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Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan

ALS, Niche = Shaved

Hey pornusers webmasters: add niche "shaved" to this site so that we can search for "shaved" and see this site. ALS = All Ladies SHAVED


06-01-08  10:40am

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ALS Scan

ALS Classic Eva Shoot Bonus

Hey, that's a another bonus I like. The complete Eva resampled and now in hires pics and remastered video.

Thanks to Alex and his team for making this possible. I don't know of any other site putting so much effort into bringing back old stuff with today's standards.

Is that X-Mas or am I dreaming?

05-21-08  10:27am

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ALS Scan

Reissue Voting: A Plea

If you're participating in the voting at ALS Scan for which older sets you'd like redone in larger sizes and better quality, I have a plea to make.

I've noticed that a couple of models at least (Ember and Morgan) already have way more votes than needed for #1 and #2 spots. Seems that Alex will choose the best of several, so why not also vote for additional babes who are not getting enough votes so far. (Monique Alexander being one, and yes, I'm promoting her ;)

The same idea goes for future votes with other babe candidates.


04-26-08  06:56am

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ALS Scan

VHS Series! Huge file, small quality!

Most of the videos on this site look great, and some look absolutely stunning. However, I feel I should warn you about a video series that will disappoint you and waste a lot of time.

Jana Irrova's extra video series is a waste. The series is a VHS remake. The quality is terrible and is unlike the normal quality. The biggest reason I warn you is because some of the files are close to 1.5 GB and are hardly worth 50 MB. You will spend a lot of time downloading them when that time could have been used to download videos half that size that are infinitely better. If you run into these the file names will have "vhs" on the front. Doing this was a nice idea, but they need to be edited and transcoded into something much smaller. The series ended up being around 13 GB.

03-25-08  12:15pm

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Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan

Just Joined

I just joined this site last night. At first it seemed to give my download manager fits. It kept wanting me to type in the password for ever movie I tried to download. After a bit it started working just fine. I think this site works like some others out there, it does not recognize the manager until it actually completes a full download, then it will work just fine. I have the exact same thing this morning when I started downloading from a different computer and location. The site is pretty fast though. I am seeing about 600 KBytes/s average on 7 downloads, so about 4 MByte/s total, but I am getting 6 from another site right now too, so it might be faster. The design is pretty plan though, I think a retarded gerbil could make a better design, it looks nothing like the preview and join pages. But, so far so good. Will update if anything else comes up.

03-21-08  10:44am

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Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan

Been having problems accessing the site

So I mailed the site and it turned out that the problem was due to a dispute between Congent and Telia...
This is what Bob from ALS wrote to me:
"OK now on to the problem. Our tech dept found a problem and it is
not it
ALS but a contract dispute between Cogent and Telia. Please read
below. We have a fix that is being put into place.
We can re-route our ALS traffic through a different ISP... but...
I may take a day or two to work it all out properly.
After this is fixed and you are happy, please let me give you
5000 free DVD download tokens for your trouble".
What can I say, this shows a company who cares deeply about their customers. My hat off to ALS for the service!

03-18-08  10:34am

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ALS Scan

Improved Navigation Always Nice To See

This is hands-down my favorite site on the net - great vids, hot girls, high quality pics, high quality vids, lots of updates, awesome bonuses once every month or two.

And they are always working on upgrading the site in significant ways.

Now they have made a leap in their navigation, which was rather atomized and not so great. You had the pics under Feature Models, you had vids under Video Releases, you had vids under Directors Hottest Videos.

Now you can look in a few different places if you want, but if you are hot for a particular girl, you click on her at Feature Models and you have the links to everything they have of her under all sections.

Good job, Alex and company

03-03-08  05:55pm

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ALS Scan


I rejoined the site yesterday, after reading a reply on my original comment from another PU user. I'm quite glad I did and the main reason is of course that they have stopped the video rotation. Despite that I'm not that fond of the generous ammount of fisting, I love the pee content, but I'd reaaly like to see more of that though (especially in the videos).

A big minus though is the design. It looks and feels like it hasn't been updated since 1997.

02-09-08  08:16pm

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ALS Scan

Too many new models / Kacey Jordan bonus

One thing I hate about ALS Scan is that Alex always has to release new models. With the amount of content still unreleased and the fact that they update picture sets only on 5 days per week this is a real annoyance to me :(. I'd like to see more Karina, Alexis Love, Kim etc. but I think that this will only be a wish they won't satisfy...

One good thing is that they released a Kacey Jordan bonus set plus video that seems to be real hot. I have only seen the second part of the pic set (+550 pics!) so far but this proves that Kacey Jordan is one of the hottest models they have to offer!

01-19-08  01:59am

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ALS Scan

Great Indeed !

This is indeed a great site,
I've been off ALSScan for a few years 'til now - I thought they wouldn't make it (they seemed not to succeed in the transition of photosite to videosite)
But wow, the content is great - grandiose settings, sweat, oil, great looking super hot girls, lots of fisting action, fantasic atmosphere, great cameras...
they have all what FTV lacks...

I just hope, put on some hidden video-material of my older favourites (like Heidi...)

11-14-07  06:25am

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ALS Scan

A thruly greast site

A truly great site

I've been a member of alsscan for some years now (been a member of many other pay sites too)

alsscan is still the best site - great mix of pro- and new models, I like this mix alot. The models are often seen in situations new to the model, but always in a relaxed mood, never pushed into the situation.

It's one of the few sites where the members actually are heard (regarding new models, new set-ups etc)

10 out of 10

- Keep on the good work Alex


09-13-07  08:44am

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ALS Scan

Alsscan has stopped cycling content

After e-mailing Alex today suggesting, as many have, to stop cycling content, he e-mailed me back today stating that he has indeed done that, and as of April 1st, all video posts are up to stay. Great news!

07-06-07  06:50pm

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ALS Scan

Has improved in key areas

The larger pic sizes are a major plus, and are available singly or in zips. Too bad that a lot of earlier content apparently can't be upgraded in this way, though. I'm thinking Mia Stone, Sophie Moon, Lucy Stratilova, Nella, Jassie, Monique Alexander, Mili Jay ...

The updates lists are archived and have a thumb for each -- much better than the former text-only updates list that only ran for 1.5-2 months.

And the guy running it, "Alex DeLarge," really does take member opinions seriously. He's responded twice to emails from me in less than 24 hours. I think I might have been among the members to persuade him to do shoots of Peaches, whom he'd at first thought was too wide at the hips (?!). (They're not out yet, but we look forward to them!)

His director's blog is fun to read, too. You get a lot of inside scoop on the shoots and models' personalities.

I have but one wish, though: That in addition to all of that toy play and fisting that they post more ass shots, top of head to upper thighs, right and left cheeks equally displayed, with the model looking back amourously. Too many of them just show the back of her head, so there's no feeling of interaction. (Doing a nice job with Uma, aka Gitta Blond, though.)

06-10-07  04:02am

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ALS Scan

New Format

ALSScan has started to release videos in HD format (1280x720), both in DIVX and MP4 (Quicktime) formats. They are still releasing videos in the 640x480 and 720x540 formats but have released eight videos in the new format, with two being bonus releases of the first day on the beach of their latest Caribbean trip.
Their first HD video, apparently, was, in part, an homage to Gallagher. While the new resolution does give one a feeling of almost being there, it was with only a mild effort that I refrained from fetching some plastic with which to cover my keyboard. :) But, if the qualities of these early videos are any indication, a new level of appreciation is in store for viewers. I understand all of the video for the Caribbean trip was done in HD and that new work will also be done in HD as well.
Mind you, there are some considerations to take into account with this shift. The new HD formats will generate much larger files, perhaps ranging upwards of 700-800 MB. It seems the DIVX files will be about 20% smaller with no apparent loss in quality. I prefer this format as playing the MP4 files requires significantly more CPU time than playing the DIVX files. So, if you're a QT fanatic, perhaps you've finally the justification you need to get that dual or quad-core high end machine. In truth, I tried playing both formats and I found playing the QT version on a single-core Athlon 2500 XP machine introduced the herky-jerky's. This wasn't observed when playing the DIVX format.

06-09-07  10:00pm

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