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RagingBuddhist (0) 03-27-17  08:18pm
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Definitely my last time on this site

Well... I gave it a year and nothing's changed, except the site layout again - IMO for the worse. But I could deal with the site layout if it wasn't for the fact that, just like in my comment from a year ago, it's still lacking in what I would figure you'd join a masturbation site for. Masturbation videos! Yeah - it's good that they now have the ATK and GOW videos off under their own tabs, but as far as the Yanks videos? Pretty much the same as last year. It was two videos in two weeks then, it's up to a whopping three.

3-14 Interview
3-15 Masturbation video
3-16 Photo set
3-17 Interview
3-18 Photo set and Masturbation video
3-19 Bio
3-20 Masturbation video
3-21 Photo set
3-22 Interview
3-23 Photo set
3-24 Photo set and Bio
3-25 Interview
3-26 Photo set
3-27 Interview and Bio

I don't know if I'm more pissed off at the site or myself for giving it another try. But I'm done for sure now. It's just not worth the $$ anymore.

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Yanks (0)
Hello RagingBuddist My response is the same as last year. We do daily updates and have updated in the same manner for over a decade. Your chart shows daily updates and then some. This is what we advertise and this is what we deliver and have delivered for 15 years.

You have a preference for only certain types of video content, that is ok, that is your taste, it is not the taste of all of our customers and it does not dictate to us what is considered content. Many of our customers enjoy the other very unique facets of our sites. Hand written honest biographies and interviews with girls that have only ever appeared on our site do have an appeal to others. Photos appeal to others even if they don't appeal to you. These are things that you cannot find on the free tube sites. All of this is crystal clear on the review of our site on this very site.

I am sorry you are disappointed with a site that has a library spanning 15 years. We have almost 700 amateur girls who each have at least 2 videos of the highest quality we could produce on that date. Almost all of these girls, 99.9% have real orgasms. I am sorry if you want an "orgasm factory" of some sorts. We do things the right way, our girls are hand selected and they are all as promised. Real girls, real orgasms. There are not many sites out there that offer more for the price you can get it here.

We have not changed our pitch to you as a customer. We did not advertise that we increased our video uploads per week. I agree, I think you should be more pissed at yourself for expected something different and then chastising our hard working team for delivering the same quality product we always have at a great price, as advertised. $10 less than you could have bought it for in 2002 BTW.

If you don't want to join again, I am truly sorry, however I am ok with risking not having your money to tell you that your review is wrong and quite frankly rude.

Good day

03-28-17  10:32am

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - Yanks :

I'm not as active on PU like I was in the past, but some of the old timers here will tell you that I've always called things as I see them. If you want to think I'm rude, that's fine with me. I didn't care for your response too much myself, but that's also fine. You aren't the first webmaster I've tangled with and you probably won't be the last.

Due to the new layout of your site, I can no longer get back to the daily updates from years ago. I can only see the videos from "way back when". I have over 1700 video files going back to my first signup and there were definitely more of your own masturbation videos per week back then. That is no longer the case and hasn't been for some time now. So don't tell me my review (which is actually just a comment - no rating) is wrong. I never said I wanted an orgasm factory and my comment is a direct reflection of what I see now compared to the past. Here are random 2 week blocks from a few years back. All Yanks masturbation videos:
2013-11-19... 2013-04-23... 2012-04-27
2013-11-17... 2013-04-22... 2012-04-26
2013-11-17... 2013-04-21... 2012-04-21
2013-11-15... 2013-04-19... 2012-04-20
2013-11-13... 2013-04-17... 2012-04-15
2013-11-11... 2013-04-16
2013-11-10... 2013-04-13

That's considerably more than two or three a week, so yeah, "the pitch" has changed.

03-28-17  11:59am

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Yanks (0)
REPLY TO #2 - RagingBuddhist :

Sorry to tangle. I can assure you our updates haven't changed. And I just did tell you your review was wrong, because it is wrong. I have been in this business for 15 years, so I am happy to respond to any "old timer" that would like to discuss our site. Please have them join and we will review the site here. I welcome that.

As for the chart you posted above, you are speaking once again to the specific content you like, this does not represent everyone who likes the site. I am sorry you don't like all updates, others do.

Good day

03-28-17  02:03pm

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - Yanks :

The point you seem to want to ignore is that, in the past, there were consistently more masturbation video updates every week than are currently being posted. Your longevity in the business doesn't change that fact. By your logic, if you started including video of the models painting their toenails as an update and those videos had a fan base, I should just accept that nothing has changed.
03-28-17  06:34pm

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Yanks (0)
REPLY TO #4 - RagingBuddhist :

I am not ignoring your point. I am disagreeing with it. We are shooting more girls and more masturbation videos in the period 2013-today then we did in past years. So you are not correct in that we are shooting less masturbation videos. We are shooting the same, you just like to cut our update schedule and post it in a way that supports what you are saying. Last time you did this had you gone 1 or 2 updates forward and backward there would have been two more videos, you cut your dates right before and right after.

If you joined last year for a month and then came back this year you would have found 72 new shoots, 144 new orgasms for $19.95. That is $.14 cents per orgasm with supporting content. If that isn't worth it for you. That is fine. I think it is an ok deal.

I am not going to agree with you that our bios, interviews, and photo-sets do not count as content. We will need to agree to disagree.

03-28-17  10:35pm

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) REPLY TO #5 - Yanks :

I never said that updates that include bios, interviews, photos, nose pickings, book readings or whatever else you put up aren't considered content. And, well, yeah, you have ignored my point and that is that there used to be more orgasms per week than there are now. 144/52= 2.769 which is, obviously, under three a week. It wasn't always like that. Lastly, had I really gone looking to support what I'm saying, I wouldn't have included that last group. I would have found another set with seven or eight. All I did was jump to a page, find a masturbation video and count back two weeks.

But you're definitely right about one thing - agree to disagree.


03-29-17  12:26pm

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