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Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan (0)

skippy (0) 02-15-17  11:08pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Huge quantity of material.
Many popular models here.
The girls are all very young, say, under 25. Newer videos are very good and in HD.
Newer photo sets come in high resolution.
Mostly solo/lesbian site but some newer B/G scenes.
The girls appear to be having genuine fun.
Sets are dated and are available all the way back to 2004.
Sets are scored
One update per day.
Navigation is good.
Search function is good.
Cons: About 1 in 10-14 releases are actually re-posts or remastered sets of older material dating back as far as 2001...OK if you are a first time member but not cool if you are returning.
The narrow range of girl types, sets and specific types of odd fetish shots makes the site a little monotonous after a while.
The girls wear very little or no make-up, making some that are solid 10s at other sites about a 7 here.
Bottom Line: I last reviewed this site back in 2012. Some things have changed since then. Most, not so much.

ALSSCAN Stats: (As of 2-15-2017)

About 4900 photo sets/videos
Several thousand models
1 set a day (many recycled)
Combination of US and Eastern European models
Most videos are of photo shoots
Solo girl, lesbian and fetish sets

ALSScan is primarily a lesbian and off-beat fetish site. Nearly every girl is young, petite, small breasted and, of course, shaved. Many of the girls from older sets and some from newer ones are truly beautiful. A few headliners like Kimmy Granger, Gina Gerson, Dakota Skye, Caprice, Malena Morgan and Franzeska, are easily recognizable from other sites even without much make-up.

ALSScan "screens" a lot of models, evidenced by the proliferation of casting shoots throughout the sets, but only a small percentage of these girls are above average looking. The really great looking ones have sets that are re-posted, which is serious cheating. There is a lot of new content, but the way the site re-uses content, you can't really tell if it is new or not. Considering there is no recycled content anywhere else within the Met-Art network, this sin takes about 10 points off of my score for the site. This would be a much better site if they stopped recycling content.

But the success of the site must mean that many people like the signature items they provide, even if some of it is recycled.

Until recently, there were NO boy/girl sex scenes. None. Lots of girl/girl scenes, though. Just since 2016, a very small number of B/G scenes have appeared. In typical ALS style, though, many of these scenes are unusual in that the guy inserts something into the girl, like a bottle, her fist, his fist, a vegetable or dildo, before he inserts himself into her. There are only a couple of B/G scenes so far.

Practically every model gets fisted at some point. If you like that, this is paradise.

There is an odd fascination with otherwise unviewable areas of the female anatomy. Examples include almost every model agreeing to use a speculum so you can see what her uterus looks like. Many models agree to use an embroidery hoop with clothes pins spreading the labia to provide a more detailed view (think dental headgear for the pussy). Some models use glass tubes allowing a view deep inside the vagina or rectum. I guess folks are into that. I find it neither sexy, nor flattering. In a word, this stuff makes the models clinical.

Just about every model has to pee at some point. The photographers show you exactly when that moment is.

Ladies, care to have your nipples, clitoris or entire vagina vacuum pumped? Yep, they do that a lot here!

The first time I saw a set where a model put a lollipop in her vagina I thought it was cool. That was about 200 lollipops ago. Now I find myself wondering what flavor the lollipop is.

This is not a glam site. As such, the girls don't really wear much make-up. You get to see every pimple, freckle, sore, scar and bruise, whether it is on a face, a leg or a butt.

To be fair, each set, new or old, starts out with the girl wearing a skimpy outfit or ALS signature tiny bikini and the girl undresses, lubes up and spreads. it can be quite nice up to here. Then they break out the bottles, vegetables, fists, vacuums, inflators, speculums and embroidery hoops. You might like it, at least at first. In one video, Gina Gerson uses an inflator dildo and the photographer keeps saying "Are you OK?" That about sums up my thoughts when I see the stuff they insert into the girls.

Alsscan has a sister site called allsangels that is not within the Met Art network. The "Director" has no qualms with showing you a set of girls in his blog and picking out the more attractive girls to send over to ALSANGELS in an effort to sell you membership there. Models at THAT site include Lucy Li, Dillon Harper, August Ames.....all it does for me is piss me of that these good looking, curvier girls are there instead of here.

The photographers here have a tremendous rapport with the models as the models are usually having a lot of fun. I think this is because the models are not forced to please the camera so much. (heck, they hardly even LOOK at the camera.) Instead they are encouraged to please themselves and any other girls that happen to be nearby..and perhaps they are encouraged to experiment, which they do.

There is a section where some of the girls go to a tropical island. Once there, they run around naked and have sex with any girl they want. Unfortunately, the last time anybody went to one of these tropical islands was in 2009...doesn't stop them from re-posting them as new daily sets though.

Bottom line: I've been to this site about 10 times since 2001. For the last few times, the material has been so similar and so many sets have been recycled that I can no longer tell what is new and what is not. It is a great site to visit once. Just once. I keep forgetting

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Review Replies (7)

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rearadmiral (0) You wrote a very thorough and balanced review.

I was one of the PU members who scored ALS much higher, but I did that in 2012 and in 2012 I thought it deserved the 97 I gave it. I was most recently a member there in 2015 and while I will certainly join again I think I'd probably score it closer to where you did.

I like their playful nature but I'm not a big fan of the near-gynecological obsession with insertions. They certainly continue to hire models with the look and body-type that I prefer.

What I miss most about the first couple of times that I joined was that they stopped doing their annual Caribbean trip (likely too costly) and stopped with their European public nudity (maybe too risky?).

Thanks for posting your balanced review. I'm sure many readers will find it helpful.

02-16-17  09:30am

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ALS Eric (0) Hi, this is Eric from ALS.
Thank you for your in-depth review, Skippy.
We appreciate the kind words and respect that not all our content suits you, but there are a few points we would like to clarify for other PU readers:
ALSScan updates daily, alternating new photosets and videos.
Only 1 out of 14 daily updates is a "re-post" of older material, and clearly marked "Remastered".
"Remastered" photosets include all new, never-before-released pictures (usually 100+ per set) at higher quality.
We typically release a behind-the-scenes / photoshoot video once a week, so the action videos outweigh BTS videos by about 7 to 1 in a normal month.
We also occasionally release "bonus" BTS and interview videos, in addition to that day's regular new release.
We never re-post videos in lieu of a new update. Only videos that were lost or need upgraded encodes get re-posted, generally at a member's request, and backdated, so they would not appear as new updates.
Our content goes back to 1996, although yes pre-2004 is not as well organized and some of our models from the pre-digital era are currently unavailable unless you contact the MetArt Network support team for special assistance finding a particular model's content.
Our last trip to the Caribbean was 2011, and when we post an update from these trips, or any model shot in years past, it is still New content that has never been released, not a "re-post". Sometimes a new scene was shot years prior, but never released until we got requests from members asking for more from their favorite model or shoot. Perhaps this has been mistaken for "re-posting".
We started shooting boy-girl in 2012, and do release it sparingly. Most members seem to prefer we update boy-girl content no more than once a month or so.
The Director's Blog does discuss both ALSScan.com and ALSAngels.com news, but which site a model appears on is determined by their body-type and how mature they look.
Hope this helps clear up any misconceptions, and thanks for visiting ALS!

02-17-17  05:13pm

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skippy (0) REPLY TO #2 - ALS Eric :

Hi Eric, Thank you for your timely and eloquent response. I can appreciate that the older photo sets have been remastered and additional images have been included. And I now see that the remastered sets are labeled and appear every 12-14 posts. So I was mistaken about the frequency of reposts, but I can tell you this with some certainty. It FEELS like there is more older stuff here that is being re-used and there are probably a couple of pretty good reasons for it.

First, with the exception of the vacation shoots, all of the material has maintained an absolutely identical look and feel for a long, long time. Some subscribers may love this, but I find it a little frustrating to see current photo sets that look exactly like 5-10 year old sets in terms of image quality, set-style, direction and content. Most sites are diverse enough that you can tell different sets have been shot on different days in different locations. Here? Not so much. Second, although, some sets of certain models may have never been published before, they may look like older shoots when the models involved were younger. That can be pretty confusing.

Now, to be fair, I see Kimmy Granger, Blake Eden, Alex Grey and Gina Gerson on the site and they are clearly contemporary models/porn stars, but the lack of make-up on Gina, for example, makes her look years younger than she does on other sites. She's been on your site since 2012. Are the most recent sets from 2017 or from 2012? Can't tell. This gives me the impression that these, too, are older shoots.

A simple solution to this might be to include a "first published" date on the remastered sets or perhaps a "shoot" date.

I will be sure to go back through the site and look at the sets with an open mind regarding the feeling that sets are somehow older. I'll also compare the remastered sets with the ones I got from prior memberships. My collection goes back to about 2004.

As I said in my review, Alsscan is a very good site. I will update it later this month to reflect your points.

Thanks again!


02-17-17  09:52pm

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PinkPanther (0) This site is among my very favorite sites. Their tastes in models, petite, small breasted, shaved is very appealing to me and I've had very few periods in the last several years that I was NOT a member of this site.

There's not much random about which models appear on ALS Scan and which models appear on ALS Angels. It's not a matter of the models being better looking. For my tastes, most of the better looking models are on ALS Scan, which is why I've been a fairly consistent member her and only an occasional member of ALS Angels.

If a model has bigger breasts, is curvier, or taller, or more mature looking, she'll be on ALS Angels. There have been a few models where you could flip a coin as to which site they should post to, Sandy Waldron or Jessyka Swan, for instance, but for the most part, it's pretty clear which site a model will wind up.

In terms of the remastered sets, for me, they're an extra rather than taking anything away or making me feel deceived. There's so much new content being posted and such deep archives that I never feel that an update is being wasted by being used for a remastered set.

In terms of the lack of polishing of photos, this isn't a warts-and-all site, as ATK's sets often are. Alex has sometimes posted before-and-after pics and it's pretty clear that there is significant prettifying done to the photos posted here - not Twisty's level, thank heaven, but enough to show off the models to their best, which I appreciate.

Anyway, just some comments by someone that is a big fan of this site. Good review, overall.

02-23-17  10:35pm

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skippy (0) REPLY TO #4 - PinkPanther :

HI Pinkpanther. Thanks for the comments. I must admit I keep coming back to the site, so there is a certain appeal there, probably because of the great interaction between the girls and the crew or just between the girls. But I pass on a lot of the videos and also cull about 50% of the images in the zip-file sets because they are not to my taste or are a little too clinical. The site is very popular, so I'm sure SOMEBODY likes the embroidery hoop things. :-)
02-25-17  10:59pm

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #5 - skippy :

Yeah, it's funny - as big a fan of the site as I am, I'm utterly uninterested in a lot of their "special" elements like the vag spreader, the hoop thing, etc. Perhaps Alex gets a lot of emails from fans craving that stuff, or perhaps they are his own fetish. I dunno. I just like the incredibly cute girls they book and how great they make them look.
02-26-17  05:18pm

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skippy (0) REPLY TO #6 - PinkPanther :

I absolutely agree with you there!
02-26-17  05:31pm

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