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Visit Cum Filled Indian Girls

Cum Filled Indian Girls (0)

mbaya (0) 02-11-17  11:34am
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Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Indian porn is a rare niche
-Discounted price through PU at 4.99 USD per month
-No download limits
Cons: -Although advertised as all exclusive, I recognize most if not all of the content from other Indian sites.
-The last update was December of 2011.
-There is a link for bonus content, but there is none. Standalone site with no extras
-A very small site with 18 videos, all split into as many as three parts and 18 photo sets, not zip downloadable.
-Poor quality. The videos are at best 1280x660 and 3100 kbps. They are not sharp and crisp like HD, but watchable. The photos are grainy screenshots at 800x532.
-Only one download option for each video.
Bottom Line: In India, it is legal to watch or possess porn. However, production is illegal and producers face fines if they break the law. Also there are strict social taboos about porn, both its consumption and its production. As a result, there is very little porn on the internet with Indian women. Sure some is produced in overseas countries and there are a small handful of Indian porn stars abroad, for example Canadian Sunny Leone.

Around 2010 and 2011 a few sites made it online. Mostly they have homemade porn, using camcorders and are not at all professional. Many of these videos are not even watchable. In 2011 the government of India passed a law providing stiffer fines for porn production. Not much has come out of India since then, although there are a few solo sites. I have not joined any as I don’t think that a site of one model with very little actual nudity is worth joining.

A few years ago my hard drive crashed and I lost most of what little Indian porn was of any quality. When I saw this site was available at a heavily discounted price, I signed up. Knowing what the niche quality usually was, I did not expect much.

What I got was a very small site with 18 videos and 18 photosets. The videos are ok quality, but hardly HD. Every video is split into as many as three parts. The photo sets are not zipdownlable screenshots at quality that is primitive by today’s standards.

Almost every video is described as featuring either a sex worker or a prostitute. Considering the strong taboos in India against even talking about sex, this is to be expected. After all, in a mainstream Bollywood movie there isn’t even kissing. Believe it or not, at just the moment when you would expect a kiss, they cut away to a song and dance routine. I have been told that the culture is slowly changing in the bigger cities, but don’t expect much Indian porn to be produced anytime soon. This is a country that still has mostly arranged marriages.

Most of the women are in their mid to late 20’s and average. There are a few better looking ones, but the men are skinny and not endowed. I don’t pay attention to the male stunt cocks in porn, but these skinny almost emaciated sticks of men just don’t impress me. The sex is pretty ordinary with oral and vaginal only.

Is this site worth $5 for a month? For me it was ok as I had very low expectations. It has not updated since 2011, so one month is plenty. I was able to download everything in a few hours.

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Review Replies (6)

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Msg # User Message Date


jook (0) I enjoyed the review - very informative. I had no idea about the laws and customs in India regarding sex & porn. However, I did wonder why there was so little porn available shot in India.

Another negative for the site - they state you can preview videos, but when you click the play symbol, it simply takes you to the sign up page. But for 5 bucks, I suppose I'll join to get the 18 videos.

02-11-17  01:08pm

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - jook :

As long as you don't expect much, it is an ok site.

I would love to hear your impressions after you sign up.

I tried cancelling today and they use an unknown biller named Netbiller. I had to send them an email and have not heard back from them yet.

02-11-17  03:02pm

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jook (0) REPLY TO #2 - mbaya :

I was going to join and then you posted about canceling problems, bummer. If you don't mind, can you let us know what happens? I'd like to join but not if canceling is a hassle.
02-12-17  04:21am

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - jook :

I have not yet heard from them about my request for cancellation. It may be that it is the weekend though. I will post how this works out. I much prefer CCBill or Epoch, but they offer neither as an option.
02-12-17  11:53am

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - jook :

I was able to cancel, but this was not easy. I sent repeated emails. For me this is a major con.
02-14-17  04:47am

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jook (0) REPLY TO #5 - mbaya :

Thanks for the update. I'm going to pass on the site. I have no patience for such shenanigans.
02-14-17  06:57am

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