual Pass

Pink Visual Pass

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Excellent Library of content
-Hot girls
-Original themes for sites you dont see elsewhere
-Videos being converted to HD.
-Fully downloadable (kind of)
-Good download speed, contrary to some reports.
Cons: -No new updates...just old videos remastered in HD, which doesnt really cut it for me.
-Customer service...*crickets*
-Company seems pretty sleazy overall (explained below)
Bottom Line: It was somewhat hard to review this site. While its not terrible, and has alot of potential, it seems the company just doesnt care anymore. From what I could tell, there hasnt been an ACTUAL update in over a year, at least from the sites I went to. They remastered most old videos into HD and they vids are high quality as well. There are alot of hot scenes I watched, mostly from CouplesSeduceTeens and WifeSwitch. There were other good sites, but these two were the best IMO, mainly because of the themes you dont see many places, at least not done as well.

On top of no real updates, what really pisses me off is how sleazy they seem. For one, the customer service is just not there. Seriously...click on customer support and the link is broken. Manage to find an email address to contact them and they never respond. Click on Live support and no one comes on. Basically, if you need help or have a question for them...sucks to be you.

Not to mention the pre checked sales on the sign up page. i always look for them, but its still fuckin stupid.

Finally, they seem to have a plan to try to keep you as a member. No, its not what the better companies do in offering quality updates week to week. No no...they pretty much restrict your access. When I first joined, I went and looked at alot of the videos before downloading them. Pretty much all of the videos except the really old ones were downloadable, but most of those old ones were also remastered and downloadable. Sounds good, right? Until a few days later when I went back, and only the first page of videos was downloadable, when before, they pretty much all were. Basically, they pulled the carpet from under me as well as the ability to download most of the content.

And of course, when I contacted them...I got nothing.

Also, download speeds were great for me. Looks like alot of people are saying it sucked for them, but mine was fast

Bottom line, it WAS a really good network of sites with huge potential, but is not managed properly and arent really updating anymore. Is it worth a month's access? Sure, but make sure you look around, because some links lead you membership pages that charge 39 bucks for access...some 29....I found mine for 20.

Also, if you join for a month, be warned about their non existent customer service. They wont help you, but apparently, they will fuck you over and take away full access for some reason.

I have a months membership. I am going to download as much as I can and never return unless they get their shit together. You can still download videos there even when they take the DL links away, but its a pain in the ass and uncalled for.

I cant strongly recommend this site, with sites like NA, Brazzers and even reality kings out there. If you can tolerate these problems, its worth a looksie, but not much more.

07-07-10  09:42am

Replies (3)
Visit Naughty America

Naughty America

Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: -DVD quality videos
-Hot content
-NO DRM! All downloadable!
-Great picture sets.
-Story based scenes, sometimes ongoing stories
-Cool settings: Major area of improvement. Sets are diverse and look real.
-Great bargain! $24.95 for this collection of sites is really worth it.
-Great customer service! You can share youre ideas with the staff, which they take very seriously.
-Weekly updates to most sites
-Great girls. Lots of different talent and usually pretty fucking hot.
-FAST DOWNLOADS! (For most people)
Cons: -Quality of service and scenes becoming very inconsistent recently.
-Story lines sometimes feel rehashed and some are just boring.
-Pretty bad acting. Some of it has to do with script, some are just bad actors.
-Some girls dont seem into it or just faking it. Again, bad acting.
-Not enough diversity. Black girls are VERY few and far between. The Asian site they had is no longer updated. Nice choice of latina girls, but not much more than that.
-While settings are improved, they could be better and more diverse.
-While the videos are nice, sometimes the colors are too strong and the video seems too produced.
-They sometimes close down sites without letting you know. They replace them with newer sites, but it gets annoying.
Bottom Line: Let me just say this. I did a review for NA last year, and while it wasnt really in its glory days, it was still better than most.

Now, the quality of scenes is inconsistent, and the talent they hire at times is on par with some cheap sites that cant afford the hotter stars.

HERE IS MY BIGGEST ISSUE, AND PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS, TAKE HEED....While the staff is usually pretty helpful, they will pull shit sometimes, like cancel updates or sites, or just make drastic changes without informing anyone.

I was just informed that they will be cutting updates SOME weeks, to improve older scenes to DVD quality. The reason I am writing this new review is so no one gets duped. Im not telling anyone not to join....I just want people to know what they are and arent getting.

In the end, NA is still worth a look, but until they get their shit together, it probably isnt worth more than a 1-2 month stay.

05-22-09  04:11pm

Replies (5)
Visit VideoBox


Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: -5 new video releases every single day!
-Videos from great studios such as Sin City, JKP, Baby Doll, and many many more.
-Wide variety of content for porn lovers with specific tastes.
-DVD quality is outstanding. Even high quality is good.
-Exception value for what you get. As low as 9.99 for a month with no DVD resolution. Even at its regular price of 17.95, its the best deal on the internet for porn lovers.
-Very cool feature that allows you to customize what parts of a scene to download.
-Many download options.
-User friendly interface. Clean and organized.
-NO DRM! Keep the videos forever.
-Good customer service.
Cons: -Sometimes they go through stretches of pretty mediocre content. I dont fault them for releasing videos of niches I dont like such as tranny and anal, but in general, they SOMETIMES have rough stretches of releases though.

-There is so much QUALITY porn to download, you wont know what to do.
Bottom Line: I dont really compare this site to Brazzers and NA, mainly because I feel this is a different kind of porn. While NA and Brazzers deliver exclusive content, VideoBox delivers DVDs you would otherwise pay 20-30 bones for. So you pay less than what you would for a DVD for a months membership, and get about 150 DVDs a month. Not all will be to your liking, but Im sure you will find alot to like.

VideoBox, IMO, is the best source for quality porn on the internet. If you are a newbie to porn, this is the first site to check out. Low cost, high reward. You will sign up for a month, but I guarantee you, it wont end there.

This site does pretty much everything right. There isnt much to criticize. Get a membership and find out for yourself.

07-05-08  07:46pm

Replies (0)
Visit Brazzers


Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: -Very hot girls
-Sex is very hot
-Innovative scene ideas (parodies of popular movies and shows)
-Good camerawork
-Good male talent
-Price more than worth it.
-Great customer service. You can talk to the staff and stars directly on the Brazzers forum. Make suggestions for sites, scenes and improvements. Talk to some of your favorite stars such as Nikki Benz, Jayden James, Pheonix Marie, Kerian Lee and many others.
Cons: -Lack of variety. Some of the sets and even some of the female talent is overused. They need more scenes outdoors, showers...anywhere else but a generic porn set.

And although the female talent is hot, there is ALOT of untapped talent out there, but Brazzers seems to have a few they use too much IMO.

-Somewhat cheesy acting. Not too bad though.

...thats it.
Bottom Line: Not much bad to say about Brazzers. They do pretty much everything right. My only complaint, as I said, is lack of variety. I mean, the scene scenarios are different, but they use alot of the same sets and same women.

In the end, if you like hot women, hot sex and bang for your buck, Brazzers delivers and then some. They are slightly ahead of NA at this time, but Brazzers and NA are easily the two best network of porn sites at the moment.

And as I said, I currently have a $10 membership, but I would gladly pay more. Brazzers has pretty much everything you want in a porn site, as long as your tastes are pretty normal.

Highest recommendation. Get a membership....now.

07-03-08  08:22pm

Replies (0)
Visit Big Sausage Pizza

Big Sausage Pizza

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: -Lots of hot girls
-Innovative site ideas
-Updates regularly
-Action is pretty hot for the most part
-Scenes are exclusive
Cons: -DR-fucking-M!!!!!!! (Digital rights management)
-Updates are a bit sporadic site to site.
-The videos that you CAN download to keep is really bad quality and only 1 minute clips.
-Some of the scenes are stale, because they pretty much do the same things over and over.
-Mediocre male talent
-Cameramen/directors talk during scene
-Poor customer service
-Priced way too much than it is worth.
Bottom Line: This site has alot of promise, but seeing as how it hasnt changed much since the first time I was a member a few years back, Im not holding my breath hoping it will get much better.

The high quality scenes are all DRM protected. And not silent DRM, full blown DRM that stops you from watching the movies after your membership expires. You can download the scenes by downloading ALL of the 1 minute clips, but personally, I dont feel like doing that, because even if you do, the quality is really shitty.

Oh, and if you join, I hope you dont need customer service for anything. I emailed them 3-4 times and they never answered a single one. I even checked my spam folder, but got nothing.

All of that, and they charge 40 bones a month. I got mine for 18 bucks through Brazzers, and it wasnt even worth that.

Bottom line, unless you have a ton of money to blow, dont mind DRM or downloading 1 minute clips of mediocre quality, DO NOT JOIN! I will never join this site again unless it does a complete overhaul of everything, but like I said, dont count on it. Even with some pretty hot content, I still would not recommend it.

There are plenty of better ways to spend your money, and they arent hard to find.

07-03-08  08:01pm

Replies (1)
Visit Naughty America

Naughty America

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -DVD quality videos
-Hot content
-NO DRM! All downloadable!
-Great picture sets.
-Story based scenes, sometimes ongoing stories
-Cool settings: Major area of improvement. Sets are diverse and look real.
-Great bargain! $24.95 for this collection of sites is really worth it.
-Great customer service! You can share youre ideas with the staff, which they take very seriously.
-Weekly updates to most sites
-Great girls. Lots of different talent and usually pretty fucking hot.
-FAST DOWNLOADS! (For most people)
Cons: -Story lines sometimes feel rehashed and some are just boring.
-Pretty bad acting. Some of it has to do with script, some are just bad actors.
-Some girls dont seem into it or just faking it. Again, bad acting.
-Not enough diversity. Black girls are VERY few and far between. The Asian site they had is no longer updated. Nice choice of latina girls, but not much more than that.
-While settings are improved, they could be better and more diverse.
-While the videos are nice, sometimes the colors are too strong and the video seems too produced.
-I THINK there is a daily download limit? There was about 6 months ago when I was last a member, but not sure about not. Not a huge deal, but still annoying.
-They sometimes close down sites without letting you know. They replace them with newer sites, but it gets annoying.
Bottom Line: Ive been a member of NA, off and on for the last 4 years now, and it keeps getting bigger and better. Alot of the complaints I had were pretty petty, but still worth mentioning. Other than VideoBox, this is the BEST source for quality porn on the internet. The content is excellent, its updated weekly, customer service is very helpful and listens to customer feedback. They are neck and neck with Brazzers, and are getting better.

I hope this review helps. If you enjoy quality porn and hot women, and have an extra $25 to blow, this is a very safe bet.

And if you dont like it, customer service will give you a FULL REFUND!!! But I promise you, you wont want a refund!

03-21-08  04:34pm

Replies (9)

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